Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1457: destroy

When Allen brought back a sturdy and fat animal from the dense forest, the Holy Lord was no longer visible on the water. Allen stared at the water in a daze, then smiled, and ignored the holy lord. He started to peel the alien beast to unmeet the meat, re-light the fire, and put the meat on a homemade wooden rack and roasted it.

There is no day or night under the ground, and the ground should be late at night after calculating the time, but it is still bright here. Allen ate the meat of the little half-head strange animal in one breath, and finally exhaled comfortably. In the days when Frios was chasing him, Alan hadn't had a good meal. Don't say it's like eating full now, it's normal not to drip in for four or five days. Even at his level, food has become dispensable. But delicious food is always a pleasure to eat in his mouth, and it also reminds Alan that he is still a human in nature. It seemed like an insignificant question, but Allen insisted on it. He always feels that if one day ignores this issue, then he will lose some good things forever.

After filling my stomach, I was ready to go to bed, and the rest of the barbecue was reserved for tomorrow. At this time, the sound of the water rang, and the Holy Lord returned. Allen thought it was going to make another move. Unexpectedly, the guy stared at most of the remaining strange animal barbecue. Alan couldn't help but laugh, pointed to the barbecue and said: "If you like it, I will give it to you."

The holy lord is also welcome, using its remaining claws to gently pick up half of the alien beast, and directly throw it into his mouth. After a few swallows, the Tyrannosaurus head stretched out a long tongue and licked his mouth, as if he was still full of meaning. The Holy Lord stared at Ellen, who shook his head: "No, I'll talk about it tomorrow if you want to eat."

So he walked straight to a big tree and took a giant leaf to cover his body, and Allen just lay on the ground and fell asleep.

The holy lord's eyes turned wildly, seeming to be thinking about whether to take the opportunity to attack Alan, but he was probably thinking about the reason for the barbecue, and finally gave Alan a hateful look and quietly dived back into the water.

Allen opened his eyes and glanced toward the surface of the water, and muttered, "I'm not stupid at all."

The next day, Allen used a sharpened piece of wood to fish on the beach. As soon as a few tails were inserted, ripples appeared on the surface of the water, and the fish in the water were frightened. Allen looked at the surface of the water reluctantly. The holy lord poked out his head and gave Alan a glare. .

Allen complained: "You scared my fish away!"

The holy lord tilted his head, and didn't know if he understood Alan's words, his big head drew back into the water. After about ten minutes, it came back. The big head opened his mouth toward the beach, and forty or fifty fresh and plump big fish slid down in his mouth, jumping wildly on the beach.

Allen glanced at it and smiled: "Yes, this is more efficient than me."

After a while, a fire started on the beach. Allen put a fish in a branch and put it on the fire, and dozens of fish filled the fire. Allen was too busy to bake them, and the Lord in the water could not help climbing onto the beach. It turns out that its lower body still has roots facing each other, and it can move freely even on the ground. It climbed to the fire, used that giant claw to pick up four or five roasts and threw it into its mouth. It didn't even take out the branches that pierced the fish, and chewed and swallowed it along with the fish.

Allen only ate two tails, and all the others went into the stomach of the Lord. Looking at the giant beast, it was discovered that the claw arm that was cut off by him yesterday has been reborn. It seems that this guy's regenerative ability is not weak.

After eating the grilled fish, the holy lord uttered a low cry, and his voice was full of satisfaction. His eyes were not as fierce as yesterday, and he even became a little lazy. Alan didn't intend to let it eat for nothing, so he jumped up and kicked it lightly and said, "Big guy, practice with me?"

The Holy Lord tilted his head, obviously unable to understand Alan's meaning. Allen shrugged and pointed his finger at the newly born little claw of the Lord. The holy lord immediately remembered the matter of being killed by Alan yesterday, and immediately angered in his eyes and screamed.

"That's right." Allen showed a ill-intentioned smile, raised his foot and kicked the Holy Master's body, and the Holy Master was kicked away by him, rolling a few times. At this time, the holy master's fierce flames were completely agitated, desperately lifting the giant claws and hitting Ellen. Allen inhaled and flashed in, flashing through the fierce attack of the Holy Master with no trace of firework. When he smashed a sand pillar on the beach behind him, he had already cut into the space near his body, pressing his palm against the giant. Suddenly on the beast carapace!

Alan recalled the fighting movements and power skills of Frius, while punching and kicking at the Holy Lord. Without knowing it, he and the figure of Frios in memory gradually fit together. Allen was completely forgetful, and in the end he no longer deliberately imitated Frios's actions, everything was taken care of.

Suddenly heard a scream, he recovered, and the Holy Lord had collapsed. Looking at the whole body of this giant beast, cracks of different sizes appeared on the carapace covered with thick thorns, and blue-purple blood oozes in many places. The holy lord’s mouth was foaming and his eyes turned white. Alan was beaten and fainted alive.

This time it was in a coma longer than yesterday, and didn't wake up until five or six hours later, shaking his head. When I woke up, I smelled a scent of meat. Sheng advocated opening his eyes. First he saw two cooked animals and then Alan. The moment it shrank back, it was as funny as it looked like a behemoth shrank its head. Allen shook his head and said, "Heaviness during the day, so these two things will be given to you."

So a strange scene appeared on the island.

A giant beast shrank cautiously on the side of the beach, eating two fragrant beasts. There was a fire not far away, with humans lying next to them. In this scene, those cave barbarians would not dare to believe their eyes if they saw it. The giant beasts they worshipped as gods seemed to be afraid of a small human being, it was incredible.

Two days later, Allen had another fight with the Lord. The process of this battle was even shorter. Although the new claw of the Holy Lord had grown and recovered a half, Alan's offensive was even more fierce. However, in half an hour, the Holy Lord retreated directly into the Great Lake, and he couldn't come out no matter how excited Alan was. In the end, smoke rose from the beach, and the big guy had a head.

On the fifth day, in the morning, the Holy Lord sent a bunch of live fish. After eating the grilled fish, he went straight away. The monster now learns to be fine, knowing that he can't beat Alan anyway, so he simply avoided fighting. Allen was angry and funny, but didn't force the monster to fight. In the past few days, he has basically become familiar with his own strength at the moment, and he has also improved his combat skills, becoming more and more complete. The big guy was also rough and thick, and it was okay for Alan to be familiar with the power, but it was a far cry from using it as a sharpening stone.

Allen also let go of the Lord, and for the next three days, he trained on his own. The most basic fighting technique is used, that is, every move and every style is repeated thousands of times. Just watching him train makes the behemoth next to him boring to fall asleep, but Allen meticulously completes each movement, and through such training, he can completely master his own strength.

On this day, Allen threw a stone up and pointed a finger at the moment it fell. The stone exploded, exploding into countless fragments. Allen seemed dissatisfied, and threw a second stone again, just pointing it out. This time the stone did not explode, but directly turned into powder.

I don't know how many stones have been thrown up, and the behemoth that has been used to following Allen looks at the bouncing stones, feeling hypnotized. When it was about to fall asleep, Allen pointed to a falling rock. This time the stone did not turn into powder, and fell on the beach intact, but Allen smiled satisfied.

The behemoth was puzzled, so boring it spewed a ray of blue light towards the stone. The blue light hit the stone, and the stone cracked. The giant beast was stunned, and there was nothing in the stone, it was like a peeled fruit, but the flesh inside was missing.

"This style is called destroy." Allen laughed. In the past few days, he has added one more trick to his "ten styles". But destroying is not a specific move. To be precise, it is a way to urge the source of energy. It can be played with fists, feet, and swords, and the bursting source power will not spread, but will be concentrated in one area to continuously collide and stack, thus generating the power to destroy the inside of things.

The current destruction accuracy Allen can control is the volume of that stone. The smaller the accuracy of destruction, the greater the destructive power. If that finger hits Frius, the Custody Supreme would have to spit blood.

Of course ~www.readwn.com~ has to be hit, but also through Frius' defense. But no matter what, this type of destruction already has the power to threaten the Supreme!

Another night, Allen grilled five strange beasts for the Holy Lord this time. The big guy happily ate two heads, and then he wanted to attack the third head, but gave Alan a stone to bounce its giant claw back.

The Holy Lord first stared at Alan fiercely, then seemed to think of Alan's horror, his eyes went down again, and then he looked at Alan with a bit of sadness. Allen said in a huff: "I'm leaving tomorrow, and probably no one will bake anything for you in the future. So you can save the rest for tomorrow to eat, understand?"

Regardless of whether the Holy Lord understood or not, Allen fell asleep. Watching Nayujing cluster of light above his head, he wondered if he would fight Frios after going out tomorrow. He felt that he was fully prepared, but he did not dare to make a light assertion about the outcome of the First World War.

At last Alan decided not to think about anything and went to sleep with his eyes closed.

At six o'clock in the morning the next morning, Allen woke up from his deep sleep and found that only the skeletons of the strange animals were left. He shook his head. Stretching, Allen walked towards the beach, intending to dive into the water and follow the same path back. He didn't know if the cave had collapsed. If it collapsed, he would have to dig a channel out himself.

At this time, the sound of the water was loud, and the holy lord poked his head out of the water, and Alan said in a huff: "There is nothing to eat today.


The saint nodded unexpectedly, and then made a gesture to make Allen climb onto his head. Ellen was surprised, said: "You want to send me out?"

The giant beast made a series of grunts from his throat, without knowing what it meant, Alan Quan gave it a try and jumped onto its big head. The holy lord swam its tail to swim to the center of the lake. It did not dive into the lake, just exposing its head and a small half of its body on the surface of the water, breaking through the water like a big ship.

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