Su Mu was a little dumbfounded, probably because she had always wanted Er 2 to be worn by them, so she planned to do it first.

"But, didn't you disagree in the living room before?"

he asked.

"That...that's because Su Mujun can only see what I wear."

A faint blush appeared on Sanjiu's snow-white face, she smiled shyly, and said softly, "In the future, I can wear whatever Su Mujun wants to see."


"Didn't Su Mujun say that this is a normal thing between husband and wife?"

Sanjiu suddenly covered her flushed face, both shy and sweet, and said in a subtle voice, "We...are we not husband and wife now?"

Su Mu silently supported his forehead, he said that this is a common thing between husband and wife, just casually talking about it, after all, he has never been married.

However, I didn't expect Sanjiu to completely believe his words, but this seems to be not bad.

He walked over, suddenly noticed the cat's tail behind her, couldn't help grabbing it, and then walked back.


As soon as Su Mu grabbed the tail, Sanjiu's cheeks flushed, and with a soft yawn, he involuntarily pulled him over, "Don't...don't pull my tail."

Su Mu pulled her to the chair and sat down, suddenly felt that something was sitting there, he snorted lightly, picked it up and looked at it, it was a small leather whip, something that was given away from the shop during the day.

"Hey little... little leather whip, does Su Mujun want to whip me?"

Sanjiu saw that Su Mu suddenly picked up the small leather whip, her face turned pale, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, and her voice trembled slightly.

No... Didn't you say you were just wearing a suit? Why don't you keep your word! Su Mu's forehead was covered in black lines. He looked at the small leather whip in his hand, and then at Sanjiu's black silk, and coughed lightly. With a sound, he quickly hid behind him, "That..., no, it's just that I accidentally put it here during the day..."

"It's okay, if Su Mujun really wants to play."

Sanjiu bit her lip, summoned up her courage, and said softly, "But you can only pump lightly, don't hurt me."

Su Mu was a little speechless, he was not that perverted! Then he threw away the things in his hand.

"Why did you throw it away"

Sanjiu was taken aback.

"That's fine."

Su Mu coughed lightly.


Sanjiu thought he was caring about herself, and was a little moved, so she said softly, "Then what does my husband want to see tomorrow?"

"Bunny girl."

Su Mu said without hesitation, "The day after tomorrow is a dog maid, the day after tomorrow is..."

Sanjiu suddenly blushed.

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Chapter [-]

━━━━━━━━ Now it's good, the house has become a zoo

The time soon came to the afternoon of the next day.

The father of the Nakano sisters is coming back tonight, so Su Mu is going back today.

This made him a little regretful, although when they were their husbands, there were five times as much trouble and pain, but also five times as much joy and happiness.

But after lunch, the five sisters ran away without a trace, and hid in their rooms one by one.

"My lord, I'll leave the dishwashing work to you!"

"I'm going to memorize the script, please sir."

"I went to my room to study."

"I went to see the game guide, and yesterday's clothes, please collect them."

"Also, the floor will be mopped."

Looking at the empty dining table and the messy leftovers on it, the corners of Su Mu's mouth twitched.

On their first day, they were still very virtuous and industrious! After a long time, they revealed their lazy side... Could it be that this is the true face of married life? Su Mu sighed helplessly, Then he rolled up his sleeves and took the dishes to the sink to wash them clean.

After finishing everything, he sat on the sofa and watched TV alone to pass the time.

Just then, footsteps sounded behind him.

Su Mu looked back subconsciously, and saw a girl wearing a panda suit appearing behind him.

She was wearing a white top, a black short skirt, white stockings wrapped around one leg and black stockings on the other leg, panda ears on top of her head, and panda paw gloves on her hands, she looked very cute.

"Hey you are..."

Su Mu let out a sigh and asked subconsciously.

"Hehe, I'm Yotsuba! How is it, cute?"

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