Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1232: Skyfire is a knife

Stark raised his arm and flicked his finger. A colorful belt of light on his side stopped towards the Baidi Sword. This spatial crack flashed towards the Baidi Sword, and the two collided, but the Baidi Sword got through the light belt of the spatial crack without being affected in any way. Stark's heart was shocked. Following Lucy's Golden Rose, his space crack failed again. He didn't know that the bullet fired by Jin Qiangwei had the ability to penetrate all defenses, and it was a real attack. The Baidi Sword is the projection of the spirit of the sword pillar in the lava well. It is neither substantive nor source force simulation, and the spatial light belt is naturally unstoppable.

In a blink of an eye, the Baidi sword stabbed!

Stark leaned back anxiously, and the Baidi Sword flashed past his forehead, cutting off a few strands of his hair, but still rushing forward. He pulled back his body and looked back, but saw that the white flame sword swept several hundred meters and then turned and rose straight toward the sky. The Baidi sword dragged the pale tail flames, blasting into the sky like a missile. In the sky, it is Stark's Red Skull!

Stark's pupils shrank: "Could it be that?"

At this time, the Red Skull was also aware of the threat, and several high-speed energy guns hung from the bottom of the hull, the gun barrels were adjusted to the angle, and they all fired. In an instant, crimson energy beams staggered and intercepted, undoubtedly the artillery fire was intertwined into a dense firepower net. If the Baidi Sword was really a missile, it has now been successfully intercepted and detonated by the Red Skull. It's a pity that the Baidi Sword can't even intercept space cracks, not to mention these energy beams.

So Stark could only do his best to eject two staggered colorful light bands, but looked helplessly as the Baidi sword passed through the gunfire, through the cracks in his space, and finally sank into the bottom of the Red Skull hull. .

After a while, the starship swayed like a drunk drunkard, and the Red Skull's bow swayed violently as if it were out of control, and a muffled sound and metallic groans could be heard from inside the hull. Stark stared dumbfoundedly as a white light pierced from the middle of the hull, bringing out sparks from the canopy and countless pieces of flying parts. Then more white light flew out from many corners of the Red Skull, and the starship had become riddled with holes in a blink of an eye. A stream of thick black smoke was ejected from the gap in the hull along with the flame, and the starship began to tilt and slide down. . In the process, some aliens were even thrown out of the ship, falling from high altitude screaming, and falling into mud on the ground.

Suddenly a dazzling fire spurted from the middle section of the hull, where the Baidi Sword was most frequently attacked. The hull structure was severely damaged. In addition, the huge inertia of the fall made the hull structure unbearable, and the hull disintegrated. . The Red Skull finally broke into two pieces during the rotation, and the front and rear half of the hull flew in different directions, and finally landed on the ground more than ten kilometers away. Two fires rose in the direction of the landing site, followed by a continuous explosion of earth-shattering, the rushing flame almost licked the high-altitude electrical cloud, and the shock wave of the explosion passed by Stark and Allen. Blowing Stark's black hair upside down, covering most of his face.

After the shock wave disappeared, the starship's impact point had already turned into a sea of ​​flames. No matter how you looked at it, the Red Skull was finished.

"Now, you have nowhere to go, right?"

Stark turned his head, and in the rising dark flame, Alan's cold voice came from behind the fog and fire.

"So you went to my starship from the beginning!" Stark said bitterly, even though there was no Red Skull, he still had other starships to lead, but he wouldn't be able to leave without the Red Skull. This nameless planet. It's just that Allen's move slapped him hard, after all, Allen destroyed the Red Skull under his nose, and he couldn't stop it.

"Then I have to see who is the dead dog who has nowhere to go!" He snorted coldly, his body flickering and flicking towards Allen. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and flicked, flashing away with colorful lights on his side.

Allen greeted him straight, and his heart moved, leaving another Baidi sword to spin away. It easily pierced through the cracks in the space and slashed towards Stark's waist. The latter's feet slammed into the ground, and people rose into the sky, causing the Baidi Sword to be cut. But when he was in the air, Stark suddenly felt the domineering force above his head pressed down. He looked up, and the sky was a little bit of white fireflies flickering, like blossoming jasmine flowers.

Those white fireflies expanded rapidly, turning out to be a little bit of flames. Thousands of blue flames gathered in the air like a school of fish returning to the sea, and in a flash, they recondensed into a white flame sword and shot down, taking Stark's back!

Stark yelled, and his skin quickly turned red, and from red to purple, the pirate emperor's vitality skyrocketed at the same time, and the surrounding space was even distorted by the terrible source of power.

Second paragraph of blood!

Stark, who obtained Dolby's talent through the natural disaster circuit, gained violent power with the second-stage blood-reverse ability. He stretched out his hand towards the ground, and the ground immediately swelled and shattered, forming a pair of palm prints. With the help of the air machine, he drew himself back to the ground from mid-air, so the Baidi sword that fell from the sky shot into the air.

At this time, Allen drilled through the gap between the two spaces, rolled on the ground, and jumped into the air with his strength. The Red King held high in his hands, and the blade spewed black and red bursts of flame. After the fog and fire, Alan gave a sigh, and the Scarlet King cut down. The surrounding sparks flew down, and all merged into the explosion, and the color of the flame completely changed to a deep black. At the end of the knife, Stark's long clothes tucked his feet, and the ground near his feet ignited spontaneously.

And that blow is even more powerful, and it has the power to open the mountain and divide the sea! Stark let out a sullen sigh first, and his Qi dissipated and suppressed, and the flames on his clothes and feet were suppressed by him. He just raised his fist, took a step back, and the front of the fist pushed the edge of the red king.

The two were shocked at the same time.

Stark's long dress suddenly bulged, and suddenly there were wisps of vermilion sky fire from underneath it.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The majestic air machine burst and burns the long clothes, and Stark's purple skin is more than purple, deep and nearly black. He retreated several steps, and a few bloodshot eyes could not be restrained from the corner of his mouth.

The blast on Allen's knife then gave Stark a punch and sealed it back into the Scarlet King. The force countercurrently intruded into Allen's body along the knife. Alan opened his mouth, and the dark burst of fire spewed from his mouth, turning into a fire dragon and still blasting towards Stark. But in that fire dragon, you can see little red blood drops. It was just that these blood beads were quickly urged by the flames, so fast that even Stark could not find them.

When the fire dragon blasted, Stark sneered and stretched out his fingers, and drew a circle towards the rushing fire wave. Suddenly there was an ambiguous round spot in front of him, and the fire dragon plunged into the round spot and disappeared. Before he could stop the fire dragon, he suddenly felt that the two domineering machines were attacking from side to side. It turned out to be the two Baidi swords before Alan. Two Baiyan long swords, one on the left and the other on the right, interspersed with each other, like a dragon. One flew straight, like an electric flash. In the face of these two almost unsolvable Baidi swords, Stark had no choice but to evade.

Allen took the opportunity to slash and take Stark's chest. The two Baidi swords that cut the air on the left and right made a turn in the air, and then attacked back with tricky angles. For a while, Stark was like being besieged by three strong men. This feeling made him feel so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

The battle between Alan and Stark started here, and the battle on the other side was about to end in the blink of an eye.

It is true that the two sword slaves and eighteen shield slaves that Stark has painstakingly cultivated have their own extraordinary features, coupled with a strong Diego, this force is completely elite. However, the quality of the three followers on Allen's side is much higher than that of Stark's side.

The strongest of the three is Hubble. After so many experiences, this strong Catu is now at level 28. This level of strength is enough to shock one party whether it is thrown in the Federation or the Heavenly Star. Now Hubble is facing the blue-skinned shield slave who is the most powerful on Stark, it is simply a one-sided massacre. Hubble didn't even need to activate the fallen body, relying only on his own strength and combat skills, the double-edged great axe in his hand swept across, and there was a **** storm everywhere.

The blue-skinned shield slave's thorn shield was like paper in front of Hubble's giant axe. Under the superimposition of the weight of the giant axe itself and Hubble's source power, even one axe could not stop it. When the tomahawk crosses, the shield is broken. So Hubble ran into the blue-skinned shield slave, but it took a moment to kill most of it.

Belmod, who was slightly weaker than Hubble, faced Diego. Even though he was not as powerful as Hubble, he could activate the original sin of chaos. Belmod, who became a black knight, still stably controlled Diego’s power. War gun. Despite the exquisite combat skills of Diego's gun, he still couldn't break through the encirclement formed by Belmode's Chaos Blade. After a long battle, Diego has been tainted by the negative energy of Chaos, and his combat power is being consumed by Belmode.

During the fierce battle, Diego took the time to glance at the battlefield, and retired in his heart. The blue-skinned shield slaves have almost wiped out Hubble. Once Hubble beheads the last shield slave and helps Belmode, then it will be his death. He didn't know that Belmode hadn't sacrificed the Eye of Original Sin, otherwise the two big killers would come out, and Diego would have been defeated early.

As for Laura, although she alone fought against Stark's two strongest sword slaves, she still had the upper hand. If there are ten offensives, Lola will account for at least 65% of the offensive, and Meili's two sword slaves will only account for the remaining 30%. They defended more and attacked less, and under the suppression of Lola's original ancestor's calling posture, the two sword slaves felt very difficult to use.

In the posture that the original ancestor called, Lola surpassed the two sword slaves in terms of strength and speed. In addition, the blood-shaking great sword that continuously sheds the dark red cutting wave energy is not the sword slave's good quality at best. Broadsword is comparable. Regardless of its own strength or the quality of weapons, the sword slaves are at a disadvantage, how can such a battle be fought. Especially after the Red Skull was destroyed by Alan with a Baidi sword, the fighting spirit of the two of Mei Li plummeted.

After another weapon confrontation, the broad sword in Mei Li's hand could no longer withstand the slash of blood. The broad sword was centered and broke. The broken blade revolved and reflected the halo, jumping out of a place more than ten meters away, and plunged into the ground with a sound. Melly lost her mind and caught it with Lola. The latter lifted his long legs, pressed them lightly on Meili's chest, and kicked them hard. While the circular shock wave dissipated, Mei Lifei fell out. When Ying's feet flew upside down, she heard the dense sound of bone breaking from her chest!


The other sword slave yelled, and the broad sword swung purple sword patterns, attacking Lola frantically.

Melly fell to the ground and turned around. She got up instinctively, but heard her sister yell in front: "Be careful, get down!"

In a trance, she only saw a burst of blood burst coming. When the line of sight was refocused, he could see that the blood electricity turned out to be the instant blood in Lola's hand. Laura used the giant sword as a javelin, first withdrew from the sword slave's attack circle, and then delivered her full energy to cast instant blood. The giant sword dragged the red light like electricity, and drew a wave of air on the ground and flashed away. Just as Mei Li got up, the sword slave screamed earth-shaking, and grabbed Xiang Chaxue with both hands, trying to stop the giant sword.

Seen from a distance, I saw a blood cell being held by Mei Li, but it still passed through her chest. The flesh and blood of Mei Li's hands were almost cut to the edge of the sword, and the giant sword finally stopped, but half of the sword body still came out from behind her. Mei Li opened her mouth, trying to say something, but finally fell down. Chaxue supported her body and became a cruel scenery on the battlefield.

The remaining sword slave furiously attacked with the sword, Lola didn't have any blood in her hand, and was forced to retreat again and again. Suddenly the flying purple sword light was cut off by a black shadow, and then Lola heard Hubble’s big

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Shou, it turns out that the Catu people have killed all the shield slaves. Seeing that Belmode was steadily holding the winning ticket, he ignored Diego, and thrust the axe into the battle ring between Laura and the sword slave, and swept across the sword with a surge of air, turning the sword slave strips of purple. Jianguang urged to scatter and split.

Laura was free to get her hands free and flicked in the direction of Mei Li's body to capture her. The blood-shaking giant sword shook for several times, and the body of Mei Li was blasted off. The giant sword flew upside down, turning into a red electricity and returning to Lola's palm. As soon as she was holding the giant sword, Lola suddenly felt a shock and looked up. At the same time, she is not the only one who feels it. Hubble and Belmode are born with a feeling, and they casually push back their opponents, then look up at the sky.

At the center of the electric cloud above everyone, a vortex of fire appeared at some point, and a waterfall of fire fell in the vortex.

Void Skyfire!

Alan was standing under the fire waterfall. His feet were divergent, his arms raised high, and the King of Chi was standing in the middle on top of his head. In the mist and flames, Alan let out a soft drink. The high-lifted long knife slashed away in the direction of Stark, and the sky fire waterfall that fell halfway suddenly turned in the air, stabbing Stark straight like a huge scarlet knife.

Skyfire is a sword, this sword is domineering and energetic. At the point of his blade, Stark only felt that the source of energy in his body would resonate and burn, and the two Baidi swords that entangled him suddenly flew back, turning into two slender blue flames and throwing them into this giant skyfire sword. . The slender white inflammation was quickly swallowed by Zhu Huo, but the edge of the Skyfire Giant Sword instantly turned from red to white, and patches of white inflammation were released, adding more power.

This blazing knife blasted with white and red inside.

Stark shouted violently, and a strong electric arc burst out on his body. He didn't dodge back, raised his fist, and hit the skyfire giant sword straight with a punch.

The ten-meter blade at the front end of the fire knife burst into pieces and exploded into a fire mist. However, in the vortex of the sea of ​​clouds that day, the sky fire still descended and stopped, so the fire knife continued to advance. Even if the "blade edge" is destroyed by Stark, the old one disappears and the new one regenerates, and there is still no end.

Stark's pupils contracted, and his other hand lifted up to make another punch.

One punch becomes two palms.

His palms stretched with ten fingers, and he was actually the blade that kept tearing apart the fire knife. Stark's purple complexion was as dark as ink, and his source force rushed out frantically, blasting against the skyfire giant sword from both palms.

On the ground, the Scarlet King in Ellen's hand buzzed and trembled, and the blade was red as blood dripping.

In mid-air, the Skyfire Giant Sword began to arch in an arc, and the arc of the blade continued to arch upward and open, when the bottom of the arc tended to be full. Stark shouted violently, and the Skyfire Giant Knife exploded in the center, bursting out hundreds of millions of fires. Among the countless fires and sword auras, the vermilion sky fire and the pale fire line blended together, forming countless mixed jets, like a dense drizzle falling to the ground, covering the earth in square kilometers.

The jet of fire fell on Allen's rising fog and fire, and there was not even a ripple. But for others on the ground, the drizzle was not so easy to bear. The Lola who were fighting, both the enemy and the enemy retreated tacitly, and then each of their combat skills blocked the stream of fire. After the rain of fire on the day fell, the earth turned into a sea of ​​flames.

In the sea of ​​fire, dots of white fireflies rose up, turned into bundles of slender pale fire, gathered on both sides of Allen, and recondensed into two Baidi swords floating in the air. Alan looked up in the fog and fire, a ripple in the fire cloud exploding in the sky spread, and the fire cloud was swept away immediately. In the air, Stark slowly floated down. He looked very embarrassed, not to mention many scorched holes in his coat, and the skin on the palm of his face also had many dark red fire spots.

Stark's complexion changed from black to purple, from purple to red, and finally the blush subsided, and the complexion returned to normal, only three points paler than usual.

He looked at Alan, and said for a long time: "Until this moment, I can't believe that you have crossed the 30th level and are on the path of ancestors. So, your current posture is the sign of returning to ancestors, right? Why didn't I see your original ancestor blade?"

"What you see now is my ancestral posture, the Dark King." Allen's voice rang out from the fog and fire. After being awakened by Grievous's Wall Mountain on the Heavenly Star, Allen has completely walked up. The road of ancestors.

In other words, awakening to be the son of dusk is a kind of reversion. After that time, he activated the ancestral posture again, but he had never awakened as the son of dusk, but in his current form. This form can be regarded as a weakened version of the Twilight Son. It does not have the kind of violent violence when fighting with Orfascius, and its physical signs are obviously different. The most obvious thing is that there is no rock armor, no corners ~ www.readwn.com~ The fog fire does not form a dark wing shape, even the Baidi sword does not form a sword wheel, but only two can be projected.

Therefore, Alan named this posture with the title of king he obtained in the world of will to show the difference from the son of twilight.

Although the posture of the Dark King is far inferior to the Twilight Son, Allen can have a clear will, unlike when he awakens as the Twilight Son, the whole person is dominated by a violent will. At that time, he only wanted to destroy all the lives he saw. If he hadn't heard Lucy's voice, he would have been unable to wake up and withdraw from that state.

But even the state of the Dark King has already made Stark feel threatened. Especially Allen's ability to use Skyfire as a sword is clearly the same level of power as him. Because Stark mastered the violent space power, the space power was obviously higher than the other cosmic source power, but it was still a bit lower than the void source power.

Allen holds a higher level of source power, which is exactly what Stark is worried about.

He once again remembered the flame that was everywhere in the dream.

(End of this chapter)


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