Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1557:  Save

total darkness.

Alice huddled up together, and only when she hugged herself would she feel that the world was not so empty and that she felt a trace of presence. She buried her head between her arms and murmured: "Narbo, I love that kid. But he wants to deal with adults. Am I wrong to kill him? Alice can't understand, what should I do, my lord? Please teach me..."

"Just stay there and don't move!"

In the darkness, Alice raised her head, her face lost.

Gradually, there was a ray of light in the darkness. Then the light gradually grew, it was bright and warm, just like the morning when the man left many years ago. Alice moved, and slowly raised her hand: "Is that you? Your lord?"

"Give me your hand, Alice. Give me your hand if you hear it!" said the voice, loud enough to dispel all the haze.

A relieved smile appeared on Alice's face: "Yes, my lord. If it's an adult, Alice will do it no matter what."

She stretched out her hand in the darkness and leaned towards the light.

Then someone caught her, it was a warm and powerful palm, and he dragged it hard in the light, pulling Alice away from the darkness. Alice smiled, as if to welcome the man's return, and then felt like passing through something. Finally, she saw him.

The same silver-gray hair, the same handsome and young face. The years are long, as if time can't leave a trace on him.

"My lord..."

Alice wept with joy, hugging him hard, feeling the strong heartbeat in his chest, feeling the temperature of his body. All this is telling her that he is back.

Alan hugs Alice.

In the spiritual world, when his questioning made Alice into conflict, Alan knew that the opportunity had come. He left the spiritual realm, and when he opened his eyes again in the material world, he saw the Queen Garter motionless. Allen directly used the anthem of destruction to make a gap in the queen's chest armor, and smoothly entered the chest cavity, only to see that Alice was still awake. He cut open the biological tissues that wrapped Alice, and finally pulled her out.

However, apparently Alice mistook him for someone. Ellen couldn't care too much, holding her naked and covered with mucus and left Queen Garter. When he came to the ground, Allen quickly took off his coat and put it on Alice. The next step was to wait until Alice came to herself. It didn't make Alan wait too long, and after a few minutes, Alice's consciousness began to recover. After leaving Queen Garter, her mind seemed to return to normal, at least not the kind of madness in her eyes.

When she saw Alan clearly, she felt a little lost in her heart, but the creator's request to her back then was in her ears. She did not forget these things, only selectively. As long as this is the case, it's like the creator will come back again. But now she knew that the creator would never come back again, because another twilight species was right in front of her.

"How are you?" Allen tentatively asked.

Alice closed her eyes and sighed: "It feels like a dream. A nightmare."

"I'm relieved to hear you say that." Allen retracted the anthem of destruction.

Alice opened her eyes and said, "So, Spinak really left?"

"Yeah." Allen said: "Not long ago he launched a war against Ida Wald and counted many people, including me. The goal was to take something from Ida Wald. Now I I don’t know what he will get. In short, he has left the entire empire after getting that thing, and the Demon Kingdom is now ruled by me."

"It really looks like his style." Alice tightened her long dress tightly, then stood up, and fastened the buttons of her long dress in front of Alan, apparently intending to seize the dress. Yes: "That kid is always happy with new things. In his eyes, the empire is nothing more than a toy, and he is tired of playing it. There is only one thing I can be sure of. After so many years, he is still collecting information about creators. Information. So what he took from Ida Huaxing must also be related to it."

"I said Alice, in fact, you should understand by now. The creator is the twilight seed just like me. As far as I know, if I were here, then the twilight seed that created you should..."

"I should never come back. In fact, I know better than anyone else, but I just don't want to admit it." Alice laughed at herself: "After all, women are the most deceptive, including deceiving themselves."

She pointed to the depths of the wasteland: "The Canon Black Gate is a legacy of the creator. According to his instructions, this legacy will be left to his descendants."

"Me?" Allen pointed to himself.

Alice shook her head: "No, the timing that the creator said hasn't happened yet, so you're a twilight species, so you can leave it to you."

Allen thought of Angeloni. Did the creator mean to leave the legacy to the fully awakened Twilight Son? What is that for?

At this time, Queen Garter moved, and then let out a low cry. Alice raised her head and said, "You are right. The power of Canon Black Gate should have been transferred to the descendants of the creator when the time came. I used it for my own selfishness. Now I have to make up, at least, the Queen I must go back to the original place and wait for myself to wake up."

She walked towards Queen Garter.

"and many more."

"It's okay." Alice turned her head and said: "Now I will not affect the queen anymore. After I let it fall asleep again, I will return to the castle. Before that, can I go to the castle and wait for me. ?"

"Well, since you said that~www.readwn.com~ Allen thought about it and asked: "Alice, that, does the creator look like me? Just now, you seem to have admitted wrong. "

"Yeah, very similar. After all, you have the same genes." Alice smiled slightly: "Just now, thank you very much. Thank you for your hug, it saved me."

"If a hug can save you, I don't mind holding it several times."

On this day, the insect swarms that had invaded multiple cities on the southern route suddenly evacuated at the same time. Due to the large number of insect swarms after confluence, Devlin, who had originally planned to hunt down, could only dispel this idea. Although the general didn't know what happened, he instinctively felt that it had something to do with Allen.

Ellen and Tong Wu returned to the old castle. Many generals who were waiting for the news saw the two of them and immediately surrounded them and kept asking. Tong Wu stood on the side in silence, and Alan smiled and said, "You should ask Alice for these questions after Alice comes back."

Hearing his words, the generals finally felt relieved. Allen's words were undoubtedly telling them that Alice would return, and there was nothing more inspiring. Sure enough, after three days, Alice returned to the castle. It was just that when she saw her jumping barefoot from a Martian mantis, the generals' expressions were not very natural.

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