"Yuanyuan, are you scared?" Situ Qing couldn't bear to see Chen Yuan shivering.

Chen Yuan's tears kept streaming down, making her chest wet.

Because it was a low-cut outfit, Situ Qing couldn't help her wipe it off, so she took off her coat and wrapped Chen Yuan.

"Brother Qing, I'm sorry." Chen Yuan sobbed.

"Don't tell me I'm sorry, you're fine." Situ Qing saw Chen Yuan speak, and then started the car.

Chen Yuan shrank in the position of the co-pilot, her face was red, crying and talking to herself.

Situ Qing listened carefully, and it turned out that she had been whispering sorry, it was all my fault.

Seeing that Chen Yuan's eyes were still not sober, Situ Qing knew that she must have drunk a lot of wine tonight. Just now, she was frightened by the scene of the fight. After returning home, she still has to ask Zhang Ma to prepare for her. Just order hangover soup.

Because Chen Yuan was very self-blaming now, Situ Qing didn't want to criticize her anymore, but drove the car silently.

At the red light, Chen Yuan suddenly sat up, hugged Situ Qing's right hand, and said in surprise: "Brother-in-law Qing, why is your hand bleeding?"

Situ Qing lowered his head and saw that his joints were broken, and the red blood was slowly leaking out.

It must have been too hard when he was hitting the tattooed man just now, and he broke his hand. I didn't think it was until Situ Qing saw it now.

"It's okay, skin trauma." Situ Qing straightened Chen Yuan, let her sit back in position, and tied her seat belt.

Chen Yuan looked at Situ Qing's hand and muttered: "This is all for me, Brother-in-law Qing, how can I thank you?"

"It's the greatest comfort for me to cherish yourself!" Situ Qing was still a little angry, feeling that Chen Yuan was self-conscious.

Take a look at her dress and make-up look like a panda. Can those nonchalant men not be wicked after seeing it!

But speaking of it, if it were not for her indifference to Chen Yuan, she probably wouldn't go to a bar and disco to get drunk like this.

"Brother-in-law Qing, do you think I am a frivolous woman? Don't think of me like this, I am not!" Chen Yuan anxiously defended.

Situ Qing shook his head: "I don't miss you that much, you are drunk, don't talk and sit and rest!"

"No, you must look down on me, otherwise, why would you let me cherish myself? Qing brother-in-law, do you know why I go to the disco, why I drink with those stinky men? It's all because of you, you treat me like that Indifferent, I want to get back a little bit of self-esteem as a woman!" Chen Yuan expressed her dissatisfaction through her wine.

Strictly speaking, she should deliberately pretend to be pitiful and aggrieved in front of Situ Qing by "by means of alcohol."

Situ Qing felt a pain in his heart. He had always thought that Chen Yuan was a lovely, kind and simple girl, but now he was forced to be like this.

"Yuanyuan, don't talk." Situ Qing didn't want Chen Yuan to say things like that he liked him again.

"No, I want to say, it's all you, it's all you never see me in your eyes. I feel inferior and I am suffering. I hope to get your approval!" Chen Yuan's nose and tears made her face muddled, and she used it randomly. Situ Qing wiped his sleeves and said in tears.

Situ Qing knew that Chen Yuan was drunk, and she couldn't listen to her at this moment, so she didn't say anything at all.

"Brother-in-law Qing, I know I shouldn’t have feelings for you, but I can’t help it! Do you know what is the most unbearable thing in the world? One is itchy and the other is love. What can I do to win you? Love?" Chen Yuan waved her hand and gestured in the air.

Situ Qing gritted his teeth and stared at the road ahead.

Chen Yuan cried and shook her head: "You told me that it is impossible for us, and I understand, so I dare not say anything to you! But!"

Having said this, Chen Yuan suddenly raised her voice, and she almost jumped from her seat, frightening Situ Qing, and quickly stretched out her right hand to hold her.

"But why are you so indifferent to me? Are you just as bad as before? I don't dare to have extravagant hopes, I just ask you to be the same!" Chen Yuan burst into tears for a while, then hoarse.

"Yuanyuan, calm down. I have always treated you like my own sister, and it hasn't been different because you confessed to me." Situ Qing could only comfort her when she saw her crazy appearance.

"I can't calm down! You love Sister Chichi, I know that, and I know how good your relationship is, but can't you give me a little bit? One tenth, no, one percent won’t work. "Chen Yuan grabbed Situ Qing's arm, begging.

Situ Qing took a deep breath: "Yuanyuan, love cannot be shared. All I can give you is brother and sister."

"Ha, ha, ha, brother and sister! Your surname is Situ and my surname is Chen, why are we brothers and sisters?" Chen Yuan laughed wildly, tears flying.

Situ Qing glanced at her, but did not dare to express anything to her. What if she misunderstood again?

"Qing, stop!" Chen Yuan cried and took Situ Qing's hand.

"Yuanyuan, you are obedient, and you will go home soon!" Situ Qing said with a frown, not knowing what she was going to do.

"You stop, I'm going to throw up!" Chen Yuan covered her mouth, panicking to go to drive the window.

Situ Qing hurriedly stopped the car on the side of the road, then got out of the car and opened the door of Chen Yuan's side, helping her out of the car.

Chen Yuan squatted on the green belt and threw up faintly. Situ Qing didn't dislike her at all, patted her back lightly, and went to the car to take a tissue and mineral water to wipe her mouth and rinse her mouth.

"Cough cough, cough cough!" Chen Yuan's face was flushed, she couldn't breathe.

When she finally calmed down, Situ Qing helped her return to the car, but instead of letting her sit in the passenger seat, she lay flat in the back seat of the car.

"Yuanyuan, you lie down and bear with me."

Chen Yuan faintly covered her face and nodded.

Situ Qing started the car again, but it didn't take long before he heard Chen Yuan's sobbing from the back seat.

"I'm so embarrassed to throw up in front of you like this, it's disgusting!"

Situ Qing was a little amused. He looked in the rearview mirror and said, "Don't think too much. Wasn't I even more embarrassed when you were dragged out of the mudslide?"

"Brother-in-law, I feel that the most painful days in my life are those days, and the happiest days are also those days! The pain is that I have lost all my relatives, and the happiness is that only the two of us are there. Depend on each other in the crumbling house!" Chen Yuan began to sigh again, and Situ Qing felt sorrowful.

"Later I figured it out. It's not terrible to lose a loved one, because I still have you! Brother Qing, don't leave me!" Chen Yuan said, getting excited again, getting up from the back seat and lying on Situ Qing's backrest. , Said to his ear.

"No, I won't leave you, unless you get married in the future and have a man worth entrusting for life, I will rest assured." Situ Qing was too much to hide from her.

Situ Qing has always believed that Chen Yuan is prudent and shy. Today, her disorder is also due to the effects of alcohol.

Even if it is vomiting, the components in the blood can still make a lady go crazy.

"Okay, I will look for a good man so that you and Sister Chi Chi can live a happy and happy life without being disturbed by me!" Chen Yuan said happily.

Fearing that she would fall, Situ Qing stopped the car again, then took Chen Yuan to the co-driver and fastened her seat belt.

It took a short half-hour drive and a long time toss.

"Yuanyuan, we'll be home in a few minutes, you are good, don't move around." Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan.

"I'm good, I've always been good, right?" Chen Yuan kept moving her face to Situ Qing's.

Situ Qing pushed her away: "Yuanyuan, sit down."

"Brother-in-law Qing, I don't want to take the car anymore. Can you carry me back? I'm so bored in the car!" Chen Yuan refused to compromise and slapped the car window hard.

It was already late at night, and Situ Qing didn't want Chen Yuan to continue to mess around, otherwise he would disturb his neighbors.

"Yuanyuan, I can carry you back, but don't quarrel anymore."

"Okay, I don't make noise, I don't make noise!" Chen Yuan stretched out her index finger to her lips, and smiled.

Situ Qing sighed in his heart, parked the car, then let Chen Yuan get out of the car, leaned down and carried her behind her back.

"Brother Qing, your back is so wide, so warm!" Chen Yuan hugged Situ Qing's neck and pressed her face to his back, whispering dreamily.

Situ Qing didn't say a word, he just wanted to send Chen Yuan home quickly, and then drive the car back to the garage.

"Brother-in-law Qing, I feel so happy. The men in the disco today still want to take advantage of me. Do they think I'm really bullying? Huh, there is a best man in the world by my side. Want to bully me!" Chen Yuan got excited again and twisted, her chest kept rubbing Situ Qing's back.

This made Situ Qing feel very embarrassed, but what else could happen to a drunk person? It seemed even more unwise to be true to her.

Because if Chen Yuan was unhappy, Situ Qing would feel even more embarrassed if she screamed something in her heart.

So, I had to bear with it, anyway, home was not far in front.

"Brother-in-law Qing, I will not cause you any more trouble in the future. Don't worry, I will hide in the corner and wish you and Sister Chi Chi. I hope you can have a healthy and smart baby and lead a happy and happy life. The prince is the same as the princess!" Chen Yuan cried again as she spoke, tears falling on Situ Qing's neck.

"Okay Yuanyuan, we're home, don't talk anymore." Situ Qing opened the door of the yard and walked on the path in the garden with Chen Yuan on his back.

"Hush, don't talk, hush, be good!" Chen Yuan laughed and cried, looking very abrupt in the silent night.

Bai Chichi has been unable to fall asleep. She lay on the bed and waited for Situ Qing to return, but she never heard the sound of the car. Instead, she heard Chen Yuan's strange words.

How is this going? Bai Chichi got up and walked to the window, just in time to see Situ Qing coming back with Chen Yuan on his back, and the two were close to each other.

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