Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1231: Liquidation

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In the vast expanse of space, a space scene suddenly appeared stretched, and the stretched phenomenon returned to normal after a while. When the space returned to normal, there was an extra starship in this space.


In the control room, Allen tapped the handrail with his fingers and asked, "Do you know where we are?"

"I haven't left the star field yet, young master." The captain replied. The so-called star field is naturally the vast star field where the heaven star is located.

"Have you found the source of signal interference?" Allen asked again.

"Starting the self-check system..." The captain stared at the screen, and a series of data were constantly beating on it, and soon the result came out: "I found it, there are multiple signal sources on the outer armor of our hull. Already. Start an external current detonation."

Bright electric currents flashed on the ship of the Dawn. They moved back and forth around the ship. The strong electric current detonated the trackers attached to the armor of the fuselage. The captain exhaled when the signal sources on the screen disappeared. One of the readings on the screen suddenly rose up, and his face changed and he shouted: "Master, the space readings have changed, and there will be passages in the nearby space soon. Turn it on!"

As soon as the words were finished, the starship shook, which was caused by the shock waves generated when a nearby space channel opened. The space behind the starship was reflected on the big screen, and a dark purple vertical pattern appeared. The vertical lines began to expand towards both sides, stretching out into an elliptical shape, the passage continued to expand, and soon formed a full circle. The exit of this circular channel flashes with purple light, and the edge of the light purple streamer constantly radiates and swims, and circles of invisible waves spread from the exit of the channel to the surrounding space, like that invisible undercurrent.

The Dawn was in these undercurrents, and the hull was shaken.

Something came out of the exit of the passage, and Allen could see that it was the front end of a starship. The bow alone is more than ten times larger than the Dawn. It can be imagined that this is a huge monster comparable to a battleship.

"Evasion," Allen said.

The Dawn’s engine team began to work, and the electric fire ejected from several tail engines offset the influence of the space undercurrent and began to move away from the space channel. Judging from the big screen, a large starship has jumped out of the passage, with skeletons on each side of the starship, revealing a dark and evil smell.

Red Skull!

After tracking the coordinates of the Aurora after leaving the channel, Stark immediately ordered the starship to pursue it. Through precise positioning technology, the Red Skull appeared directly in space not far from the Aurora. When Allen saw the pirate emperor's car on the screen, so did Stark. Standing on the bridge, he looked at the Dawn on the screen, coldly squeezing out two words: "Attack."

On the screen, it is easy to see that the big guy comparable to a battleship is constantly raising the fort. Allen took a breath and said, "Ready to fight."

Then he sat back to his position.

"Open the defensive barrier!"

"The weapon platform is ready!"

The captain kept issuing instructions, and soon a defensive barrier was added to the Dawn, which looked like a faint blue blister enveloping the hull. As soon as he was ready, a crimson light beam swept across the barrier, causing a small ripple to appear on the barrier, and then more light beams flew from behind the Dawn. All beam turrets on the Red Skull were fully fired, frantically shooting the Dawn, which was much smaller than it.

At this time, the tail engine of the Dawn made a great electric fire, pushing the starship forward like a cannonball. Many artillery fires on the Red Skull fell through, leaving a series of fireballs behind the Dawn.

The interior of the starship kept shaking, and Allen asked, "Can you open the channel?"

The captain said with embarrassment: "It's difficult, master. We are under attack. Even if we open the channel, we will be affected. If we are lucky, we may just throw the channel. If we are not lucky, the channel will collapse. It is a devastating disaster for us!"

"In that case..." Allen squinted his eyes: "I can only fight back."

After all, the Dawn is not a combat starship. Even though it is equipped with a weapon platform, neither firepower nor ammunition can be compared with a big guy like the Red Skull. With the flexibility of the starship and the interference interception of the turrets, it can last a while, but it will never last. More importantly, once the barrier load disappears, the starship that loses its protection will definitely not be able to withstand a round of artillery bombardment by the Red Skull with its outer armor alone.

After a chase, the Dawn ventured into the nearby meteorite group, using the meteorite group to block a burst of enemy artillery fire, allowing the defensive barrier to get precious buffer time. But after leaving the meteorite group, there were no more shelters in the nearby space to dodge, and the captain's forehead had already burst into fine beads of sweat.

Allen looked at the big screen and suddenly asked, "Scan to see if there are any planets nearby for landing."

The Dawn immediately launched a circle of detection wave energy, scanning several nearby large and small planets in a few seconds, and soon the data was fed back to the brain screen on the ship. The captain hurriedly said: "Find one, Young master. The data shows that the surface temperature of the planet is twice that of the earth, and the volume is only one-third, but there is atmosphere and water. The life reading is C, obviously there is no intelligent life, and the living conditions are average, but if you just stay temporarily, the problem is not Big."

"Very well, enter that planet immediately and let us fight inside the planet." Allen said solemnly.

The Dawn immediately changed its direction and flew towards a pale yellow planet in the Red Skull’s fire.

On the Red Skull, Stark whispered: "Follow them, it seems they want to fight us inside the planet. In other words, they have masters on board, which is interesting. Are you on it, Alan? "

The two starships just chased and flew towards the inside of the planet. The Dawn first entered the planet's atmosphere, and the starship wiped out two flames in the atmosphere, like a pair of giant flame wings. After a while, the Red Skull also entered the atmosphere. At this time, all the turrets could not work properly, so Stark stopped attacking.

Allen was sitting in the seat, and the red light in the control room lit up his face. After the starship passed through the atmosphere, the hull finally stabilized. The front baffle was folded, and you could see through the hull window that the interior of this planet was definitely not calm. Horizontally in front of the Dawn was a flashing electrical cloud. The starship had to raise a defensive barrier to prevent the current in the cloud from interfering with the normal operation of the instruments on the starship.

The Dawn was thrown into the electric cloud, like a stone thrown into the lake, without causing much reaction. Soon after, the Red Skull also passed through the atmosphere and appeared above the electrical cloud. At this time, the Red Skull had lost sight of the Dawn, and the interference of the electrical cloud also affected the Red Skull's lock, but this could not affect Stark's determination to pursue it.

He made a simple gesture, and the Red Skull dived into the electrical cloud. As soon as it entered the clouds, countless tree-trunk-like currents lashed the starship frantically, but blocked the starship's defensive barrier. Even so, the interior of the starship was still shaking.

At this time, the Dawn had successfully passed through the electrical cloud and came to a relatively calm high altitude. From a high altitude, the planet is full of mountain peaks and rocky areas. Plants are rarely seen, and lakes and oceans are even rarer. The air is full of many harmful substances, but it is not a big deal for a powerful person like Allen, but it is difficult for ordinary humans to survive or move on this planet without protective measures. .

The Dawn finally landed on a high ground. Allen asked Bai to stay on the starship in order to protect the starship from attack. He also asked all non-combatants on board, including the captain, to stay. He took Belmode with him. Several people got off the starship. After the Shenglong deck fell to the ground, Allen walked down the deck and looked at the sky above him. There was a shadow in the electrical cloud that almost covered the entire sky.

Allen snorted coldly and pointed to a relatively flat ground below the high ground. Belmode several people knew, and each left the high ground in its own way.

Clouds of dark fog disappeared, and finally Belmode walked out of the dark fog. When he walked out of the black fog, he was already wearing the armor of dark fire, activating the original sin of chaos, Belmode appeared like a black knight on the ground that was about to become a battlefield; compared to Belmode , Hubble looked much rougher, and the Catu jumped directly from the high ground, staggering through the air like a cannonball, making a roar like a heavy artillery cannonball flying at low altitude. He smashed into the ground roughly, smashing a shallow pit directly on the ground. The Catu smashed his mouth and didn’t know what to say, and then shook a double-edged battle axe specially for him by Lins from the shallow pit. I walked out; probably only Lola appeared normal among the three. She swooped up from the high ground in a graceful manner, but activated the call of the original ancestor on the way, waiting for her to drag the blood-shaking giant sword to arrive On the ground, he had transformed into a violent orc posture.

After the three of them reached the ground, a stream of fire fell from the sky, and sparks splashed on the ground. The splashing flames still burned on the ground without any vegetation. In the light of the remnant flames, Alan struck the ground with a long knife. Holding the hilt of the red king with his hand, looking up at the expanding shadow in the electric cloud.

Finally, the Red Skull came out of the cloud. Several cloud pillars still carrying electric current were dragged down by the starship, until the starship completely separated from the clouds, the giant ship was reluctantly released. The Red Skull hovered in midair a kilometer away, casting a beam of light from the bottom of the hull. A shadow fell in the beam of light, Alan's pupils shrank slightly, and his gaze immediately narrowed, so he saw Stark's perfectly handsome face.

When he saw Stark, the latter also saw him. The eyes of the two met in midair, and their eyes sparked like a real spark.

Stark fell to the ground, and behind him were two sword slaves and Diego. On top of his head, there were blue-skinned shield slaves over five meters tall. When these blue giants fell on the ground carrying a huge shield full of spikes, the ground was obviously shocked.

A kilometer away, Stark’s indifferent voice sounded in his ears. Everyone, including Allen, could hear clearly: "It turns out it's really you, Allen. I'm still thinking in case it is wrong. I’m in vain, then I’m in vain. From this point of view, destiny is still on my side."

Alan looked at Stark. He looked carefully, looking down from Stark's face. When the line of sight fell on his prosthetic arm equipped with a robotic arm, Stark's body could obviously be felt trembling slightly, and then Allen laughed.

Laughter is as harsh as Stark’s ears.

Stark snorted coldly, and his voice overwhelmed Allen's laughter: "Are you scared crazy? But you should be scared, Allen, because you have nowhere to go."

Allen stopped laughing, squinted and said, "I'm happy."

"Oh, I don't think you have anything to be happy about in such a situation."

Allen shook his head and looked at the demon-like man saying every word: "Of course, I am happy because you are still alive! What makes me even more happy is that I can avenge my grandpa by myself!"

Stark sneered: "Really? That's interesting. Can you tell me where your confidence comes from?"

"It's okay to tell you, but before that. Can you tell me first, Diego, why are you here?" Allen's gaze turned away and fell on another person next to Stark.


For some reason, when Allen's eyes fell in time, Diego subconsciously took a step back and blocked most of his body with Stark. Then he realized that this was an obvious sign of weakness, and suddenly he felt a hot glow on his face. There was a time when he didn't put Alan in his eyes. But now, he retreated with a look at the other side?

Before he could answer, Stark already laughed and said: "You should know that it was Idahuaxing who gave the information of the Twilight Son to the Earth Federation, and that was the result of the series of events. But have you ever thought about it? Who told Ida Huaxing this information?"

Allen's eyes still fell on Diego.

"Yes, it's Mr. Diego." Stark laughed: "Of course, I was the one who planned all this. But without Mr. Diego's help, I couldn't send this information to Ai smoothly. In the hands of Dahuaxing people. How, it feels uncomfortable to be betrayed by your own kind, right?"

"It turned out to be like this." Allen exhaled and said, "In this way, everything will come to light."

He looked at Diego: "I won't accuse you of anything, but since you have done it, you should think of being responsible for everything you do. Then today is the day of liquidation between us."

Allen's eyes fell back to Stark: "Today, none of you want to leave!"

In his eyes there is a wild fire dancing!

Almost at the same time, Allen and Stark were in awe at the same time.

Stark has black hair flying, dancing wildly behind his head like thousands of black snakes, his eyes are shining with seven different lights, and there are gleaming lights around his body. Naturally, it is not a band of light, but a crack in space!

At the same time, the eighteen blue-skinned shield slaves behind Stark sprinted, and these giants ran on the ground like a group of ancient mammoths. In the blue-skinned shield slave, two purple figures are now appearing, but Meili's two sword slaves are also mixed in between.

At this time Stark said: "What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for him to harvest your head? Mr. Diego, now you should have no choice?"

Diego glared at Stark bitterly, opened up with an anger, and rushed out with a gun. He came first, and after a few breaths, he passed the two sword slaves and became the forefront of the striker.

Behind Allen, the Belmode three also rushed forward, blocking the miscellaneous soldiers for Allen, so as to leave him a battlefield against Stark alone.

Allen started walking towards Stark.

When he took the first step, the light in the sky began to dim. Stark keenly sensed the abnormal qi in the space, and when he raised his head, he saw a light faintly appearing in the electrical cloud.

"You know? Actually I never hated the so-called brothers I met on the Burning Road. In front of you, there are Sergris and Karin. They all came to kill me, and they used all means... …"

Allen's voice came from a distance, but Stark didn't lower his head. He already saw the light in the electric cloud getting more and more bright. The clouds seemed to be lit, and behind the clouds, a fire was gradually spreading.

"In fact, we are all sad characters on this road. The road to burning blood is a destiny we cannot refuse. After all, we are all puppets under the line of destiny, so I don’t hate them, even if they Do everything possible to kill me."

"But you are different, Stark!"

Stark finally lowered his head, and then his whole body was shaken.

There was fire in Allen's eyes. This is not a metaphor, but a real flame! His skin began to show a reddish color, and in that reddish skin, fireworks were flying in the blood vessels from time to time. The scenery around Allen became distorted. The temperature of the nearby space had risen to a terrible height, so after Allen passed by, the ground burned without fire.

A deep, black flame rose under his feet. This circle of black flames did not burst or fly. It is more like a cloud of fog, slowly rising and permeating, covering Allen's body in it. Not only did it block Stark's sight, Stark's induction could not even penetrate this layer of fog and fire, and Allen immediately became blurred in his perception.

"You dragged those irrelevant people in. Lucy had to leave me because of my disappearance in the explosion of the Iron Prison. You almost took everything from me, Stark. I hate someone like I do now!"

On both sides of the fog and fire ~www.readwn.com~ there are strands of pale flames appearing in the air. They are joined together to form two white long swords floating in the air. The two white swords were constantly dissipating Cang Yan from both sides of the sword. At this time, in the fog and fire, the skin on Allen's forehead cracked, and a diamond-shaped spar rose. There is a brown vertical line in this spar, and the eyes of a foreign object are looking at the world through Allen.

The sky rumbling loudly.

Stark looked up and saw the falling sparks in the sky, and the entire space was stained with a dark red. The electrical cloud on that day has completely burned, just like the picture in Stark's dream.

"Impossible..." Stark finally cried out: "Impossible, this can't be true."

"Let's settle all this, Stark!" Allen made a wave of his hand, and a Baidi sword on the left side shot towards Stark. Read this chapter on mobile phone:

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