The food seemed to have been cooked long ago, and each dish was carefully buckled with a plate. Kang Shaonan took the plates one by one, and then served Yu Xiao with rice, and then looked at Yu Xiao and said.

"My wife, thank you for the shirt you bought me. I like it very much! Isn't it pretty?" Kang Shaonan looked at Yu Xiao and showed off a little proudly.

Yu Xiaogang picked up some rice and put it in his mouth. Hearing this, he almost didn't choke. It was bought back for her travel expenses, okay? Thinking of her sister-in-law's performance today, Yu Xiao raised her head and looked at Kang Shaonan suspiciously.

"Did you collude with your sister-in-law? Did you deliberately today, right?" Whatever you think about today is a bit weird, and your sister-in-law's performance is too enthusiastic.

"When you went to see my sister-in-law, she secretly called me. I happened to go to the city for a meeting today, so I just counted it. You will go back tomorrow, and I want to get along with you alone at last." I didn't hide it, and told everything about it.

"Then when will we leave tomorrow?" It was really his idea, but at this time, Yu Xiao didn't care about it anymore. What she cared most was when she could leave here tomorrow.

"Tomorrow after breakfast and leave!"

"I hope you count your words!" Yu Xiao muttered, lowering his head and eating.

Kang Shaonan really did not break his promise this time. After breakfast the next day, he took Yu Xiao and got on the special off-road vehicle and left the barracks. Watching the car drive out of the gate of the military camp, through the streets of the city, and finally onto the highway, Yu Xiao had an urge to shout.

Thank God, she finally left here!

Looking up at Kang Shaonan next to him, some wonder why he would let himself go easily? And still **** the whole journey? Would this black-bellied man really be so kind?

"Kang Shaonan!" Yu Xiao tilted his head and looked at him.

"what happened?"

"You won't go to my parents again to force the marriage?" If her parents again ordered her to die, she might still be unable to escape. If that is the case, what difference does it make if she doesn't go back?

"No! Whatever you want after you go back, your life has nothing to do with me in the future." Kang Shaonan seemed to have made up his mind, with a cold expression on his face when he spoke.

"Oh..." Yu Xiao suddenly became a little angry when she looked at him. Hasn't this man been waiting for her for ten years? Now that he actually said to give up and give up, it seems that he is not as persistent as he said.

Yu Xiao despised him from the bottom of his heart, deeply despised!

However, this kind of mood only flashed in her heart, and she couldn't express the excitement when she thought that her relationship with Luo Yi would not be hindered anymore. Since Kang Shaonan took the initiative to give up, then her parents must have nothing to say?

Along the way, Yu Xiao's mood was rare and relaxed, even when he fell asleep, there was a sweet smile on the corners of his lips.

Kang Shaonan looked at Yu Xiao who was asleep and stretched out his hand to embrace her again domineeringly. The little girl is so happy in her sleep, she must be looking forward to the future with her boyfriend, right? At the thought of this, Kang Shaonan's face went dark again. He is not Superman, his heart is also long and he will be hurt. What she said on the jumping plane shocked him. But that kind of thinking happened in an instant. He was a soldier, and as long as it was something he identified, he would go forward and never back down!

Kang Shaonan, the little girl's words hit you like this, do you deserve to be a soldier? Isn't she not having you in her heart? Then you dig a hole in her heart and bury yourself as a seed! Then he kept watering and fertilizing; let himself take root in her heart, he would not believe that it could not grow into a towering tree!

When Yu Xiao woke up, the car had already entered the city. Looking at everything familiar to him, Yu Xiao felt an indescribable sense of relief. It was the first time I found out, it feels good to be home! Yu Xiao originally wanted to get off the bus halfway, but Kang Shaonan insisted on sending her downstairs. Although he hated him, Yu Xiao politely said goodbye to Kang Shaonan, and then ran into the unit door with his own bag.

Yu Xiao's family lives in a high-end apartment on the eighteenth floor. While waiting for the elevator, she couldn't wait to take out her mobile phone and call Luo Yi. After finally coming back, I wanted to hear his voice quickly. I don't know what Luo Yi is doing. The phone rang many times before being answered.

"Xiao... Xiao, what's the matter?" Luo Yi on the phone was panting, as if he had just done a heavy job.

"Luo Yi, I'm back! Are you still in your hometown?" As soon as he heard Luo Yi's voice, Yu Xiao felt that he was instantly surrounded by a sweet feeling, very happy!

"Oh...really? I'm in...the hospital!" Luo Yi's voice slowly calmed down.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you out of breath?" Listening to Luo Yi's voice, Yu Xiao was a little worried. Yu Xiao felt a little uncomfortable thinking that his mother was seriously ill now and he couldn't raise money everywhere.

"I'm moving things! Baby, you just got home, take a good rest first. I'm a bit busy now, will you call you later?" Luo Yi's voice returned to his previous gentleness, warming Yu Xiao's heart It became a pool of water.

"Ok, you have to pay attention to your body! Don't be too tired!" Yu Xiao exhorted distressedly.


Yu Xiao hung up the phone, and the elevator happened to be here. She happily walked into the elevator, pressed the number key on the eighteenth floor, and looked at the unchanging numbers on it, her heart was completely at ease. From now on, I will never see the black-bellied man again!

Yu Xiao returned home, and it happened that it was Saturday that all his parents were at home. Seeing the daughter come back, the couple laughed from ear to ear.

"After riding the car all the way, are you tired? Go take a shower first, and come out for lunch later. Mom made your favorite fish!" Ren Zhiping looked at her daughter dozingly, and did not ask Yu Xiao that she was in the army Thing.

"Mom, did you deliberately?" Yu Xiao looked at the expressions of his parents, and instantly felt a sense of being sold.

"What's the matter?" Ren Zhiping asked with a smile, and Yu Baojiao also looked at her.

"You and the old man will work together to calculate me!" Yu Xiao pouted and frowned.

"Look at how awkward you are! What old man? Why is he old when he is only thirty-two?" Yu thickened his brows, a little unhappy.

"Xiaoxiao, we'll talk about Shaonan later, you first go take a bath, and then come out for dinner! Good!" Ren Zhiping winked with her husband, pushed her daughter into the room, and brought her the door. .

Yu Xiao put the bag away and went into the bathroom with slippers. She didn't dare to take a bath in Kang Shaonan's house last night because of inconvenience. Now when she comes back home, she can take a steadfast wash. About twenty minutes later, Yu Xiao changed his clothes and walked out of his bedroom. As soon as she raised her foot and didn't walk a few steps, her eyes suddenly went wide, looking at the familiar man in the living room, she almost fainted!

Kang Shaonan, he actually blatantly ran to his home! !

Yu Xiao's eyes blinked a few times, and he felt a burst of anger rushing towards his forehead. Damn, this guy is too dark-bellied, and what else does his life have to do with him in the future! Unexpectedly, he ran to the house after turning around.

It's really deceiving! !

Yu Xiao walked in front of Kang Shaonan with his slippers, one hand on hips, the other pointed his forehead and shouted loudly.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Didn't it mean that it will have nothing to do with me in the future? What is it for you to come to our house now?" Yu Xiao was furious, her little face bursting. Since childhood, she had never met such a shameless man, it was like a dog skin plaster. Once it is glued, it cannot be removed no matter what.

At this time, Yu Xiao is not just a big fire, she feels faintly uneasy. Looking at the attitude of her parents towards him, she feels that her affairs with Kang Shaonan will definitely not end so easily!

This old man must be making some horrible idea again!

"This kid, how do you talk about you? The guest, Shaonan, Xiaoxiao is usually spoiled by us, you must not go to your heart!" Ren Zhiping frowned at her daughter, and then looked at Kang Shaonan. Some embarrassed explanations, for fear that Kang Shaonan would leave because of her daughter's angrily.

"Xiaoxiao is spoiled by us, Shaonan, she is still young, don't be familiar with her!" Yu Jiaojiao also looked at Kang Shaonan in kindness. In fact, letting his daughter marry the soldier in front of him, besides thinking that others are upright and reliable, there is another most important thing. The reason for this is that the Yu family’s company has recently encountered a bottleneck in its development, and the capital cannot be turned around for a while, and it urgently needs the help of the Kang family. If Yu Xiao marries Kang Shaonan, the Yu family’s company will come back from the dead.

"Auntie, uncle, it's okay." Kang Shaonan smiled gently, looked up at Yu Xiao and answered with a straight back: "Auntie and uncle didn't know about I brought you to the army at first. I came up to apologize to them. Auntie, uncle, I'm so embarrassed this time!" At the end of the talk, Kang Shaonan got up from the sofa, and Yu Jiaojiao and Ren Zhiping apologized while watching.

"Okay! Now that you have finished apologizing, can you leave?" Yu Xiao stared at him with bitter and enmity, holding two small fists, wishing to jump up and tear his fake serious face. Let him disappear before his eyes immediately.

Kang Shaonan stood up with a smile, looked at Yu Xiao's parents and said seriously: "Auntie, uncle, I'm going back first!"

"Shaonan, don't listen to her nonsense! I must have dinner here tonight before leaving!" Yu's mother quickly raised her hand to stop.

"Yes, let's go after dinner!" Father Yu echoed.

"No, I have already greeted my family, the old man is waiting, I'm leaving now!" Kang Shaonan greeted Yu Xiao's parents, looked at Yu Xiao again, and then left Yu Xiao's home.

Watching his parents please send Kang Shaonan out, Yu Xiao sat on the sofa with angrily, blowing pigs with his cheeks.

"Asshole! Hooligan! Despicable villain!"

When Ren Zhiping and Yu Jiaojiao sent away Kang Shaonan back to the living room, they saw their daughter sitting on the sofa sulking. They looked at each other and smiled and walked to her and sat down.

"Xiaoxiao, Shaonan is a good person! At first glance, it is the kind of person who loves his wife. Mom and your dad are both past people. Believe our vision, don't be stubborn anymore. Have you heard?" Ren Zhiping first embraced his daughter. Shoulder enlighten Yu Xiao.

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