"Well, thinking that Wu Deyong was arrested, Chi Chi is in such a good state, and I can go to Sichuan, so I feel better!" Chen Yuan nodded.

Madam Zhang sighed and said, "I didn't expect that person to be so bad! Qing was kind enough to take him in, but he did such an incompatible thing!"

"That's right, it frightened me!" Chen Yuan shook slightly.

Madam Zhang comforted her: "Things are over, don't be afraid, try to go to places with few people in the future."

"I'm going to help sister-in-law Qing with things, and I'm always in and out at all times, so why would I think that Wu Deyong was lying in ambush?" Chen Yuan smiled and shook her head.

"This kid, you can still laugh, if I'm sure to be frightened, I'm also at a loss for your mental quality!" Madam Zhang admired Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan put the cleaned bowls on the shelf and said to Zhang Ma: "I am a rural girl, and I didn't do anything when I was a kid? Picking herbs on the cliffs and digging matsutake mushrooms in the mountains, I spend too much time alone. So I am bold."

"That's true, you are better than Chichi at this point!" Zhang's mother knew that Bai Chichi grew up in the city and didn't have that kind of life experience.

Chen Yuan took the opportunity to ask: "Mother Zhang, how did Sister Chi Chi react when she heard that I was kidnapped? Was she scared?"

"Of course, I was scared, not to mention her."

"Fortunately, sister-in-law Qing is by her side. Wouldn't it be my fault if she frightened her?" Chen Yuan tentatively tested Zhang Ma.

Mother Zhang glanced at her: "Yes, Qing has always been with Chi Chi, and she said that you were rescued, so Chi Chi didn't scare any problems."

"They have a very good relationship." Chen Yuan glanced at Situ Qing and Bai Chichi in the yard pretending to be envious.

Madam Zhang nodded: "It's really good. I saw Qing grow up. He has never been so accommodating and tolerant to any girl, not even Wenruo."

"Really?" Chen Yuan felt uncomfortable.

"Yes, but it is also because the child is likable, sensible and generous, that's why they will fascinate the other party, holding hands for a lifetime!" Zhang Ma deliberately told Chen Yuan to make her a little self-aware.

Chen Yuan was so annoyed that she was very upset by Zhang Ma's maintenance of Bai Chichi and Situ Qing, so why can they hold hands for a lifetime?

"Yuanyuan, will you and Luo Yi be so good?" Zhang Ma asked concerned.

"Mother Zhang, how will I know about the future?" Chen Yuan's expression was a little unnatural. She was actually disgusted by others putting her and Luo Yi together.

But this was made by herself again, so it made her more uncomfortable.

"Yuanyuan, cherish fate, Luo Yi is a good young man, he will be kind to you!" Zhang Ma's kind reminder made Chen Yuan's heart burst into flames.

What is your business with Luo Yi?

Anyway, Bai Chichi is the only one in your eyes, just accompany her to be sad and upset, don't pretend to be pretending to care about me!

In fact, Chen Yuan also treats the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Zhang Ma is an old man with rich life experience. She has long seen that Chen Yuan has a strong desire for Situ Qing, but how can she be happy like that?

Everyone may suffer in the end, and Chen Yuan is also obsessed with asking for trouble. No one will sympathize with her.

Mom Zhang also cherished Chen Yuan, so she told her that.

Unexpectedly, because of these words, Chen Yuan buried her hatred of Zhang Ma in her heart. The flame of revenge burned Chen Yuan, and she couldn't see the care and kindness of people around her.

Luo Yi, Luo Hui'an, Mrs. Luo, including Zhang Ma, Chen Yuan would not have any gratitude or feelings for them.

These people are just being used.

After cleaning up, Chen Yuan went back to the room, locked the door, and then took out the old-fashioned mobile phone.

"Chichi, although it's only early autumn, it's still very cold at night, let's go back!" Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi's shoulders, worried that she would catch a cold.

Bai Chichi nodded, and the two walked towards the house together. Inadvertently, Bai Chichi looked up and saw Chen Yuan's window.

"Why is there a little light behind the curtains?" Bai Chichi pointed to Situ Qing.

"It's probably playing the phone with the lights off!" Situ Qing said nonchalantly.

Bai Chi hesitated and said: "I was kidnapped in the underground parking lot. If I were to, I would definitely not stay in this dark environment again."

"Everyone's personality is different. Chen Yuan is more courageous. You see she has experienced earthquakes, but it hasn't left any psychological shadow." Situ Qing brought Bai Chi Chi and refused to let her stay.

In fact, Situ Qing sometimes finds it weird. Chen Yuan is really different from ordinary girls. She doesn't seem to be very afraid of what most people are afraid of.

Dark, violent, and bloody, Chen Yuan can go head-on. This is indeed admirable but also a bit unexpected.

But how did Situ Qing know that Chen Yuan had faced the life and death of her parents directly, and the cruel scene gave her a twisted psychology.

What's so terrible about these? The scary thing is human nature, it's the things that others take away from you. What you can't see and touch is the deepest fear in your heart.

"I just think her psychological quality is not normal. She was kidnapped yesterday, so she can prepare to go on a business trip happily today." Bai Chichi simply felt that these places like Chen Yuan felt incredible.

But Situ Qing thought she was still suspicious of Chen Yuan, so she interrupted: "By the way, my wife, when you were in Chengdu last time, you liked the cakes of Wenshufang. I will definitely bring you a lot of cakes this time. You have enough!"

Bai Chichi glanced at him: "Even if I like it, I can't eat so much!"

"I don't care, anyway, I will give you what you like." Situ Qing successfully diverted Bai Chichi's attention, and the two returned to the bedroom.

At this moment, Chen Yuan has sent a text message to Xiao Ye's people.

"Wu Deyong has brought me danger, please solve this hidden danger as soon as possible."

Chen Yuan thought about it. If Wu Deyong's words caught the attention of the police, it is inevitable that some serious and persistent police would actually go to Kunming to investigate Yu Beibei.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, it is better to let him shut up.

After a while, the phone rang, and it said: "Understand, rest assured."

Chen Yuan patted her chest. As long as the things Xiaoye promised, she should be sure of everything. This time she succeeded in obliterating Wu Deyong's past in Qingshan Township.

Dare to doubt any more, Chen Yuan sighed with relief and held the phone in her hand, only to realize that the room was dark.

Oops, why didn't the lights turn on? Chen Yuan was surprised and opened a corner of the curtain to take a peek outside. Fortunately, only tree shadows and street lamps were left in the yard. Bai Chichi and Situ Qing had already left.

Great, if they saw the phone lights just now, it would be troublesome.

Turning on the light in the room, Chen Yuan took out her usual mobile phone and dialed Meng Ran's number.

"Miss Meng Ran, it's me." Chen Yuan's expression was different from just now.

Even if she didn't meet, even if it was only Xiaoye's subordinates, even if she only looked at the phone screen, Chen Yuan was respectful and cautious.

This is because she knows what a terrifying and powerful force behind this mobile phone, she can't help but take 10,000 to deal with it carefully.

This is like a person who uses Gu, the more poisonous and powerful the Gu is taken, the more ideal the effect will be.

But there is another huge drawback, a small accident is more likely to be backlashed.

Chen Yuan didn't want to think about it.

She approached Bai Chichi, approached Situ Qing, and turned to Xiao Ye for help, so she would succeed so smoothly.

However, Xiao Ye asked her to take away everything from Situ Qing. This is her task and the price she needs to pay.

However, Chen Yuan agreed at the beginning because of her hatred for Bai Chichi, and hurting Bai Chichi is also hurting Situ Qing.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would be fascinated by Situ Qing, and now she can only say to Situ Qing in her heart that no matter what he is down and what he becomes, she is willing to stay by his side forever.

But when facing Mengran, Chen Yuan's mentality immediately changed.

Because there is no difference between high and low between her and Meng Ran, they are just a cooperative relationship, so Chen Yuan can't be too polite or too arrogant.

It's just that way of doing business and doing business.

"Hello, Assistant Chen." Meng Ran is different from Chen Yuan. She always keeps a lovely smile.

Even if she was hit, Meng Ran smiled, because her charming smile was her weapon.

Chen Yuan whispered: "Tomorrow President Situ will go to Sichuan with me on a business trip. Our opportunity is here."

"Really? It's really great!" Meng Ran smiled so that Chen Yuan was very, very uncomfortable, and her goose bumps began to develop.

"Can you stop laughing first and listen to me." Chen Yuan was patient.

Meng Ran still smiled happily: "What are you doing so serious? Assistant Chen, no matter what, don't keep your face straight, it will scare men away!"

"This has nothing to do with you, right?" Chen Yuan was a little annoyed. Is this enchanting woman drunk?

"Why doesn't it matter? If you can catch Situ Qing, why should I go out and destroy the relationship between the couple?" Meng Ran said, so angry that Chen Yuan bit her lip and didn't say anything for a long time.

Fortunately, Mengran immediately said: "I'm sorry, sorry, I'm drinking too much! Assistant Chen, you can go on!"

Sure enough, this joyous and joyous woman every night!

What qualifications does she have to teach me? Chen Yuan thought to herself, if I didn't need you now, I would never bother to deal with a woman like you all my life.

"It doesn't matter, Miss Mengran is so popular, there are always fine wine Jinzun and handsome guys, it is normal to drink high."

Chen Yuan sneered.

But Mengran didn't care, and smiled and said, "You're right! Is President Situ leaving tomorrow? I don't know what time of the plane you arranged for him and which hotel to stay at?"

"At nine o'clock in the morning, I will arrive at the Shudu Hotel at noon." Chen Yuan thought to herself, after all, you haven't drunk to the point where you are confused.

Mengran nodded: "Okay, I get it!"

"Then, I wish us a happy cooperation."

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