Also relieved are the five Nakano sisters.

After all, with the embarrassing experience last time, they don't want to have another father who is about their age, or a son who is about the same age.

"However, I also really want to experience other roles."

Clover sighed, a little regretful.

"What if he becomes your son and asks you to breastfeed him?"

May said lightly by the side.

"Hey hello... breastfeeding"

Clover's face instantly flushed red, and she subconsciously lowered her head and glanced at her plump beast.

"Do you think I'm a pervert?"

Su Mu suddenly had a black line on his forehead.

"Humph! It's impossible to say."

May snorted softly, distrust in his eyes.

"That's right."

Two 2 was holding his hands and nodded.

"Is there anyone who slanders your husband so much?"

Su Mu raised the card in his hand, his face became serious, and he pretended to be angry: "You two are not in a hurry to kneel down and apologize to your husband."

The five Nakano sisters looked at each other, then smiled slightly, and ten little hands twisted around him.

"Hey! Don't screw it!"

Su Mu quickly admitted defeat.

The five sisters smiled proudly and took their hands away.

"That..., I remember that I bought a lot of clothes during the day. In fact, I can wear them now. Let me appreciate it and add some fun between husband and wife."

Su Mu suddenly remembered.

The cheeks of the five sisters immediately turned red.

Think about the clothes you bought during the day... Do you want to turn the living room into a zoo? "My husband is getting more and more lustful, it's really annoying."

Yihua stroked her cheek and sighed, "What should I do?"

"Punish him, wash fat times!"

2 glared at Su Mu and shouted.

"Kneeling on the washboard."

May followed the road.

"Sleep in the living room tonight."

Sanjiu puffed out her cheeks.

"...Is it an illusion? Why does it feel like my status is getting lower and lower?"

Su Mu was suddenly speechless.

It wasn't like this yesterday! "Haha, the relationship between husband and wife in reality is like this."

A flower couldn't help but laugh.

...At night, Sanjiu sneaked in as usual after everyone fell asleep.

"Jun Su Mu..."

she called softly.

Su Mu turned on the light and rubbed his eyes, wondering if he had read it wrong.

I saw that Sanjiu was wearing a black maid suit, with two cat ears standing on top of her head, cat claw gloves on her hands, and a long tail dragging her back. Black stockings perfectly set off her slender and straight legs. .

This is... a cat maid suit "Miku, why would you wear this kind of clothes"

He couldn't help asking, remembering that when she was shopping for clothes during the day, she tried on a bunny dress, and she was so shy that she fainted.

But now, her condition is not much better, her two long black silk legs are trembling slightly, her face is full of blush, her lips are tightly pressed, her little hands are shrunk in front of her nervously, and it seems that she will cry in the next moment. come out.

"In the living room just now, didn't Su Mujun say that he wanted to see it?"

Although Sanjiu was very shy, she still smiled slightly, her voice soft and authentic.

"Well, I just didn't expect you to take the initiative to wear it."

Su Mu nodded.

"Because...because Su Mujun has always said that he wants to see it, I think instead of letting others wear it, I might as well wear it for you first."

Sanjiu puffed out her cheeks, held the kitten's paw, and said in a fit of anger.

She also has cat whiskers painted on her face. When she is angry, she looks like a little cat with fried fur, which is very cute.

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