"Wife, do you know what time it is?" Kang Shaonan smiled directly and grabbed the hand she handed over, and walked her towards the gate of the playground.

"I don't know!" Yu Xiao answered heartlessly.

"It's four o'clock!"

"Ah? It's four o'clock?" Yu Xiao's eyes widened. If she remembers correctly, she seemed to be only two o'clock when she got in the taxi, but now it's four o'clock! In other words, she slept in the taxi for two full hours! !

"Seeing you sleep so soundly, I couldn't bear to wake you up, so I asked the driver to drive around the playground a few more times." Kang Shaonan said while walking.

"You stupid! Give him so much money. I knew you would wake me up and give me the money." Yu Xiao pouted and gave him a displeased look, and walked forward.

"Wife, as long as you marry me, all my money will be yours." Kang Shaonan replied with a smile while holding Yu Xiao's hand tightly.

"The beauty of thinking! In the next life!" Yu Xiao rolled his eyes directly, and his eyes fell on the playground in the distance. She was originally a playful girl, now there is such a fun place right in front of her, how could she easily miss it?

"My wife, the next life will be too long, we will just take it in this life!"

"Then why don't you just talk to that female reporter?"

"I just want to talk to you!"

"But I don't want to!"

"My wife, you are so cruel!"

"Then stay away from me!"

"I can't see you from afar!"

"We can be friends, and you can see me!"

"I want to see you when I sleep at night!"



"You go buy a ticket, I want to play that jumper!" Not wanting to listen to him talking about it, Yu Xiao stood at the door looking at the jumper not far away and said casually.

"No! You have to go with me!" The little girl was awkward, and he couldn't worry about leaving her to stand here and waiting, and while saying that he took her hand and walked towards the ticket office.

Kang Shaonan bought a family portrait and took Yu Xiao to the jumper.

"My wife, you won't cry when you go up?" Kang Shaonan looked up at the people who were screaming on the jumping machine, and asked when he looked back at Yu Xiao next to him.

"I'm not so timid!" Yu Xiao raised her chin, and didn't pay attention to this kind of game at all. In fact, this was the first time she took this kind of jumping machine, and she was really drumming. But in front of Kang Shaonan, she couldn't be too timid.

The two people stood outside the court for a short time before the jumper stopped. Yu Xiao watched many girls running down from above with pale faces, standing outside the court and vomiting constantly, and her heart began to tremble.

"Kang Shaonan..." Yu Xiao actively shook Kang Shaonan's hand for the first time, looking a little nervous. Thinking about falling from such a high place, she began to tremble in her calves.

"what happened?"

"You said that machine... will it fall?" Yu Xiao didn't realize the movement of her hand at all, but just stared at the jumping machine in front and asked Kang Shaonan.

"Wife, if you are timid, we won't go up!" Seeing that Yu Xiao was a little nervous, Kang Shaonan laughed and teased her.

"Who said I was timid? Are you timid?"

"Let's go!" Kang Shaonan took Yu Xiao's hand and walked forward.

Although reluctant, at this time, Yu Xiao still bite the bullet and followed Kang Shaonan. The two sat down one by one. Kang Shaonan helped Yu Xiao fasten his seat belts, and then fastened his own. Turning to see Yu Xiao tightly closing his lips, his eyes turned around nervously. Kang Shaonan smiled and stretched out his big hand. Hold her little hand tightly in the palm of his hand.

The jumping machine rose higher and higher. Looking at the scenery in front of him, Yu Xiao became more and more nervous, and his heart raised his throat.

"Kang Shaonan!"

"What's wrong, wife?"

"I have a last word..."

"Are you going to marry me?"

"You are really a muscle! I will never marry you when I die!"

"This is your last word?"



Kang Shaonan was silent for a while, and didn't say a word for a long while.

"Uncle, are you angry?" Yu Xiao tilted his head, seeing that his face was dark like the bottom of a pot, and stabbed him in the shoulder.

"This is not anger, this is sad!"

"Aren't you strong against blows? Will you be sad?"

"Do you think I am Superman?"

"It looks like it! Ah!!!" Yu Xiao nodded, before saying the following, the jumping machine suddenly fell quickly, Yu Xiao suddenly screamed in shock.

The huge panic caused by the rapid fall of the jumping machine made Yu Xiao’s heart tremble constantly. She closed her eyes tightly and kept screaming. She never felt that death was so close to her. At your fingertips.

In extreme panic and screaming, the jumping machine finally stopped slowly. Yu Xiao opened his mouth, his chest was violently ups and downs, the hair was blown in a mess, and his eyes were wide. Recovered in horror.

Kang Shaonan frowned slightly and spent so long in the army. This kind of game was nothing to him. He turned to look at Yu Xiao next to him. The little girl looked terrified. He was breathing heavily with his mouth open. He unfastened his seat belt, moved his body, and then helped to untie Yu Xiao's. Seeing that she was still motionless, he smiled and raised his hand and waved in front of her eyes. Yu Xiao blinked. Didn't move.

"Wife, what's uncomfortable? Do you want to throw up?" Kang Shaonan looked at her pale face and began to worry about her.

Yu Xiao's eyes finally rolled, looking at Kang Shaonan in front of him for a while before moving her lips: "Kang Shaonan, I hate you!" If it weren't for this smelly man, she wouldn't have come to play this kind of game and scared herself. Half dead.

Kang Shaonan smiled: "My wife, let me hug you out!" Seeing her like this, it might be a little difficult to go out.

"Hurry up, then?" Yu Xiao glared at him fiercely.

Kang Shaonan smiled and bent over to pick her up, and strode out of the field. Find a place to rest and put Yu Xiao down. After ten minutes of rest, Yu Xiao finally found the feeling of being alive.

"My wife, what else do you want to play?" Kang Shaonan raised his watch to check the time. It was only half past four. What more could I play depending on the time.

"If you want to play, play by yourself!" She was already tired to death, and now she was scared to death. If she continues to play, this little life is basically left here.

"I bought a family portrait. If I don't play it, it will be wasted?" Kang Shaonan took out the ticket and took a look. It was a pity.

"I don't care, go and play by yourself! I am here waiting for you!" Yu Xiao had made up his mind and would never be fooled by him again.

Kang Shaonan looked around. The roller coaster, the Ferris wheel and the Devil's Castle were all very exciting games. Looking at the little girl's appearance, these would definitely not be played anymore, and he couldn't bear to frighten her again. After looking around, Kang Shaonan's gaze fell on a machine at the door, his lips twitched, and he looked at Yu Xiao by his side to ask for her advice.

"Wife, you are leaving tomorrow, let's go take a photo of it!" It was a temptation to say soliciting. The temptation to leave these two words was too great for Yu Xiao.

"I can really leave tomorrow?" Kang Shaonan's words made Yu Xiao regain his energy, and his eyes began to sparkle.

"Well, tomorrow Saturday, I can take you home!" Kang Shaonan nodded and replied, "But you have to follow me to take a photo of it!"

"Okay! Let's take a picture!" Yu Xiao stood up happily and walked toward the door first. Now she, can't wait to leave here in the next second, isn't she just a photo? No one can die anyway!

Kang Shaonan didn't expect that she would agree so simply. Looking at her back, he followed with a smile.

Because of the temptation to go home, Yu Xiao stood with Kang Shaonan very cooperatively, and took a lot of photos, but Yu Xiao always had a sullen face from the beginning to the end, and there was no smile at all. Kang Shaonan didn’t mind, and held her shoulders. Take a lot of intimate photos. After tossing for a long time, the two finally walked out of the playground hand in hand. Of course, Yu Xiao had no chance to refuse, so he could only let him hold his hand.

When the two went out of the gate of the amusement park, they saw the driver Xiao Zhang's car had arrived early, and saw Kang Shaonan and Yu Xiao walking out together, Xiao Zhang immediately rushed to Kang Shaonan to stand at attention and salute: "Head!" Then he opened the door.

Before Kang Shaonan could speak, Yu Xiao got into the off-road vehicle first. Today was too tired to play. She was eager to find a place to rest for a while. Kang Shaonan then sat beside her.

"Wife, give me your cell phone!" After the car started, Kang Shaonan looked at Yu Xiao and ordered.

"What are you doing?" Yu Xiao was already lazily arguing with him about calling his wife, and looked at him lazily.

"Nothing, just want to see if you deleted my number."

"No! I'm exhausted, don't bother me!" Yu Xiao didn't want to give him the phone, her neck shrank, closed her eyes and started to sleep.

Knowing that she was a little tired today, Kang Shaonan didn't bother her anymore, but let her sleep all the way.

When Yu Xiao woke up, the car had been downstairs to his family. The two got out of the car one after another. Yu Xiao followed Kang Shaonan and returned to his home on the fourth floor. As soon as she entered the living room, Yu Xiao didn't care about changing her shoes, so she ran towards the big bed in the bedroom. She didn't want to do anything now, but just wanted to sleep well, get enough energy, and go home tomorrow.

Although he slept in the car for a while, Yu Xiao lay on the bed and fell asleep again. This time I slept soundly, and it was not until 8 o'clock in the evening that Yu Xiao woke up from the constant protests. She put on her slippers and walked out of the room, and found that the dinner had already been prepared and placed on the dining table. The living room was quiet, without the shadow of Kang Shaonan.

"Kang Shaonan!" Yu Xiao stretched out her neck and yelled a few times. After a while, she saw the door of another room open. Kang Shaonan walked out vigorously from inside, wearing the floral shirt that Yu Xiao bought for 588 yuan. , Yu Xiao stood still watching him and blinked a few times.

Unexpectedly, wearing this floral shirt on his body, there was a more chic and handsome taste.

"Wife, are you awake? Hungry?" Kang Shaonan walked over and smiled at her surprised expression.

"Ahem..., I'm hungry!" Yu Xiao coughed awkwardly, then retracted his gaze and went to sit down at the dining table.

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