"Good job!" Chen Yuan said to the tattooed man with a smile.

"Hey, okay, okay! But beauty, what do you want me to do? I'm pretty good at acting!" The tattooed man looked unsatisfied.

Chen Yuan thought for a while and said, "After my friend arrives, it will be better if you talk to me again, so that he thinks you have something wrong with me!"

"I did really have a bad idea about you, but you are from Mr. Xiao, so I had to let go of this and seriously accompany you in acting!" The tattooed man said to Chen Yuan very righteously.

The surrounding Xiaoluo also followed, and Chen Yuan nodded: "If you behave well, I will say something for you in front of Lord Xiao!"

"Thank you then!" The tattooed man laughed with his hands on his hips.

With this fierce and wicked person by Chen Yuan's side, the men with greasy faces all leaped aside.

The tattooed man drank his wine heroically and said to Philip: "The best cocktail for this lady, counted on my account!"

Chen Yuan took out her credit card and threw it on the bar: "No, I will invite it today!"

"Why is this embarrassing?" the tattooed man said shyly.

Chen Yuan thought it was very funny. She stretched out her finger and clicked on the strange tattoo and said: "Nothing is embarrassing. You have this sign to show that you are with me!"

"If this is the case, then I'll be more respectful than fate!" The tattooed man started drinking with a bunch of brothers joking and guessing.

Chen Yuan looked at the time and estimated that it would take about half an hour for Situ Qing to come over. She said to Philip, "Let's have another glass of Smurfs!"

"Your charm is fascinating!" Philip said to Chen Yuan while mixing.

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "Thank you for your compliment, but my charm needs to be kept well, waiting to be used!"

On the bar counter, Chen Yuan was like a fish in water, enjoying the satisfaction of the stars holding the moon. She felt very comfortable.

But Situ Qing's state was not as relaxed as Chen Yuan's at this moment. He drove to the Kakadi Hall and ran through a few red lights along the way.

Chen Yuan's situation is too dangerous. She is alone, weak and weak, so how can she be able to rival those men in the bar?

Situ Qing felt very uncomfortable when he thought that she was so depraved because of her own negligence, and he felt sorry for Chen Yuan.

In particular, Bai Chichi had a big quarrel with himself in order to protect Qin Xuesong, which made Situ Qing feel that it was not worth it to put Chen Yuan in such a mood and atmosphere for her.

It was not against Bai Chichi himself, but her behavior made Situ Qing very heartbroken. After so many years, how could she still miss Qin Xuesong?

If it's just because of first love, didn't she also give up Wenruo, Situ Qing felt that the dialogue was already very tolerant, but she did not expect her to become even stronger.

Perhaps it is time to let her know that Chen Yuan's love for herself should be equal to her and Qin Xuesong's ambiguity, so that she can also taste what it's like to be jealous.

Situ Qing has always been a calm and resolute person, but when he met Bai Chichi, all his calmness and boldness were useless.

Didn't Bai Chichi tell her before, what can you do to her?

Well, I will let you see how you would feel if I had a little affection with Chen Yuan!

The more he thought about it, the more frustrated, Situ Qing became more and more angry, and he soon reached the door of the Kakadi Hall.

Stopped the car, threw the key to the parking boy, Situ Qing strode towards the disco, with a scary expression on his face.

The foreman saw that this posture should not be for entertainment, so he quickly notified the security, and then greeted him with a smile.

"Sir is here to play or to find someone?"

Situ Qing scowled: "Find someone!"

"Excuse me, what kind of person are you looking for?" The foreman was up and down in his heart. This man was coming aggressively and looked very unfriendly.

Situ Qing ignored him, and rushed to the disco to look around, helplessly fascinated by the lights, the enchanting woman and the man with a pleasure-seeking face packed the entire dance floor like canned sardines.

Encouraged by the DJ, people cheered loudly and swayed, so that Situ could not see where Chen Yuan was.

"Tell me, I might be able to help!" the foreman said to Situ Qing.

"A young woman, very beautiful."

But this range is a bit too broad, and the foreman smiled helplessly and said, "Are there any other characteristics?"

"She is drunk!"

Now it's even harder to find, there are drunk women everywhere in the disco.

Situ Qing snorted when he saw the foreman's expression, and he began to patrol the field, hoping to see Chen Yuan sooner.

In fact, Chen Yuan had already found out when he just came in.

One is prepared and the other is blind. Chen Yuan has been staring at the door, and of course she will see Situ Qing first.

"Come on, you can do something to me!" Chen Yuan scolded the tattooed man who was drinking with a young lady in his arms.

Upon hearing this, the tattooed man put down the young lady in his arms, stood up and walked to Chen Yuan's side and hugged her waist.

"What are you doing!" Chen Yuan shouted angrily, and all the tattooed men surrounded her.

"Beauty, how far do you want me to move?" the tattooed man whispered in Chen Yuan's ear.

Chen Yuan stared at him: "Do you dare to be over if you really touch me?"

"Okay, okay, okay, I get it!" The tattooed man let go and said with a smile: "Just do it, the thunder is heavy and the rain is small!"

After speaking, he shouted loudly: "You girl is too shameful for my brother. It seems that I have to fix it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the tattooed man grabbed the wine glass in front of Chen Yuan and threw it to the ground. The people around immediately became confused, and some women began to scream.

Sure enough, this kind of scene caught Situ Qing's attention, he pushed the foreman aside with a palm, and rushed towards the bar in strides.

Pulling away the crowd, Situ Qing saw Chen Yuan sitting on the bar stool and being dragged by the tattooed man.

"Let her go!" Situ Qing yelled, and his fists were immediately squeezed.

Chen Yuan looked back and saw Situ Qing, the panic on her face instantly turned into grievance, and two lines of tears slipped down.

"Brother Qing!"

The tattooed man looked at Situ Qing and said with a sneer: "Oh, it's coming! What do you want?"

Situ Qing pulled Chen Yuan behind him and said to the tattooed man, "What do you want?"

"Not very good, just let this girl accompany me for a few drinks, and then, hahaha!" Before the tattooed man had finished speaking, Situ Qing greeted him with an uppercut, and the tattooed man almost fell off his chin. .

"Do you dare to hit me? Boy, I think you are impatient!" The tattooed man woke up for a long time and said to Situ Qing with his eyes like copper bells.

Situ Qing didn't even look at him, and said softly to Chen Yuan, "Scared, don't be afraid, I will take you home."

"Want to go? You have to ask if my brothers agree or disagree!" The tattooed man is also very popular. He thought it was just a cameo, but who knew he really suffered.

Chen Yuan said to Situ Qing: "Brother-in-law Qing, you go quickly, these people are all rogue scumbags, so they won't let it go!"

"Nonsense, who is Situ Qing afraid of?" Situ Qing turned to look at the tattooed man, his eyes sharp and piercing.

Philip looked at the man in front of him and secretly gave Chen Yuan a thumbs up, indicating that this fish is still very good!

Chen Yuan winked at the tattooed man from behind Situ Qing, making him clever, and accepting as soon as he saw it.

Who knows that tattooed men are also very well-known in the road. This disco is also covered by him. If Situ Qing is allowed to take Chen Yuan away, wouldn't he be very faceless!

Moreover, he received a punch from Situ Qing in full view, and he couldn't swallow it anyway, so he ignored Chen Yuan's hint, waved his hand, and rushed up a few.

Situ Qing lifted Chen Yuan up to the bar with lightning, and whispered: "Hide in, don't come out!"

Chen Yuan fell into Philip's arms. He smiled and said, "This man loves you very much!"

"Otherwise, what should I let him do?" Chen Yuan stood up straight and watched the good show outside with Philip.

Situ Qing slapped a few people to the ground with two slaps. He looked at the tattooed man and said, "This is how you are, I think you are not so good!"

The tattooed man was aroused by him and screamed and rushed over. Situ Qing did not frown, turned around and grabbed the tattooed man's waistband, gave him a solid back fall, fell to the ground and rolled his eyes.

"Sister-in-law Qing, don't fight, if you break them, wouldn't you ruin your reputation!" Chen Yuan said loudly.

She felt that Situ Qing was able to beat people for herself and had achieved her goal. Besides, what the tattooed man said helped her, and it would be troublesome to fight for good or bad, what if she reveals her secret.

The tattooed man is very witty, and after listening to Chen Yuan's words, he didn't get up in a hurry, and feigned death.

As soon as we saw that the boss was not an opponent, we did not move forward, just yelling and creating atmosphere.

Philip sent Chen Yuan out of the bar and handed it to Situ Qing: "Sir, take this beauty with you."

Chen Yuan threw herself into Situ Qing's arms: "Brother-in-law Qing, let's go quickly, I am afraid!"

"Okay." Situ Qing took Chen Yuan's hand, took the bag and mobile phone that Philip had handed over, glared at the tattooed man on the ground, turned and left the Kakadi Hall.

Before Chen Yuan left, she heard Philip say in Spanish: "Good vision!"

Upon hearing these words, Chen Yuan couldn't help but show a slight smile.

After Situ Qing and Chen Yuan walked out, the tattooed man sat up from the ground and said with a smile: "If this woman is not from Xiao Ye, I wouldn't be beaten so easily!"

"Big brother's acting is really good. The moment I fell on the ground just now, I thought it was real!" The subordinates got up and flattered the tattooed man.

The tattooed man patted his body and said to Philip: "What do you look at, foreigner, hurry up and give me a glass of wine to be shocked!"

Chen Yuan, the chief director of the scene, was in shock at the moment and was taken to the car by Situ Qing.

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