Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1583: Huge compensation

"Of course, I must confirm that all the information she stole is returned." Suffer paused, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "And I also want to meet this brave woman who dares to steal things under my nose. She is now. where?"

"Already escorted back."

Shimir was standing in the dark, and she was escorted here after the starship came down. Fortunately, her jammer worked, and Omisgar's defense system went down for seven or eight seconds. Because Sarfo focused all of her attention on her, it seemed that the system failure did not cause the Kidd people to pay much attention, at least so far I haven't heard a word like "intruder".

The room was so dark that Himir could not even see himself. It's very quiet, I can only hear my own heartbeat. She knew that this was the kid's interrogation room, and if nothing happened, Sarfo would interrogate herself personally, which was exactly what Himir wanted. Firmly attract the eyes of the Kidd emperor, so as to create convenient conditions for Allen and others' actions.

Come on, come on, I won't admit defeat. A voice yelled in the girl's heart.

"Very calm."

Himir can’t see herself, but she didn’t expect her own image to appear on a set of screens. The screens are images of Himir from all angles, and there is even a screen showing her heartbeat, blood pressure and other physical related things at this moment. data. Sarfo put his hands around his chest, looked at it for a moment, and said, "Go ahead."

Following Sarfo’s order, a beam of light shone from the top of Himir’s head, and the girl squinted her eyes. It took about three or four seconds to get used to the light. She raised her head, and a light screen appeared in the darkness in front, and Sarfo was in the light screen. There was a cold smile on his face, and his voice sounded in the picture: "I don't want to say any more. Now give me the things you stole. Don't waste my time, Princess Himir."

Himir looked stubborn: "It seems that Your Majesty Sarver did not listen to my request. My request is to exchange Omisgar's information for the freedom of our Guss!"

Sarfo laughed, shook his head and said, "Okay, Himmel, I won't agree to such an unreasonable request. If you don't hand it over, it will be fine. After killing you, my people will naturally check carefully. Your body. No matter where you hide it, we can find it."

"Oh, what if it's not on me?" Himir sneered: "I knew the ruthlessness of His Majesty Sarver. Do you think I would take things with me stupidly so that you could kill me without scruples? "

Sarfo looked at the golden nobleman next to him. The Kidd nodded and said: "We have scanned her body before this, and indeed we haven't found anything similar to a reservoir."

"Well, smart little princess." Saffron said coldly: "You are not stupid, but I hate smart people, because you will always waste my time. Listen to Himmel, hurry up and get things delivered. If you don’t want to do this, we have a machine that can read the information in your head. No matter where you hide it, we won’t find it in the end. And after you are read by that machine, you Will become an idiot, do you wish to become that way?"

"If you do this, I choose to die." Simir said loudly: "I have implanted a nano bomb in my body. As long as I explode, my people will receive the signal immediately. Then, they will send the information. Send it to your enemy!"

"Damn it!" Sarfo was a little uncomfortable, he didn't expect Himir to be so difficult. The important thing is that this subjugated princess has the courage to fight against him. Is this still the cowardly Gus? The Kidd emperor said loudly: "Even if you do this, it's useless, we have a way to make you unable to move, and then take out the nano bomb in your body, it will take a day or two at most."

"So what, don't do what I ask, don't think I will hand over information."

"Okay, you asked for it."

Sarfo glanced at the Kidd beside him, who quickly knocked on the next set of commands. The next moment Ximir raised a circle of spray nozzles under his feet, and sprayed a mist with a faint fragrance from it. Ximir immediately felt his body start to numb, but he was not surprised. There is no nano bomb in her body, just to make Kidd fooled. If they waste their time on taking out the non-existent bomb, they can at least buy Alan and the others a day or two.

Watching Seamir fall softly to the ground, Sarfo gritted his teeth and said, "How long will it take to check her body."

The golden nobleman said: "Your Majesty, the size of the nano bomb is too small. We need to send nano robots into her body for investigation. It will take at least 30 hours to complete the whole body examination."

"It's too slow, at most 15 hours, you have to find it out for me anyway." Sarver exclaimed.

Walking out of the interrogation room, a kid holding a tactical board forward said: "Your Majesty, just received a message from the Demon Kingdom."

"what's the message."

"They asked us to pay compensation for the attack on the fleet."

Sarfo took a deep breath and said, "What are their requirements?"

"This is the list they made, please go through it."

Sarver took it and scanned it quickly, but he didn't read the long list, and he had smashed the entire tactical board to the ground. Sarver roared: "Where is compensation~www.readwn.com~This is to annex us! Tell them that we refuse to pay this kind of unreasonable compensation!"

In fact, Sarfo was also ready to open the mouth of the lion of Demon Shadow Nation. After all, he was attacking the fleet of the imperial emperor. If the requirements of Demon Shadow Nation were not excessive, it would be a hell. Sarfo also thought that if conditions permit, then he would admit it through gritted teeth. Who made him fall short, but now it is not practical to start a war with Demon Shadow Nation. There is another Frius on Agareth, he can't really fire the saboteur at Agareth. If so, he would have to put up a big enemy again. No matter how you look at it, it is an irrational decision to provoke Frius. But Demon Shadow Nation's request is more than excessive, it is simply to wipe out Omisga. In addition to deploying a million-level army’s weapons and equipment, Omisga also needs to dismantle the saboteurs and transport them to the Demon Shadow Nation for their custody, and then a platinum royal family stays in Demon Ring City as a hostage. , And other forests, up to a hundred compensations. If Safo accepts everything as it is, it would be a drain on Kidd's resources.

Seeing this list, Sarfu also understood that Moying Nation had no plans for peace talks at all. They were sure that Sarver would refuse, and it would be justified for them to start a war. Sarfo calmed down, and then said: "A first-level combat readiness alert is issued to call back all the troops on our colonial stars. At the same time, we will notify the technical department to shorten the cooling time of the saboteurs and make sure they are fully charged. We can prepare. We don’t have another heart of stars on hand, and we cannot carry out full-power shelling, but Moying Nation thinks that we can have an advantage, then I have to let them know how ridiculously wrong we are!"

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