Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1456: Don't have a hole in the sky

   The holy lord took Alan to dive into the depths of the lake continuously. This earth lake is surprisingly large, and the behemoth of the holy lord, swimming in the lake is not crowded at all. Allen looked around with bated breath, wondering in his heart. The earth lake he wanted to see in the cave was just the tip of an iceberg. Unexpectedly, there are such rich freshwater resources in this mountainous area. No wonder there are barbarian tribes who choose to settle here. This freshwater lake should be the source of water for the entire mountain area, and then flows through the underground channel to the surrounding mountains.

   A moment later Allen saw the bottom of the lake.

   The bottom of the lake is lush with grasses, and countless fish move in the depths of the lake. The fish in this freshwater lake also exhibited the biological characteristics of Agareth, and none of them looked the same. They emerged from the water plants, seemingly not afraid of the Holy Lord, but took the initiative to usher in them, and there are fishes chasing them on both sides.

   Allen swept away, and there was a school of strange fish. Some were round like a light bulb, some were flat, some were pointed like ribs, and some were pointed like fingers. There were small fishes as small as fingers attached to the big fish, and they scattered in an uproar when frightened. At the bottom of this lake, there is a vibrant world.

   At this time, the Holy Lord passed by a large piece of aquatic plants, which was like a grassland in a lake. Two different colors of red and blue were reflected in the grassland. When a clump of water grass was driven to the side by the current, a piece of coral appeared. Allen took a closer look, where was the coral, but natural crystal clusters, with red and blue crystals growing together, looking like pieces of coral from a distance. It is the light from these things that illuminates the bottom of the lake, and when Allen's perception touches slightly, he can feel the abundant source power contained in these crystals.

   The current suddenly hastened.

   Alan squinted his eyes, and the lake banks on both sides were faintly visible. The terrain trend had changed from wide to narrow, but the Lord didn't mean to stop at all. Before Allen could figure out what it was going to do, the water passing by it became rush and fierce. Allen had to stick to the carapace of the holy lord so that he would not be washed out by the current. With his eyes barely open, Allen saw that he was already in a tunnel. There was a passage at the end of the lake leading to other places. The Holy Master dragged him into this tunnel quickly, and after turning seven or eight turns, they finally reached the exit.

After    drilled out of the exit, the water flow recovered smoothly, and Allen finally felt relieved. At this time, the Holy Lord rose towards the surface of the water, and after a while, Allen floated to the surface. First he opened his mouth and took a big breath, only to feel that the air was very fresh and there was no sense of dampness under the ground. He almost thought he was on the ground, and when he looked up, there was a bright light above his head, and there were birds and beasts in his ears. But after his eyes adjusted to the environment, Allen saw that he was still underground, and the dazzling light actually came from the crystal clusters on the towering stone pillars. Similar to those seen at the bottom of the lake, there are also nameless crystal clusters associated with red and blue crystals.

   It's just that the number of crystal clusters in this space is obviously much higher, so the space is illuminated as bright as day.

   The water is rippling.

   Allen lowered his head and saw the Lord keep going away, leaving only a long-lasting waterway on the surface of the water.

After   dihu, there is still a big lake, and this lake is much larger than the one outside, with almost no edge in sight. There are huge natural stone pillars rising in the lake, pointing upwards, and the dome is dim, with occasional fluorescent flashes. I don't know how high it is.

   There are several islands in the lake, the islands are green, and those birds and beasts are heard from these islands. In the extreme distance, the water rumbling, a silver belt fell vertically from the height of the mountain wall, violently crashing

   (This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) pieces of water mist exploded on the lake.

   Alan was surprised in his heart, but he was not idle either, swimming with his hands and feet to the island closest to him. There is a sandy beach bordering the small island and the big lake. Allen walks up to the beach from the water. On the other side of the beach is a dense jungle. He got into the jungle and found that the trees here were extraordinarily tall and there were strange flowers and plants everywhere. From time to time, a flock of birds flew over the forest, and occasionally a strange animal as big as a buffalo passed by in the forest. Seeing Alan neither avoided nor attacked, it was more curious.

   Alan stopped and went, and after more than an hour he had already passed through the jungle to the other side of the island. This island is really small, but the previous ones are slightly larger. Alan rested on the beach for a while, then entered the water again and swam to another island.

   The island is much larger. On the island, Alan found a strange flower. The buds spit out instead of stamens, but round crystals. These red crystals are piled up together, and they exude an attractive floral fragrance.

   The birds and beasts on the island seemed to feed on these crystals. Allen saw a big bird pick up a cluster of bright red crystals the size of a fist, then closed his mouth and ate it. A bright red juice was still left from the mouth, exuding a faint fragrance.

   Allen simply picked a cluster of crystals and squeezed the cluster of crystals with slight pressure with his five fingers. He was surprised at the moment, this thing looked like some kind of crystal, but the outer wall was thin and brittle, and it exploded as soon as it was pinched. A thick syrup came out of it, and Allen took a sip, only his mouth full of flowers. After the juice enters the throat, a piece of cool. When it entered the stomach, Yuan Li actually caused a small boil. Allen was taken aback. The juice contained a very rich source of power, without any attributes, it was just a pure source of power, but it was a great supplement. This thing can not only satisfy the hunger, but also supplement the energy consumption, which is simply incredible.

   It seems that this thing is not a crystal, but a crystal fruit.

   Allen simply picked more crystals and threw them into the space wrist wheel in case of emergency. After collecting a batch of crystal fruits, he continued to walk deep into the island. He found a clearing in the heart of the island. This clearing did not seem to be natural, because as soon as he walked into it, Allen felt a kind of devastating energy. However, this energy is very weak, and I don't know how long it has been, but it is very domineering, making the surrounding space without any grass, and it is in sharp contrast with the vitality on the island.

   There is a very abrupt hill in the distance of the clearing. The ground on the island is basically flat. Alan didn't see any low mountains or the like, so the hill looked a little weird. He walked over, reached out his hand and touched the hill, and a piece of sand fell down. Allen felt even more weird, swiping both hands for a while, after flying sand and rocks, a piece of metal armor appeared in front of Allen's eyes.

   Allen stepped back a bit, raised his hand and gently pressed the surface of the "hill". The whole hill shook and shook, constantly shedding large pieces of sand and rock, revealing something similar to the cabin of a spaceship. As he thought, what kind of hill is this, but a piece of wreckage. It landed on this open space and was covered by sand for many years before it formed such a hill.

   This section of the cabin was very badly damaged, with multiple gaps in the outer armor, and a mess inside. Allen got into the cabin and saw several dead bodies. The corpse was facing the door, obviously trying to climb out of the cabin before he died, but it was a pity that he died here. The corpse had been skeletal, the flesh and blood had long since disappeared, leaving only the skeleton and skull. It was difficult for Allen to tell which planet they came from. On their armor, the backs are cut by sharp objects

   (This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) traces, indicating that they were attacked to death in some way. Unfortunately, I don't know how long this happened, and Alan has no way of knowing what attacked them.

   The structure of the cabin and the armor of the corpse were of a type that Allen had never seen before. But obviously, these are obviously not

It was a Baer, ​​because the skeletal structure of the corpse was almost the same, and from the point of view of the bone structure, it should be a male, which is a far cry from the Baer.

   Allen was amazed. He did not expect to find visitors from outside the planet under the mountainous area of ​​the Western Regions. I don't know who they are, why they came, and how they died in such a place.

   After turning around, he didn't find anything valuable, and Allen backed out.

   On the other side of the island, Alan spent more than two hours finally crossing the island in the lake. He went to the lake to catch a few fish, then picked up some wood branches, and started to cook the fish. Although the crystal fruits in the space wrist wheel can satisfy hunger, their greater role is to supplement the source power, and Alan does not want to waste it. Besides, the fruit syrup is fragrant and fragrant, but finally it feels lighter, far less delicious than the cooked fish.

   After the fish was cooked, Allen tore off a golden fish and sent it to his mouth. As expected, the meat was fragrant, but there was no seasoning, and the taste was worse.

   After he had eaten a few grilled fish, the water surface in front of him began to bubble, and after a while, the water surface boiled like boiled water. Allen squinted his eyes and clapped his hands: "After eating, you should also do exercises to digest the food~www.readwn.com~You are too late."

   The blue brilliance came out from the water, suddenly hundreds of water columns exploded on the surface of the water, and the behemoth Holy Master came out of the water, revealing half of his body. It was attracted by Alan's fire, and when he saw Alan again, he remembered that one of his claws had been cut off by Alan. The holy lord is raging at the moment. It has no natural enemies in this underground space. I don't know how long it has been dominating the king. He was worshipped by those cave barbarians, but he had never suffered, let alone chopped off a claw. Now the enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and the holy lord roared, the tyrannosaurus with a big mouth, spit out a dark blue band and blasted at Allen.

   Allen took the last grilled fish and flashed out more than ten meters, and the light slammed into the air, and he plowed directly from the beach, all the way into the jungle. After a while, a tree fell and the forest birds flew away. Seeing the light belt did not hit Alan, the Holy Master smashed Alan with its only remaining giant claw, and Alan flashed forward from the attack range of the giant claw, and there was still time to eat the grilled fish in twos or twos. At the moment when the fish bones were spit out, he appeared in front of the head of the Holy Master. Then he raised his arm and punched, hitting the nose and kiss of the head of the Tyrannosaurus. When the punch hit it, it suddenly spit out, and suddenly a circle of gray ripples appeared.

   The holy lord let out a scream of earth-shaking scream, tilted his head back, and drove the whole upper body to thump back into the water. Allen fell back to the beach and saw the Holy Lord floating motionless on the water. Seeing that it still had a breath, I knew it was just passing out.

   Allen shrugged and went straight back to the forest.

   Although the fish is fragrant, but it is too small, Allen decided to beat a beast and roast it.

   (end of this chapter)

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