Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1584: start to act

"After that, 12 hours have passed and there are still about 10 minutes left before the guidance plan." Allen looked at the small screen on his wrist, and a set of three-dimensional maps were projected on it. According to the plan, after entering Omisgar, Allen will penetrate deep into the landing area. The more the Omisgar area goes deep into the planet, the more important it becomes. The Kidders divided each area into ten layers from the surface to the core. The surface is the first floor, and Allen’s goal, the energy conversion machine room that provides energy for the destruction artillery, is on the fifth floor. With his authority, reaching the third level is already the limit. Below the third floor, he was not able to go as an officer.

In other words, the next step is to force a breakthrough. In order to make Allen's actions smooth and cover the Guss' rescue plan, there is also an inducement plan in the general strategy of Omisgar. Within the specified time, the Demon Shadow Nation will make an attack to attract the attention of the Kidd people and facilitate their actions within the planet. But that requires Alan and Gus to prepare in advance, otherwise it will disrupt the overall plan.

Allen naturally has no problem. He has entered the third layer before the expected time, and now he has to wait for the news from Tarot.

"That guy doesn't know what's going on." Alan thought of Himir. Now that the Guthian princess has fallen into Safo's hands, she doesn't know if the Kidd emperor will be executed.

Suddenly a signal flickered on the screen on the wrist armor, and an encrypted message was sent over, and Allen opened it to read it. It was just a simple line of text: Ready!

It was sent by Tarot, and it seemed that Tarot should have prepared the Gus. When the Demon Shadow Nation makes an attack, the Guss will be transported along with other slaves to the refuge in the second-tier area of ​​Omiska for containment. Of course, those worthless slaves will be sent directly to the front as cannon fodder, but fortunately the Guss are not among them. After Allen attacked the energy conversion machine room and destroyed the space weapons, Moying Nation would adjust the attack time according to the situation. In that situation, the Kidders can only face the full battle. At that time, a fleet will bypass the battlefield and break through the second-tier area of ​​Omisgar, and rescue the Guss who are now less than 50,000 from the refuge. . After the rescue plan is over, Moying Nation will let go of its hands and feet to attack. Without the threat of sabotage artillery, it is impossible for the Kidd people to resist the devastating battle of the Demon Kingdom. This is the specific plan for the entire Raiders of Omisgar.

Each of the details affects each other, just like a tightly bitten gear, whichever goes wrong will affect the operation of the entire overall plan. Fortunately, there has been no discrepancy so far, but for this war, it has only just begun.

At the end of the countdown on the screen, Alan fought in the cover and walked towards the gate leading to the fourth floor. A sharp beam of light was immediately cast from the two cannons at the gate, staggered and shone on Allen's body, and then an electronic sound was heard: "Please stop in front of the cordon and show your valid clearance certificate."

The broadcast was repeated twice.

The Kidd soldier had already raised the beam rifle and saw Allen stopped in front of the cordon, the muzzle moved down slightly. Allen lifted his helmet at this time and smiled brightly at the soldier above the turret: "It's really bad. I forgot to bring the pass. Can you see this?"

He raised his rifle and fired at the left side artillery.

The next moment the two gun towers were fully fired, and the flying beams hit the ground in front of the cordon, blowing up fireballs one after another. After a full bombardment, an officer on the tower raised his hand and all weapons stopped shooting. The officer turned on the helmet's life scanning function and found that there were no signs of life in the thick smoke. He breathed a sigh of relief and heard someone behind him say: "Where are you looking?"

The officer turned his head, and the picture of Allen slashed was reflected in the helmet facing the helmet, followed by absolute darkness.

Allen lifted the anthem of destruction and slashed away, and the opposing turret split in the middle, and fire waves spewed out from the broken installation layer, and the turret instantly turned into a torch. The defense line of this entrance was simply destroyed by him. After a while, Allen opened the door and intruded into the passage to the fourth floor.

The alarm sounded so sharply.

"What's the matter?" Sarfo stood up suddenly when he heard the alarm.

A golden nobleman quickly stepped forward and knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, we found that the fleet of Demon Shadow Nation has begun to gather near Agareth, and the number is extremely large."

"How many are there?" Sarver asked with a frown.

"It is conservatively estimated that the total strength will be more than two million. The generals alone have assembled five ships, and there are countless other types of starships." The nobleman said anxiously.

"Two million?" Sarver gritted his teeth: "They are ready to move."

Sarfo looked to the side. It was a burly platinum royal family. Sarfo asked, "Sidi, where is the progress of the energy replenishment of the destruction artillery?"

"Your Majesty, because the machine is still cooling~www.readwn.com~ The conversion machine room cannot instill energy at full power, so the progress is extremely slow. The fastest, it will take three days to instill it in full. But the technical department Although Bian has already used all the condensate, it is still not optimistic in terms of time to let the parts cool down completely."

At this time, the royal family received a message and his face changed immediately.

Sarver looked at him: "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, Your Majesty, it's just something minor. I'll deal with it immediately. You don't need to worry." Sidi said.

Sarfo is now upset about the assembly of the Demon Shadow Nation army, and without paying attention, he waved his hand to let him go.

Sidi left the palace, and a high-speed airship used in the planet was already waiting for him. After Sidi entered the spaceship, the spaceship used a dedicated passage to the fourth floor area. On the spaceship, a female golden nobleman handed the tactical board to Xidi and said: "My lord, just received the notification that an unidentified enemy invaded the fourth floor area. Following his path, he will inevitably pass the conversion room. So I must not disturb you."

"Has the intruder not been ruled out yet?"

The woman who was obviously the adjutant Sidi shook her head and said: "One of our combat squadrons confronted each other at the entrance of the fourth floor area, but before I inform you, the combat squadrons have all come. All but the hundred of the sharp saw were killed. In addition to the elite, there are also two gold-level combat powers. I guess the opponent should be a strong at your level, otherwise it will not be able to defeat the line of defense we have placed in such a short period of time. Look, do you have to notify Sarver His Majesty?"

"You mean to tell your majesty that I am incompetent?"

"Subordinates don't mean that." The woman said anxiously.

"Then shut up." Xidi sneered: "Same level as me? Even if the first general of the Demon Shadow Nation comes, I can clean up her. This little thing, don't bother your Majesty!"

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