Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1439: deserter

Void volcano.

Alan hasn't been in or out of this consciousness space between the Origin Force Star Sea and the surface will for a long time. When he appeared in this space in the past, he mostly appeared in a posture of looking directly at the volcano. Today, he was observing this wildfire zone condescendingly, and the change in angle seemed to show the change in his control over Yuanli. It was as if he appeared in the form of consciousness at this moment, but there was a vague feeling of controlling the volcanic belt underneath, as if as long as he stretched out his hand, the volcanic belt underneath would undergo earth-shaking changes, which was a sense of supremacy like a god.

He did not rush to try.

Looking down, this volcanic belt has one more peak than before. With the main peak as the center, two side peaks are arched around, and the three volcanic craters are all gushing with fire and magma. As the heat rises, Mars floats in the entire space, making the space a red.

The foundation at the foot of the mountain has also thickened a lot, and the magma flowing from the mountain pass will flow into the void in the past. Now they are converging into several lava rivers. Alan couldn't help thinking, will a sea of ​​lava be directly generated in the future?

This is not impossible.

He licked his lips, a little about to move. It is said that men are not grown-up boys, but the toys are constantly changing. Feeling that he has some control over this consciousness space, Allen felt like trying to do something.

He focused on his mind, landed near one of the lava rivers, and stretched out his hand. A few mud masses by the river rose up with heat and flames. Alan rubbed his hands, and the mud masses changed their shapes, forming a few horned monsters. It was just a few clay sculptures of the horned demon, completely inanimate, which was somewhat different from the creation that Allen wanted.

Sure enough, he couldn't create a creature, even in this consciousness space. Allen laughed mockingly, stretched out his hands again, concentrating on the foundations near a few lava rivers, and then separated his hands left and right.

The entire consciousness space rang loudly, and the ground split in the middle, forming a huge gully. The ravine is expanding rapidly, the ground sinks, and a huge pit is quickly formed. The lava continued to flow backwards, and soon the huge pit was covered, and it continued to rise, eventually forming an overflowing lava lake.

Hot bubbles float in the lava lake, and from time to time a small pillar of slurry will be sprayed, full of vitality. At the moment when this lava lake was formed, Allen clearly felt that his source capacity had increased by 20%. It can be seen that the transformation of the void volcano will be directly reflected in the change of source force.

He wanted to continue trying, and suddenly a very familiar feeling surged. This feeling made his heart tremble, and he seemed to feel Lucy standing behind him, even though he could not see or touch. But the leaping golden hair, and the flamboyant expression flowing in her green eyes, seemed to be right in front of her.

As long as Alan turned around, he could see her.

Is she here? Coming to Agareth? Even though he knew it was impossible, Alan couldn't help but think so. With this thought, consciousness immediately rose, Void Volcano further and further away, and finally Alan opened his eyes.

But what he saw was not Lucy, but a man.

He stood in the flames, with a majestic face under his gray hair, and those same red eyes were looking straight at Alan. When his gaze fell on him, Allen felt like he was seen through. Almost out of instinct, a circle of void secret flames suddenly rose under Allen's feet, and the translucent gray flames cut off Allen and the opponent's sight.

The man "Huh" said: "Void Secret Flame? It's not easy to be able to master this high-level Void Source Force before he is fully awakened."

"Who are you?" Allen yelled. As long as the man in front of him showed a trace of hostility, he would not hesitate to take out the devil's hair and endless destruction from the space wrist wheel. Although instinctively reminded him, these two big killers may not be useful to this mysterious man.

"It doesn't matter who I am. As long as you continue along this road, you will always know who I am one day. My descendants are here to meet you and remind you. Be careful that we truly My enemy, when that day comes, don’t hesitate if you still want to get rid of your fate and put an end to the endless cycle of our race."

The figure of the man began to fade away.

Allen shook his head and said: "I don't understand. What is the real enemy, what to get rid of fate, and to end reincarnation, you can tell me more clearly!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand it now, when that day comes, you will know all the cause and effect."

"and many more!"

Suddenly the door of the room was knocked open, Allen turned around, Laura and Belmode both looked nervous. Seeing Allen asked at the same time: "Are you okay?"

Allen shook his head, but at this time, the man had disappeared without a trace. Looking at the empty room, Allen almost suspected that it was just a dream.

But he knew it was not a dream.

He just didn't know that the man used Lucy as the medium of communication between the two of them, so that he had crossed billions of stars to meet. On this side, no one knows what the outcome will be.

If the universe itself is a closely-operated program, then the meeting between Allen and the man was a process that inserted unknown variables. I am afraid that even the person who designs the program does not know what changes will be caused.

If there is such a person.

"Master, are you okay? Just now, your breath doesn't seem to be so normal." Belmode walked around the room, confirming that there were no signs of foreign enemies invading.

Allen said: "Something happened, but it's nothing serious."

"That's good, but recently something bad happened in the city, I'm afraid you need to solve it yourself." Laura took a long coat and put it on Allen.

Allen frowned: "What's the matter?"


De Shen said: "Destroyer."


After Allen refused the invitation from the Empire, the Oculus City sent two generals and one hundred thousand troops. Now that the army has been assembled, I am afraid that Mokdan will be forced into force within two or three days.

At this moment, after hearing the news, everyone was panicked from the top officials of Mokdan to the ordinary residents. Mokdan is okay, at least Alan is in charge. Panic return to panic, but not chaos.

But there were deserters in the three undercurrents that had been attacked before. Since yesterday, soldiers have fled from the city one after another. Now the general in charge of the undercurrents, Zhuo De, rushed to Mokdan directly to see Alan. It just happened to be in time that Alan was working on the source power, so Lola blocked him.

After a while, Allen saw General Zhuo De in the lobby of the City Lord's Mansion. This Baal has a strong body, and he would think he is that kind of brave and brave just by looking at his appearance, but in fact he is not smooth. When Allen attacked Undercurrent City that day, Zhuo De acted to block Allen's sword and immediately surrendered. The speed was so fast that even Allen didn't react immediately.

Now Allen is arranged to preside over the overall situation in Undercurrent City, and the two nearby cities are also placed under Zhuode's jurisdiction. Originally, Zhuo De was quite happy. After all, Sancheng had twice as much oil and water as before, but now he has the responsibility of the deserter. Thanks to his decisive action, he immediately rushed to Mokdan to plead with Allen. No matter what to do next, his plea was first. Even if Allen had to punish him, it would be a light penalty.

Allen had already met with Melanie before meeting him, and had a countermeasure in mind. When he entered the hall, he saw Zhuo De knelt down on the ground with a bang, and then shouted "Responsibility", only to hug Alan and cry.

He was angry and funny, shook his head and said: "Get up, General Zhuode."

Zhuo De then stood up cowardly and obediently and obediently. Allen sat down with his chin in one hand and looked at him sideways and said: "You are an imperial general. You should know more about how the empire handles deserters than I do. I am curious, why do you leave the deserters to the general and not deal with them? Instead, I came to Mokdan. Isn't this a waste of time?"

"This, after all, the adult is not the one, so I am not sure how the adult should deal with those bastards. Zhuo De dare not make his own claim, so I came to ask the adult."

Allen said indifferently: "I will do what the empire does. Do you understand this way?"

"Ming, I understand." Zhuo De sweated on his forehead, and the Empire had always treated deserters without mercy. It seemed that the chasing and killing of deserters had to fall on him. It's nothing to kill those deserters~www.readwn.com~ But once you do it, you will undoubtedly show your position to the empire. After that, you won't be able to play ambiguous games.

After all, hunting down deserters is tantamount to killing imperial soldiers. What is the difference between that and rebellion. If you can use being forced as an excuse to return before, but you will have to hunt down deserters yourself, there is no excuse. Thinking of this, Zhuo De said with one or two hopes: "My lord, the matter of chasing and killing deserters, is it?"

Before he finished speaking, Allen interrupted: "Of course, you are in charge of the general. Should the soldiers who escaped from you ask other generals to wipe your butt? Or is the general arrogantly surrendering to wait for the empire. Turn around as soon as you arrive?"

Zhuo De really thought so, but he couldn't tell. Ellen intentionally or unintentionally turned the space wheel in his hand, Zhuo De's eyes turned sharply, and finally chose the former between his own life and the empire. It's not difficult to choose. If he doesn't agree, he can be sure that he won't have to go anywhere today. When both gritted his teeth and said murderously: "My lord, don't worry, none of those **** can run away!"

"It's not too late, the general hurry up to deal with this matter." Allen took away the hand on the wrist wheel.

On this day, Zhuode immediately sent troops to chase Baili after returning to Undercurrent City, beheading all the deserters, cut off the deserters' heads and sent them to Mokdan. After that, Mokdan issued a series of new regulations, which included doubling the army of all soldiers, rewards for beheading the emperor, and adjustments to military achievements.

Before the heads of killing deserters were shown to the public, the welfare of the soldiers was improved afterwards. It is no different from hitting a stick and then giving you candy. But this approach has indeed achieved results, at least no soldiers dared to flee.

Then the next day, Allen received a spiritual message from Mitinas. Today, a new army will arrive in the remains, which is undoubtedly a great help to Allen.


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