After getting in the car, Situ Qing noticed that the mobile phone was in the driver's seat. At this time, Bai Chichi had hit the battery and turned it off.

He thought that if he hadn't been there for so long, Bai Chichi would be anxious. Most of them would think that he had missed his appointment and ran away angrily. Waiting for him to explain this to her later.

When she returned home with Wen Ruo, she said she wanted to be alone and didn't want to talk. He also understood that she needed more rest, and seeing her pale face made his heart more painful.

After leaving her room, he was still thinking about Liu Yue's words in his mind, to see if she had any more wishes.

He asked Wen Ruo, but she would not say. Situ Qing remembered the locust tree outside Wen Ruo's window. Since she was a child, every year Wen Ruo had made a wish on her birthday. She would write that wish on the note and put it in a steel box buried under the locust tree.

He asked her many times what she wanted, and she said that she kept it secret.

At this time, he must know what she thinks.

He quietly came under the tree, took out the box full of secrets from the loose soil, carefully brushed the soil on it, and opened the box.

There were many notes in the silver box. He sat under the tree and took out the notes since she was a child.

At the age of ten, she wrote: I will marry Qing when I grow up.

His complexion became more and more serious, because since the age of ten, the same sentence was written on her note every year: I will marry Qing when I grow up.

The last note was written recently. Her birthday has not arrived yet. I don't know why she wrote it in advance.

This time is different from before, she wrote on it: I like you, Situ Qing! Dad asked me to choose one between you and Yuan. I saw that you didn't like me, and I was very uncomfortable. You like Bai Chichi, should I bless you? But I'm still a little jealous, am I a bad girl?

In this life, I only think about one thing, that is to marry you. It seems that I will never have this opportunity again.

Unconsciously, Situ Qing's face shed warm tears.

If he knew that the person she liked was him before he met Bai Chichi, how ecstatic he would be.

Now that there is Bai Chichi, he only feels moved and heavy.

Wenruo! The most selfless and poor Wenruo in the world!

Doesn't he even satisfy her only wish in this life?

He sat under the locust tree for a long, long time, looked at Wen Ruo's curtained window, and secretly made up his mind.

Situ Qing took the secret box and went to Situ Baichuan's room, and said softly, "Dad, can you go to the reception room with me?"

Situ Baichuan had never seen such a decadent look on his son's face, as if his face had completely lost its luster. He is the invincible Situ Qing and his proudest son. What happened to him was such a big blow.

He remembered that today was the day he went to register. Could it be that Bai Chichi regretted his marriage? Why did he come back with Wen Ruo?

His question was quickly answered, and Situ Qing went to the reception room and told his father all about the situation.

"Wen Ruo got leukemia, it is in the advanced stage. This is the box I got from under the locust tree, and it contains her wish. She wants to marry me. Dad, I hope you can agree to our marriage. Don't let Bai be too late. Knowing that I was going out happily this morning, let her think that I am a heartless person."

Situ Baichuan took what Situ Qing was holding and looked at it solemnly.

He also felt guilty in his heart, and he didn't realize that Wen Ruo had such thoughts earlier.

She really covered it up so well, even seeing Situ Qing's eyes were exactly the same as Situ Yuan's, so no one could guess her mind.

The entire Situ family owed Wenruo, and Situ Baichuan did not object to Situ Qing's decision.

"How long is Wenruo?" Situ Baichuan asked.

"It's not long, but I will try my best and will not give up." Situ Qing said firmly with his eyes.

Situ Baichuan nodded, shook his head when he got up from the chair, and sat back again.

If Wen had seen him since he was a child, just like his own daughter, he suddenly learned that she had suffered such a serious illness at such a young age. He really couldn't accept it.

"Dad, be strong! If Wen doesn't know the situation, we are still the same as before. If I said to marry her now, she might guess something. I will tell her first that I broke up with Bai Chichi."

"Yeah!" Situ Baichuan nodded weakly, and said, "You can arrange whatever you want. Dad feels really old recently."

Situ Baichuan's words made Situ Qing's nose sore. Yes, his father is old and he has been hit too much recently. I am afraid it is difficult for him to accept.

If there is a way to keep him from knowing, he really doesn't want to say, but he has no other way. He sent his father back to his room before returning to his bedroom, charged the phone, and turned on the phone.

Bai Chichi's incoming call information, as well as the messages she sent over worrying about him, kept ringing.

He had read every one and felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart, but he could only be cruel and delete all the information together.

Idiot, you will blame me, if you want to blame, blame me, hate me, I am wrong, I have not followed the agreement. I really hope I can do it myself, half with Wen Ruo, and half to take care of you.

Doppelganger... He thought of Situ Yuan, can it... No! She would feel it, and he couldn't accept that she and Situ Yuan were living together like husband and wife.

Idiot, can you wait for me? Wait until Wen Ruo... this kind of thought is really mean, and Situ Qing deeply blames himself.

He can't make such hopes, can't be so selfish, he should be free.

Maybe Fei Shifan can give her happiness, or another man. Thinking of other men around her, he squeezed his fist jealously, and slowly released it.

Just as he was thinking about what to do with Bai Chichi, the doorbell rang and he heard Zhang Ma's voice.

"Miss Bai! Are you here?"

"Is Qing here? Is Qing at home?" Bai Chichi's voice was very excited, even when he heard her voice trembling.

She was worried about him, and he had to tell her that he was safe, and asked her not to worry.

He stood up quickly, rushed to the door of the bedroom, slowed down again, turned back and picked up the silver steel box on the bed, and went out without rush.

Bai Chichi saw him, and the moment she saw him, she was filled with joy.

She rushed to him, looked at him up and down, and watched as tears flowed out.

"You're okay, Qing, I thought... it's nice that you're okay! You're okay!" She muttered, and came up to hug him.

Situ Qingzhen wanted to hug her well. If he knew that he loved this woman before, he should treat her better.

Isn't it that way, he won't feel so sorry and heartache when he wants to be separated?

He didn't hug her, but she embraced his waist enthusiastically, as if he was her lost baby.

"Qing, why didn't you go? Did something have been delayed? I waited for you for hours and waited, you **** actually let me dove!" From beginning to end, she had never thought about her man Will deliberately miss the appointment.

When someone like him says he likes her, he must really like her, or he strongly urges to get married. He has no reason to regret the marriage.

The moment Situ Qing grabbed her shoulder, his heart was twisted like a knife the moment his hand rested on her shoulder.

Only by taking a deep breath can he force himself to tear her away cruelly.

"Bai Chichi, I have something to discuss with you, let's go out for a while."

He didn't answer her, which made Bai Chichi quite surprised. For such a big matter, he should always explain if he missed an appointment?

She looked at him stupidly, and said in disbelief: "Situ Qing, you have forgotten what we made today?"

"I haven't forgotten, let's go, let's go out and talk, and I will explain to you." He was afraid that she would yell at Situ's house if she was out of control, Wen Ruo heard it. He wanted to soothe her emotions, but he also yearned to spend more time with her.

Bai Chi did not say anything, and followed Situ Qing's footsteps and left the door.

Situ Qing took her to a secluded place in the compound and stopped, and said softly, "Bai Chichi, I may have to say sorry to you."

"What?" She looked up at him, her eyes full of doubts.

In fact, at this moment, she also had a bad premonition in her heart, which she deliberately avoided.

"I like Wenruo, you know..." She didn't want him to say, she didn't want him to say, she didn't want to listen.

She covered her ears and said to him: "I know, didn't I say not to be jealous? So, this matter is no longer an obstacle between us. Situ Qing, I don't care, you can take care of her, I can Take care of her with you."

Situ Qing’s heart hurts again, but the expression on his face is very relaxed, even with a slight smile, he said nonchalantly: "Listen to me first, I like her, but why didn’t I talk to her? Together? Because she doesn't like me, at least I think so. Yuan told me a secret today, saying that if Wen likes me, I got the box with her wish written on it. That's it." He said and said. Yang Yang's box in his hand, his hands were trembling, but Bai did not notice it.

"It says that Wen Ruo likes Situ Qing, she wants to marry Situ Qing! How happy I am to know this, do you know? After so many years, I finally know that she likes me. I am like being in a rainy day. People who have been for tens of thousands of years suddenly saw the sun, and they were ecstatic."

"No!" Bai Chichi shook his head violently.

"I don't believe it, Situ Qing, I don't believe it, you must have something to hide from me. What happened? Is it because Wenruo is sick? I can..."

"You are not allowed to talk nonsense! If Wen is good, are you cursing her?" Situ Qing frowned tightly, and his tone was cold.

"You said you loved me last night!" Bai Chi was not reconciled, she always felt that Situ Qing was lying to her, he was not a backer, he was not.

The corners of Situ Qing's mouth became more curved and larger, and his dark face was full of no-cuts.

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