Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1236: Carve up

Passing through the town, Alan appeared in front of a factory shed behind the town. This factory has been abandoned for a long time, and the factory area is surrounded by a circle of barbed wire. In many places, the iron net has been rolled up, and the bottom is covered with grass. An iron door fell down half of the door, leaving the other side swaying weakly in the sun, making a "creak" sound.

Walked in the door and passed a gravel ground. You can see tenacious weeds burrowing out of the cracks in the rocks everywhere on the ground, swaying in the wind. Several concrete pipes were piled not far away, one of which had two legs sticking out, and someone was sleeping inside. But in this town, you never know whether it's a lazy man or a corpse.

Alan was not interested in knowing. He walked to the gate of the factory building. The factory building was made of concrete and steel bars, so it looked very dilapidated. In many places, the outer wall had been cracked, but it was still very strong. It can take more than ten years to collapse. In the town, such a building is rare. It can shelter from wind and rain, and is a more ideal place to live than those shanty towns and tin houses.

Of course, as long as there are humans, there will be classes, even in shabby towns like this. And good things have always been enjoyed only by upper-class talents, so such a plant can only be afforded by the most powerful people in town.

The most important person in town is definitely not an optional mayor, but Cobra Laudy. Laudy is the real owner of this town, and two years ago, he was one of the masters, but after he killed the man named Votre, the town is his, including a dozen lazy idlers, plus Several old-fashioned automatic rifles.

In the town, where there is a gun, there is everything.

So when Alan opened the door, he was not surprised when he heard a woman groaning from the distance of the factory. Even in such a small town, there is still the minimum entertainment.



Several men were turned from the machine on the left and a few messy cargo boxes on the right. One of them was shirtless with a pistol in the waistband, and the others were holding wooden sticks or machetes. The look of the ruffian.

Alan smiled and said, "I want to see Laudy."

The man with a pistol in his waist smiled crookedly: "Boss Laudy is also what you want to see if you want to see you? You think you are the President of the Federation.

Alan shook his head and suddenly raised his hand. In his hand was a silver pistol. Several crimson lines on the gun lit up, and a brilliant red Yuanli bullet blasted out and sank into the man's head. The man was stunned, his whole head exploded like a cracked watermelon after a while! The white and red liquid splashed the faces of several men nearby, and the smiles on their faces gradually disappeared, replaced by fear, and then screamed and ran away.

At the end of the factory, the door of an office was kicked open. A man wearing glasses walked out with a rifle and shouted, "Who the **** dares to make trouble with me!"

Two other men in the office rushed out with guns. They wore similar clothes to the ruffians, but their eyes and movements were much sharper. The two men searched for cover as soon as they left the office and entered a state of fighting. Of course the man with glasses is the cobra. Laudy squinted at Alan, then looked at the headless corpse on the ground and sneered: "You are so courageous, you dare to kill here."

"Kill a dog, I still have the guts."

Alan took off his cloak and pinned a coat of arms to the neckline. It was the coat of arms of a golden flying eagle. Seeing this coat of arms, Laudy's face changed drastically. Suddenly threw the gun and threw the whole person on the ground and roared: "It turns out that the adult is here, and you didn't notify me in advance, otherwise I can come to the town to meet you in person, and there will be no such misunderstandings."

The two capable bodyguards immediately took their guns and saluted when they saw the coat of arms, but they turned out to be the Federal Army salute.

Alan shook his head and said: "I didn't want people to notice whereabouts. If you really come to the town to meet me, then I have a headache. What about those people?"

This Laudy is one of the chess pieces that Alan cultivated on the surface. As for the two bodyguards are actually soldiers in the federal army. Under Alan’s arrangement, they will serve as escorts for Laudy, otherwise Laudy will sit there. Deserving the position of boss. After Alan finished speaking, Laudy quickly got up from the ground and said, "My lord, they are right below."

"Have they been unusual lately?"

Laudy smiled bitterly: "My lord, they have taken up the underground factory area. Not only did they not allow me to approach, but they also sent guards. I only had a chance to look inside every few days when I gave them food. Sir, they seem to be making something."

"Lead the way." Alan said.

Walking down a safe passage, Alan soon saw the gate of the underground factory area. It used to be the underground workshop of the factory. After it was abandoned, the gate was locked with a thick chain. They just walked out of the stairs, a few spots of light filled Alan's body, and a strange voice rang from the shadow at the door: "Stand there, human."

It is in the human language of the earth, which can be pronounced strangely, and listens awkwardly. Then there was a soft sound of some kind of mechanical operation in the shadow, first two purple lights lit up, and then an ironclad man walked out of the shadow. The opponent is more than two meters tall, has a bald head and pale skin. The body was encased in the armor, and there were regular bursts of light flowing on the armor. The armoured man's right arm is completely a hand cannon, and the muzzle is aimed at the stairs. As long as he wants, a shot can blast the entire stairway to ashes.

Alan snorted, "That's how you treat your allies?"

The armored man obviously knows his identity, and a bit of mockery flashes through his gleaming icy eyes. He said, "Your Majesty will decide whether to make allies, not you."

"Stop talking nonsense. I want to see your General Andros." Alan said a little displeased.

The Nirmite warrior nodded coldly. When Alan's group was lifting a step, he pointed at Alan and said: "You can only come in, the others are waiting outside."

Laudy can only stop.

As he walked by the Nirm, Alan suddenly used his magic pistol to point on the armored man's chest and said: "Next time you use your hand cannon at me, I will blow your head away."

The Nirm's eyes lit up with purple light, his chest rose and fell, and a low, depressed growl came from his throat. He lowered his head and stared at Alan fiercely. At this time, another soldier walked out of the shadows. The soldier pulled his colleagues away, and then said to Alan: "Human President, please."

Alan then sneered and put away the gun, and walked into the underground workshop with the soldier.

The workshop looked dim, with only a few kerosene lamps on both sides as lighting. In the dim lights, there was another door in front. It's just that this door is obviously not the original product of the workshop, it has a clear metallic texture under the firelight. There were two Nirm guards in front of the metal gate, and they stepped aside when they saw Alan. The warrior who led Alan stepped forward and put his hand on the door, and the edge of his palm immediately freed a circle of turning lines, and the door retreated to the four sides, revealing a passage.

Alan walked into the passage, squinted and said, "This is your starship?"

The Nirm answered in silence, but Alan already had an answer. Just now, the door directly connected to the alien warship. These Nirmites actually got the warship underground, but Laudy and the others didn't notice it.

Through the secret channels of the Light Enclosure, Alan and the emperor of the Nirm, Cagaso, reached a cooperative relationship. In the last Twilight Son incident, Alan got some secret powers from Cagaso. Including the general of the Nirm, Andos, known for his rage, and an elite tactical armored unit. It was only that Andos encountered a little accident when he secretly crossed the interstellar defense line, and then he missed the Iron Prison incident.

Later, it was used by Alan to attack the senior member of the Guangyin Society A, and Andos also indirectly proved his strength to Alan. A had no counterattack in the hands of General Nirm.

When the door of the starship command room opened, Alan saw Andros. The Nirm had heard that he was still a hybrid with the Kidd. According to the information that Alan could get, Andos was born on the mechanical star. But because of impure pedigree, he was squeezed out, and after receiving the first mechanical transformation, Andos left the mechanical star and joined Cagaso's army.

He used his strength to get the approval of Cagaso and became one of Cagaso's generals. Now, Andos was sitting on the seat of the bridge, even when he saw Alan, he had no intention of getting up to greet him. Alan squinted his eyes and said, "General Andos, I want to contact Majesty Cagaso."

Andos put his cheek in one hand, and said casually: "Human President, this little thing has to make you come here personally. Is your ability only so small?"

Alan snorted: "My ability does not need you to doubt it. It is not you who can decide whether to cooperate with me, but Majesty Cagaso. I must remind you, General, every word you say now is To waste your Majesty’s time, and to waste your Majesty’s time is to waste the future of the Nirm."

Andos laughed: "So I have never liked politicians, your mouth is much stronger than your fist."

The general waved his hand: "Contact your Majesty for our Mr. President."

A triangle-shaped metal device was lowered from the top of the two of them. After it fell to the ground, a beam of light ejected from each of the three tops. The lights of red, blue and yellow were intertwined in mid-air. After a while, a three-dimensional image appeared in front of Alan's eyes. In the image is Cagaso, the demon of the Nirm, although it is only a three-dimensional image, it gives people an invisible sense of oppression.

The image began to flicker. When it stabilized, Cagaso rolled his eyes, and Alan suddenly felt stared.

"You don't look good, Mr. President."

Alan smiled: "His Majesty Cagaso will also be aware of his words, then his Majesty may wish to look again. What is the purpose of my contact with you this time?"

Cagaso also laughed: "As I said just now, your situation is not good. Although I am not on the earth, I can still collect some information. From the intelligence I got, Mr. President Are you desperate? So, do you consider the suggestions I made before?"

"I thought about it." Alan put a smile away and said solemnly: "Yes, I really don't have any better options, so I decided to accept your suggestion, Your Majesty."

Cagaso leaned forward slightly, a pair of purple eyes mastered: "You will find that this is a wise decision. We each take what we need, Mr. President, all follow our agreement, we will divide the earth's resources, and you will Is the biggest winner."

"Then, Your Majesty decides when to start this action. To be honest, I have a very short time."

"I won't let you wait too long, Mr. President. But one thing, before we officially launch the whole plan, I need to see your sincerity." Cagaso said with a smile.

Alan frowned: "What does your majesty mean?"

"I want information on the military deployment of your federation on the interstellar defense line, so that you can let me see the sincerity of Mr. President; secondly, this is also required for the operation, isn't it?"

Alan nodded: "I understand, in fact I am ready." He took out a pocket memory and said, "There is information on the military deployment of the Sirius Legion in the last three years, but I want to remind you, Sirius and I have always been in a bad relationship, and I am not sure whether the information in it is 100% accurate. Moreover, the little woman in Windsor Bello is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I even doubt the truthfulness of the military reports she submits to the Federation every year. The ingredients, perhaps the real information only exists in her head."

"You don't need to worry about this. There is no plan to be 100% safe." Kagaso said: "I will arrange the operation as soon as possible, and you will wait for my news. Before the operation starts, General Andos will fully cooperate. Any of your actions."

Alan glanced at Andos and sneered: "I don't think the general is willing to cooperate."

"That was before, but now it's another matter. Are you right, my general?"

Andos stood up, strode to Alan's eyes and knelt down and said: "Of course, I am happy to serve you, President."

He raised his head and smiled, but his smile made Alan feel uncomfortable.

"That's it, I look forward to seeing you next time, on this planet, Majesty Cagaso."

Alan glanced at Andos, who was still kneeling beside him, and said goodbye to Cagaso. The atmosphere here makes him very unhappy. He doesn't like this passive feeling, and the contact channels available are no longer safe. Alan can be sure that now no matter the Guangyinhui, the rich, or even the old party, he will monitor all his communication channels. To let the outside world know that he is in contact with the Nirm, no matter whether the outside world suspects him as president, he can no longer continue to play Mobit, and he will even be thrown into federal prison.

If it weren't for these concerns, why would he try to get to the surface and get in touch with Cagaso through the Nirm's own communication channel.

Leaving the town, returning to Babylon is already the next morning. The outside world knows nothing about his move to the surface quietly. After leaving the light and hiding to establish another door, Alan also secretly cultivated a stand-in so that he can continue to appear outside as Mobit when he needs it. Under his sight. It was just to prevent what he had done before from falling on him. Every time after a while, Alan's double would mysteriously disappear, and then a new double would be replaced.

He lives every day carefully, especially during the period when the Nirm's actions are at present, he does not allow himself to make any mistakes.

After returning to his residence, he took a shower, and then appeared in the mirror vigorously. When he changed back to the military uniform that Mobit was used to, he saw a badge on the left chest of his shirt. This badge should have been pinned on the right side, but now it appears on the left side, which obviously moved. He took off the badge indifferently and gently pressed it with his hand. The bottom layer of the badge cracked, revealing a note inside.

Alante opened his eyes, then rubbed his hands together, and the note became gray. He took out a new badge from the drawer of the closet again and put it on, before he strode out of the house. There is already a train line waiting outside the house. Today, he has a succession speech event. The schedule is tight. He even has to eat on the road. Alan got into the first car. Naturally, an assistant served breakfast and reminded him of the things he needs to pay attention to when giving a speech.

While listening, Alan remembered the information on the note.

Be careful, the light will attack the ground transportation team.

That was the message left by Wella, but Alan doubted the authenticity of this message. Wella has not been in contact with him for a long time since the last Iron Prison incident. There was no information about this woman in all the channels controlled by Alan, but now, she suddenly left him such a message.

Alan squinted ~www.readwn.com~ and laughed: "Wina, it seems that you have already met with an old friend. If I remember correctly, you would never use'be careful' like this before. Words, when did you care about me so much."

"Assault the ground transport team?" Alan shook his head: "I am the real target, right? It happened that I hadn't figured out how to push it out without a trace, but now it's a chance."

He raised his head and smiled at the assistant: "I want to make a call."

Today’s speech event is arranged in Liming Square. According to the established schedule, at 9 o’clock today, the president’s motorcade will drive into Golden Wing Street. The motorcade will move slowly, and Alan will show his face and meet people in order to improve people’s affinity degree. Early in the morning, Golden Wing Street was already crowded with the residents of Babylon. Such an event is no different from a festival for people. And people urgently want to know how the Mobit played by Alan will respond to these things after the Iron Prison incident occurred and Guangyin would say the true and false president.

So before nine o'clock, people had already rushed to Jinyi Street in droves. Looking around, there was a crowd of people on both sides of the street, and there was a huge crowd. I don't know how many people were crowded. There are so many people, so when Vincent disguised as a guard and walked into the streets, people didn't know that the man with "Ober" on the work permit turned out to be the leader of the Guangyin Society!

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