Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1440: Underfire ruling

It was noon, and Allen left Mokdan with Lola and Bai and came to a place more than ten kilometers away from the fortress. The three drove to the designated place in a land vehicle. Allen opened the door and jumped to the ground.

"Why do you have to run so far?" Laura simply sat on the roof of the car and lay down, enjoying the sun. After stimulating the form of the ancient call, Laura has a natural affinity for flames and high heat, which is definitely not mild in the midday sun. But Lola lay lazily in the car like a cat basking in the sun.

Allen leaned on the side of the car and said: "Mitinas said that it is not easy to transport the army this time. In order to avoid causing riots, it is better to receive diplomatic relations in the city.

"Will cause riots? Then I have some expectations." Lola squinted to look at the sky. The sun in the sky was slightly brighter in her eyes, and she could clearly see the fireball illuminating Agareth, even I saw the source of light dancing around the fireball.

The young man who had been silent suddenly raised his head, with an alert look in his eyes: "Something is coming!"

An invisible sense of oppression fell from the sky, and Allen was slightly surprised. There are not many lives that can make him feel stressed. Even though this sense of oppression was negligible to him, it was enough to attract his attention.

At the same time, Mokdan was ten kilometers away. Most of the residents in the city suddenly became flustered and weak, like a beast encountering a natural enemy, and the invisible but huge sense of oppression almost suffocated them.

The shadow climbed quietly onto the ground, onto the carriage and Lola. Laura sat up, looked up at the sky, and muttered, "What is this?"

Above the wasteland, a huge shadow enveloped the ground because of the three behemoths in the sky. They are like some kind of sea beasts living in the deep sea, covered with scales and bone armor. The head is like a turtle, the sides of the body are flat, with fins. The most peculiar thing is their abdomen. The abdomen skin of these three giant beasts is translucent, and it is round like bubbles. There are a strip of bones tightly wrapped around the body, which seems to be an exoskeleton armor protecting the belly.

These three giant beasts all exudes an invisible sense of oppression. They descend from behind the clouds, spraying flames from their scales, and slowly descending with a cry.

"It seems that you saw them, Your Highness." Mitinas' voice sounded in Alan's mind: "Let me introduce, the three giant beasts you saw are called empty beasts. They are inside the planet. An important means of transporting troops, the huge hollow cavity of the air beast can accommodate an army. They have excellent flight capabilities and rarely have natural enemies. Although the air beast is not a standard combat unit, it also has certain offensive and defensive means, but You still don't expect how much combat power they can provide."

"At the moment I can only produce three empty beasts, but it should be enough to transport you an army. In addition to the empty beasts, there are also star beasts that can travel between stars. I will produce them if necessary in the future."

Allen said in a grateful way: "It's amazing that there is such a life in Eboyins. No wonder you want me to connect outside the city. If such a big guy appears directly in Morkdan, it will not cause confusion. "

The empty beast is nearly a kilometer away from its head and tail, which is comparable to the scale of a battleship. Such a huge air life, I'm just afraid that even Agareth never had it. If they were allowed to appear in Mokdan, it would inevitably cause confusion.

When the empty beast landed close to the ground, the outer bones of the abdomen shrank from the left and right sides, and the blistered abdomen, the skin gradually faded and thinned. In the end, there was a soft crack, and it burst like a bubble, but what appeared from it was not a liquid, but an army. As Mitinas said, the hollow abdominal cavity of the empty beast was originally something like a warehouse.

When the three empty beasts put down all the soldiers, they slowly rose. In the fluttering sparks, they jumped up, got into the clouds and quickly went away.

There are so many troops on the wasteland out of thin air.

At the same time, there was a lot of information in Alan's mind. It was the information Mittinas sent him about this army. This army has 6,000 people, but there are not many types of arms, only three. The most among them is still the flame knights, this time Mitinas produced 3,000 flame knights. In addition, there are two thousand flame throwers and one thousand poisonous fire eagles.

Flame Knight Allen is no stranger, this kind of ground units that are highly mobile and are good at smashing formations and blasts are powerful if used properly. As for the flame thrower and the poisonous eagle, it was the first time I heard about it. At the moment, Allen found a thrower and a poisonous eagle.

The thrower is a humanoid combat unit. It looks a bit like a humpbacked dwarf, and its height only reaches Alan's waist. But its hands are too thick and out of proportion to the body. A row of spears is inserted into the thrower's "hunchback". According to the information provided by Mitinas, those are the thrower's biological weapons. They can throw the bone spear far away, and the bone spear will produce a strong explosion after hitting the target. Whether it is an explosion of flame or spear fragments, it will cause huge damage to the target area.

As for the poisonous fire eagles, they are air combat units. They have excellent short-distance flight capabilities. In addition to the high-temperature characteristics of flames, the poisonous fires they breathe are also highly corrosive. They have no effect on creatures or battleships. Unparalleled destructive power.

At this time, Allen felt a very familiar qi. After a team of knights separated from left and right, Hiron strode up. Behind this king, another figure followed. The figure was a lot slenderer than Hiron, but the sense of oppression was stronger than Hiron.

The two men bowed to Allen ~www.readwn.com~ before he could see that the one who followed Hiron was a woman.

Hiron introduced: "His Royal Highness, this is Twilight of the Dark Fire Judgment. She is a very powerful king. Abyss Fire used the corpse of the empire general as a medium to transform her. I believe that His Highness Twilight is here. , Next time we meet the imperial general, we will not be stretched anymore."

For Hiron to make such a high evaluation, Alan couldn't help but look more at the female king. Twilight is tall and slender, and unlike Hiron, she doesn't have much armor. Twilight has short golden hair, and under her dark red pupils is a mask covering her face.

The female emperor wore a dark long dress with golden armor on both shoulders. The double **** of the long dress are connected by a burning fire chain, and the brown skin is under the front of the dress. The round outline of the double peaks is vaguely visible. There is no other clothing under the long dress.

The lower body is a pair of trousers, wrapped in metal boots. A dagger was tied to her waist. This dagger with a flame pattern was only larger than a dagger, and it seemed insignificant. But when Allen's eyes fell on it, he felt a little danger, and it was obvious that the short sword was not as simple as it seemed.


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