Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1554: Deep inside

A black sun suddenly rose on the wasteland. The sun was filled with violent energy. The sun continued to expand, drawing in countless bugs. Those giant bees and Martian mantises were in the air, and there was nothing to fix their bodies. As long as they appeared near the sun, they were pulled in. As for the smaller poisonous lacewings, they use their long thorns to fix them on large creatures such as troop carriers or fortress bugs. The self-explosive ants released from the troop carriers crash into the sun and explode.

When the energy in the sun split to its limit, the entire wasteland shook, and then all the energy was released, turning into flames and gusts to sweep around. A pillar of fire rushed up on the wasteland like a volcanic eruption. The entire scene of the wasteland was even distorted. Black bands of light appeared in the space. Once these pitch-black space cracks were wiped out, the contacted parts would instantly annihilate. How many bugs escaped the explosion of the black sun, but hit these space crevices and turned into corpses.

With its four wings wide open, the flying beast carried Alan forward and rushed forward. Alan glanced back, the pillar of fire behind him was falling, and Twilight's aura was also falling at its peak state. The dark fire ruling just now consumed most of her source power, and the record is also very impressive. The army of bugs cleared a large blank directly, and tens of thousands of bugs died in the blow of Twilight. Those dark clouds formed by giant bees and Martian mantises were thinner than before, and at this moment, burning insect corpses were still falling in the sky.

Allen turned his head, a cold murderous intent surged in front of him. He squinted his eyes and saw a huge figure. Queen Guardian's insect wings flapped and dived like an aerial aircraft carrier, with a deep roar in the air. Affected by Queen Garter's qi, the flying beast under Alan was very upset. Alan patted its head and whispered, "It's all here."

He stood up on the flying beast, the wind blew his hair upside down, and the black high-necked dress in the style of the Baer made him hunt. Alan held the long sword Black Moon, bent his knees slightly, and suddenly supported the flying beast, and the man shot towards Queen Guardian like a cannonball. The flying beast suddenly sank, and then burst into flames, dealing with the bee colony and praying mantis nearby.

Allen rushed straight, the oncoming giant bees and praying mantis wanted to stop him, but before they hit Allen, they burned all over, all being ignited by Allen's secret flame aura. So there were countless gray fireballs between him and Queen Guardian. After hitting the last fireball, Queen Guardian was no longer obstructed by Allen's eyes. The queen screamed from her mouth and raised her arm. Allen raised his sword to accumulate his strength. When the two sides were about to meet, the queen's fist and Allen's sword blasted out at the same time. The two slammed into each other in mid-air, and they collided with a loud and violent sound. A circle of sound waves visible to the naked eye spread, and the insects that were affected by the sound wave first fell to each other, and then only exploded and died.

"Really hard." Allen whispered, while his body was thrown away by the reaction force. He connected a few rolls and landed on the back of a Martian mantis. Mantis twisted his body to shake Alan off. The latter stabs Mantis on his back. The mantis immediately stopped moving and his body began to fall. Allen jumped up with strength, bounced among the surrounding flying insects, and slashed at the queen condescendingly.

The queen uttered angrily, stretched out her hand and spread her five fingers to catch Allen. The size of the two sides is very different. In front of the queen, Alan is as small as an ant, but the queen dare not despise it. In the chest cavity, Alice's eyes reflected Alan's face, and she screamed, "Don't hinder me!"

The palm is like a mountain, with a fan. Allen narrowed his eyes and shrank in midair. The queen closed her palms, before she was about to hold Alan. Allen suddenly unfolded his body, his feet glared between the emperor's palms, and the person popped out from the closed fingers and shot towards the queen's chest. He lifted the black moon and stabbed it **** the full peaks of Queen Guardian. The queen gave him a stabbing cry, but Black Moon failed to pierce his chest as he wanted, rubbing countless sparks on the beetle on his chest, and Alan couldn't slide past by himself.

The flying beast from below fluttered its wings and spread its wings to catch Allen. Allen squatted on the flying beast, patted its head, then shot up suddenly, past the queen. A grey fire stepped out of the void, Allen changed direction and landed on the queen's back. The queen realized that there was a difference, and the arthropods reversed to stab Allen, and Allen flashed past. Knowing that she was not as flexible as Ellen, the queen immediately flew up, trying to throw Ellen off.

Alan's feet slipped and fell down as the queen expected. However, the beetles on the queen's back are mostly open, not as smooth as the chest. Alan inserted his sword into a gap and hung it on the queen. The queen probably knew this too, with anger in her voice. The worm's wings flapped and flew to the other side of the wasteland with Alan.

They left the wasteland battlefield, and the queen was high and low as if performing a fancy flight, sprinting at full strength, and circling in mid-air. But no matter how it fiddled with it, Alan was determined to let it go, making the queen quite helpless.

At the speed of the queen, the wasteland was quickly left behind, the front had already begun to reach the middle of the relic, and the terrain had begun to fluctuate. There was an undulating mountain in the distance, and Queen Guardian patted her worm's wings like a savior, raising her speed to the limit. Turning his body when he was about to hit the mountain, trying to knock Allen down.

Alan's pupils dilated, and he stomped on the queen to remove the black moon, and fell down before hitting the mountain. Queen Guardian slammed into the mountain peak, and the mountain body was smashed to pieces. Numerous mountain fragments fell like rain, hitting the ground and shook a piece of snow, and the snow powder turned into white smoke and billowed up. In the tumbling hustle and bustle, Queen Garter landed on the other side of the mountain. It was huge. It was not injured by such a collision, but it was a little dizzy. The giant worm caught the broken mountain and stood up, then searched for Alan's figure.

A black crescent suddenly rose from the tumbling hustle and bustle, and the crescent rubbed the queen's shoulder, bringing up a shard of insect shell. The queen shouted angrily, and the seven limbs behind her pointed towards the black crescent, and beams of light were shot from the ends of her feet. The beam of light blasted continuously, falling below the mountain peak and exploding fireballs. After a round of bombing, the entire mountain had been leveled, and smoke billowed everywhere. The space source force was disordered, and the Queen Garter searched for Allen to no avail. She blasted the broken mountains everywhere with rage, scratching the limbs behind her, venting her anger.

"Where? Where are you? Come out!" Alice screamed in the queen's chest.

Allen leaned out behind a huge rock and frowned as he watched the queen climbing on the mountain. The queen was already in a state of rampage at this moment, and it was not easy to open its chest and get the Alice ribbon out. To be honest, Queen Garter can be said to be a super life form, but it is not difficult to kill it. Not to mention Ellen, I am afraid that even Devlin can kill it. The real advantage of the queen lies in the control of the insect swarm. As long as it does not die, the insect swarm can be continuously created and flood the entire planet with a quantitative advantage. In this way, the queen should be created for the purpose of planetary aggression. Only now that Alice's persistence caused the queen to lose her due judgment, she would fight Alan so alone.

It’s just that it’s not difficult to kill it. It’s not easy to get the Alice Ribbon out in the Queen’s state, and even Alan is not sure to be unharmed.

"Wait." Allen suddenly thought of a way.

Spiritual war.

That day, Alice taught him how to start a spiritual warfare, which was prepared to bump into Spinak before he became the supreme. Spiritual warfare does not require physical contact. If Alice can be suppressed with the help of spiritual warfare and Queen Garter stops moving, then Alan has a chance.

It was not easy to do this before replacing it. After all, Alice herself is a master of spiritual warfare, but now she and Queen Garter are influencing each other, and the spirit is in a frenzy. This can be confirmed by the previous will contact on the wasteland. In this way, Allen has an opportunity.

The queen in anger stretched out her hand and swept away the small half of the hill, which raised her head and howled. Suddenly, a will swept at the foot of the mountain, slammed into Queen Garter's head, and directly invaded Alice's brain through the nerve connection. As a result, the giant insects that had roared again and again a second ago became quiet, and even maintained the posture of Shan Fei Shantou.

Allen took the initiative to launch a spiritual war ~www.readwn.com~ and instantly entangled with Alice's will. After a moment of trance, he felt a warm feeling on his body, and the golden light before him was even brighter. Concentrated, Allen saw a window, outside the window was warm sunlight, the light shone on him, and a long shadow was cast down on his feet. He looked around and confirmed that it was in Alice's castle. But the castle here is not old at all. Both the corridors and the pillars are as clean as new, and the air has never had the long-lasting smell after the years have settled. The air here is slightly cold and fresh, far from the ancient and deep castle of Alice in my impression.

There was a burst of cheerful laughter from the front of the corridor, and then footsteps came towards it. Among them, there were women shouting, but there was a little smile in the shouts. Allen looked up, and a boy ran across the corridor, five or six years old, with silver hair. The hair went to the back of the nucleus and braided, swaying from side to side as the boy ran. The boy’s beautiful facial features were full of joy. He turned around and shouted from time to time: "Come and catch me, Mother, come and catch me."

"Don't run, Master Bernard." The woman dressed as a maid behind shouted while laughing.

Beside the maid, there was a noble woman walking. She wears a beautiful hairstyle, a hair sleeve decorated with gems, a low-cut dress and a necklace around her neck. The blue gems on the necklace reflect the sunlight on her chest. That was Alice, she looked almost the same as she is now. The only difference lies in the feeling. At this time, Alice feels very young, and her eyebrows are not as deep as they are now, nor is there the faint sadness and anger and hatred towards Spinak. She should be the most beautiful at this time, young, noble, and elegant.

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