"What is it?" Xin Xiaozi rushed forward and snatched the envelope containing the photo from Chen Yuan.

Situ Qing looked at Xin Xiaozi: "Bring it."

"Why are you so anxious? Let me see what's wrong first?" Xin Xiaozi said as she opened the envelope and poured out the photo from it.

But before she could see clearly, Situ Qing chopped his hand and took it.

"Hey, you have become so rude, Situ Qing, you have disappointed me too much!" Xin Xiaozi's hand hurt a little by his sudden slapping.

"It doesn't matter." Situ Qing said coldly.

Chen Yuan glanced at Bai Chichi triumphantly, then looked at Situ Qing and said, "Brother-in-law Qing, I actually really don’t want to show you these things, but I’ve always been very upset in my heart. I have to do it today, please. Be calm."

"Chen Yuan, didn't you say this to add fuel to the fire? What the **** is it!" Xin Xiaozi said, pulling Bai Chichi's sleeve vigorously, wanting her to say something.

However, Bai Chichi remained motionless, looking at Situ Qing and the things in his hands quietly.

"Sister-in-law Qing, since Sister Xiao Zi wants to see that, you can show her!" Chen Yuan stood behind Situ Qing and urged.

Holding those photos, Situ Qing's face became more and more ugly, and in the end he almost looked like an ice sculpture, exuding a forcing chill.

Situ Qing must know the people in the photo, Qin Xuesong and Wu Deyong, these two people are also his most annoying.

Needless to say, Qin Xuesong was Bai Chichi's first love and a strong competitor.

Being strong is not only about economy and status, but also the weight in Bai Chichi's heart. Although Situ Qing is confident, he dare not be too sure.

In love, it is very normal to suffer from gains and losses.

Situ Qingzheng has a strong iron bone, but in front of Bai Chichi, he also has a fragile side, because he loves Bai Chichi so much and does not want to lose her.

The more this happened, the more he cared about Qin Xuesong's weight in Bai Chichi's heart, and Bai Chichi, who was never good at disguising, made no secret of her changing attitude towards Qin Xuesong.

It doesn't matter if you change to someone else, but a person's first love is always the most memorable, especially Qin Xuesong caused a lot of harm to Bai Chichi at that time, and he was constantly making up for it with guilt and regret.

Women are easily moved.

Situ Qing cared very much about this, otherwise he wouldn't let Qin Xuesong leave Bai Chichi's life.

Enough self-confidence does not mean blindness. Situ Qing could see that Bai Chichi's view of Qin Xuesong had undergone a huge change.

He was a little uneasy, but he couldn't show it. He could only use another tough attitude to change his mind.

Although Wu Deyong didn't have any big grudges with Situ Qing, he actually dared to deceive the chief executive of the Situ Group, and also kidnapped Chen Yuan, a villain who was kindly revengeful, how could Situ Qing tolerate it.

In the photo now, Qin Xuesong is still in the same space with Wu Deyong. What does this mean?

"Sister-in-law Qing, sister-in-law Qing?" Chen Yuan was by Situ Qing's side, and of course she felt the bitter chill.

But not only was Chen Yuan not afraid, but she also felt very happy and comfortable. She couldn't help but yelled Situ Qing again and again, trying to remind him to hurry up and start questioning and accusing him later.

"Situ Qing, let me see it!" Xin Xiaozi took advantage of Situ Qing's anger, and saw the picture with his hand.

Because Xin Xiaozi didn't know Wu Deyong, she thought it was Qin Xuesong who went to visit Dayong in prison.

In the photo, it is obvious where this is.

And Xin Xiaozi had heard Bai Chichi say that the person who destroyed the house of Father and White's mother seemed to know Qin Xuesong, so the first reaction was this.

"Who is this person?" Xin Xiaozi pointed to Wu Deyong and asked Bai Chichi.

"He is Wu Deyong, Chen Yuan's so-called fellow." Bai Chichi was not surprised after seeing this photo.

Because Qin Xuesong told her before that he would visit Wu Deyong in prison to investigate Chen Yuan's affairs, and he also learned about Yu Beibei and the train ticket from him.

At that time, everyone didn't believe Wu Deyong, but Qin Xuesong did. But soon after that, Wu Deyong changed his confession and refused to say anything.

Situ Qing gave a sneer and said to Bai Chichi, "So, who is this person? You must know him?"

"Yes, he is Qin Xuesong, so what?" Bai Chichi faced Situ Qing's gaze without flinching.

Situ Qing's face turned white and blue, and he uttered a few words between his teeth: "You still have a face to say?"

"What does this photo show?" Xin Xiaozi was still at a loss.

A burst of pleasure came in Chen Yuan's heart.

"What can I say? Little Zi, can't you tell that Qin Xuesong and Wu Deyong are secretly colluding, otherwise there will be no two people meeting in prison!"

"Qin Xuesong is in collusion with Wu Deyong? You have to have a limit for nonsense. What is Qin Xuesong's purpose for doing this?"

Bai Chichi said to Xin Xiaozi, "Xiaozi, don't talk anymore."

"Why not let her say? Xin Xiaozi, what kind of person do you think Qin Xuesong is really good? He instructed Dayong to hurt my parents-in-law, just to rehabilitate this stupid woman! This time, he asked Wu Deyong to pretend to be Yuanyuan’s fellow, cheating I don’t want to say, I also want to slander Yuanyuan. If the treacherous scheme fails, she will become angry and kidnapped Yuanyuan. Is this not clear enough?"

Situ Qing would never say so many words in one breath, it seems that he has indeed become extremely angry.

"The thing about Dayong is that he only makes opinions, and Wu Deyong has nothing to do with Qin Xuesong. He went to visit, just to understand the extent to which Chen Yuan's lies can turn black and white!" Bai Chi Chi was also very angry, and she began to defend Qin Xuesong.

But because of her anger, Bai Chichi also ignored the fact that Chen Yuan originally hoped that she could speak for Qin Xuesong, which would further anger Situ Qing.

So now Chen Yuan is already watching them with the mood of watching a good show.

"Sister Chi Chi, I think you should also reflect on it. To help Qin Xuesong get rid of it, isn't it a bit of help to abuse?"

Chen Yuan added fuel to the fire.

"I think you are the one who makes trouble!" Xin Xiaozi said angrily.

Chen Yuan looked at Situ Qing: "Brother-in-law Qing, it's just that Meng has spent a lot of effort to help me find the evidence. You can't treat it as an ordinary photo!"

"Then what do you want?" Bai Chichi finally couldn't help but shouted loudly at Chen Yuan.

Suddenly, Chen Yuan became a pitiful little quail, hiding behind Situ Qing and shaking.

"I'm asking, what do you want?" Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi, with deep pain in his eyes.

Isn't it obvious? Everything was done by Qin Xuesong. In order to vent his anger for Bai Chichi, he came up with such a shameful trick to hurt Chen Yuan.

But Qin Xuesong himself and Chen Yuan have no grievances and no grudges, and he did it just to win Bai Chichi's favor.

After Bai Chichi was moved, what other method should he adopt to lure this stupid woman into a snare?

In Situ Qing's anger, he even felt that Qin Xuesong still wanted to kill Chen Yuan and completely pull out the poisonous weed in Bai Chichi's heart.

Obviously knowing that Chen Yuan is her lifesaver, but wants to use Wu Deyong to sow discord. Isn't this trapping Situ Qing into injustice?

He can do it in one fell swoop!

"Yes, Qin Xuesong disappeared from my life, but he still cares about me and loves me, hoping that I can live happily with you without being disturbed. What's wrong with him?" Bai Chi Said later.

Situ Qing shook his head and said, "You really embarrass me. I am your husband. I am the one who cares about you and loves you, but you actually use such words on a rascal!"

"Will it? Do you care about me and love me?" Bai Chichi said with a sneer.

Situ Qing looked at her: "Yes, he behaved more obviously, because he wanted to regain you. Under such a purpose, what can he not do?"

"Cedar had never thought about it like this before. He knew that I would never be able to return to him, so he would let it go!" Bai Chichi's eyes were also moist.

"Sister Chi Chi, you were really deceived by Qin Xuesong. He did those things behind your back, but he can always give high-sounding reasons in front of you! If he is really for your good, he should keep his promise. , Stay away from you!" Chen Yuan started to make up again.

After Situ Qing heard this, he agreed very much. Qin Xuesong, a shameless villain, said to leave but didn't leave. Instead, he hid in the dark and stumbled. What kind of character does such a person have?

Even Chen Yuan can see things clearly, but Bai Chichi still insists on obsessively. Is there really something wrong in her heart?

"Chen Yuan, shut up! Qin Xuesong won't think too much about it when he talks to Bai, he also met with me!"

"Little Zi, I know you and Chi Chi are best friends and best friends! But at this time, you should stand on the side of morality and conscience. How can you help Qin Xuesong speak? He might meet you. It's to prepare for the next plan!" Chen Yuan looked so painstaking and worried.

Xin Xiaozi was furious: "I didn't stand on the side of morality and conscience? Chen Yuan, would you have a chill in your back when you say this? Because God is watching!"

"Stop arguing!" Situ Qing and Bai Chichi shouted at the same time.

Chen Yuan shut her mouth obediently, but Xin Xiaozi was unwilling.

"No wonder, you said you didn't mean anything to stay, because you were already ready to retreat, so you deliberately found fault like this!"

Situ Qing glared at Bai Chichi.

Originally, he was already very dissatisfied with Qin Xuesong in his heart, and Chen Yuan was fanning the flames, and the more he thought about it, the more he became angry.

When Bai Chichi saw Chen Yuan's proud eyes, he was very angry, so he said to Situ Qing on the spur of the moment: "Yes, I just want to anger you and ask you to drive me away. That way, I will be in my arms! "

"Do you think Qin Xuesong will be waiting for you?" Situ Qing smiled contemptuously.

"Of course, he has been waiting!"

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