"Bai Chi!" Xin Xiaozi hurried to stop Bai Chi Chi.

But Situ Qing's expression was already terrifying, and he said coldly, "What about waiting? You still stay by my side obediently!"

"Sorry, now I don't want to consume with you anymore, I just want to find him!" Bai Chichi shook off Xin Xiaozi's hand.

"Dare you!" Situ Qing stood in front of Bai Chichi, looked at her eyes and said.

Bai Chichi raised his head: "Why don't I dare?"

"You are pregnant with my child, so you still want to find that wild man?" Situ Qing couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, don't say it so badly, what savage man? Do not do to others what you don't want, you don't understand this truth?"

Situ Qing said proudly: "I understand, I understand too well, so I won't be as shameless as you!"

Chen Yuan pretended not to understand anything, purely tilted her head and frowned, looking at Xin Xiaozi as if she wanted to rush over to give her another slap.

Bai Chichi said angrily: "I have no shame? I at least didn't get those messy relationships at home!"

"What's the mess? You are thinking of that man, and you want to take my child to take refuge in him? Believe it or not I killed him!" Situ Qing was so angry that his eyebrows were raised by Bai Chi's attitude.

She had already said too much, and she was even going to slap her back. What did she mean? Not alluding to Chen Yuan!

Having said so much, it was useless, which made Situ Qing feel disappointed and sad.

My own woman, a woman I love deeply, would think of the man who caused her endless harm. What kind of world is this, and is there anything worthy of nostalgia?

"Your child?" Bai Chichi was hot-headed for a while, and he didn't consider the serious consequences of saying this. He just wanted to be quick for a while and even blurted out.

Situ Qing gave her a deep look, "Isn't it?"

"I don't know, I can't guarantee, or this child is not named Situ!" Bai Chichi's words caused Xin Xiaozi's eyes to fall out.

What is she talking nonsense?

No matter how angry you are, you can't involve innocent children!

Bai Chichi, you seem to be mature a lot, but this time you are really too impulsive and naive!

"Bai Chi, take back these words quickly!" Xin Xiaozi was so anxious that she went directly to cover Bai Chichi's mouth, not letting her say any more.

Bai Chichi shook his head fiercely, and said to Xin Xiaozi, "He forced me!"

"It's okay, you two are in anger. What can you tell me? Bai Chi, don't you be too stupid. Is it okay to figure out the current situation?" Xin Xiaozi said while looking at Chen. Yuan.

But Bai Chichi didn't think so much at all, she now only felt that Situ Qing was unreasonable, and he was very unreasonable.

Why should others have an advantage everywhere? He found Chen Yuan back, and he has explained everything. In that case, do you still obey his temper?

Today's Bai Chichi has already given up. She doesn't want to turn herself into a lamb to be slaughtered.

Even if what I said now was a double-edged sword, it would at least not make Situ Qing feel better at the same time it hurt myself.

Chen Yuan's smirk and cunning made Bai Chichi shameless, but she didn't want to care about it anymore, it didn't matter.

The war between two people is like this. The person I love most hurts me the most. When there is a quarrel, they use the most vicious words as weapons.

Even if Bai Chichi has become a lot more sensible recently, her extreme disappointment with Situ Qing made her crazy, and wanted to give him a severe blow.

"Xiao Zi, don't you know? It doesn't matter what the situation is. Anyway, he doesn't regard me as the closest person. It doesn't matter what I say or do to him, so he will take these words as he hears them. Just a gust of wind!" Bai Chichi was very painful, but stubbornly refused to bow his head.

Situ Qing nodded: "It turns out that you are such a vulgar woman with a small belly, so I missed you!"

"Yeah, you just looked away, and now you finally recognize my true face, so what are you leaving me for?"

"I won't keep you, I pity my child!"

"Who said the child is yours!"

The two men were at war, and the more they said they didn't want to be like words.

Xin Xiaozi was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, pulling Bai Chichi and Situ Qing again, but the two of them were like hedgehogs, and neither of them would be softened.

"Chen Yuan, what are you doing standing stupidly, do you still want to see the gaffe worsen? You keep saying that you want to be good for them and for the stability of this family. What's wrong with you now, dumb?" Xin Xiaozi only felt that all this It was Chen Yuan. If she was willing to help Bai Chichi say a few words, or Situ Qing would not be so angry.

This was also an emergency medical treatment. Chen Yuan was the one who had initiated the attack. She wished that Bai Chichi and Situ Qing would quarrel up and down, so how could she come out to persuade her.

"Little Zi, I can't help it. Sister Chi Chi has personally admitted that the child is not brother-in-law, and it is related to his reputation and dignity. What can I do?" Chen Yuan didn't open her mouth but she said just one sentence. heavy bomb.

"You, you, when did she admit it? You can't hear these words?" Xin Xiaozi flushed with anger.

Chen Yuan shook her head and said, "No, I don’t understand if I am angry, but how can a mother use her child to vent? No matter if what Sister Chi Chi said is true or false, I think she is too much. ."

"Have you heard? Bai Chichi, Chen Yuan is much more sensible than you, you are ashamed and not ashamed? The baby has a mother like you, and it is really bad for eight lifetimes!" Situ Qing was stimulated by Chen Yuan's words. The fire is getting stronger and stronger.

Bai Chichi stared at him: "Really? Is the baby lucky to have a father like you? He is about to come to this world, but what about you, what are you doing? You make someone want to kill the baby Your woman is always next to me waiting for opportunities, have you considered the safety of your baby?"

"Sister Chi Chi, how can you slander me again and again just because I said a few fair words?"

Chen Yuan approached Situ Qing aggrievedly, tears filled her eyes in an instant.

"Chen Yuan, you'd better go upstairs. If you want to stay, just stay. I really can't stand it!" Xin Xiaozi felt that the whole thing had begun to get out of control, and she couldn't calm Bai Chichi and Situ Qing. , Watching them get more and more angry, but Chen Yuan kept inciting the emotions of the two of them.

How can this end?

"Sister Xiaozi, aren't you the first person who wants to drive me away? What's wrong now, you actually promised me to stay?" Chen Yuan looked at Xin Xiaozi proudly.

"You will only add chaos here, hurry up and go!" Xin Xiaozi didn't want to care about Chen Yuan anymore. The most urgent thing in front of me is to quickly stop the indiscreet dispute between Bai Chichi and Situ Qing. Come down.

Chen Yuan was not so obedient. She looked at Situ Qing and said, "Brother-in-law Qing, I'm sorry I just said the bad things. Actually, think about it carefully, Sister Chi Chi is really good. Why are you doing this because of her small mistakes? How about pinpointing her to Maimang? Open one eye and close the other is the way to get along."

"Small negligence? Chen Yuan, what are you suggesting?" Xin Xiaozi was almost mad, but Situ Qing didn't think like she did.

"Yuanyuan, I know that you sincerely want to support me, and you don't have to say good things for her in order to calm the situation."

Bai Chichi couldn't stand it even more when he heard this. Situ Qing was so concerned about Chen Yuan's words, could he really believe that he had betrayed him?

In fact, how could Situ Qing be fooled so easily? He didn't know that Bai Chichi chose extreme language out of anger.

But, since she said that, do you have to be patient to coax her?

A man, after hearing his wife say that the child is not his, how can he easily reconcile with a hippy smile?

If you want to say this, you have to pay the corresponding price!

Well, the child is not mine, right, then I don't care, do whatever you like, just go as you like!

"Sister Chi Chi, look at you, Brother-in-law Qing is so angry, then you should quickly apologize to him!" Chen Yuan deliberately said to Bai Chi Chi.

"We quarrel, what do you do as peacemaker? Don't you know that all disputes are caused by you?" Bai Chichi is very disgusted with Chen Yuan's actions, but she will not be as direct as Xin Xiaozi Go up and hit someone.

Since she can't teach her a lesson, let Situ Qing make a choice.

"Sister Chi Chi, if it's really because of me, then I have nothing to say, because you have all recognized things, and how I say it can't make you change your opinion! But, no matter what, you should make peace with Brother Qing. , Otherwise I'm really sad and self-blaming!" Chen Yuan's begging look is very realistic.

Situ Qing saw that Bai Chichi's performance today was really bad, especially when compared with Chen Yuan.

"Chen Yuan, don't you blush when you say this?" Bai Chi chi bit her lip. Of course she knew Chen Yuan's true thoughts, but faced with such a situation, Situ Qing seemed to have completely lost his judgment.

"I will blush because I hindered you! I'm sorry." Chen Yuan's tears came again, relaxed.

"Situ Qing, you'd better make it clear in front of us, whether you want to keep Chen Yuan or keep me, it's up to you today!" Bai Chi did not look at Chen Yuan again.

She knew that the root cause was actually in Situ Qing's body.

Xin Xiaozi now watched that Bai Chichi and Situ Qing were already in a quarrel, not to mention how regretful they were.

You shouldn't be so impulsive to expose Chen Yuan and Xiaofang, because in this way, all Situ Qing saw were scenes of her bullying those two women.

The preconceived feeling is difficult to change, so Situ Qing felt that the people who were wrong in this matter were Bai Chichi and her Xin Xiaozi.

Because of this, he desperately went to find Chen Yuan back.

Therefore, Chen Yuan took the lead, and she would listen to what Situ Qing said now, and there was no doubt about it.

"Sister Chi Chi, what are you talking about! Of course it is me who should leave. You really praise me by saying that!" Chen Yuan screamed.

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