Before Jiang Tingting was taken away by Li Xiuxian, Situ Qing talked briefly with him.

Li Xiuxian also feels guilty about Jiang Tingting's almost causing tragedy. He thinks that she should be exposed earlier, and the consequences may not be so bad.

He sincerely said sorry to Situ Qing. Situ Qing patted him on the shoulder and said: "I understand your thoughts and situation. After all, you have liked her for so many years. Since you have liked her for so long, you still have such a relationship. , I still want to see her turn her head back. Don’t leave her at such a time. She is still young. Don’t let her feel that everyone is indifferent and cannot give her a chance."

"Yeah!" Li Xiuxian nodded, and at the moment Jiang Tingting said he would commit suicide, he also realized this.

He really didn't want her to die, she seemed to have become an indispensable part of his life.


Bai Chichi didn't sleep almost all night, she endured it several times before not calling Situ Qing and texting.

Thinking that she would be legally married tomorrow, she was melancholy, excited, and happy, all kinds of complicated feelings haunted her.

She lay on the bed, took out a small notebook, and solemnly wrote a line: Qing, tomorrow I will marry you, I will be your wife. I will be filial to your parents and take good care of Sakura and Momo with you. Of course, I will give you a baby too, we will be very happy! I love you!

This night, Situ Qing was also very excited.

He wanted to share this good news with Wen Ruo because he thought Wen Ruo would be happy for him.

Wen Ruo didn't get off work until dawn this night, and he was not allowed to answer private calls during get off work hours, so he couldn't tell her the good news.

Her job was to be a toll collector at a highway toll station, and everyone opposed her doing this job.

But she likes it, she insists, she just wants to watch the different vehicles carrying different people every day, driving towards her, and then slowly going away, she seems to feel a sad emotion from it.

The whole family's opposition did not change her decision. They all knew that she was sensitive and fragile, and they did their best to follow her will, and they did not force her.

Situ Qing had arranged for her leader to eat privately, and the other party knew about her family's relationship and took good care of her. But she was self-conscious and asked to go to get off work and leave the same way as other colleagues, and refused special treatment.


The next morning, Li Xiuxian sent Jiang Tingting abroad.

Situ Qing got up at four o'clock, the only time he did not do morning exercises.

He spent all his time in front of the mirror, getting his hair done, and tidying up his uniform that was already flattened out.

There is also a pair of shoes under my feet, wiped and wiped, as if always a little dissatisfied.

He despised his behavior like a first love boy, but he couldn't help but do it.

Idiot, stand in front of you today and faint you to death.

Thinking of her always watching him admiring him so obsessively, he was satisfied and proud.

Soon, Situ Qing also had a wife, and soon he would have children.

He stood in front of the mirror, thinking of his mother, and silently said in his heart: Mom, his son will get married today.

Don't worry, Yuan and Wenruo will get married soon after I get married. By then, all of us will be stable, so don't worry.

The time seems to be very slow. Why can't the registration department open the door at five o'clock in the morning to register? Don't you know how impatient people get married? Situ Qing thought so, really wanting to drive over now.

But such an idiot would definitely laugh at him, maybe he would always tell the kids about it in the future, and his wise wiseness would be ruined all his life.

He endured, endured again, and waited until a quarter past eight before leaving home slowly.

When he walked to the living room, he deliberately slowed down, not wanting any member to see his anxious appearance.

Bai Chichi had the same thoughts as him, and for fear that he would laugh at him early, he also got on the bus at a quarter past eight.

Situ Qing was two more intersections and he was there. When passing by a bus, he even saw the idiot's red skirt with green flowers and dirt.

"What an idiot." He muttered indulgingly, and he even had to wear such soil for registration, waiting for him to demean her in front of the children.

Just thinking about it, the phone rang suddenly, and he picked it up and gave a calm "hello".

"Mr. Situ? Wenruo suddenly fainted, please come over immediately! We have already called the emergency call!"

Situ Qing's head "boomed", and a premonition of fear that he had never had before was surging, and he felt a little overwhelmed by the calmest self-control he was usually at.

Wen Ruo must have been tired, and passed out only after a small problem.

He promised to arrive immediately, immediately turned the steering wheel while driving, and the Hummer ran frantically to the highway toll gate.

He arrived just in time and saw Wen Ruo being carried out by her two male colleagues. Situ Qing rushed out of the car without even taking his cell phone.


When Bai Chi arrived late, she took a breakfast made by herself.

She thought Situ Qing should be here soon, craned her neck to look at the intersection.

He didn't come at 8:50, it was normal.

At nine o'clock, he hasn't come yet, she thought, this guy is really owed. When she meets, he has to beat him twice, will he be late for registration? Shouldn't all men arrive first?

At nine o'clock, he hadn't arrived yet, and she was a little anxious. Situ Qing is not the kind of person who will be late, right? Is he delayed?

No, it's impossible. He said that all registrations would be turned off and the registration must be on time.

Could it be an accident? Drive fast?

Bah baah bah, what kind of weird idea are you, don't think about it.

She was afraid that what she had guessed would come true, and that no one would know if something happened to him, so she had to take out her mobile phone and call him.

No one answered over and over again, she would think he didn't hear it. She kept calling, calling countless times, but no one answered the phone. She became more and more afraid. When she heard the sentence: "The phone you dialed was temporarily unanswered." She was anxious to drop the phone.

She called Situ's house, and it was Zhang Ma who answered that Mr. Situ had left in the morning, and she didn't know what was wrong.

She had a heart hanging, she didn't know what to do, and she didn't dare to leave, for fear that Situ Qing would appear in the next minute.

At noon, the sun was roasting hotly, and she didn't hide, she kept looking at the intersection.

No, I never saw him, Situ Qing, where are you, where are you? Please, don't scare me, don't have any trouble...

From nine o'clock in the morning to three o'clock in the afternoon, after several hours of long wait, the white and tender skin has been tanned.

She didn't believe that Situ Qing would miss the appointment, but she would rather he miss the appointment than something else happened.

These few hours were tremendous suffering for Bai Chichi, and it was the same for Situ Qing.

Under Situ Qing's arrangement, Wen Ruo's examination results came out after only a few hours. It was a bolt from the blue: leukemia! Still advanced leukemia.

A good friend of Situ Qing who worked in a military hospital was an expert in this area. He met Situ Qing as soon as he knew the situation.

After combining Wen Ruo's situation, the expert came to the conclusion: The treatment that can be done for a condition like her is nothing more than radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Situ knew what radiotherapy and chemotherapy meant early in the morning. In many cases, there was no cure at all, except to prolong life a little bit.

He didn't need to ask to know that if Wen wouldn't like that, she would rather live shorter, and live happily instead of tossing.

Sitting on a chair, Situ Qing, a man who has always felt that the world is in his hands, discovered for the first time that he was powerless about certain things. He put his hands deeply into his hair, not knowing how long he sat unconsciously.

The friend patted him on the shoulder and said softly: "I understand your mood, I really hope I can help you heal her."

Situ Qing raised his head, his eyes were blood red, and his tears were forcibly forced back. He asked in a low voice, "Liu Yue, how long can she live?"

"Radiotherapy and chemotherapy can last for one year, do nothing, you can last for half a year." His answer was simple, and Situ Qing knew that his conclusions were generally not wrong.

"Is there no other way? Western medicine doesn't work? What about Chinese medicine?" He grabbed his shoulder and asked.

"I can't rule out miracles. Chinese medicine may also help. But I still want to persuade you to see if she can do something for her while she is still there. She has any more wishes."

"I understand!" Situ Qing said.

"Thank you for coming, I'll go see Wenruo."

Situ Qing looked at Wen Ruo, and asked the medical staff not to tell her what disease she had.

Wen Ruo was already awake, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed and quietly looking out the window, only to hear Situ Qing's footsteps before turning his head back.

"Qing, what's wrong with me?" she asked softly.

"Tell you not to go to the night shift. You are not obedient. You are malnourished? Don't do this job in the future! Rest at home for a period of time." Situ Qing rarely makes any decisions without consulting her. It's strange.

However, his unquestionable attitude still kept her from raising any objections. Recently, she was very tired, very tired, and sometimes felt sore all over her body and didn't even want to go to work.

"Then I have a rest for a while, do I have anything else? I want to go home, I can't see the locust in the yard here."

Situ Qing knew that the acacia in the yard was pinning her thoughts on her parents, but he just didn't know that the acacia had another meaning, that was Wen Ruo's love for him.

Thinking of her parents, Situ Qing's heart seemed to be hit by a blunt instrument, and she couldn't breathe in pain.

He is not good, but he ignored Wenruo. If he can always be as strong as today, how could Wen Ruo's body be like this?

He owes her parents, and then owes her, this kind of self-blame may not disappear for a lifetime.

At this moment, he can no longer care about Bai Chi Chi, his mind is all on Wen Ruo.

He helped Wenruo out of the hospital, but the reason he didn't hug her was because she was too suspicious.

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