Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1553:    swarm

Alan stayed on the wasteland temporarily, except that his mount died in a fight with Alice's will, the other flying beasts survived without being involved in the spiritual war between the two, but they also looked wilted. . Coupled with Alice's obvious intention to declare war, Allen asked Twilight to notify Mitinas through a spiritual connection and let him bring the Burning Legion. The Cannon Black Gate will be the first battle of this army, and Allen can also find out the strength of this army so that it can be used freely in future battles.

After notifying Mitinas, the remaining flying beasts also regained most of their energy, but Quinn and Allen shared one, but instead led by Tongwu, the group continued to set off.

In the Cannon Black Gate, bursts of violent aura suddenly emerged from the volcanic crypt. The breath of a volcanic eruption stopped the biological weapons outside the crypt, and some weak young bees even fell from the air. Dormant on the ground and dare not move. From the exit of the underground hall, there was a roar, and the volcano was shaking gently. After a while, the Queen Guardian came out of the underground hall, and the hundred-meter giant worm came out directly from the exit. Amidst the rocks, the giant worm was still carrying uncooled magma. The Queen Guardian stopped at the door, leaned on the broken door frame with one hand, and scanned the land. Then all the biological weapons received a cold command: "The enemy has appeared, prepare to fight!"

In a honeycomb that has not yet been completed, the originally dormant queen opened many compound eyes, and the queen opened her mouth and emitted silent sound waves. Each sound wave is an order. Under the order of the queen bee, the giant bees began to gather, and the giant insects, who acted as the personnel carrier, crawled to the gate. In the cavity of the personnel carrier, a large number of explosive ants had gathered. In addition to these types of units that have appeared in the attack on Cape Town, there are other insects in the Black Gate. Following the giant bee, huge praying mantises soared into the sky. These praying mantises have deep-colored insect shells. When they flap their wings, they will float a little bit of sparks. When sparks touch or touch other objects, they will blow up. A flame. In addition to their sharp sickle forelegs, these Martian mantises are also their proud weapon. After the Martian mantises in groups soared up into the sky, huge piles of soil swelled up on the ground suddenly. A beetle the size of a tank rushed out. The shells of these beetles are thick and heavy, making the beetles look like moving fortresses. These fortress bugs cannot fly, but they will knock over any obstacles with their powerful curved jaws, and their pair cannot fly. Under his wings are full of biological buds. When the wings are opened, hundreds of buds will be ejected to carry out a range bombing; after the fort worms leave the underground temperature reservoir where they are breeding, they continue to float in the underground passage where the bastion worms hit. There are some black spikes that emit blood-red fluorescence. These things that look like sea urchins are called poisonous lacewings. Once their spikes hit the target, they will squeeze out the poisonous creatures in the body. Moreover, the body of poisonous lacewing is very fragile, as long as enough external force impacts it will crush them. But poisonous lacewings after death are the most terrifying. Their corpses will quickly produce chemical effects, thereby forming a range of poisonous fog, and their lethality doubles.

Many biological weapons rushed in the direction of the black gate. When the black gate opened to both sides, the cloud formed by giant bees and martian mantis rushed through the gate first, followed by troop carriers and fort worms, and then sea urchins. The poisonous lacewing followed behind, and the army gushed out of the Cannon Black Gate, passed the Abyss Bridge, and then spread like a black tide on the wasteland at the other end of the abyss, with the wave rolling in the direction of Allen and his party. Get out.

The army was still passing through the gate, and there was a horrible flapping sound behind the gate. Queen Garter flew over the gate, following the army like a low-flying aerial aircraft carrier. In the chest cavity of the giant insect, Alice, with only one face left, looked forward blankly, and a cold smile was outlined at the corner of her mouth: "No one can stop me, even if you have the same breath as the creator. !"

Queen Guard suddenly issued a provocative will, and quickly passed the army and swept toward the wasteland.

The icy wind was blowing in the air, and Allen took a deep breath and felt a rush of will in front of him. He was a little surprised, although there was Alice's breath in this will, but it was mixed with other things. As soon as he touched Alan, he felt like killing and indifference. If Alice's will obviously mixed with anger and killing intent is aside, the remaining will is not like a creature at all, but like some kind of cold machine. Suddenly Allen knew that it should be Queen Garter. Tong Wu said that Alice and the Queen of Garter are integrated. Allen is not sure in what form the two coexist, but now he can probably guess a few points through this will.

At that time, the Twilight Son who came to Agareth was definitely a genius. He dismantled a biological weapon into two parts, namely Queen Garter and Alice. Like human sensibility and reason, Alice must belong to the sensual part, while the Queen Garter is absolutely rational. The creator definitely wanted to control the Queen Garter through Alice, so that the biological weapons would have "humanity" and thus have unlimited possibilities. But now Alice seemed to be blinded by her own killing intent, so that reason overwhelmed her sensibility in Queen Garter's body, and she became a biological weapon full of killing intent.

There is no doubt that Alice loves Nabo deeply, loves the life she created with her own hands. But when this life became hostile to the creator, Alice became murderous. In contrast, the creator is naturally more important than Nabe, even when Alice sees Ellen, she should understand that the twilight seed that created her will no longer appear. But she still wants to kill the child she loves. With these two conflicting emotions intertwined, Alan will not be surprised what she will do.

Alan can understand her, but it doesn't mean he can ignore her actions. He doesn't want Alice to ruin Agareth. After all, there is already his foundation on this planet. After about a minute, Allen saw a dark cloud in the distant sky moving towards them. It was naturally not a cloud layer, but an army composed of countless flying units. Alan raised his hand, a burst of light flashed through the space wrist, and the long sword Heiyue came to his hand, and he said loudly: "I will leave you to the miscellaneous soldier. I will go to see Alice."

The kings and Tong Wu nodded vigorously.

The black cloud got closer and closer, and after a while, the army of giant bees and Martian mantises had already swept Allen in.

Quinn bounced silently behind Alan, and he bounced back and forth between the superstar and the praying mantis. His speed was so fast that Alan couldn't keep up, and the whole person turned into a black line. The bodies of the giant bees and praying mantises he bounced suddenly exploded, and flames ejected from their bodies, burning them into coke. I probably felt that it was too slow to kill like this. Quinn's figure suddenly appeared in the air, violating the laws of physics and stopped, then the dark mist surged on his body, exploding thousands of thin threads. Each thin thread plunged into a bug, and in an instant, hundreds of fireballs burst into the sky.

The burnt corpses of the insects fell one after another, and a large space was immediately cleared around Quinn.

Allen passed by him riding a flying beast and gave him a thumbs up. Quinn fell down at this moment and stood on the back of a praying mantis. He still had time to press his chest with his hands, and bend down at the far away figure of Alan. He flickered suddenly, avoiding the bee stings that a few giant bees shot at him. When they reappeared, his hands flicked, and black lines flickered away, falling on the flying insects like dense raindrops. These deadly raindrops ignited when they touched them, and they exploded when touched, and suddenly the fireballs around Quinn rose up.

At this moment, there was a long howl from overhead.

He raised his head and saw Dolly a pair of flames flying above him all the way. The pair of burning wings continuously spewed out raging flames as they flew past. After Dolly flew past, countless corpses wrapped in flames and fell down, regardless of efficiency and power compared to Quinn. But there is no other way. The battlefield of Burning Wings is in the sky. In the sky, Dolly is the invincible king. She even rotated and flew, drew the air, forming a tornado of flames, sucking countless flying insects in ~www.readwn.com~ and letting the Foehn wind heat waves burn them into coke.

Two violent vibrations came from the earth.

But Oleta and Tong Wu jumped off the flying beasts one after another, and on the other side of the earth, troop carrier insects and fortress insects were rolling in. The two strong men who took the same route glanced at each other, and both lit up two points of light from under the helmet. Tong Wu stretched out his palm and pressed it on the ground, and the metal in the ground immediately resonated with him. Tong Wu looked at the approaching insect swarm and suddenly shouted, his palm lifted up suddenly. Under his control, the metal in the ground lifted up, driving the stratum up, so the ground on the wasteland arched up, like a giant wave photographing an insect swarm.

At the moment the two collided, the insect swarm lifted up like a wave, and then fell heavily to the ground. At this time, the earth exploded, and countless large and small rocks flew out, hitting the relatively fragile abdomen of the troop carrier and the fortress. under.

Seeing this, Oleta next to him was unwilling to show weakness, lifted up his fire-burning hammer and rushed up wildly, aiming at a fortress insect to leap and knock. With a hammer hit, the fortress insects exploded immediately, the fire-burning warhammer hit the ground, and the hammer spurted out a circle of flames spreading out. The insects that were touched by the flames burned, and the insect shells burned and cracked. Oleta yelled, the warhammer swung up, and every time it collided, it blew up a ball of flames, overturning the swarm.

In mid-air, Twilight, who was riding on the flying beast, pressed both hands, and the man stood up lightly. She drew her dagger, looked at the battlefield on the sky and the ground, and said lightly: "It's too slow."

Quinn, who happened to hear this sentence, twitched his ears, and continued to culminate the oncoming flying insects without being idle. Twilight turned the blade upside down and inserted it into his chest, completing the liberation ritual of the Great Sword Dark Fire. When she stretched out the Darkfire Greatsword with her right hand, she could clearly feel Twilight's majestic aura that filled the world no matter in the air or on the ground!

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