Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1237:   rupture

"Hey, Logan. What do you think of President Mobit's speech?"

"Hello, Otani. Personally, I think the President will focus his speech on the increasingly serious surface issues. The existence of the Freedom Gate government has made the issue of the division of the Union an urgent issue. And it must be resolved as quickly as possible."

"Two, please allow me to remind you. In addition to the Freedom Gate, the hidden dangers of the Light Society cannot be ignored. Speaking of which, Mr. President, there are really a lot of headaches."

"You are right, Mr. Lei Luo. Today we are honored to invite Mr. Lei Luo, the hottest candidate for the current presidential candidate, to participate in this live commentary. I believe everyone is familiar with Mr. Lei Luo, so I don’t need to repeat it here. It's..."

Today’s live broadcast of Mobit’s speech is being played on a big screen, and the picture on the screen now is a live room with three people inside. The two on the left and right are well-known hosts in Babylon, and the other is Lelo Lawrence, who is in the limelight recently. This person was previously an obscure retired lieutenant colonel. He suddenly jumped out of the presidential campaign and advanced all the way, overwhelming many competitors with an absolute number of votes, and became Alan's biggest enemy overnight.

"It's all a bunch of clowns."

In front of the big screen, a tall figure stood. This man has broad shoulders and narrow waist, standing like a mountain, just a back view, it is hard to ignore. Another person came from behind and said with a smile: "If Mr. Roddy's remarks are heard by those in the old party, they must be upset, Mr. Lei Luo, but they are trying hard to cultivate a rookie in the party."

That tall man was Roddy, and the man who had now succeeded Bethkode as the chief patriarch had a bit more vicissitudes that hadn't been seen before. There were a few more silver threads at the temples, which added a bit of mature charm to Roddy. When Roddy succeeded him as the patriarch, people once thought Roddy could not bear this heavyweight. Not to mention his ability, the force alone was far worse than Horn.

But not long after, Roddy personally participated in a ground operation against Freedom Gate, and after showing the strength of the top 30 powerhouse in this operation, people knew that this man had already been promoted quietly, and he was also eliminated. Some people have ulterior motives. Even though Roddy's display of force is still inferior to his father, he is still young, and the general level of combat power is enough to be the leader of the clan. What's more, there is a spear demon Fording next to Roddy, who is a fierce man who even dares to provoke a single person at the Alexander station.

Adding these two together, Bethkod's strength still makes people dare not ignore.

Roddy bit a cigar in his mouth and looked at the man with excellent demeanor and image in front of him and said: "I thought Mr. Wig went to the interstellar defense line again to deliver supplies. I didn't expect to show up today. What? Mobitt’s speech today is more important than the last meeting with the Federation to negotiate. I remember the Smith’s family sent a family elder as a representative last time."

Vig smiled bitterly. Horn is definitely an old-fashioned nobleman with excellent demeanor, but he doesn't know why, as his son, Roddy always has a rogue face. Even if he took the position of the patriarch now, he didn't necessarily change in any way. But Vig had to admit that this man's style coupled with his combat power was also very attractive.

"Mr. Roddy, don't make fun of me." It's no secret that Vig is pursuing Windsor Bello in the circle of the upper-class nobles. He is not surprised that Roddy will joke about it, and implicitly reproach: "Go My eldest brother and I really cannot get away from the important things. In fact, neither I nor the eldest brother have respect for Bethkode and Lord Horn. This is not a compliment, but a sincere word from my heart. To be other people, although members of the clan have to defend, but I believe that no one can be as determined and free as Master Horne."

"We have become accustomed to everything starting from interest. We always warn our descendants to deal with facts rationally, and to weigh everything with family interests. However, we have forgotten that there are some things that cannot be thought of with interest and reason, those cold numbers. Buried our bloodliness. The Iron Prison incident, Lord Horn reminded us a lot of things. One of them is that family members should be higher than interests. This is the foundation of a family!" Vig seriously Say.

Roddy put away the cynical smile and nodded at Vig. Then another voice rang: "Aren't these Mr. Wigg and Mr. Roddy?"

With a helpless expression, Vig shrugged and turned back: "Mr. Main, it's nice to meet you."

It was Maine who came, and because of Beskard's blow, Alexander's reputation and assets fell to the bottom. But the lean camel was bigger than the horse, and Alexander still barely moved out of the upper aristocracy, otherwise he would not see Maine here today. Roddy and others are in the top clubhouse of the Venus Hotel at the moment. Today, some of the upper-class nobles will come here to watch the live broadcast of Mobitt’s speech. , This will lead to the future of each family, so there are not many people attending today.

After a few words of greeting, Vig and Main found an excuse to leave. The Smiths and Alexander still have some cooperative relations. Roddy knows that Vig’s words just come from the bottom of his heart. They can be respected and respected. People like Vig will not offend the ally of Maine because of this personal emotion, so it is normal for him to choose to leave. . Maine came over with a goblet and smiled: "Mr. Roddy doesn't look very good. It seems that the family affairs are not going well."

"I can care about it, Mr. Main. I'm very curious. Is the Alexander house doing well now? Otherwise, why would Mr. Maine care about me in time, instead of putting more energy on the family."

Roddy deliberately patted his head: "Oh, I forgot. I was really busy lately. I was so busy that I forgot to take care of your Alexander house. No wonder Mr. Maine has a laid-back look. It makes me unhappy."

Maine's face turned green with anger. He didn't expect Roddy to threaten himself openly on this occasion, and then angrily said: "Rody, what do you mean?"

"The meaning is obvious. Lao Tzu has not forgotten the things done by the Alexander family, so the revenge against you will continue to come, at least not with me."

"Only you Roddy?" Maine sneered: "If Mr. Horn is still there, I will think about the weight of your words. But it's just you..."

"It's just that I can beat your eggs out. If you don't believe me, you can try it." Roddy grinned again: "Besides, I am the patriarch now. If I want to deal with you, I will let Fording out. Could it be that Mr. Main has forgotten that in the Garden of Eden, Fording blasted the black sun, and you were so frightened."

Maine's face suddenly became hot, and even heard a few chuckles. He glared at Roddy bitterly, and he had a share of cursing on such occasions. Roddy's current strength was more than three punches and two legs. Either way, he is only at a loss. What is hateful is that Roddy has always been known for his recklessness. He is not afraid of being ashamed of Maine. If you keep entangled, it will only be Maine who suffers, so the patriarch of Alexander puts on the look of being too lazy to care about you, then turns around and leaves.

But with the reflection of the wine glass, he could see Roddy behind him raising his **** in disregard of the image, and Maine was so angry that he almost vomited blood, so he walked faster.

Roddy snorted and turned to look at the big screen. Now the screen shot has turned to Golden Wing Street, and you can see that the President’s motorcade is slowly driving into the street, Mobit’s seat frame raised the hood, and Mr. President stood up and smiled and paid tribute to the people on both sides. Affinity points.

Five fast combat ships flew slowly over the Golden Wing Street, escorting the convoy. In addition, snipers have been deployed on many buildings on both sides of the street, and there are escorts sent by the Black Wings on the ground, and many military powerhouses have been placed in them for safekeeping. The entire Babylon has entered a high level of security, and any spaceships are strictly prohibited from entering and exiting. All spaceships that violate the regulations do not need to be reminded to attack, in case the gate of freedom takes the opportunity to cause trouble.

But even with sufficient preparations, the presidential motorcade had not driven a quarter of the distance from the main street. Suddenly the window on the top of the building on the left was smashed, a mobile light cannon was pushed out, and the turret was There was an attack on the convoy underneath. Even Roddy was stunned by the sudden accident. There was one after another such assembled forts in the buildings on both sides of the screen, and there was a violent bombardment on both sides of Jinyi Avenue.

There was a scream on the screen. When the airships and ground forces in the sky began to counterattack, the live broadcast was interrupted, leaving only Roddy and the nobles looking at each other.

There was a mess on Jinyi Avenue.

The sudden attack made people completely lose their minds. The nobles of Babylon squeezed out in a panic, but there were so many people onlookers at today's event, and the crowd filled the whole block. How could it be so easy to evacuate suddenly? The soldiers of the Black Wing Legion had to fight back while evacuating the people.

In the chaos, a little girl was pushed down and was about to be stepped on by the people behind. Suddenly someone flashed by her, and when the little girl calmed down, she had been sent to the corner of the street. Vincent pushed the little girl and said, "Don't leave soon." The little girl hurriedly left. Vincent then used the headset and said: "Start the second phase."

"Yes, my lord."

Five spaceships were shooting at the cannon turrets on many buildings. Suddenly one of them turned its muzzle and fired at the friendly aircraft. Before the pilots on the two nearby spaceships could react, the spaceships were already swept down. The two spaceships fell out of control. After one flew obliquely to Jinyi Avenue, the hull glided across several buildings, smashed countless glass and walls, and sprinkled on the ground. The spaceship finally crashed into a commercial building two blocks away, and blew two floors into the sky. The other one fell in the direction of Liming Square, but before it fell, a fireball shot up on the ground. The volley intercepted and detonated, but it was the strong army on the ground.

The chaos is still spreading.

In the midst of this chaos, Vincent approached the direction of the presidential motorcade as a federal soldier. He even fired at the organization gunmen surging from both sides and shot two people dead. Pushing a soldier away, Vincent saw Alan. He left the convoy under the protection of a team of elite soldiers and was moving towards a mall on the street. At this time, several auras appeared out of thin air, and a few powerful men flashed through the crowd. Among the team protecting Alan, two men dressed as soldiers suddenly rose in energy, and greeted the powerhouse of the Guangxu Society, and the two sides immediately fought.

Vincent had already arrived nearby, when Alan's guards had killed a few more. The officer in charge of commanding the team saw Vincent and waved his hand to ask him to come and help, which was exactly what Vincent wanted. He lowered his head as much as possible and wandered out of sight of Alan. Eventually the team moved downstairs to the mall. As soon as he entered the mall, with the help of the light turning from bright to dark, Vincent suddenly broke out with all his strength.

When the commander reacted, the remaining elite soldiers were strangled by Vincent almost at the same time. At this time, Vincent's hand had been inserted into Alan's body, amputating his spine. When Alan fell, the expressions of horror on the man's face made Vincent very happy.

He raised his hand, snapped his fingers at the commander, and the officer who was leaping on immediately exploded his head. After all this, Vincent was about to leave, but at this moment Alan's voice rang: "Mr. Vincent, how are you."

Vincent was startled, he was sure that Alan had become a corpse, but the voice came from the corpse. Vincent squatted down, fumbled on Alan, and finally tore off a button. The voice came from the button: "Speaking of which I should thank you. Without your attack, I am afraid that my plan will be repaid. I don’t know when it will be launched."

As soon as the voice in the button fell, a row of glass windows of the building on the opposite street exploded, and a human figure shot out from it and quickly descended. The person was in the air, and the person shouted: "For the West family!"

"For the Pulan family!"

"For the Manwitt family!"

The roars fell one after another, and a wave of energy suddenly appeared on the chaotic battlefield. Vincent was sure that those people were not his men. Recalling those words from the button just now, Vincent snorted. He knew he had been tricked, and the one who died at his feet must be Alan's substitute. As for those who call the name of the family, they are probably related to Alan's so-called plan.

He smashed the buttons and said loudly in his headset: "Go fast, and evacuate according to the route we planned before. This is a trap! A trap!"

In another block not far from Jinyi Avenue, Alan stood in front of a floor-to-ceiling window. The angle here just happened to see the battle on Jinyi Avenue. He put down his binoculars and threw a walkie-talkie to his feet to explode: "Trap? That's right, but this trap is not for you, Vincent. Now the light will turn from dark to bright, I am not afraid of you at all, I am worried about another hidden danger. And this is for them..."

"And after today, no one can stop me from succeeding. By the way, thanks to you, Mr. Vincent."

He turned around and said to his assistant not far away: "Go, the battle over there should be almost done."

The assistant asked cautiously: "Sir, go to Dawn Square?"

"Of course, the speech event will not be cancelled for any reason. Unless I die, but it seems that I should not be able to die today." Alan laughed and strode out of the room.

In the top clubhouse of the Venus Hotel, a number of important aristocrats, including Wig and Main, surrounded the big screen. Roddy had already cut another cigar and smoked, and said: "What's going on? West, Prin, and Manwitt have blatantly attacked the presidential motorcade. Why did we not get any news in advance."

Vig smiled bitterly: "This is a set for us."

"I have to go back first. It seems that I will be busy for a while." Maine said suddenly, his expression dignified, he didn't even have the mood to compete with Roddy.

Roddy thought deeply: "Mr. Wigg meant that someone framed us. Will those people..."

"No, I am sure they are indeed members of those three families. After today, our relationship with the Federation will be as bad as it was last time. The difference is that the last time The Federation is at a loss, and this time, obviously we can’t explain it.” Vig also nodded to the people around him: “I’m leaving now. Today’s incident is very bad. I need to go back and discuss countermeasures with Big Brother immediately.”

Even the Smith family of the three giants is so cautious~www.readwn.com~ we can see how bad the incident of three family members attacking the presidential motorcade suddenly appeared today. Roddy sighed and looked out the window and said: "Father, you did everything possible to delay the relationship between the Federation and the nobles, but now it seems that everything is in vain."

An hour later, the presidential speech was still held in Dawn Square, and people realized that there was only a presidential stand-in in the motorcade. Mobit, played by Alan, severely reprimanded the planner of the attack at the speech. Three days later, a heavy news spread in Babylon. Because the nobles blatantly attacked the Federal President, the final bottom line of coexistence between the federation and the nobles has been torn. According to the Federal Constitution, this situation will be regarded as the greatest crisis of the Federation. In the face of this crisis, in order to ensure that the Federation can survive smoothly, the President of the Federation during his inauguration will unconditionally succeed. Therefore, Mobit has the right to succeed, which makes the hot candidate Relo only stare.

Then the Federation and the aristocracy began frequent negotiations, but ultimately to no avail. One month later, the federal government imposed military controls on Babylon in accordance with the constitution and required all families to evacuate the floating islands to avoid misunderstandings or more serious accidents.

At this point, the Confederation and the nobles finally officially broke down!

Ps: All orders are only 30 or so short of the standard, brothers ask for support~

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