Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1241:  Attack on the front line

(Thanks to book friends 26931165, Ajian Ajian, waa2011, Su in the War, Brother Xiang, Chi Chi and other brothers for their rewards and monthly tickets!)

"lower the altitude!"

A azure beam of light came oncoming, and the starship Allen and the others were on passed by the beam in a thrilling manner, and then several weapon platforms controlled by Bai opened fire on the Sirius battleship frequently. Of course, with Bai Na just learned to manipulate the weapon system, it is not so easy to hit a battleship.

According to Windsor Bello's plan, Allen and the others will mix into the enemy fleet, and in order to perform a realistic effect, they will even fight with Sirius battleships. After the battle is over, Sirius will withdraw, and Alan can enter Agareth under the cover of the Kidd fleet. Considering that the opposing commander would find this extra starship, after entering the atmosphere, Allen will manually detonate a pocket bomb located in the starship's engine, causing an accident to crash. After leaving the Kidd fleet, a set of spare engines installed on the starship by Sirius engineers were activated to locate the system to the Great Wasteland.

The whole plan cannot be said to be seamless, but the chance of success is also high. In fact, there is no 100% successful plan, so Allen did not reject the plan, and strictly implemented every step.

Now is the first stage of the plan. They participated in the war between the two sides and played the role of Kidd in this battle. At this time, three Kidd battleships had been destroyed, and Sirius lost one battleship, which shows the fierceness of the air battle.

The battleships of the two sides continued to intersperse and fight, and blue and red light beams illuminate the space where the battlefield is located. Seen from a distance, fireballs one after another, the aftermath of the burst of light beams spreading for kilometers.

Allen's starship was being locked by two Sirius battleships, and was chased by the opponent. Those two battleships didn't release the water at all, and they didn't relax even when facing Allen's rookies in air combat. It's just that under the superb control of the opponent, the beams of light always grazed from the vicinity of the hull, except for the energy shock caused by the shield, but it did not damage the body.

During the chase, three Kidd warships suddenly smashed out. After the three warships gathered fire and bombed, they broke the protective cover of one of the Sirius warships. The starship exposed to the artillery fire quickly exploded into a fireball in space. In the control room, Allen could see the light of the fire going farther and farther through the porthole, and his mood sank.

At this time, Windsor Bello, who was on the battleship, saw that the battle was almost progressing, and gave the order to evacuate. Before leaving, another shelling exploded the opponent's second transport ship, which is considered to be an explanation for the soldiers who died in the battle.

At this moment, a soldier suddenly said: "Report."

"what's up?"

"There is another fleet approaching at high speed."

"What?" Windsor Bello couldn't help being taken aback.

At this time, the picture on the big screen changed, and the camera moved to the space behind the battleship. It can be seen that a fleet is flying fast in that direction. The starships used by this fleet are of unique shape. They are all disc-shaped and silver-white, which is unforgettable at first sight. Seeing them, Windsor Bello knew each other's identity immediately.

"Vitamin?" Windsor Bello frowned, "How can those stubborn guys appear here."

The Vitans are allies of the same alliance system as the Earth Federation and Idahuaxing. They also shoulder the responsibility of an interstellar line of defense, and their line of defense happens to be not far away. Therefore, although Windsor Bello was surprised to see them, he was not too surprised. She was a little irritable just thinking of those alien allies whose tempers were as bad as rocks.

"Marshal, the other party requested communication." When the soldiers reported, there was already a group of Vita Star battleships cutting into the battlefield at high speed, chasing the Kidd Starship into a fight.

Windsor Bello stepped back and glanced at the man behind him: "Captain, ask them what they are doing!"

This man was the captain of the battleship. He nodded and walked forward, while Windsor Bello retreated to the corner to avoid being seen by the commander of the Vitan. After a short connection, a figure appeared on the screen. The Vitans had strange blue skin. They were tall and slender, and their skin was scattered with many luminous substances. In the dark, the Vitas will shine, so their race is not suitable for sneak attacks or related tasks.

The alien commander who appeared on the screen raised his long orange eyebrows, his eyes refracting brilliant streams like gems, he coughed lightly, "I'm sorry to intervene in your battle, but this area is in ours. It is within the responsibility of Vita Star. Therefore, this battle should not be carried out by everyone in the Earth Federation. Please rest assured to leave it to us."

Sirius’s captain said loudly: “According to the Interstellar Convention, I don’t think that the actions against the Yorton aliens need to be divided into responsibilities. As long as they hit these alien bastards, I think every ally of the alliance will choose to attack as soon as possible.”

The commander of the Vitan Star said: "I don't mean to blame the Earth Federation. I think it is necessary to clarify this. It's just that your line of defense is not in this area. Should you consider the safety of your line of defense instead of killing it? Keep this Kidd fleet. Believe me, we are fully capable of defeating this fleet."

"In fact, we have chosen to evacuate. As an ally, I kindly remind you the commander that the opponent has a gold-level Kidd powerhouse. If I are you, I have to consider whether to let them go."

Hearing this news, the commander of the Vetan star froze, but still insisted: "Thank you for your reminder. I will act cautiously in response to changes in the battle."

Then cut off the communication.

Windsor Bello walked out and hummed, "These guys are only bad things."

However, I don't know whether the reminder of Captain Sirius worked. After a round of chasing and killing, the Vetanian fleet showed signs of retreat. It was just that the opponent's main ship fired a shot at the Kidd fleet when it was leaving. That shot wiped the shield of the last transport ship and exploded directly. The transport ship ejected a lot of electric fire, but it was never shot down. The Vitanian fleet turned around, and the Sirius fleet left in the same direction.

People on the battleship, Windsor Bello can no longer do more, can only hope that Allen and his party can enter Agareth smoothly.

She didn't know that Ellen and the others were in a bad situation now.

"Damn, our engine group is destroyed!" Belmode was nervously typing commands on a light screen, on which the starship's self-inspection report was displayed. Just now the main ship of the Vitan star fired a shot, and although the shot did not come at them, it passed the starship. The energy level of the shield of an ordinary battleship could not defend against the attack of the main ship’s artillery fire. The shield was immediately broken, and the energy after wave of the light cannon still fell on the starship engine, causing damage to the parts.

The kinetic energy of the starships is gradually disappearing, and the result of the calculations obtained by the brain is that in another thirty seconds, their starships will lose kinetic energy and float in space.

There is no worse news than this.

"Where is the spare engine?" Allen asked.

Belmode shook his head and said: "It can't be started either."

"What to do then, I don't want to be a space drifter." Hubble cried.

Laura suggested: "Perhaps we can use the towing device to fix it on the transport ship and let the big guy pull us away." She pointed to the transport ship in front of the porthole that was still spraying electric fire. It seemed that the hull was affected differently. Degree of destruction, but basically it has not lost power.

Allen shook his head and said, "No, towing in space is fine. But when we enter the planet's atmosphere, the traction device will not work, and the friction and airflow of the atmosphere will throw us out. If we are lucky, we still hope to make a crash landing. Bad luck Some, we may have friction with the transport ship, which will cause the explosion to disintegrate."

Looking at the transport ship again, Allen gritted his teeth and said: "Now there is only one way."

After this battle, only three Kidd warships remained. The three starships obviously received some kind of order, and they were flying to the front of the fleet to join the golden-class warship. The starship Allen and the others were on used the remaining kinetic energy to chase the rear of the transport ship. Suddenly the starship opened fire, and several beams opened one of the hatches at the rear of the transport ship. The starship rammed straight in, and stopped after sliding out a certain distance inside the transport ship. At this time, a metal gate was automatically lowered inside the transport ship, closing the pierced hatch.

In the command room of the Golden Battleship, a kid is sitting on the captain's seat. More than 70% of his body has been replaced with metal, and these metals have been painted with pure golden yellow. This gold-level Kidd strongman was listening to the battle damage report he was working on. Suddenly a Kidd reformed soldier jumped up and shouted: "Report, the transport ship was destroyed. It seems, it seems..."


"Yes, it seems to be forcibly penetrated by our own warship."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Now the transport ship is waiting for your order, General Sidi!"

The Kidd named Sidi squinted his eyes: "The fleet has entered the atmosphere, and nothing can be done at this time. Tell the people on the transport ship to block the damage area first, and then send a guard to investigate. If it were us People who are right, then throw me into a makeshift cell. If it's someone else, they should know what to do without me."

Suddenly the hull shook violently, but the fleet had entered the atmosphere. Seen from space, this thin fleet with only one transport ship and a few combat ships left penetrated into the atmosphere of Agares. The friction between the hull and the atmosphere produced two waves of fire, like wings and silk. The belt stretches out to the left and right. At this time, a fireball suddenly exploded on the engine part of the transport ship, and then a series of large and small fireballs continued to float on the surface of the hull, spreading toward the middle section of the transport ship.

The violent explosion caused the hull armor to split, and human bodies or parts and debris were continuously thrown out of the broken armor. Seeing that the fleet was about to pass through the atmosphere, the transport ship rang out with a loud sound that shook the world, and the ship hull interrupted and spewed out a large wave of fire. In two sections, countless flying fragments were exploded, and it was like a rain of fire in the air.

In front of Huoyu are several other battleships.

The battleship hurriedly opened the shield, especially the gold-class battleship shield was bright and thick, like a light cocoon. But at this time, half of the transport ship's hull hit it, and the cocoon-like shield suddenly shattered. The golden ship hit the air and spun up, spraying large pieces of armor debris on the surface of the hull. The battleship finally stopped spinning, but a fragment of the transport ship inserted into the tail of the golden ship, where a bright flame suddenly exploded, and the entire tail and the engine were almost blown away from the hull.

"Damn it, make an emergency landing!" Sidi roared in the golden ship.

"General, the battleship has lost control! Lost control!" The soldier yelled in response. Suddenly the front porthole burst, and many soldiers sucked out of the ship under the pressure of internal and external pressure.

Sidi cursed and jumped off the seat. At this time, the warship dived towards the ground at an angle of almost 45 degrees, and steel needles and iron thorns emerged from the palms of Xidi's hands and feet to fix the body in the inclined ship body. He quickly climbed out of the command room and walked along the wall of the passage to one of the cabins of the warship. The cabin is open and there is only one device inside. The device emits a soft force field light, which enables the objects in it to be fixed on a horizontal surface.

Floating in the force field is a metal cube with four golden lines extending across the metal surface. Sidi quickly closed the force field device and took the cube in his hands. Then raised his arm, the palm of the modified metal arm suddenly opened, and a cannon was spit out from it. The muzzle lit up suddenly, and then a golden beam of light blasted across the wall on the other side of the cabin and the outer armor of the starship. The air flow immediately rolled out of the ship, and Sidi hugged the cube and jumped out of the battleship along the air flow.

At this time, others were in the air at a height of 10,000 meters and saw the hull of the transport ship above it continuously disintegrating, exploding thousands of fire and rain down toward the vast world below. The remaining battleships have exploded in this sudden disaster and turned into distant fireballs. Xidi's eyes were dark, and several tons of ship hull fragments smashed at him. He raised his hand and blasted a beam of light, like a sharp blade ship cutting the hull fragment in half.

At this moment, he kept falling down, passing through two pieces of metal shards that were still shining red light, and Sidi saw a few dark shadows passing by not far from him. That was the emergency escape capsule on the transport ship, and the oval escape capsule was heading towards the ground. Xidi's eyes drenched, and he used his force to eject between the fragments flying by. When approaching the nearest escape pod, he raised his hand and shot three golden lights from his phalanx.

They fell on the outside of the escape capsule and were firmly fixed. It turned out that it was a towing device. Driven by the towing beam, Sidi "hanged" behind the escape ship and fell together to the vast ground below. They gradually left the fleet, and the rain of fire that was still falling behind them got farther and farther. When Sidi and several escape ships drilled through the thick clouds, the Kidd general could no longer see his fleet.

In the distance of Agareth's outer space, Sirius' fleet is heading towards the base. In the command room, Windsor Bello sat boredly on a chair, boringly grooming his nails with a handicap. The captain, who was standing not far away, looked at her secretly from time to time, but did not dare to say a word.

Windsor Bello sighed and said, "Captain, do you have anything to say?"

"Yes, Marshal." The captain hesitated and said, "It's about the Kidd fleet. The Vitans apparently also intercepted intelligence, but they also didn't know that a Gold-class fleet was dispatched in this fleet. The strong, I guess that should be the general of the Kidd, and the level will not be too low."

"There are only a few Kidders who can use gold to represent themselves. I remember one of them is called Xidi. The combat power of those few is comparable to our superiors, well, if It’s a simple clean water delivery and there shouldn’t be any need to dispatch a gold-level strongman.” Windsor Bello tilted his head: “After I go back, let Mirren investigate the Mechanical Star. Let’s see what unusual activities the Kidd people have recently. ."

As soon as he finished speaking, a soldier reported: "Received an emergency communication request from General Mirren!"

"Mirren?" Windsor Bello nodded, "Look what's up with him."

Mirren's figure immediately popped up on the big screen of the command room. The adjutant had always been calm, but now there was obvious sweat on his forehead. Although trying to keep calm, the anxiety in his eyes can be seen at a glance. Windsor Bellocchio said: "Mirren, what can make you so anxious."

"Something happened, Marshal!" Mirren said anxiously, "Something happened. Just now, our three bases, Spark, Thunder and Zhuniao, were attacked at the same time. Strangely, none of these three bases were found before. Any abnormality. The enemy, as if knowing the outpost layout of the base, quietly bypassed the security area of ​​the base and launched a sneak attack. At present, we have lost contact with these three frontline bases!"

"What?" With Windsor Bello's composure, he couldn't help hearing his heart beat. She jumped up directly from the chair~www.readwn.com~ and asked, "Who attacked our base?"

"The Nirm, Marshal." Mirren replied: "According to some fragments sent back from the Spark Base, the Nirm had dispatched several fleets, among which I saw a main ship. It worried me a lot. According to the sign on the ship, it should belong to one of the Nirmite generals, known as the "cunning" Eustach."

Windsor Bello's beautiful eyes narrowed and said: "The cunning Eustach and the furious Andora are both the left and right arms of the Nirmite Emperor Cagaso. Since Eustach was involved in this attack, then It's not as simple as harassment and assault. And..."

Mirren's face became heavy: "Yes, if the Nirmites attack Spark and Thunder, I don't think it is strange. But even the Zhuniao base is also attacked, which is a bit weird."

"Because the facilities in the Zhuniao base are aging, I am ready to dismantle it and rebuild it. Most of the base's personnel have already been evacuated, and there is no need to attack that base unless..." Windsor Bello said there was a pause.

Mirren took over for her: "Unless the Nirms think that the base is as important as the Sparks, but then new problems arise. What makes the Nirms make such a judgment? "

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