Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1245:  The master of eating

?[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Su in the War, Whaling Fork, Fine Sand Hourglass, Book Friends 26931165, Eleven Show, Feng, Ling Xiaotian and other brothers for their monthly ticket rewards! ]

"I know I need someone who is familiar with the local situation, but after all..."

Allen raised his hand and smiled: "I know what you mean, Laura. As I said earlier, I don't trust him. But I don't worry that he will betray us easily. At least, there is no stronger than me. Before the Bar people appear, our Mr. Nick will maintain the most basic loyalty. As for race, you don’t have to worry. The Bar people are full of chaotic factors, and they don’t have enough loyalty to their compatriots."

"Just think about it, if the Black Emperor or the Demon King are not strong enough, their subordinates will remain loyal to these two Supremes?" Allen shook his head and said, "I think not, otherwise there would be no Black Emperor betraying Si. The Bernanke thing appeared. After all, simple and crude rules are followed on this planet. But from another perspective, Agareth is more pure than other places."

"Because this is a place where only the strong can survive."

Lim's cursing sounded from the other end of the kitchen, and then the stout woman and the grim-faced Nick walked out, with large and small plates in their hands, and a lot of food. It's just that when they are placed on the table, everyone doubts whether they can be eaten. In any case, it seems that these horrible colors, or a mass of purple paste, have nothing to do with deliciousness.

"Follow the locals, let's try Lim's craftsmanship." Allen took the purple paste and took a sip. It tasted slightly astringent, but after entering his throat, there was a fragrance of fragrance. What surprised him was that the energy contained in this bowl of mushy food was not low, and ordinary people were afraid that they could live a day after eating a bowl of this kind of food.

"Hey, hey, don't rush to eat. God knows if you eat free meals. Come on, pay for it first. This meal is just a green crystal. If you want to stay, you will pay another deposit." The woman yelled Said: "I, Lim, have always been fair in doing business. The price can't be considered expensive even in the wasteland, not to mention that this place is forgotten!"

Allen didn't know the price of goods here, he nodded and said: "Well, fair."

Lim held out a big hand.

"We have no money."

Lim's face immediately darkened, while Nick opened his mouth wide, almost suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

Allen laughed: "But it doesn't matter, someone will send money soon."

"Who?" Lim shouted.

"Iron hand."

"Iron Hand? Why does he send you money?"

"Because he is looking for trouble for me, and for those who dare to trouble me, I think you also know what it will end up." Allen picked up the purple paste and took another sip: "What is this thing made of?"

"A local reptile and the root of the tree called Zige are ground into powder, plus an appropriate amount of water, and it becomes what you drink." Lim retracted his hand and said: "Interesting, I have been here for so many years. It’s the first time I heard someone don’t put iron hands in their eyes. Since you said that, I’ll wait. Anyway, if you get killed, I’ll chop all of you into meat sauce and sell it, so it’s not a loss. ."

"You won't lose money." Allen blinked.

Nick opened his mouth to say something, and suddenly couldn't say a word. The air seemed to condense in an instant, like a pair of invisible hands tightly pinching his throat, Nick's big eyes gradually turned upwards, and when he was about to squeeze the invisible air machine that fell from the sky, he saw Alan tap it. The long knife placed on the table, so the terrible feeling subsided a lot, and he finally breathed out.

Lim snorted: "Iron hand is here, I have to find a good place to watch the show."

She wriggled her **** as fast as the tabletop and strode away, and Allen looked at the woman in surprise. Nick is too weak, so he can't feel anything. But in Allen’s perception, a huge Qi machine is covering the space nearby, but this Qi machine looks mottled and messy. Although it has the strength of a federal general, it is worse than the previous base called Sidi. The Germans are even worse.

However, in a town in the Forgotten Realm, there is a powerful person equivalent to the general level.

Of course, it is not the strength of this iron hand that cannot be ignored, but the big man who can control this strength behind him.

"Hey, don't fight in my hotel!" Lim went to the hotel door and pulled open his throat.

A dull voice sounded: "As long as they are willing to come out, I will never break a table or chair, Lim."

Then he said again: "People inside, you killed a few of my watchdogs, can you tell me something?"

"Let's go, the person who pays the bill is here." Allen picked up the red king and said, "I will wait for you to see who is interested in ending, and clean up this iron hand."

Hubble put on his helmet and said: "Let me come, the kid who killed you before, I haven't had a good time yet."

"Don't worry, you will have a good fight this time." Allen slapped the big man.

When they walked out of the hotel, a large area had been cleared on the street, and dozens of Barrs gathered in a circle, looking at the excitement. Among them, there is a man who is not tall but absolutely stout. The muscle lines on this Baer's body are like carved out, his upper body is covered with short black spines on his forehead and chin. The right hand is a mechanical arm, which is probably the origin of his nickname Iron Hand. What brought Allen to his attention was that there were dark green stripes on his body, which squirmed like his blood vessels.

Nick, who squeezed to the side, whispered: "Iron Hand often eats green crystals for food. He has the special ability to digest the energy of green crystals. It can be said that his power is eaten out. Lord Allen, you have to be careful. , The iron hand is no better than the Trek and others who were killed by you."

"A master who ate it?" Alan smiled in his eyes: "No wonder his aura is so mottled and impure, it turned out to be edible..."

Nick has a weird face and doesn't know what Alan is laughing at. Green crystals are full of energy. For those strong masters in the great wasteland, it is normal for them to regularly absorb the energy of green crystals to increase their source power level. The less powerful ones will also carry the green crystal with them so that once the battle conditions are stalemate, they can absorb the energy of the green crystal to supplement the source power at any time.

Of course, this Baer didn't know that the level of absorption of a large amount of external energy and piled up like this is not only extremely unstable in the body, but also impure. Just like a piece of gold mixed with brass, it looks not much different from pure gold in appearance, but the quality is far worse.

Not to mention Alan, even Hubble and the others, the source power is accumulated bit by bit. Although they are slow to upgrade to ranks, their strength is not at all water. Once they break through the 30th level, a strong person with a lot of water like Iron Hand will not be regarded by them at all.

Seeing Ellen and the others appeared, the iron hand's gaze fell on the leader Ellen, he said in a low voice: "Humans? It's rare, so you killed my watchdogs? They? Although it’s a few fools, **** it, you don’t know how difficult it is to have someone available in this ghost place."

He stepped forward two steps, the whole person exuding his majestic aura without reservation. Even if it is a master who eats it, no matter how mottled and impure the Qi machine is, the iron hand is after all a powerhouse who has broken through the 30th level. At this time, the momentum and pressure were released, and the other Baer people nearby who were planning to watch the excitement retreated bitterly. As a result, this retreat gave way to the entire street.

Lim, who was watching the excitement inside the hotel gate, was still standing in her original position. This stout woman didn't seem to be that simple. Although he looked uncomfortable under the power of the iron hand, at least it was not as unbearable as others.

Allen just let out a little breath and surrounded himself and Nick, so that Nick didn't have to almost strangle Iron Hand's invisible air machine like before. Seeing that Allen is calm and composed under his own aura, while Hubble and several people reacted to their own aura, but they didn't change their faces, and they knew that they weren't small characters. But Tie Shou has confidence in himself, and this confidence is based on the record of invincibility in the past. Since he took control of Luguang Town, he has been defeated at the end of the battle, not less than a hundred times.

In the past battles, there were many hard ideas like Alan and the others.

At this time, Allen stepped forward and said: "Yes, we killed the people. How does Lord Iron Hand plan to deal with this matter?"

Iron Hand glanced at Nick and said, "It seems that you know a lot, so it's simple. You have two choices. One is to replace Trek and the others and become my subordinates; as for the other, Come and crane your neck to let me unscrew your heads!"

"You are very confident." Allen laughed.

"When you stay in this ghost place like me for ten years, and no one can move you in these ten years, you will have such confidence." Tie Shou said solemnly.

Allen nodded: "It makes sense, but I don't like either of your choices, so I give myself the third choice."

"Oh, what is it?"

"Kill you, I will be the master of Green Light Town."

Iron Hand laughed: "Trust me, many people have said the same thing to me before, but it turns out that they have all become food in Lim's kitchen."

"Really? Maybe today will be an exception?"

The iron hand laughed suddenly, and the corners of his eyes twitched and said: "Then you can try it."

"I'm not interested in playing against you, but I have someone willing to accompany you."

Alan's words fell to the end, and Hubble had passed him with his tomahawk. Looking at Hubble, the iron hand grinned: "What's the matter? I already smell the stench of Catu pigs. Your combination is really weird."

Hubble's voice sounded from the helmet: "Go ahead, just talk, because soon you won't have time to talk, you bad breath guy!"

"It's really rare to see a sharp-toothed guy like you in the Catu people. I changed my mind. I won't kill you, but I want you to become a trash and raise it!" The iron hand began to walk towards Hubble, while on his body With the brilliance of different colors of miserable green and light purple, his breath rose steadily. The brilliance of those two colors gradually condensed into some kind of armed armor on his body surface, which made Iron Hand look more majestic.

But at this moment, a brilliant purple light glowed under the iron hands and feet. He stopped and looked down. I don't know when the purple symbols began to float on the ground. The symbols that the iron hand had never seen before even spread all over the street. The purple light symbol rises from the ground circle like a beam of light. The Iron Hand was trapped in this beam of light. At this time, one of the symbols fell on him, and the Iron Hand's energy was immediately reduced by one point.

The beam of light closed, and countless Eboins words burned all over the iron hand, and then disappeared into his body. The power of iron hand's energy source continued to evaporate like a flood of opening gates, and the level dropped again and again. When the level stabilized, he actually fell to the 25th level in one breath.

The street was strangely quiet, and everyone noticed the abnormal changes in the iron hand. Iron Hand looked at his hands in disbelief, and finally moved his eyes to Alan. Because when the beam of light rose, there was purple light wandering in Alan's red eyes. Obviously, the abnormality on his body was related to this human being. He roared, "What did you do?"

In addition to anger, there was also a bit of panic in his voice.

Allen smiled and said: "Since it is a duel, of course it must be fair, don't you think?"

The iron hand finally replied, but Hubble walked back, sat down on the floor and said, "I won't fight anymore!"

Allen looked at him.

There was an unwilling taste in Catu’s voice: "You pulled him to the 25th level all of a sudden, then there is no fun in fighting. He is like this, I can kill him with one hand, he is boring and boring. "

"A picky guy." Allen smiled and kicked him lightly.

Tieshou's face was green with anger, and Bai walked out at this moment. The boy was silent, but his energy was constantly released, he directly replaced words with actions. Seeing that Hubble was not fighting, but a human teenager appeared, the iron hand suddenly felt nowhere to put his face. He has been in the town of Luguang for many years. He has never suffered such humiliation before, and now he is frightened and angry, but there is a grin on his face. He didn't know what Allen did, but if he wanted to say that he was timid, then he really couldn't continue mixing here.

Whether it is a wasteland or a forgotten realm, people will be scolded wherever they flee first. If the iron hand is timid at this time, let alone it will be a joke to people in the local area, even the adult who supports him behind will not let it go. But if the iron hand first kills the boy in front of him with thunder, then it is another matter to find the steps. Afterwards, he can go to the adult to ask for help, then it is not his business to deal with Alan next.

After finishing his calculations, looking at Bai, who was no more than twenty-four or five-level, the iron hand strode forward and hit Bai's head with a punch.

Bai didn't even dodge, raising his arm and bending his elbow on top. Only at the moment of the collision, the white skin floated up with snake scales, and quickly covered the rest of the body like a tide. The iron hand "Huh", Hajime realized that Bai was not a human being.

The fist hit Bai's elbow, and a particularly dull crash sounded in the street, and the ground under the two people's feet immediately sank three points. Iron hand broke the drink, and the other hand grabbed it for nothing. Not to be outdone, the young man stretched out his hand to support the giant palm of his iron hand.

Then there is no clever wrestling.

The source force of the two sides exploded at the same time, the iron hand still gushes with the brilliance of the purple and green two colors, but the hazy gray light gushes from the white body. The source force of the two parties smashed together without reservation in space. Both of them were full of joints and lightly shocked. Under their wrestling force, the ground sank deeper and deeper, and gave birth to large or small cracks towards the surroundings. Spread out.

After a while, the buildings on both sides of the street were implicated. Some foundations are sinking, while others are bursting. The Baer people who watched the game even issued a series of exclaims, Bai and Tie Shou's body shape is so different, but the pure power competition, the seemingly thin Bai has never been disadvantaged.

Only Allen knows Bai's strength and knows how great his talent potential is. From the king snake form to the human form, Bai did sacrifice a lot of advantages. For example, the pure power of the king snake was much stronger than the human form. But transforming into a human form is not without benefits. For example, some melee skills can only be used in a human form.

After the two men stood in a stalemate on the street for a few seconds, seeing that the source force was unable to overwhelm the white, the iron hand raised his head slightly, then slammed it down, trying to open the deadlock with a savage head hammer.

A little smile flashed in his eyes, and he also waved his head to welcome him.

The two heads hit each other, but the iron hand uttered a whisper, and he slammed people back, and blood oozes from his forehead.

There was another exclamation in the crowd.

Bar people are not good at physical strength, while Bai looks human in appearance, but both internal organs and bones are far from humans. If Tie Shou used human standards to evaluate Bai's physical strength, then he must be wrong. Allen said in his heart, if counted like this, the appearance of this human being is just like those strange beasts on the snowy field, and it is completely deceptive.

Miscalculated Bai's physical strength, and hit him backwards. The iron hand finally stopped the retreat, seeing people in the distance looking at him with surprise, feeling dull. He gritted his teeth and roared, striding towards Bai Bai~www.readwn.com~ It seemed that he was going to hit Fei Bai with the help of running.

"Barbaric, rude, no skill at all." Allen whispered: "Aren't all the so-called strong people like this?"

Nick probably thinks that Iron Hand has not had the upper hand, so that he, who is also a Baer, ​​has a dull face. He reluctantly smiled: "It is true that Iron Hand is a strong man, but in the wasteland, he is better than him. There are many strong people."

"Oh, that's really interesting." Allen said lightly.

Looking at the scene again, Bai did not collide with Iron Hand this time. He rushed to the Baer, ​​but he stretched out his foot when he was about to hit the iron hand. The iron hand thrust him horizontally and immediately lost his balance. Bai took the opportunity to stretch his hand to the waist of the Baer, ​​and lifted the iron hand that was several times thicker than him. Then the man turned around and slammed the iron hand to the ground. The iron hand was dizzy and dizzy. He only heard the dense tremors inside his body. Bai's hand seemed to have left a large amount of dark wounds in his body, and he didn't know how many bones were cracked by his concussive technique.

At this time, the young man caught a thick foot in his iron hand, and before he was relieved of breath, he lifted it up. After turning a few times and then letting go, the iron hand flew out like a cannonball and smashed into a triangular building across the street. After crashing several walls, the building shook. The ground collapsed.

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