Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1314:  Split will

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"and many more!"

The black weapon yelled, and the blade of the Baidi Sword just hit his back, and the blade fluttered out a few white flames and fell on the black clothes. The black clothes screamed, and a few lines of black smoke were emitted. [] Allen said solemnly: "What else do you want to say?"

"You can't obliterate me." Black weapon roared: "If I disappear, then the devil's praise will become an ordinary dagger."

Allen sneered: "Since you refuse to use it for me, what's the use of keeping it. Rather than keeping a source that is always thinking about me, it is better to make it an ordinary dagger, and I can keep it as a souvenir. "

The black weapon laughed dryly: "If I am willing to liberate myself? You won't refuse, right? I can already carry out the next stage of transformation, and I will definitely not let you down."

"Is this the condition for me to let you go?" Allen laughed: "I am not stupid. You can strengthen yourself by absorbing the essence of life. After the transformation to the next stage, the power will increase and it will be easier to absorb the essence of life. If you leave it alone, when you are strong enough, you will probably hit my mind again, right? If it is you, I think you will also kill the danger in the cradle."

The Baidi sword gradually sank, and the blade had lightly pierced into the black clothes of the black weapon.

"You are destined to be the Son of Twilight. Even if you are not fully awakened now, you will always have all the inheritance of the blood path one day. Are you afraid that I will grow faster than you?"

Allen shook his head: "Don't use aggressive methods against me. Unless you provide more convincing guarantees, I would rather lose an unheard of source device than plant a time bomb for my future!"

The blade penetrated the thin clothes.

"Stop...Stop!" Black weapon's eyes opened wide, and he roared: "You won."

"Oh, how do you say?"

The black weapon squeezed the palm of the hand firmly, and ten fingers grabbed the traces on the dark rocky ground: "I can split the will to form a primary will and a secondary will."

"The main will will merge with you, but it will not be fully integrated into your will. In that case, it will be no different from killing me. I will maintain a certain degree of independence. On this basis, I can do something for you. For example, share Attacks from the spiritual level, etc. As for the secondary will stay in the source device, its function is only to ensure that the source device can be used normally."

"If you want, you can erase my main will at any time. But in that case, the secondary will will disappear, and the source device will become a scrap of copper and iron." The black weapon snorted: " I have considered carefully, this is the most suitable method, which can protect your and my interests at the same time. At the same time, it is also my bottom line!"

Allen thought for a while and said: "Let your main will remain independent, and I still have to take risks."

"Stupid." Black weapon cried, "My main will is withdrawn from the source device, which means that I cannot be nourished by the essence of life, and there is never the possibility of growth. On the contrary, due to the separation into two wills, I will Not as good as it is now. Wouldn't you be willing to accept this?"

Allen laughed: "After all, you are the volitional body of the source weapon. It is always right to be careful. Since you say that, I can rest assured, but if I find out what you are doing, I will not hesitate. Erase your main will."

"Deal." Heiqigan smiled: "Now you can get those swords out of my body, so that I can't split."

Allen shook his head: "Stop talking nonsense, just split me up like this, I know you can do it, otherwise you won't just raise it directly."

"Damn it, even though you are the weakest guy I have ever seen, you are also the one with the smallest heart." He gritted his teeth and said, "I really don't leave any chance to others..."

As he said, there was a crack in his forehead. The gap suddenly opened to both sides, and a blood-red eye was rolled up inside. Then the pupil gradually disappeared, and the eyeball rolled down from the black weapon's forehead, and when it landed, it turned into a round spar.

After the spar rolled to the ground, the breath of the black weapon changed. No longer the arrogance that was when I first saw it, it became indifferent and inorganic, like a machine. Allen's gaze fell on the spar, thinking that this should be the main will of the black weapon.

When Alan picked up the spar, his figure began to fade and gradually disappeared into this world of will. The black weapon that was lying on the ground slowly got up, standing on the black ground, looking around blankly. After a while, he walked towards the gray city. That figure is like a puppet without a soul...

When Allen opened his eyes again, he saw Picka's bedroom. He let out a sigh of relief, and finally returned from the source of will world. Looking at the devil's praise again, the gem has returned to its original appearance, no longer the glorious appearance before. Alan picked it up and tried to infuse the source force. This time there was no obstacle. After the source force was injected, the gem glowed red. At the same time, some information also appeared in Allen's mind.

As the black weapon said, after he liberated himself, the source device could already awaken the fourth stage. From the original death hymn to a further step, transformed into a hymn of destruction. The ability of an anthem of destruction is that everything can be cut off, regardless of matter, energy or even space. If Alan had mastered the anthem of destruction when he was fighting Stark, then Stark's Abyssal Body was a joke in front of this source.

"Well, I’m not wrong, I am very strong in the fourth stage. But I can be stronger, such as the deep anthem of the fifth stage, and even the final stage of the Ashes sing, my strength will exceed Beyond your imagination!"

The sound of a black weapon suddenly sounded in his mind, which made Alan frown. He hummed, "Shut up, don't just talk in my head. Otherwise, I will make you unable to say a word. "

The black weapon hummed, and then there was no sound.

Allen stood up and put away the demon's praise. He left the room, and when he opened the door, he stood up expectantly when he heard the movement. Seeing the teenager Allen stunned, then he asked: "How long have I been in the room?"

"Four days."

"It's been four days..." Allen reached out and rubbed his hair: "Are you staying here these days?"

White nodded.

"Fool, don't do this next time. I'm safe here."

The young man remained silent, but his stubborn eyes didn't make it difficult to see that he would still do it if there was another time. Allen read the young man's mind from his eyes, he smiled helplessly, and no longer forced him, casually asked: "have anything special happened these days?"

Originally, Bai just asked casually, but Bai Bai said with a serious look: "Yes, Gray Town was hacked by Lucy. People who escaped from Gray Town two days ago fell into Baixi City, and today I heard that two other towns have been taken away. Tracey said that the next one will probably be here, and now both Laura and Belmode have gone to the other side of the city wall to prevent a sudden attack on the city."

Allen said in surprise: "Lucy is here? But how could he go to Gray Town? To go to Gray Town, he has to pass through Baixi City first." He has read the book of Rhodo and naturally understands the legacy. The approximate locations of several towns on the border. On the map, Gray Town is the closest to the Rhodo Pass, which is located west of Baixi City, which is about four or five days away. If Lucy wants to attack Graytown, he must pass through Baixi City first. But Ellen didn't know that when Lucy entered the ruin realm, he was affected by the curtain of time and was randomly teleported to the spider forest deep in the remains, let alone two generals who are now working with Lucy to deal with him.

When Allen successfully suppressed the black weapon, Lucy was playing with a bone knife. The material of this knife is made by grinding the bones of an alien beast. Lucy gently wiped the blade with a finger, feeling the arc of the blade. When the finger tip stopped on the tip of the knife, the sharp tip of the knife only pressed a faint red dot on his finger. There is nothing special about this knife itself, except that it is sharper, its value is not even as high as a beam gun. But if you consider that this knife was once used by the Bone King, then it can be sold at a high price if you throw it on the black market in the wasteland.

The bone knife was searched from Laugan's house. It was a gift from Zassou to Laugan, and it also represented the bone king's trust in the cripple. Now that the **** had been killed by Lucy, the knife fell into the hands of the white devil. The bone knife itself has no value to Lucy, but it is very symbolic. Lucy smiled suddenly and stretched out **** to lightly press the blade. With a clatter, the bone knife snapped, Lucy put the broken knife away, and he was going to return the thing to its original owner.

Of course, when this bone knife appeared in front of Zhasu's eyes, Lucy already had the power to sweep the wasteland.

Now three towns including Gray Town have been rooted by him~www.readwn.com~The veins controlled by Zasso and others have also fallen into his hands. Now only Baixi City and Luguang Town are left. Once these two places are gone, the edge of the whole remains is his Lucy's world.

As for whether to kill Alan or not is not in his consideration at all, in addition to having absolute confidence in himself, it is also because there are two strong men, Yami and the Blue Devils. Although the latter is using his idea, when it comes to using it, it is estimated that even the veteran strong Zasso is not his opponent. Lucy had even thought about using the two in turn to help himself kill Allen.

At this time, there was noise outside the tent. Lucy squinted her eyes, got out of the light curtain camp, and then caught a soldier and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It seems that those spiders somehow suddenly moved. Many spiders passed by our camp and scared our people."

Lucy cursed "the rice bucket", but looked at the middle of the camp, there was indeed a group of spiders passing by. Lucy shook her head and said, "Don't bother about the spiders, let alone be afraid of them. At least they will remain my allies until Baixi City is not razed."

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