Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1244:  Lvguang Town

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"Guedor hates lying bastards, so you all die!" The voice screamed in the wind and snow, and then a little green light lit up.

Alan snorted and stepped on a series of small steps. He danced like a dancer among the deadly green light beams. The snow and the green light quickly stepped back from him. In a blink of an eye, Allen saw an ugly and surprised face. This Barr is like a bloated ball, wrapped in a simple and weird armor. A pair of small eyes on the fleshy face almost squeezed into the middle, his mouth was open, as if he didn't believe that Allen was unscathed.

Then there was a flash of red light in the pair of eyes.

The red king came out and returned, and Allen was already standing behind the Baer. A thin slit opened in the fat man's neck, and then the green blood spurted out of his body uncontrollably.

At this moment, another skinny Baer standing not far away yelled, "How dare you kill Gudor!"

He was like a compatriot named Gudor, with a heavy metal beam gun in his hand, pointing at Allen at the moment. It's a pity that he didn't have time to shoot, and a tomahawk that revolved and threw him out. When the battle axe hit the ground, the Baal was almost split in half.

Hubble walked over, stepped on the Barr’s corpse, drew his battle axe vigorously and shook it a few times: "These guys are so noisy, so I don’t like the Barr at all."

Allen shrugged and walked forward with the Red Dynasty. Behind these two Barren guards is a small town, which is erected side by side with three-meter-high stone slabs, forming a circle to form the town wall. The outside of the wall is fixed with three arm-thick iron chains. The buildings in the town can already be seen here. They are all buildings with dark red metal exterior walls. It's just that these buildings are the same as the Baer people, and no building has the same shape. These buildings have spires, domes or square roofs. Some have smooth surfaces, while others have spikes extending outwards, which are full of incongruity.

In the depths of these buildings, Allen saw a cloud of green light. The green light emitted by something, shrouded the entire town.

Judging from the scale of the building, the town is not big, if it is placed on the earth, it is a small town with hundreds of people.

At this time, the ground vibrated, and the two metal gates in the front were pushed open, and a figure five or six meters high came out from inside: "Who is making trouble here, oh, Gerry and Rose are dead? These two are unlucky. Egg, although I won't pity them, they are my Master Trek's men after all, so the guy who killed them will get out of here!"

The giant walked out of the town wall, and the Baer, ​​who was almost catching up with the Gly giant, was dancing with six arms. Six hands are carrying different weapons, there are beam guns and some alien weapons that don't know whether to be called an axe or a gun, which makes him look like a mobile weapon rack. With a huge eye open on his chest and a mouth on his head, he looked very weird.

The Barr, who calls himself Trek, had a one-eyed gaze on Alan and the others, and then his voice sounded from the mouth on the eyeless head: "Is that you? Kneel me down, okay Let me chop off your heads!"

Allen squinted his eyes and said: "We just want to go in and find a place to rest, but your people attacked us without any explanation, so you see, we are just protecting ourselves."

"Oh, in other words, Gerry and the others are looking for a dead end?" Trek said, "That's right, how can a guy who dares to wander on the edge of the realm of forgotten is something these two fools can afford."

"Then you mean, can you let us in?"

"Want to enter Green Light Town, but you have to pay taxes!"

Allen frowned: "Pay taxes, okay, how much does it cost?"

"One green glaze per person would be fine, but today I changed my mind. Give me your life and I can let your corpses in." Trek laughed and walked towards Allen and the others: "You have to know that the food in this **** place is so scarce, and you all look delicious. Well, except for the Catu pig that doesn’t taste very good, but it’s okay. Your fate, my Lord Trek wanted!"

Allen laughed: "It really is an unreasonable place here."

He stood still, but Lola and Bai had already flashed past him.

Laura had transformed into an orc form at some point, her long hair glowing with red light, like a jumping flame. She dragged the blood to rush towards the Barren in a pure straight line, who laughed wildly, and the beam gun blasted green beams to Laura.

But Lola's movements were more flexible than he had imagined. Every time she adjusted her body when she couldn't let her hair go, she would frequently miss the beam. In a flash, he rushed to the Baer's side, and the giant named Trek roared and slammed his back into Laura.

But seeing a flash of blood, the Great Blood Sword pulled out a red glow. With this red light as the boundary, Trek's arm and weapon fell in the middle.

He just screamed, suddenly a gray shadow flashed before his eyes. It turned out to be white, the boy bounced into the air, his golden eyes looked at Trek expressionlessly, and then he punched him. His fist was covered with grayish white snake scales, and the scales were folded along his arms like waves, adding a few points to the power of Bai's fist.

The fist blasted into Trek's eyeless head, fractures sounded all the way, and the fist pierced directly from behind the giant's head. Bai Cai stepped on Trek's chest, leaped backwards and pulled out his fist.

The giant, with a hole in his head, didn't even hum, so he raised his head and fell down. After twitching in the snow for a while, he finally stopped.

"What the hell." Allen shook his head, and walked by the giant's corpse with King Scarlet, and walked through the gate with Lola. Behind the gate was a clearing. A few Barr gatekeepers on both sides of the gate looked at them like a ghost, and then screamed and ran away, for fear that Alan would kill them together.

Just when Allen didn't know where to go, a Barr came up. He emerged from the shadows of nearby buildings, bent over and smiled flatly, "My lord, it seems that you need a guide."

Allen glanced at him and smiled: "You are not brave enough. I just killed some of your gatekeepers. You dare to be my guide, so you are not afraid that someone will embarrass you?"

The Barr rubbed his hands and laughed: "I don't need to worry about this, an adult. If you are strong enough, then the big people in this town can't do anything about you. If you stay there and you will be killed, the adult won't be embarrassed. I, after all, I’m just a humble little character. If he wants me to die, he can do it at any time, regardless of who I have contacted."

"You are very real, what's your name?"

"Nick, my lord." The Barr blinked his eyes and said, "I am happy to help you."

He is ugly, and his body with his back bent looks very thin. His skin was tired and pale, his head was very large, and there were only a few sparse hairs on it. The two eyes are also disproportionately large, revealing a sophisticated and sleek light. The guide named Nick told Alan some information. For example, this town is called Green Light Town, and the town controls a green glaze mine. The green glaze mine will produce a kind of spar called green crystal. The green crystal contains very strong energy, which can play a lot of important after simple refining. For example, the pillars outside the town that serve as landmarks, the green flames in the gabions are formed by burning the residue of green crystals. With the beam gun used by the gatekeeper, the energy unit comes from low-purity green crystals.

The green crystal is very valuable, but its value is only reflected in the territory of the Shadow Empire or Dubia, and only in the territory of the two kingdoms is the green crystal a price. In the Land of Lost, its value will be greatly reduced, because there are many green glaze mines in the Land of Lost. It's just that many mineral veins go deep into the central area, which is an inaccessible place. Even the most powerful character in the wasteland is unwilling to easily enter the depths of the forgotten realm.

"My lord, the Land of Lost is a dangerous place, but it is also a treasure. The green glaze crystal is just the most common specialty of this land. I don't know how many treasures are hidden in the depths of this snowy field. The environment is also a dangerous place. As long as you look at whether the Majesty of the Demon King or the Black Emperor has not stepped here for so many years, you will know that its danger is not covered." The guide showed an ugly smile to Allen: "So left. There are towns like Luguang Town in the land of falling, which will not be deserted, but there are not many towns like this, and you can count them with five fingers."

The town on the edge of the Lost Mirror even controlled one or even several green glaze mines. The green crystals mined every year will be sent to the Great Wasteland, and then transferred to the Shadow Empire or Duobia to obtain high profits. Although Nick didn't say much, Allen knew that it was certainly not a simple role even in the wasteland of dragons and snakes. In other words, in a town like Luguang Town, there are some big people behind it.

This is reasonable.

"Here." Nick stopped in front of a weird building. The outer wall of this building is also the dark red metal commonly seen in town, but its shape is too unique. From a distance, this building is like a large conch. If it is a conch with a dark red shell, you can see large and small, wide, narrow, square or round windows on this conch. Nick looked at Allen and said, "This is Lily's hotel. In addition to living in, it also has food. It's just an adult, as you know, there are not many travelers in Greenlight Town and the business is sluggish, so there is something to eat. , It's not delicious."

Allen smiled and said, "It's good to have a place to rest."

"That's good." Nick went straight forward and pushed the door open. As soon as he walked in, he was thrown out. As soon as he hit Alan, Hubble reached out his rough hand and grabbed the Barr by the back of his neck and put him down.

Then a tall figure came out from the door, it was a stout woman of the Bar ethnic group. Her size is about to catch up with Hubble, the woman carrying two blood-chopping knives in her hand, yelled angrily: "You dare to come, you **** fellow. The guest introduced last time said it was a big man, In the end, they were slaughtered in a few strokes, and they didn't make any money. Thinking that they chopped up to make food, those guys still don't have a few taels of meat on them, how can the lean stuff be big people!"

"Lily, it's different this time." Nick smiled bitterly. "Look at these few adults. Their armor is not damaged at all. You can see that they are noble people. More importantly, they put Trek and Ge Those guards here were killed, and they were definitely not in the same order of magnitude as the last time."

It turns out that this woman is the owner of the hotel. She raised her head and looked at Ellen's number of people before saying: "Can you kill Trek? That's pretty much the same. At least I won't ask someone to kill him in three or two. Come in, but I have to Very good, I have to collect enough money, even if I can kill Trek, I can’t even give it a discount!"

Then turned around and got in.

Nick looked at the bear-like figure and sighed to Allen: "Lily was a beautiful woman when she was young, but something happened later. After she was sad and overeating, she became strong and ugly now. Looks like. But don’t worry, sir, I know there are some beautiful women in town. I can call them over if you need them."

Allen was a little bit dumbfounded by the enthusiasm of the guide, shook his head and said, "I just want to find a place to sit. We have been walking for a long time."

"Here, please." Nick got in first.

Others walked into the hotel one after another, Hubble stood in front of the door and whispered: "This woman is really exciting, I like it."

Behind Belmode looked at him in shock, and can only sigh in his heart that the Catu people's aesthetics is really different from that of human beings.

Walking into the hotel lobby, there are high and low tables for guests of different heights. When he was serving on Pluto, Allen had heard that no male of the Baal race was the same, and now he finally saw it. The guests here are all men, but their physical signs are all different. The only thing in common is their skin color, which is dark red like those metal exterior walls.

When Allen's faces walked in, the guests cast unfriendly eyes at them. One of the people from Barr who was about to leave even ran into Allen unkindly, but instead of hitting Allen, he bumped Hubble back. Hubble wasn't satisfied, he chopped off his head with an axe, and then threw his head out the door. Glancing at the guests in the hall again, these Baal people turned their heads wittily, no longer looking at Ellen.

"Hey, don't kill anyone here, or someone will clean me!" Lily, who was walking in from the kitchen, yelled when she saw this scene. She threw a pot on the table next to her. Unnamed food spilled out of the bowl, but the guests at the table did not dare to say a word.

Nick smirked, and finally sent Lily back to the kitchen, then walked back to Ellen's table and said, "Single women have big tempers."

Hubble's eyes lit up: "I like women with this personality."

Nick glanced at him with a weird expression, then smiled and said to Allen: "My lord, if I'm not mistaken, you should be a human?"

Alan's eyes narrowed, and the temperature in his vision suddenly cooled.

Nick waved his hand again and again: "Don’t get me wrong, we are not interested in people’s identities, whether in the forgotten realm or in the wasteland. As long as you are strong enough and follow some rules, then no matter where you come from, you can live in these places. Very pleasant. And if you are stronger, you can even make your own rules. I don’t want to inquire about your identity, but for us, human beings are really rare, only in the magic ring city or the king of Duobia sunset In the city, I heard of the existence of human slaves."

"Hey, little man, we are not only humans." Hubble took off his helmet, revealing his original face.

Nick didn't feel much surprised when he saw that it was a Catto. He just said in confusion, "I'm really confused when the Catto and humans come together."

"We are still sitting at a table with a Barr." Allen said: "There is no absolute thing in the world. Enemies or friends are sometimes just a fine line."

The puns of his words made the Baal nodded, and Nick said: "The Trek you killed, including the other two gatekeepers, were under Lord Ironhand. Lord Ironhand is also a big man who controls this town. It won't be long before he will come to trouble you."

"Oh, what do you suggest?"

Nick showed a sinister gaze and said, "It's very simple, as I said just now, this is not a reasonable place. With your strength, if you are willing to serve Lord Iron Hand, I guess he will not count the death of a few gatekeepers. If you can be more ruthless and slaughter Lord Iron Hand. It will be even simpler. This Green Light Town will be yours, Lord, you can control everything in the town at will."

"Oh, I haven't asked the adult's name yet?"

"My name is Allen~www.readwn.com~You can remember this name." Allen smiled and said, "Also, Nick. Remember, I will kill the iron hand, and I am not afraid of the big people behind him. , People in this area will soon know my name. But for this area, we are always outsiders, so I need a guide or a consultant. I think you are very suitable, follow me, you It will be better than before. But next time, if you dare to play with me as you did just now, then you will find that people who were cruel to you in the past are actually very kind."

"You must remember this."

Nick was sweating profusely, and he lowered his head, not daring to look at Alan again.

Allen patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, now go to the kitchen to see if Lily needs help. Please give us some food as soon as possible."

Nick was relieved, answered "Yes" and hurriedly left the hall.

After Nick left, Laura glanced at Allen: "Do you believe him?"

"I don't believe it." Allen shrugged. "But we do need a consultant, don't we?"

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