Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1240:  Unusual transport team

Alanton felt hot on his face.

Windsor Bello laughed loudly, her tears were choking, she caught Alan’s hair and said: "You are still so easy to be shy, I just like you like this. But I don’t hear that you already have several women Already? Even girls like Catherine are getting better, why are they blushing so easily now. But you are so cute, no wonder those women like you."

Alan took her hand away fiercely and said, "How do I know this kind of thing."

"Oh, I understand." Windsor Bello stood up and snapped his fingers: "It must be because my sister is so beautiful, so you can't help being shy, right. Well, it must be so, neither Blame you. If you want to blame, I’ll blame my sister."

Then came a stream of triumphant laughter, and in this young laugh, Windsor Bello left the meeting room.

Allen caught his face and whispered: "In the end, I still put one for this woman."

But remember the picture of Windsor Bello sticking to her forehead, especially from that angle, Alan really saw too much scenery from the neckline of her uniform. Immediately shook his head, the picture's lethality was more powerful than any big move.

Back in his room, Mirren sent someone a tablet brain. The one who sent the goods was a female soldier, about the same age as Allen. He blushed when he saw Allen, and when he handed his Zhi Nao to Allen, he kissed him on the cheek like lightning, and then screamed and ran out of the room, causing people outside the corridor of the room to stop and watch. Allen shrugged helplessly to the audience, closed the door, opened the brain and found that the database had been updated.

He searched for information about Agareth, and immediately a few pages of guide items popped up. It seems that there is a lot of information collected about the planet Sirius. Allen found a place to sit down, flipping through the information on it. After reading it, he had a preliminary understanding of Agareth.

Agareth is located in the bottom space of the Yorton star field, even if it is very far away from the interstellar defense line. This planet has two suns, and Agareth is actually a planet orbiting the two suns. Since the distance between the two suns is different, the sunshine time on Agareth will change according to the rotation of the planet. If you follow the Earth’s calendar, then Agares will have polar day and polar night phenomena from March to July.

Because at this time, the planet is exactly between the two suns, so the sun facing side is polar day, and the back is polar night.

At the same time, the environment of this planet is definitely not comfortable. There is very little water on Agareth. The largest ocean is called the Sea of ​​Blood, but the seawater of the Sea of ​​Blood is like the seawater on other planets and cannot be directly eaten. The planet’s fresh water reserves are limited, so the Gree and Kidd people close to it regularly send fresh water resources to Agareth every year. Three days later, an alien fleet will transport fresh water to Agareth, Sirius will launch an attack that day, and Allen and others will take advantage of the chaos to enter the planet. In order to ensure the smooth operation, Windsor Bello even prepared an alien starship for them, which can be described as a sufficient effort.

Let’s talk about the sea of ​​blood. The vast land east of the sea of ​​blood is the territory of the black emperor Frios. This general who once served under the demon lord, fell out of the demon’s control after Spinak fell into a deep sleep. The other side of the sea of ​​blood established its own magnificent empire. Since then, it will fight against Spinak and become the second supreme in Agareth.

Wars between the two supreme lords occurred from time to time, and for a long time, because Spinak fell asleep and the Oculus City blocked the outside world, Spinak's army was often at a disadvantage in the war. It's just that Frius was also afraid of the power of the Demon King, and did not dare to approach too much, so as not to stimulate Spinak and urge him to wake up from his sleep. Therefore, although the demon king's army is at a disadvantage on the battlefield, it will not be completely defeated.

In fact, whether the Black Emperor or the Demon King, they all know that it is not the army that determines the outcome of the war, but the two supreme selves. The two supreme have never officially fought against each other because they understand better that once they fight each other and damage each other, it will only be cheaper for the other supreme who is far away on Idahua.

King of justice!

Although the two Supremes divided most of the land on Agareth, just like the information provided by the Idahua Stars, the two Supreme Territories combined only occupy two-thirds of the planet. This is already a very large number, but there are still many gray areas that become the gap between the two Supremes. The Lost Realm and the Great Wasteland are two of them. The Idahua people believe that the gray area is not only these two places, but the intelligence they can harvest is also very limited.

In fact, for those two gray areas, the information provided by the Idahua stars is also very limited. They only knew that the terrain of the Great Wasteland was complicated, and there were many natives on the planet in that area, and the forces among the natives were intertwined. Moreover, Idahuaxing scholars believe that the great wasteland may be the place where Agareth's life originated. Now whether it is the kingdom of the black emperor or the ancient empire established by the demon king, they all originated from the great wasteland.

As for Forsaken Realm, there is even less information, as little as a warning.

Allen put down the tablet brain, rubbed his eyebrows, thinking that everything can only be explored by himself. He also looked at the two supreme kingdoms, and even their armies, and some powerhouses on both sides that need attention. Looking at this information, it disappeared for a few hours.

The next day, when the electronic clock on the bedside rang, the automatic door of the room opened.

"Get up soon, boy."

Windsor Bello walked in almost with the sound of a bell ringing. Today she was wearing a Sirius marshal uniform, and the military cap buckled on her head made her look a bit sexy. There were two female soldiers behind her, they came in with a trolley. There was a suitcase on the car, and the two female soldiers opened the suitcase with smiles. A cloud of cold gas was emitted from the suitcase. Allen frowned and asked, "What is this going to do?"

"Give you an injection." Windsor Bello smiled maliciously: "Take off your pants and **** your butt. It's time for the injection boy."

The two female soldiers covered their mouths and chuckled, and Allen's face turned red: "Do you think I will believe it?"

Windsor Bello snorted: "You really have no sense of humor."

"Don't worry about this humor."

The marshal gave the female soldiers a wink. One of them took out an injection and walked over, while the other disinfected Allen's arm. The female soldier holding the syringe said, "Mr. Allen, this is a nano-liquid, and Agareth's language has been loaded in it to facilitate your communication with the natives inside the planet. Well, it will hurt a little."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, just do it. This pain is too much to bear, how can I be a student of Windsor Bello," the marshal said.

Allen nodded, and said to the female soldier: "Thank you."

The female soldier's face flushed immediately, she smiled faintly, and swiftly thrust the syringe into Allen's arm. As the nano-liquid in the syringe was pressed into the body, Allen could feel the information pouring out of his head. After a while, he has mastered the language of Agareth.

"Come with me, there is something for you to see."

On the airship pier of the base, Windsor Bello and Allen walked onto a bridge. On the observation platform in the middle of the bridge, Belmode and others had arrived. Standing on the edge of the platform, Windsor Bello said to Nunu below: "If you see it, that is the starship you entered into Agareth. The typical Kidd style has no beauty at all."

There is a starship moored under the bridge. As Windsor Bello said, the starship has straight lines and sharp edges. Without any smooth arc, the entire starship reveals a heavy texture. Kidd people have an almost crazy paranoia about machinery. Almost every Kidd person has to undergo body modification from birth. When they reach adulthood, at least one-third of their body has become metal.

This race class is also very obvious, they use the color of metal to distinguish the class. Platinum is the most noble, and brass is the cheapest. After that, there are two colors of gold and silver. Color not only distinguishes class, but also distinguishes combat power. So when you observe a Kidd, just look at the color of the metal on his body, and you can roughly estimate his strength without much error.

Kidd people are very strict with machinery and numbers. Basically, they don't have hidden strength. What kind of combat power it is, to paint the corresponding color on the metal body, which saves a lot of their opponents' efforts.

At the moment, the starship is silver and white, in other words, in the Kidd fleet, it is a battleship. Only fighters are equipped with the color of silver. As for their workers and slaves, they all use brass, and the corresponding ship type in the fleet is the supply or auxiliary type of transport ships.

"You have two days to learn how to drive it. This time you won't have a trainer and entourage. You can only rely on yourself." Windsor Bello blinked.

Allen nodded. When studying at Dawn Academy, learning the basics of flying a starship was also a required course. Although this is a Kidd battleship, the driving method should not be much different. So in the next two days, a dedicated pilot was responsible for explaining and training them. Except for Hubble, who soaked himself in the wine tank all day, the others quickly mastered their respective tasks.

Even Bai has learned how to manipulate the weapon platform and is eager to try it. After several test flights, they finally ushered in the day to go to Agareth.

The alarm clock didn't go off yet, and Allen had gotten up. First took a shower, and then put on a Barr-style armor. This race is known for its chaos, and even its armor is full of mixed styles. According to human aesthetics, it looks like a product of various metal chaos. There was nothing symmetrical, and Ellen knew that the armor styles of Lola's several were different.

Even the Red King changed a scabbard again, it looked like the shell of some kind of long worm, it looked strange.

Allen picked up the red king and saw Windsor Bello when he walked out of the room. She leaned against the wall with her arms around her chest and said, "Are you ready?"

"Where I am going, no matter how prepared it is, it's not enough."

"Then don't think about anything, just go forward." Windsor Bellow said: "But don't forget what I said to you that day, and occasionally, remember to look back. Allen, look at your past and think again. Think about the future."

"I will remember."

"Go ahead, they are waiting for you in front." Windsor Bello left the wall, and she pulled down her military cap. The shadow falling from the brim of the hat blocked her face, and Marshal Greedy Wolf lowered his head and walked to the other side of the passage.

Allen took a breath, and flames lit up in his eyes. There was no retreat after this walk, he tightened the King Chi and strode forward.

A few steps later, the automatic door of a room opened and Laura walked out of it. She put on Barr women's armor. In order to facilitate the movement, the women's armor was designed to be very thin, and only covered a few important parts of the body, while the others exposed large areas of skin. The armor that fits Lola's body looks like a reptile that entangles her, giving Lola a strange smell in the wildness of the past.

Then came Bai and Belmode, their armors were gray and black, but they also had their own characteristics. However, when he saw Hubble, Allen only felt that the big armor was cutting corners. Hubble's upper body hardly has any protection. He wears a strange animal helmet, followed by a fur cloak of unknown animal. On the waist are a few pieces of straight-line beetle, and finally a pair of steel boots. Hubble's outfit, and then carrying the double-edged battle axe, a savage breath came out of him.

Hubble is more like a native of the planet on Agareth than Ellen.

They were silent along the way, until they stepped onto the starship and stood at the hatch. Allen looked at the dock and said in a voice that he could only hear: "We will be back."

Then he walked into the starship, and the hatch fell heavily.

In the deep space of the Yoton star field, there is a satellite belt composed of many meteorites, and in the middle of the satellite belt is the oldest planet "Agareth" in this star field. Agareth looked from space, showing two colors of black and red, black like ink, like the deepest darkness in the universe; red like fire, as if the planet is gushing flames all the time. There was a bright red blood spot, and that was a sea of ​​blood.

The two suns, Eugene and Xia Lisi, are located at a relatively suitable distance, forming an angle with Agareth, constantly emitting light and heat toward this planet. Among them, Eugene is a sun shared by other planets, and Xiaris, due to its location, can only withstand its heat on Agareth.

At this time, a fleet appeared near the satellite belt of Agareth. The fleet consisted of three transport ships and a dozen combat ships. Judging from the bulky appearance of the starship, it is easy to tell that it is the Kidd fleet.

The Kidd and the Demon King Sponak’s Shadow Empire are in alliance with each other, but this alliance relationship is strictly counted as a tilt between the superior and the subordinate, and the mechanical star can be regarded as the minion of the Shadow Empire to a large extent. In contrast, Duobia, the kingdom of the Black Emperor, has close contacts with the Barbarian Star and the Giant Star. The Kidd fleet now appearing is obviously to deliver clean water for the Shadow Empire.

The fleet's transport ships are brass, the combat ships are white and silver, and the first interplanetary ship is pure gold. This shows that the leader of the fleet is an upper-class noble, and the power represented by the gold-level powerhouse is equivalent to the general in the Federation. It can be seen that in addition to transporting clean water, this transport team is afraid that it also shoulders other tasks.

"For example, Kidd and Demon Empire have new plans."

In the starship command room, Mirren who appeared on the screen said so, and the adjutant lifted his glasses and continued: "So this operation, I personally recommend canceling. The Kidd transport team has never been dispatched by a gold-level strong It’s unusual for the person to be the leader, Marshal."

Windsor Bello put his hands around his chest and whispered: "But if the operation is cancelled, next time there will be a transport team going to Agareth, I don't know when it will be. Obviously, Alan cannot stay in our base for too long, otherwise Mr. President has an excuse to trouble us."

Mirren sighed, "Yes."

"So, the original plan hasn't changed." Windsor Bello put down his hands and said: "Fortunately, I am worried that some accident will come together. It doesn't matter if we run into the opponent's gold-level powerhouse, let's do it. "

Mirren coughed dryly: "I have to remind you, Marshal. You'd better not take it yourself, otherwise, if any supreme on Agareth knows that the Federal Marshal is here, it will only be Alan and the others that are dangerous."

"Alright, alright, even if I have to come forward to intercept the strong kiddo ~ www.readwn.com~ I will pretend to be OK, you can wait for my news at the base."

Windsor Bello finished the communication with Mirren, holding on to the railing of the bridge, she said to the soldiers below: "The action begins!"

After a while, the assault fleet, led by a Sirius battleship, plus 15 fast combat ships, quietly appeared behind the Kidd fleet. The battleship’s main guns fired first, and a cascading beam of light passed over one of the enemy transport ships. The outer armor of the transport ship threw up a large area, and people and objects continued to fly out of the hull. After the transport ship sprayed hundreds of fire lines, it blasted into a huge fireball.

The Kidd fleet reacted at this time. A dozen battleships turned around to kill the Sirius fleet, while the gold-class starship took the other two transport ships and continued to advance in the direction of Agareth. The battleships on both sides were quickly torn apart in space. The bottom of the battleship at the rear opened, and a Kidd starship was put down silently.

In this starship, Alan clearly saw the fierce battle in the space battlefield ahead through the ship’s porthole. He took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Let's go, everyone!"

The starship's tail immediately spewed out electric fire, heading towards the space battlefield ahead.

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