Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1556:   afraid

The harp's crystal-like transparent strings played the sound of nature under Alice's flexible fingers, and even the air in the room became a lot lighter. The music is sometimes low and graceful, like a woman's mourning; sometimes high, like a Swift riding the wind and waves. The boy sitting next to him was shaking his head with the music, not to mention how much he understood, at least, he was already immersed in the sound of Alice's piano.

After the performance of the song, the boy clapped vigorously, his eyes gleaming, looking at Alice's small face full of admiration.

"Mom is great, I also want to learn to play the piano." the boy called.

Alice stood up with a smile, her maid put away the harp, she walked to the boy and stretched out her hand to lightly traverse his head: "Nabel is a boy, and he will be a man when he grows up. Men should be protected. Woman, playing the piano won’t protect me."

The boy thought about it for a while and said with a grin: "Then I will find Tong Wu to teach me how to fight."

"Right, this is my good boy."

The boy ran to the window and asked, "Mom, what is there outside the legacy?"

Alice looked at the window and said lightly: "There is a vast world, where there are mountains, seas, and boundless earth. Why, Nabo is interested to take a look."

The boy nodded first, then shook his head and said, "Unless my mother also goes, or I won't go anywhere."

"It's a silly boy, when you grow up, you won't think so."

"What is it like when you grow up?"

"When you grow up, you will find that the world is not as big as it is, so you can easily fit it into your chest."

The boy shook his head and said, "I don't want it. I just want to be with my mother forever."

Allen looked at the mother and son, and looked at them now. Who would have thought that after many years, they would turn against each other?

Suddenly the picture in front of me began to blur, and then Alice's voice sounded: "Get out of my memories! Don't look at them, don't look at them!"

A force came from the void and impacted on Alan's body, and immediately Alice and the boy in front of them went away quickly. After a while, Allen was already standing on a wasteland. There are no mountains, no plants, let alone animals. The absolute loneliness here is cold, just like Alice's heart locked in hatred.

The sky rumbling in the distance, thick clouds of fire spread over it. A woman's face is faintly visible in the clouds, it is Alice, her will is rolling like a thick cloud. Allen took a deep breath, remembering the battle between the two supreme princes on the Yongye Star, and immediately burst into anger. The body of consciousness grew rapidly, and in a blink of an eye it had turned into a hundred-meter-long fire giant. Looking at the rolling fire cloud over there, Allen said loudly: "Stop it, Alice. As I said, Spinak is not on Agareth, and your revenge is futile."

"Shut up!" With a spray of Alice's face in the fire cloud, three or four dark red streams of fire smashed towards Allen.

Allen swept away easily, and the fire exploded and spread one by one in the air several kilometers away from him. Alan stretched out his hand to hold it imaginarily, and the flame appeared out of thin air, surging and gathering, forming a giant flame knife in his hand. The appearance of the flame sword is seven points similar to the anthem of destruction. Alan held the sword in both hands and cut it away.

There was a flash of fire between the sky and the earth.

The fire ran across the sky, with great power, as if to divide the sky into two. The light of fire disappeared instantly, plunged into the fire cloud, and then Alice's scream rang from the cloud, and the fire cloud rumbling in the middle, separated by the energetic fire light.

After not knowing how many kilometers away, the fire cloud slowly closed. Although Alice's will would not collapse under this blow, it was also a lot weaker. After the fire cloud closed, various flying insects continuously threw out from the cloud group, as if summoning the insect swarm of the material world, the mighty army composed of the insect swarm headed towards Allen's realm like a wave of anger.

Allen also let out a long howl, which shook a thousand miles. Then he strode forward with the flame knife, and the ground quickly retreated under his feet. The swarm of insects rolled around like a black cloud, and Alan took the flame knife and picked it up. The Flame Knife submerged in the insect swarm, and the black cloud where it passed by tore a blank, and insects continued to wrap the flames and fell down, and suddenly the wasteland was full of fire and rain.

"I've seen your memory, Alice, don't you know yourself? You love Nabo and that child more than anyone else. Even if you hate him now, in your heart, you still love him. . This point, even hatred can't grind it." Allen said loudly, turning to sweep the flame knife, the flames washed away, and washed the insect swarm.

Alice's voice came from the fire cloud: "Shut up, what else do you know? Nabo threatened the creator, so he must die!"

The fire cloud gradually dropped, and something fell from the cloud, which turned out to be a meteorite. The meteorite wrapped in flames and smashed towards Alan. The giant incarnate by Alan spewed fire from his eyes, lifted the flame knife and burst out with satisfaction, swiped it down, and the entire swarm suddenly appeared a passage. On the other side of the passage, it was the meteorite that banged on. The meteorite that flew halfway seemed to be hit by an invisible impact, and suddenly violently, then a crack was born. Cracks grew frequently, flying for more than ten kilometers, and then suddenly exploded in the air, spraying out tens of thousands of fires spreading down, passing through the swarms, past Allen's side, and above the lonely wasteland. Smashed a big hole.

"Don't you know? You are self-destructing!" The giant roared: "The love for Nabo and the hatred for Spinak have made you lose your normal judgment. You love him, but you have to To destroy him. These two emotions make you contradictory and make you unable to make correct judgments. So you would rather let yourself go crazy. You are not going to kill Spinak at all, but want to die under his hands, The child you love."

"I do not have!"

"Really? Then why don't you believe me, can't you tell whether what I'm saying is true or false? No, it's not like that, you just don't want to believe it. Because you know, if Spinak is not on this planet, You will lose courage, and you will choose to sleep."

"No, I didn't think so."

"Alice!" Allen shouted: "At this time, do you still have to escape? To escape your true emotions, is this what the creator wants you to give it?"


"Yes, since he created you and gave you such a long life, is it to see you self-destruct?"

The fire cloud surged violently, just like Alice's complicated mood at the moment, she screamed: "Why do you say that, you are not a creator!"

"Yes, I am not. But you have also said that I and the creator are both twilight species, can't I understand his mood? I also bet that he will give you a more important mission, don't you think about it anymore Are you up?"

"In your heart, is the creator's mission important, or killing Nabo!"


"Yes, my lord."

In a daze, Alice saw a brilliant golden light. In that ray of light, there was a man with his back to her. He couldn't talk about how tall he was, but he had an urge to worship. As if he was standing there, he was about to step on the whole world.

Master Creator

"I have to go, some annoying guys have tracked me down. Stay here, these arrangements will not work." The man turned around in a golden light, the silver-gray head flying in the wind, His eyes are so gentle. He stretched out his hand, holding Alice's face: "Can Alice look here for me?"

"I will, my lord. No matter how long, even for thousands of years, Alice will help adults look at the black gate. Until my lord comes!"

"Well." The man scratched his face and apologized: "I'm afraid I won't come, Alice. But believe me, at the right time, my descendants will come to this planet. , Activate these arrangements. At that time, Alice, you will help him as if assisting me. But before then, Alice may be very lonely."

Alice lowered her head: "But the lord said that as long as the'heart' still beats, no matter where you are, you will find your way back."

"I said that if it's just to comfort you, I can also make a promise of return. But Alice, I don't want to give you false hope, you know? That will only make you more painful."

"Pain or something" Alice shook her head ~www.readwn.com~ and raised her face and said: "As long as the adult hopes, Alice will stick to it. Until the end of her life, she will wait until the descendants of the adult appear. "

"Then I will leave it to you here." The man faced the brilliant light: "See, Alice, today is the day when the two days meet. What a brilliant brilliance that is, I hope this brilliance will illuminate eventually The entire universe brings a ray of hope to the desperate creatures. And you are the one who holds the hope for me."

"Here, forgive me for my selfish and willful entrusting of responsibility to you." The man turned his head and bowed to Alice: "I beg you, my'daughter'."

Alice nodded vigorously.

I don't know how many years have passed.

Day after day, year after year, no matter how beautiful it is, there is nothing left but loneliness.

So, create some children of Alice just like an adult created me?

Then finally there were other voices around.

But he was the most satisfied.


My favorite child.

No, it is not.


In the chest of Queen Guardian, Alice screamed: "I hate him for the idea of ​​this child hitting an adult. Unforgivable, unforgivable."

Mother, I just hope to be with my mother forever. There was a sunny smile on the boy's face.

Do not.

I want to protect my mother.

Do not.

Mom, who is he?

Stop talking!

"Stop talking!" Two lines of tears came out of Alice's eyes: "What should I do? My lord, what should I do. It's so dark here, Alice is lonely, I'm scared, my lord."

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