Situ Qing was really reluctant to set off early the next morning, and because he had just reconciled with Bai Chichi.

This night, the two returned to their previous warm sleeping position, and Situ Qing's arm was used as a pillow by Bai Chichi, and he was snuggling in his arms.

With a big belly, Bai Chichi smiled and said, "Look, now the baby is among us, just separated by a layer of belly from you!"

"It doesn't matter, we still sleep like this after he comes out!" Situ Qing gently stroked Bai Chichi's belly, feeling the baby's movement.

He looked at Bai Chichi in surprise and said, "I have more energy than before!"

"Yeah, the baby must be like you, a soldier, of course he is strong!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.

At this time, Situ Qing felt that the baby moved more frequently than before. He looked at Bai Chichi puzzledly and said, "Which set of boxing is this practice?"

"I don't know? This is the baby's hiccup in my stomach!" Bai Chichi smiled and patted his stomach.

Situ Qing suddenly realized: "He used to hiccup in his stomach?"

"Yes, you don't know a lot!"

Seeing Bai Chichi's contemptuous eyes, Situ Qing said domineeringly: "I am separated from the baby by a world now. When he comes out, I will give him everything I understand. My child is absolutely smart."

"Yes, you are a father, and the son is not the fault of the father. Of course you have the responsibility to teach him!"

Two people talk about the baby and the future, but they don't want to sleep.

Finally, Bai Chi forced Situ Qing to close his eyes, but Situ Qing refused, saying that he could sleep on the plane tomorrow.

But he didn't let Bai Chichi talk anymore, because she was a pregnant woman and needed a good rest.

The next morning, Situ Qing did not alarm Bai Chichi and left the house.

"Brother-in-law Qing, let's go!" Chen Yuan stood in the living room vigorously, pulling the suitcase, waiting for Situ Qing.

"Let's go." Situ Qing explained to Zhang Ma to take care of Bai Chichi, and then went to the airport with Chen Yuan.

On the plane, Chen Yuan did not bother Situ Qing, but thoughtfully took out the blindfold and let Situ Qing take a nap before landing.

"How do you know that I need sleep?" Situ Qing frowned, didn't he look sluggish?

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "I don't know you need sleep, I only know that you can't bear to be late, so I mustn't close my eyes all night, right?"

"You guessed it all? It seems that your personal assistant is still serious, knowing my habits and preferences." Situ Qing put on the blindfold and leaned his head on the back of the chair.

Chen Yuan glanced at him, her eyes flashed with envy.

Now you are by my side, but you still think about Bai Chichi, right?

Situ Qing, you don't even know what it will be like to offend Lord Xiao! Poor you still don't know your situation now!

Bai Chichi will not last long by your side. You were a successful man when she knew you, and she would not accept your frustration.

And you, now there is no shortage of honor, reputation, money, you can't see my good.

Sitting next to Situ Qing, Chen Yuan felt a sense of psychological security. Sometimes she even thought that she had really experienced the earthquake.

At that time, Chen Yuan didn't have much thoughts about Situ Qing, she just hoped that she could use this man to hurt Bai Chichi.

Today is different. Chen Yuan really missed that time. She and Situ Qing were friends in need. When he was weak and injured, he was like a child, and he trusted and trusted Chen Yuan.

Now that he is back in the city, everything familiar to Situ Qing has regained his confidence and arrogance, but isolated Chen Yuan.

Sometimes Chen Yuan would still imagine that if Situ Qing had lost her memory at that time, it would be fine, wouldn't she be able to live a life with him?

But how could this be possible, Xiao Ye wouldn't let it go.

Chen Yuan sighed and looked at Situ Qing's resolute profile. She only felt that there were too many unfair things in the world.

In such ups and downs, the plane arrived at the destination Chengdu.

Chen Yuan looked at her watch. Yesterday Meng Ran said that she would arrive at the Shudu Hotel early. I wonder if she is already waiting there and is ready.

"Sister-in-law Qing, this time we will stay in Chengdu for a day before going to the countryside." Chen Yuan showed Situ Qing the schedule.

"I don't want to delay time. I will leave as soon as I land." But Situ Qing did not agree with Chen Yuan at all.

Chen Yuan was anxious now. If Situ Qing insisted on doing this, wouldn't Meng Ran wait for nothing? Then what chance does she have to approach Situ Qing?

"But our old customers already know that you are coming to Chengdu, and they want to have a meal with you!" Chen Yuan tried to stay in Situ Qing.

"Which old customer? I didn't disclose the news to anyone except you and Luo Hui'an." Situ Qing's expression changed.

He is dealing with Hope Primary School in a low-key manner, just not wanting to alarm other people or the media.

Chen Yuan blushed and whispered: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

"You notified?" Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan angrily.

"Yesterday when I was on the Internet, Huo Langxing, the owner of the vast construction company in Chengdu, sent me an email saying that he hadn't seen you for a long time. If you come to Sichuan, he wants to get together with you." Chen Yuan's eyes were drooping, her long eyelashes trembling, showing her anxiety and timidity.

Seeing her like this, Situ Qing couldn't bear to criticize her, but this really made him very upset.

"So you told him that I came to Chengdu today?"

Chen Yuan raised her head and said hurriedly: "I am wrong. I thought you were old friends. It doesn't matter if you meet."

"How do you know that it doesn't matter? I have already told you what the purpose of this visit is, and the urgency of time!" Situ Qing has always been serious at work, even Chen Yuan can't go against his wishes .

Chen Yuan's eyes were red, and she looked pitiful and wronged.

"Why don't you speak? Who asked you to arrange the itinerary for me privately!" Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan in a low voice but severely.

"Brother-in-law Qing, I, I just want to make you relaxed." Chen Yuan thought to herself, it doesn't matter if you scold me, as long as you can stay in Chengdu for one night.

But Situ Qing said coldly: "After getting off the plane, you immediately contact Mr. Huo to cancel this private gathering."

"Yes." Chen Yuan didn't expect Situ Qing to be so merciless, but if she really insisted on letting him stay, he would be very angry and would punish herself.

Forget it, let's do as he said for the time being, and wait until I come back from the mountain to think of a solution.

At that time, Situ Qing had finished his official business, and he should be in a much better mood, and he could persuade him to buy gifts for Bai Chichi. He might agree to stay one night before leaving.

"Okay, let's not take it as an example. If you have any plans and arrangements, you must first ask for my consent, and you can't make your own claim!" Seeing Chen Yuanchu's pitiful appearance, Situ Qing finally slowed down, no longer stern.

Chen Yuan nodded: "Actually, I have never been to Chengdu. I am also very enthusiastic and want to see the cultural landscape of this historic city."

After listening to her, Situ Qing felt that it was justified, so he said to her: "Since you said that, we should have another day on the return trip."

"Is it really possible?" Chen Yuan almost burst into laughter.

She was not happy because she could stay for sightseeing, but because she had the opportunity to make her dream come true again.

Situ Qing nodded: "I promised to buy her cakes from Wenshufang, so I planned to stay in Chengdu when I came back."

"It turned out to be like this. I blamed me for not asking clearly. I hurriedly arranged the time wrong. Brother Qing, I promise I won't make the same mistake again!" Chen Yuan hurriedly admitted her negligence and fault.

Situ Qing smiled and said, "Okay, you have been very cautious when you work. My tone was a bit heavy just now, don't care."

"How come, you are my leader, I was originally to solve unnecessary troubles for you, but I am still adding chaos, you criticized very right!" Chen Yuan's sincere attitude made Situ Qing feel better.

After getting off the plane, Chen Yuan had to call Mr. Huo. What she said was not false. This boss Huo was also a **** she used.

That email is also true, but it was received a long time ago.

Huo is always a person with a hearty personality. He didn't mind Chen Yuan's explanation. He said that when Situ Qing came back, he had to entertain him.

"This time I am really busy because of official business. I'm really sorry." As an assistant, Chen Yuan handled this kind of problem very appropriately, and Mr. Huo had a good impression of her.

After finishing these things, Chen Yuan pretended to touch up her makeup, took the opportunity to call Meng Ran, and said that things had changed, and asked her to wait patiently for a few more days.

Although Mengran was very upset, she had no choice but to agree to Chen Yuan and come back to Chengdu in two days.

No way, Chen Yuan could only bow her head to Mengran this time and apologize to her.

After all the calculations, Chen Yuan's face turned green with anger.

But when she came out of the bathroom, it was a calm smile.

"Brother-in-law Qing, the branch's car is here, let's go to the mountains now."

Situ Qing nodded and strode out of the airport. Sure enough, Chen Yuan had notified the branch manager that he and the driver were already on standby outside.

After getting on the bus, Situ Qing rushed to the mountain without stopping.

The manager of the Lu branch also reported some recent work, and Situ Qing listened and gave advice on how to deal with it.

His vigorous and vigorous style made Chen Yuan feel another charm. This is a man, and this is the type she admires.

"Yuanyuan, if you are tired, squint for a while, and there is still a long time." Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan with concern.

How can you be tired? As long as you are by your side, hear your voice, look at your figure, this is a kind of happiness!

"I'm not tired, I still have a lot of work to do before I arrive." Chen Yuan raised the information in her hand.

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