Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1315:  The storm is approaching

One second of genius remembers, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

Of course Lucy didn't know where the spider group had gone.

In fact, even Yami, who is the Queen of Spiders, didn't know that at this time, Yami was lying on the giant spider's thick back and was sleeping with her eyes closed. Although she is the master of the spider nest, she is far from strict with the control of the spider colony. Except for the mobilization of a few special spider species that need to alert her, the mobilization of other spider species is supervised and distributed by the elder spiders in the spider colony. The elder spider is Yami's name, and those spiders are highly intelligent throughout the nest. They look like a tarantula with a snail's shell on its back, with a tuft of whiskers growing under its mouth, which looks like a beard. The elder spiders are not good at fighting, and will retract themselves into their shells for passive defense when encountering danger, but their intelligence is high enough to share general affairs for Ami.

At this moment, a group of servant spiders suddenly lost contact with them three kilometers east of their temporary camp. Servant spiders are the lowest spider species in the spider colony, and their identities are just like the name suggests, serving the entire spider colony. When marching, the servant spider also acts as a scout. Of course, you can't expect these spider species with little combat effectiveness to go into battle, they can only be used as cannon fodder at best. However, there are so many of them, spreading them around the camp is a natural warning net. Once the servant spiders are attacked, they will send out a warning that only the elder spiders can hear.

Although the elder spider did not receive a warning sound this time, the team of servant spiders also did not feed back their own news at the scheduled time, so the elder spider mobilized a spider group to find out the cause. This spider group is mainly headed by three net-throwers, plus a team of wolf spiders and sword spiders. Soon the spider group came to the area where the missing servant spider was responsible, and a net-caster easily found the dead bodies of several servant spiders on the pile of snow.

Those few fluttering spiders seemed to have been burned by the fire, their feet were all closed, and their bodies showed signs of scorching.

The green firefly's eyes of the net caster rolled around, making a call that the spider swarm could only understand, and the spider swarm was about to turn its head. Suddenly a few tarantulas neighed, and the net caster turned around and saw a fiery red beast leaping on the tarantulas. The head of this strange beast is like a beast, with human-like arms on the front legs, but even hooves on the two hind legs. Its head has long bends, its head is filled with flames, and its whole body exudes the smell of flames.

It silently tore several tarantulas to pieces in an instant, and then yelled provocatively at the net caster.

The mouth of the net thrower opened, revealing a dense circle of nest teeth inside, and six green eyes on that head lit up at the same time, and the remaining tarantulas and sword spiders swarmed up. The flaming red beast leaped forward without a word, his strong arms clenched into a fist. First, a fist hit the head of the sword spider, and suddenly the sword spider's head blossomed and its feet twitched. Then he caught a tarantula and tore it with both hands. The blood overflowed, and the dead tarantula was thrown on the ground at will.

At this time, a few smaller sword spiders jumped onto the alien beast, and they stabbed in the alien beast with their two opposite feet as sharp as swords, and the alien beast was immediately injured. But it did not roar like an ordinary beast, but silently grabbed it back with both hands, and each caught a sword spider and squeezed it directly. The net thrower saw that the spider group suffered heavy casualties, and immediately spouted a thread of spider silk from his mouthparts.

The spider silk splayed into the wind, turned into a large net and fell on the alien beast. Green venom dripped on the spider silk, and the liquid from the venom sac of the net caster made the spider silk very corrosive. Not only did the body of the alien beast strangle the spider silk, even those sword spiders also scorched the venomous silk into blue smoke, making the odor unacceptable.

The sword spiders all squeaked, but the strange beast still did not make a sound. The flame on its head suddenly flourished, and the strange beast spouted a flame at the net caster. Just as the caster was about to close the net, the strange beast spurted flames and immediately swept the flames. The spider's body immediately burned, and it made a sharp neigh, and then slammed its head into a nearby snowdrift.

But before it hit the snowdrift, the net caster was burned to death, and its body still snapped in the flames.

When the alien beast broke free from the spider web, its expression wilted, and suddenly two more poisonous webs fell on it. It turned its head and looked at it. The last two net-casters of this spider group took one side each, continuously spraying poisonous nets to trap them. After a while, the strange beast was wrapped in layers of spider webs and stopped moving. Two net casters pulled the silk cocoon back and reported what had happened here.

The elder spider personally untied the silk cocoon and saw the body of the strange beast. In the end it chose not to disturb Ami who was sleeping, not to mention the death of a net-caster, plus a team of sword spiders and tarantulas to kill such a beast, it was a shame to look at it. But if the elder spider knew that such a strange beast was not a creature in the relic, he would probably make the opposite judgment. So sometimes, being too smart may not be a good thing.

The alien beast that was killed was naturally the Fire Horned Demon.

Baixi City was two days away from the spider swarm. Normally, the connection between Hiron and the Firehorn Demon couldn't maintain that distance. But Hiron put them in formation, each team responsible for a designated area. When the team leaves the contact area, let the Fire Horned Demon send a message with a call.

After the fire horned demon was taken away by the net caster, two other fire horned demon appeared at the battle site not long after. They walked around the battlefield in a circle, and then one of the firehorn demon let out a dull roar. After a while, another roar sounded on the snow two kilometers away, and then the roar continued to connect, and the news was quickly transmitted back to Baixi City.

Hiron stood on the wall of Baixi City like a sculpture for several days and nights. After receiving the news, two red lights under his helmet lit up. Then the king drew the huge sword inserted into the ground, strode down the city wall, and walked in the direction of the city lord mansion.

In the city lord's mansion, Trisili finally met Alan.

Allen and Bai are dining, and their tables are piled with food. Allen hasn't eaten since she locked herself in the room, and Bai has the same, now the two eat faster and more. When Tracey came in, there was already a pile of empty dishes on the table, and Lola next to her showed a helpless smile, reminding Alan Tracey that she had come after the small mountain of food.

Alan just stood up, his mouth bulged, and he didn't know how much stuff was stuffed. He said vaguely: "Traceli, I heard that Graytown was attacked. Tell me what happened?"

"Yes, Master." Trisili stroked her forehead: "Should I wait for you to finish eating?"

"No need." Allen swallowed the food in his mouth, wiped his mouth with a tissue next to him, patted his stomach and smiled: "I'm done, you can say it."

Tracey nodded and relayed the news she heard from the refugees in Gray Town, and then reminded: "Those refugees also mentioned spiders, and there are quite a few. This is what I care about the most, Lucy. But there is no habit of keeping spiders, let alone bringing out an army of spiders."

"Spider..." Allen said, "It doesn't sound like a pleasant thing."

At this time, heavy footsteps sounded from outside the door, and then Hiron pushed the door and entered. The king knelt on one knee, and the giant sword was lying flat on the ground, bowing his head to Alan and said: "Your Highness, I just received the news. An army is coming towards us in the snowy plain to the west."

"It must be Lucy!" Tracey said.

Allen looked at Hiron and said, "Retract the Firehorn Demon, Hiron. We must be ready for the battle."

"I will do it now."

After Hiron left, Allen asked again: "What is Lucy's notable ability?"

Trisili squinted her eyes and thought for a while: "As far as I know, Lucy takes a pitiful number of shots. In fact, big people like Lucy in the wasteland rarely participate directly in battle. They are more used to using it. The army and the strong under them will solve it. If it can’t be solved, move the battlefield to the negotiating table. Just like a few years ago, Lucy and the madmen attacked the territory of Bloodeye are already special cases. But even so, Lucy still did not take action.

"For Lucy, I have limited knowledge. I only know that Lucy has an ability called the White Territory, which is a domain-oriented ability. However, this ability is only used to clean up miscellaneous soldiers. It is useless for the strong above the level."

Allen shrugged and said: "Well, it seems that there is no information to collect, so wait for him to send it to the door. Then you will know."

Seeing Alan’s relaxed look, Tracey couldn’t help but reminded: “Master, don’t think of Lucy as an opponent of the blood-eye level. Lucy’s combat power is definitely higher than Azeroth, although not I have seen it with my own eyes, but many rumors have pointed out that Lucy's real ability is very powerful and terrifying."

"I didn't care about it, Tracey~www.readwn.com~ Alan smiled and said: "It's just that Lucy uses the battle between me and Azeroth as a reference, then he will be quite surprised by then. "

"Since you have said so..." Trisili nodded and said, "Then I will go down and make preparations. Lucy, I can't deal with it, but I can share a little bit of the strong under him."

In the next two days, people in Baixi City could feel a sense of oppression before the storm. Hiron gathered the diverging army, and teams of flaming horns gathered under the city gate. When they gathered, there seemed to be a sea of ​​fire burning under the city. In the evening of the second day, some birds chirping sounded over Baixi City. When people raised their heads, they would see some fiery shadows hovering over the city.

That is the new flying unit produced by Mitinas, the Flamingo.

The flying height of the flamingo can reach thousands of meters, which ensures that they will not be easily hit by ground attacks, and it is difficult even for those who are waiting for the strong to hit them. Fire falcons are not purely combat-type creatures. Their role is more in reconnaissance, but this does not mean that they have no combat capabilities. The wings of the fire falcon are pure flames. They can fan out the Foehn wind or shake off the flame feathers, but their power is limited.

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