Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 157:   Dinner

"Yes, my lord."

"Then the suicide note left by him is definitely written by himself?" Windsor Bello asked.

"The handwriting has been verified by experts, and it was indeed written by Guman."

Windsor Bello nodded and said: "Understood, is there anything else to add?"

"It is very strange that on the day the prosecutor committed suicide, the maid in his family also committed suicide. It was discovered by the hostess Martha in the closet. According to Martha, there might be other people in their house at that time. She was locked in the room and confronted the corpse most of the night, which made her mentally tortured."

"I know, if you find anything, tell me again." Windsor Bello cut off the communication.

At this time, Nono got her little head out of the sofa.

Windsor Bello jumped off the sofa and walked to the second-story attic: "Let Mirren come to see me, hey, someone wants to start a war with the old party."

Nono was shocked, and quickly went to contact Windsor Bello's adjutant.

Twenty minutes later, Mirren, who came to the apartment to report, saw Windsor Bello who had returned to his military uniform. Mirren saluted and said directly: "As for the suicide of Prosecutor Guman, I have asked the Red Wolf for detailed information."

"What do you think?" Windsor Bello pushed himself into the sofa, crossing his legs.

Mirren said in a deep voice: "I have already considered it on the way here. There are indeed many doubts about this matter. The first is the relationship between Guman and the Holy Disarmament. With the power and wealth of a district prosecutor, I Thinking is not enough to support an armed bandit. If Guman is the middleman, then I am more convinced."

Windsor Bello nodded and said, "What about the second point?"

"Guman did not commit suicide, but was murdered." Mirren's eyes flashed Zhiguang and said: "The prosecutor and his maid committed suicide together, and the hostess Martha must have been in the house that night. Obviously, someone killed. He took the maid and replaced it, in order to get close to Guman. As for Guman’s suicide note, yes, it was verified that he wrote it by himself. But there are many methods or abilities that allow him to write this letter by himself. letter."

"The most important point is that this suicide note itself has many doubts. One of them, where did Guman get the Marshal's information. The source of his information may be the cause of his death."

Windsor Bello said happily: "Similar to what I thought. I have to say that this guy is indeed beautifully arranged. Guman committed suicide. The suicide note states that the disarmament of Saints is destroyed because of my relationship. Then, the person on Guman must be Will hold a grudge against me, so the hatred is directed to us. This guy deliberately wants to provoke a war between us and the old party."

"However, the method is too naive." Windsor Bello shook his head and said: "It looks like it was done by a newcomer Raijiao. Such a trick, there won't be any movement on the old party side. But I don't have that kind of thing yet. The virtue that makes people provocative and does not fight back, Mirren, go and check Guman's intelligence sources. Let the Red Wolf dig hard for me, and I will see which rat is playing this trick with me."

"Yes, my lord." Mirren got up and leaned forward.

Windsor Bello also jumped up from the sofa: "Let's go together, I have an appointment with Old Horn."

"The Patriarch of Bethcade?" Mirren raised his brows: "For your students?"

"Well, since I promised to be a teacher, I have to say something. Besides, the gift Horn prepared me is really...hehehehe, I'm so sorry, I'm gaffe."

Mirren shook his head, seeing the smile that couldn't hide from the corner of Windsor Bello's mouth. Horn must have done what he liked, and he was generous in his shots, which made his grown-ups happy. Considering Windsor Bello's personality that regards money as his life, Mirren wanted Horn to give her a ton of gold directly. Those shiny metals can impress Windsor Bello more than simple currency numbers.

At some point, this woman has the characteristics of a dragon.

Arthur's eyes were also illuminated by countless bright and fragmented light.

Of course it was not gold that illuminates his eyes, but the light refracted by the snow all over the ground. He is earnestly building a snowman, which is one of his favorite things to do as a child. Of course, the snowman Arthur made is certainly not that simple. Some other gadgets were often added to it, something that was enough to make his brothers and sisters frightened and angry.

But now, the snowman is only a snowman, and Arthur no longer adds anything to it. The little prank has now transformed into something else.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

A girl's voice rang behind him, and Arthur inserted a branch into the snowman, clapped his hands and stood up. Turning to look at the millet-haired girl, Arthur laughed softly.

Seeing his smile, Nana shuddered. Not because of the cold weather, but because of Arthur's smile. Anyone who knew him knew that the softer Arthur smiled, the more angry he was.

She didn't know how she upset Arthur.

"Dear Nana, come here." Arthur beckoned, his voice soft.

Nana resisted the urge to turn around, rubbed the corners of her clothes with both hands, and walked over with her head down. Arthur reached out and swept her bangs lightly, and his fingers slid on her smooth cheeks: "Maybe I didn't say clearly before, otherwise, how could you let Guman leave something stupid like a suicide note. Especially if there is something inside. Mentioned our respected Marshal Windsor Bello, ha ha, this is not a suicide note. It is a war note that provoked disputes between the old and new parties."

Arthur's fingertips were cold, causing Nana to get goose bumps. Especially it fell to the neck fossa and has not been recovered yet. Instead, he picked up one area and flicked the buttons of the inner lining. A cold wind immediately rolled into the clothes along the neckline, and Nana shuddered even more.

"Didn't the young master say that the conflict between the old and the new is good for us?" Nana grinned reluctantly, "So I thought, maybe I can use Guman to do something."

"So I blamed you?" Arthur continued to drop his hand, under his seemingly gentle finger. The shirt, buttons, and sweater of the outer cover seemed to be torn apart by a pair of invisible scissors, exposing Nana's smooth skin to the cold air little by little.

"You know? Nana, you shouldn't do that. The new party and the old party are like a game of chess. Unfortunately, this game is very big. It's so big that we can't even intervene, even if we stay in the game. The edge is also very reluctant. But you can see, you actually tried to insert your hand directly into the core of the game. You stretched your hand too long, and be careful not to get it back." Arthur smiled more and more gently: "Look at you at Guman's house again. After doing all this, you actually left his wife Martha. Nana, you have always been too kind. And kindness is exactly what people like us cannot want."

A few pieces of clothes inside and outside of Nana's body were torn apart with a clatter. When the wind blows, most of his upper body is exposed in the cold air. She bit her lip tightly, forced herself not to cover her clothes, and let the cold wind blow on the sensitive areas of her body.

"Master, I know I was wrong."

"It's good to know. I thought you were reassuring to do things, but now I have to treat you with the aftermath." Arthur shook his head and said, "Remember, this is the last chance I will give you. We don't need kindness, but You also have to know how to restrain yourself. You can’t restrain your fate, I think you can see if you look at Kodov.”

Nana was still standing in the snow until Arthur left. She wasn't sure that Arthur's punishment was over until someone sent a coat to cover her.

Two days later, Mirren found a woman's body in a dilapidated house on Black Street.

After Red Wolf received the order, he quickly found out that the source of Guman's news came from Black Street. After that, an intelligence dealer confessed to one of his clients, no matter how long-sighted, the people on the black street were not willing to offend a behemoth like the Sirius Legion. When the woman named "Stilena" was found, she had become a corpse.

The woman committed suicide, and the gun in her hand and the bullet shell on the ground explained everything. Mirren would surely be able to confirm this without even performing a ballistic test. And it can be concluded that this is not the real Stelena. Because when Red Wolf investigated the deceased, they found that all relevant information had been processed, and they could not find any clues.

The other party was very clean, and because it was too clean, Mirren must have died as a scapegoat.

When he replied to Windsor Bello, he said only one sentence: "The mouse has hidden in the sewer."

"Understood, come back, leave the mouse alone for now. Oh, by the way, warn those guys on the black street, and dare to sell information about me in the future, let them figure it out."

At the end of the communication, Windsor Bello looked at the dresses sent by Nono in distress. ~www.readwn.com~ To choose one to attend Bethkode’s banquet, it was more annoying than the mouse. Much.

Besides Windsor Bello, there is also Ellen who has the same troubles.

At this moment, he was in his own wing tower house in Ugalle Castle. He looked at a huge living space before, but now it is crowded. Especially after Tonisf brought in his image design team, Allen could only silently watch the sofa, long table, potted plants and other furnishings in the living room moved to the corner. Then it was filled with various hangers, mirrors and three-dimensional cutting tools.

To be honest, it's nice to see Tonisf again. But when the ensign of the demon hugged and touched, and almost let his lipstick lips touch his face, Allen had the urge to reach out and touch the demon's praise. Fortunately, Tonisf's work enthusiasm overwhelmed his perverted hobbies, which also saved his own life.

But in the next few days, Allen could be regarded as seeing the ensign's paranoia, and he could even struggle with the style and pattern of a bow tie for a long time. After spending two days in the Wing Tower, Allen only felt more tired than participating in successive battles.

After three days of such a busy schedule, Bethkode's dinner was finally held as scheduled. r1058()

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