The wind is like a knife, with fine ice ridges in the wind. When it hits the flying beast, it will scrape out fluffy ice powder. Allen simply released a ring of air, and suddenly the temperature around the flying beast rose, and the flames flickered. As soon as the icy wind rushed into it, it rose into water vapor, and the icy edges melted before they even touched the flying beast. The flying beast uttered a joyous roar, its four wings shook, and its speed increased again, almost like a black line across the endless ice field, sprinting towards the black gate of Canon.

"His Royal Highness, wait for us."

Twilight's voice came from behind, and Allen reached out and patted Feiju's head, signaling it to slow down. Feiju was obedient, slowing down slightly, allowing Twilight and other kings to follow.

After meeting Mitinas, Allen decided to visit Canon Black Gate. Now he stepped under the flying beast that brought Tong Wu to the Black Gate that day, led by it, and the other four flying beasts were carrying a king.

Allen glanced back, the others were okay, it was obviously a lot harder to carry Oleta's flying beast. Oleta's body is no smaller than Tong Wu, and the armor on his body is extremely heavy. Although the flying beast is strong, it is also very difficult to fly long distances with such a big iron block. To this end, Mitinas also prepared a flying beast for Oleta that was transferred midway. As for Dolly, the Burning Wing, she has the ability to fly. She is only faster or slower than the flying beast, but she follows Ellen from start to finish and never leaves the team.

The closer to the depths of the remains, the lower the temperature. The sky in the relic was originally a polar night, dim all year round, but on this desolate ice sheet, there were patches of aurora. It looks beautiful, but it is actually extremely dangerous. Those light bands are composed of violent source power. Once they get close, the matter will be crushed. Allen asked the flying beast to avoid the aurora, so it did not fly high, so when a moving black spot appeared on the wasteland, Allen immediately noticed it.

There are no traces of life in the wasteland, so there are no moving objects. In this way, it was very obvious when something moved on the wasteland, and Alan used the aurora in the sky to see with enough eyesight and was startled. It turned out that Tong Wu came from the depths of the wasteland. The walking Tong Wu also noticed the flying beast in the sky, and he stopped. After a while, a flying beast landed in front, and Allen jumped down from the flying beast.

Tong Wu quickly stepped forward and said loudly, "Master Ellen, why are you here?"

Alan patted the flying beast and stepped forward and said, "Mitinas notified me of changes in the remains, so come and have a look. I heard that you went to see Alice. What happened to Alice? Is the change in the remains now? Is it related to her?"

After a moment of silence, Tong Wu said: "Now, Master Ellen may be the only one who can stop Alice."

"Stop Alice, what do you mean?"

Tong Wu briefly recounted the situation of the black gate of Kannon, and added: "A long time ago, I went to the black gate with Alice-sama once. The black gate is a forbidden place in the relic, and even us generals. It is forbidden to go. Although the adult has not mentioned it directly, it can be roughly deduced from the information that the adult usually reveals. The so-called black gate should be the relic left by the creator. Alice-sama stayed in the remains, because of the heart It was stolen by Spinak, and also to guard the black gate."

"During Alice-sama's awakening period, she will go to Kuromon every once in a while. This time she went to Kuromon for a very long time. Coupled with the sudden changes in the environment, I will go away alone against the order. Going to the Black Gate, I didn't expect that the Lord has already established an army in the Black Gate." Tong Wudao: "I know that the Lord will use that army to defeat Spinak. Although the power of the Lord is powerful, it can be compared to the Supreme. There is still a long way to go. If adults go their own way, they will only be destroyed in the end."

Allen hesitated, and smiled bitterly: "If Alice attacked Demon Kingdom at this time, she would not be able to defeat Spinak, because that majesty had already left a huge empire and left by herself not long ago. puzzle."

"What?" Tong Wu said silently, "How could this be?"

"I'll explain it to you more specifically. If Alice uses this as the purpose, then I will go to see her and tell her about Spinak. Things should turn around."

Tong Wu shook his head: "If it was the former Alice, I should be more rational. But now, the adult's situation is a bit special."

He talked about the meeting with Alice and said: "Now Alice-sama and the so-called Queen Garter are integrated, her temperament has become very irritable, I guess she will not listen to you."

"What should I do?" Allen sighed: "Don't be afraid to tell you, we suspect that Alice will extract the source of the planet to build an army. If this is the case, I am afraid I have to do something. I definitely don't I hope to hurt Alice. After all, she has given me a lot of help. However, I cannot ignore her, let alone let her destroy the planet."

Tong Wudang closed his fists tightly.

Allen looked at him: "If you want to stop me, just do it."

However, Tong Wu didn't do anything. He shook his head and said to Ellen: "My lord, please let me go with you. I will try my best to help. There is only one request, please don't kill Lord Alice. She is only in the body of Queen Guardian. , If the two can be separated, it should be able to recover."

"I dare not promise you now, I can only say that I will try my best. But if the situation doesn't allow, I will destroy Alice even if it hurts you." Allen whistled to the sky, an empty flying beast After descending, Allen said, "You can ride it."

Tong Wu also knew that Alan had his own considerations, and could only silently ride the flying beast. The two flying beasts lifted into the air and continued to advance after meeting with the other kings. Tong Wu was shocked secretly, and he hadn't seen him for a while, and there were three more powerful men around Alan.

No words all the way.

When a row of dark shadows were faintly visible on the horizon, a cold and magnificent will suddenly swept from the direction of Canon Black Gate. After being swept by this will, Tong Wu was okay, Twilight groaned, and the flames and dark mist on the other three kings surged. The most unhelpful were a few flying beasts, which screamed at this will. With a sound, it continued to descend to the ground.

Alan used the method that Alice had taught him to use mental power before, mobilizing his mental will and hitting that will. It was like the collision of two glacier continents. Although it was a collision of will, it caused a huge wind and waves in everyone's perception. A puff of stone dust was directly exploded on the wasteland, and then a crack appeared on the ground, twisting and spreading on both sides. During the tumbling, a crack of nearly a kilometer was formed, the ground rumbling and splitting, and countless stone chips continued to fall into the bottomless abyss under the crack.

There was a flower in front of Allen, and he found himself standing on a burning earth. On the other side of the earth, fire clouds surged in the sky. A huge face gradually appeared in the fire cloud, and it was Alice!

Is it a spiritual kingdom again? Allen understands his situation, but has a way to deal with it. After a second thought, his body kept raising and energetic, and the earth quickly shrank and moved away in his eyes. After a while, Allen had turned into a giant with flames burning all over. There are black rock armor on the chest, shoulders and other parts of this giant. Blood-red lava flows between the cracks of the rock armor, spewing out flames from time to time, and then turning into countless sparks.

At this moment, Alan's body of will is somewhat similar to the giant who propped up the world in the world of will.

Incarnate as a flame giant, Alice’s face is no longer as large and oppressive as before. Alan opened his mouth, and his voice rumbling like thunder: "Stop it, Alice. Don’t extract the energy of this planet anymore. Yes, you are destroying it!"

"No, I'm just cleaning this planet. There is one of the powers that the creator has given me. No one can stop me, neither can you." Alice screamed.

"Don't forget, I have the same breath as the creator. Did you forget? Now your creator is gone, but I am here. I am the new creator, and you should obey me." Allen To be tough, Alice did mistake him for the creator that Now he can be sure that the creator is the son of twilight in a certain era, speaking of which he is the same race.

Seed at dusk!

Alice laughed: "You do have a different breath from the creator, but you are not him. But for the sake of this point, I give you a warning. The last warning, leave here, leave this planet. Otherwise, , There can only be war between us!"

"No, we don’t have a reason for war. Likewise, you don’t have to do it either. Alice, I know that all this is to deal with Spinak. But I can tell you that Spinak is no longer on this planet. Now you are invading the Demon Shadow Kingdom in vain, and you won’t get anything at all. On the contrary, you may provoke Frius. So stop it, call your army back, it’s still too late!"

However, Alice ignored Allen's words at all, and screamed, "Get out of my will!"

The fire cloud rolled and hit Allen one after another. Ellen was not afraid, the flame giant raised his hand to make a fist, and slammed it against the fire cloud that came. At the moment of the collision, the wasteland of the material world violently shook, and a hundred-meter fire curtain was sprayed directly from the cracks that stretched across the kilometer, and the wasteland was illuminated in detail.

Under the collision of the will of Alan and Alice, several flying beasts finally fell to the ground, and the kings continued to release their energy to protect themselves. Only Twilight and Tongwu could stand up, they both looked into the air and looked at Allen.

The curtain of fire fell, and Alice's will slowly retreated like an ebb waves. At this time, Alan fell with the flying beast, and fell to the ground, the flying beast swayed to the ground and died. Allen glanced helplessly, and then solemnly said to Tong Wu: "The negotiation failed, Alice probably won't welcome us, so next, there is only one big fight."

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