Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 158: Peak fire will burn

When Allen walked into the banquet hall, he suddenly became the focus of attention. People in the hall cast their eyes on him, and then let out an exclamation. As for the noble ladies who were invited, their eyes suddenly lit up, and their sight became extremely hot, making the temperature of the hall seem to rise a little.


   After Tonisf’s meticulous design, when Allen appeared, it really became the focus of the audience.


   This time, Tonisf didn't cut Alan into a strong hairstyle. Instead, he made a simple and casual style of his broken silver hair to blur the increasingly fierce light in Allen's eyes. Under the collar of the white shirt underneath, there is a silver-gray tie with white dots. The tie was put into a black vest, and as for the coat, it was a silver-gray black striped suit with the same color as the tie.


   The color of the whole outfit is restrained, but the pocket square on the left chest is eye-catching bright red. The bright red square scarf was folded into a cone and placed in the pocket. The color of the eyes of Ellen was the same as the highlight of this dress. Alan, who walked from the carpet on the door, gave a sense of elegance, stability and youthful vigor.


   In the crowd, Leon whispered to Adele next to him: "You have to admit that our Ellen is a little dressed up, even the romantic boy Liancheng has to be compared."


   Adele glanced fiercely at the young ladies in the hall with shining eyes, lowered their voice and said, "These **** women, don't you know that the little elk belong to me? I really want to dig out their eyes!"


   Jin Liancheng brought a glass of red wine over, touched the Leon glass and sighed: "Adele is so charming when he is jealous. I really envy this kid Ellen."


   Adele glared at him immediately.


   Jin Liancheng shrugged and said: "Anger is also extremely beautiful."


   Leon tried so hard to not make himself laugh: "Even if you slap her **** through Liancheng, Adele won't look at you."


   "I'm telling the truth." Jin Liancheng blinked at Adele.


   Adele can only roll her eyes.


   On the other side, Horn gave a light cough. Everyone knew that he had something to say, the band stopped playing, the guests stopped whispering, and everyone in the hall focused on Horn's side. There were some people standing beside Horne, among whom were Windsor Bello, Alstai, Kate and other important people in Babylon. Especially Windsor Bello, who stood next to Alstai, who was already tall, immediately compared to the ball-like minister of finance.


Horn patted Alan on the shoulder and said, "Everyone, I am very happy tonight. Because Bethkoder has two happy events to announce. First, the young son of our family is fortunate to be favored by Marshal Windsor Bellow. Accepted as a direct student. Yes, that person is the young man in front of him. Alan Bethkode!"


   Alstai applauded first, and with the example of the Minister of Finance, the guests in the hall slapped their palms to a warm applause. Windsor Bello glanced at Horn, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he secretly said that Horn was also considered to be enough for himself, and he even put this matter first.


   "From today onwards, Marshals Bethkod and Windsor Bello will be the most solid allies. I also believe that with the efforts of our young and brave Marshal Greedy, the Earth Federation will be in peace for a long time and will not be disturbed by the disaster of war!"


   Horn’s remarks are extremely informative, and the biggest one is undoubtedly the alliance between Bethkod and Windsor Bellow. When Windsor Bello released the news of enrolling students, many people had already guessed the result today. Unexpectedly, in the end, a family like Bethkod would become an ally of Marshal Greed. It is no exaggeration to say that Horn's decision tonight will have a chain effect and will quietly change the current delicate situation between the old and new parties.


   The New Party has always had shortcomings with insufficient qualifications and background, but now there is Beskode and several other small and medium-sized families in alliance. To a large extent, it has made up for the shortcomings of Windsor Bello in this respect. Similarly, being able to establish a relationship with an ace army like Sirius is also of great benefit to these families.


   In the entire league, it is naturally Windsor Bello and Horn that have benefited the most.


   "Old friend, this is really a happy event. But now, I can't wait to know what the second thing is?" Alstai asked with a smile.


Horn nodded, his gaze swept across the crowd and said, "As for the second one, it is a private matter. I think everyone knows that my youngest daughter Lanni left me and the family more than a decade ago. This The incident hit me so hard, I thought it would never be possible to recover from such a blow. But now, I believe that God is still willing to give me a second chance. Because he asked Alan to come back, this child is Lan Ni’s son is also my grandson. So today, after this young man achieved outstanding results, I announced on behalf of the Family Presbyterian Church. I officially accepted Alan’s return to the family, and his name will be in the heir sequence!"


   once again thunderous applause.


   This time, the ladies who were already scorching eyes now can't wait to eat Alan. The formal students of Windsor Bello and the heir to Bethkode, no matter which status is enough to make them crazy. What's more, Alan is still so young, and inherited from his mother, Lanny's handsome silhouette. If he becomes an adult, he will be more attractive.


   After announcing these two things, Horn introduced Alan to some important people, such as Alstai. The Chancellor of the Exchequer Allen is no stranger, after all, the death ring is presided over by the minister. In addition, there are other leaders from different fields, including bankers, parliamentarians, and chamber of commerce chairmen.


   When Allen finally got away and was able to move around freely, he was "siege" by a group of noble girls. In the end, Adele broke into the siege and rescued Allen from the women.


   Looking at the scene of Alan pulling Adele away from a distance, Old Kate smiled slightly, and had a drink with Horn, and said, "It seems that the two of them are in a good relationship."


   "It is true. Looking at them reminds me of the days when we were young." Horn said.


   "Unfortunately we are no longer young." Old Kate coughed dryly: "My old friend, your little Allen's partner has not been settled yet? If you don't object, I hope Adele can be with Allen."


   "You would be willing." Horn glanced at him.


   Old Kate said: "Of course I can't bear it, but Adele proposed it by herself. I also hope that she can have her own happiness, so my grandfather can only brazenly propose this wish for her."


"I also like Adele very much." Horn patted an old friend on the shoulder and said, "But they are still young now, and this must be approved by Allen himself. What's more, our little Allen probably has to leave Babylon. ...No, it's been away from the earth for a while."


   Old Kate frowned: "You want him to expedition to Outland?"


"It's going to Outland, but not for the family to open up territory." Horn glanced at the tall figure on the other side: "Don't forget, Alan is still that adult's student. And that adult's teaching method is definitely not Dawn. The blade is as gentle as those mentors."


   "I understand." Old Kate's eyes lit up: "Windsor Bello is going to take Alan to the chaotic battlefield? This is a good place to earn military merit, but can you rest assured that little Alan will go to that place?"


   "There is Marshal Greedy Wolf presiding behind him. I have nothing to worry about. If you don't go there or not, it depends on Alan's own wishes." After that, Horn gave Alan a look.


   Alan felt a little bit, turning around, Horne was raising a glass and smiling, and then led old Kate to Alstai's side. Allen turned his head, pulled the neckline and said, "You don't know, this thing strangles me to die."


   Leon and Jin Liancheng deeply agreed, Adele said next to him: "Don't worry, if you choke, I will give you artificial respiration."


   The three boys looked at him with wide-open eyes, and Leon shook his head for a long time and said: "Adele, you are also a noble lady anyway, as if you don't know what reservedness is."


Adele rolled her eyes and grabbed Allen and said, "What's the use of holding this thing. You didn't see it just now. Those women seem to be eating my little elk. If I hold back again Point, even his bones were gnawed!"


   Allen smiled and said, "I'm not that good, am I?"


   "Who knows!"


   At this time, a soft cough sounded behind several people. Adjutant Mirren said politely: "Excuse me, several people."


   looked at Ellen again: "The marshal wants you to come over, she has something to say to you."


   Alan nodded and followed Mirren. Adele glanced at Windsor Bellow, her eyes narrowed unconsciously, and there was a little hostility in her eyes. Leon saw it in his eyes, and wondered: "You eat the jealousy of Teacher Allen?"


   "I have an instinct." Adele retracted her gaze, wrapped her arms around and said: "This woman is my worst enemy!"


   Leon and Jin Liancheng shuddered at the same time. If this is the case, then Adele will have to grab food from the wolf's mouth. And when the time comes, they won't interfere with Adele even if they are killed. After all, the person standing on Adele's side is a top powerhouse, not to mention that she is still a woman, which is even more terrifying.


   This banquet was held until late at night, and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.


   In the next few days, Bethkode news spread. At the end of the year, Horn acquired several factories and enterprises that were on the verge of bankruptcy, and planned to reorganize them to transform them into Mowu factories with independent research and development and assembly line production. As soon as the news came out, Windsor Bello held a press conference over there, announcing that Beth Kod, the upcoming magic weapon factory, would become a stable supplier of magic weaponry for the Sirius Legion.


   The two news together are undoubtedly a heavy bomb. Sirius has guarded the chaotic battlefield for many years, and the weapon consumption of the Legion is very alarming. If they can become their weapons supplier, the huge profits will wake people from their dreams just thinking about it.


   There is no doubt that this is the first step for Beskode and the New Party to join forces for mutual benefit. Under Windsor Bello's intentional momentum, Beskard's momentum immediately rose, and there was a vague momentum to regain its former glory.


   When people with intentions are tired of running around for these few news, this year's Christmas finally came quietly.


   On the night of Christmas Eve, pieces of snowflakes floated down from the sky in a perfect match. On Babylon, a grand fireworks show is going on. Another burst of fireworks displayed a variety of colors in a box of the Venus Hotel.


   "I didn't expect that after this Christmas, I'm not the only one who will leave." Leon shook the wine glass in his hand and looked at Allen and said, "Brother, the chaotic battlefield is not a place for fun, have you figured it out?"


   Allen nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will be back in two years."


   "If you can spend two years in the chaotic battlefield, it will be a very rare experience." Jin Liancheng patted Allen on the shoulder and said, "I support you."


   looked at Adele again and said, "Don't worry, I will take care of Adele for you, and I won't let anyone bully her."


   Adele jumped up and said, "I'm not so delicate, Young Master Jin, let's look at other ladies of the house more!"


   then stared at Allen fiercely and said, "If you dare not come back in two years, I will cuckold you!"


   Leon lost his voice: "It sounds like you and Alan have become partners."


   "What are you talking about, Leon! Do you mean, Alan and I can't be partners?" Adele began to shake her claws.


   Alan and Jin Liancheng both laughed, watching Leon wry smile, Adele triumphantly. A melancholy or two flashed in Allen's heart, thinking that it would take two years to see these friends again. If he said there was no divorce, it would be false.


   At the dinner that day, Windsor Bello called him over and asked if he would go to the chaotic battlefield with her. Allen agreed without thinking, and Windsor Bello would not do anything meaningless. Since she asked so, there must be a deep meaning. Allen will not regret it, expedition to Star Road and Peak Fire. Only the raging war can forge the iron bones!


  呯! There was a loud noise outside the window, and brilliant fireworks bloomed in the night sky, illuminating the young faces in the room. Leon turned around and raised his wine glass and said, "Brothers, since we have come to the world in this life, let us live vigorously! No matter what the chaotic battlefield or the Outland, we will not only go, but also do it. Some results come!"


   Four wine glasses bumped together.


   After drinking the wine, Adele said unwillingly: "You only say brothers, but you didn't put my sister in, it's not fair."


   Jin Liancheng said next to him: "If you call a sister, you will be weak. Isn't it, Leon?"


   Leon raised his hand: "I will never answer this question."


   "You guys are sexist!"


   After a moment of silence ~www.readwn.com~ there was a burst of laughter from several people in the box. Outside the window, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, whitewashing the prosperous world, dyeing the fleeting glitz!


   (End of Volume 2)


   next scroll trailer


   "Is that Idahuaxing's royal ship?"


   "I don't care who you are, in any case, here, my order is everything!"


   "Earth burrowers and sword ants, heavens, and wolf riders? There is a tribe here, a tribe of blade demon!"


   "Strike is not the best way, I have a better idea to regain the base."


  What kind of sparks will come from the long-lost reunion and the return of the noble lady? The fire on the earth, the soldiers are in danger, and the war between humans and the blade demon is about to start. How will Allen write his military legend? Everything will be revealed for you in the third volume!

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