Sanjiu had already untied the ribbons of the swimsuit behind her, revealing her fair back, and then lay on the edge of the bathtub, with a touch of shyness on her cheeks, and said softly, "My lord, I will trouble you."

"it is good."

Su Mu nodded, picked up the bath ball, and rubbed it on her soft and smooth back.


Sanjiu's brows furrowed, a painful expression appeared on her face, her rosy lips opened slightly, and she let out a soft sound.

"What's wrong with you?"

Su Mu hurriedly asked.

"Well, it would be nice if... Mrs. Husband could be more gentle."

Sanjiu bit her lips lightly, her cheeks slightly flushed, and said softly.

So Su Mu lowered his strength, Sanjiu closed his eyes, and there was an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"My lord, I want it too!"

Seeing this, Yotsuba hurriedly lay beside her and shouted.


Su Mu used a rubbing ball in one hand and rubbed it on the backs of the two of them.

Seeing that her two sisters had taken a step ahead, Er 2 hesitated for a while, made up her mind, and lay down beside San Jiu, and said with a guilty conscience: "That..., rub it for me too."

"Then I'll ask you too."

Yihua also came over, her cheeks rosy and authentic.

Looking at the curvy, fair and smooth backs of the four girls, Su Mu was speechless, then looked at May.

"You... what do you think I'm doing? I won't let anyone rub my back casually."

May was a little flustered.

"Since you don't want to participate, then forget it.

You can only be excluded from the five sisters."

Su Mu nodded solemnly.

"Hey row...exclude"

May swallowed her saliva, her face turned pale, and her voice trembled.

"Then...then I want you to rub my back."

She blushed, lying on the edge of the bathtub, showing her back: her voice was low, as if she was saying something unspeakable.

Afterwards, Su Mu held a 1 rubbing ball in each hand, and helped the five sisters rub their backs: rub these two for a while, then rub the other sides for a while.

"Um...I think you can push harder."

"Yeah! Sir, you hurt me!"

"It's our turn! You are so biased! For so long with Sanjiu and Er2nao!"

"Ah, it's really comfortable to have a warm back on your back."

Clover's cheeks were flushed, she narrowed her eyes, and let out a long breath.

The other four also looked satisfied, only Su Mu was sweating profusely and was almost too busy.

Sure enough, there are too many wives, and it is very troublesome to take a shower.

He sighed inwardly.

"That..., back: After rubbing, do you want to rub your legs for you?"

Su Mu coughed lightly, earnestly.


The cheeks of the five sisters flushed slightly, then they looked at each other, suddenly laughed, and nodded together.

"One, two, two, three!"

Then, ten little hands twisted around him.

"I'm here again, I just want to help you rub your legs!"

Su Mu took a deep breath.

"Humph! This is a punishment for your husband!"

Sanjiu puffed out her cheeks and said in a quiet and authentic tone.

"That's right!"

Chapter [-]

━━━━━━━━ Cat Maid Miku

After taking a bath, Su Mu drew character cards for his family to experience the game tomorrow, but fortunately, this time he didn't draw ghost characters like father and son, and he drew his husband again, which made him relieved.

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