Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1595:  Reincarnation

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Ruola put on a blanket.

A maid came in from outside, and whispered: "Madam, Earl Edward, please."

"Let the earl wait in the living room."

Ruoladao, tidyed up a bit, and left the bedroom.

In the living room, Edward was standing at the window, looking out at the night city. Even at night, the Dawn Castle is still brightly lit, especially at the city walls. The light of the city shone on Edward, leaving Ruola with a handsome profile. Ruola's heart moved slightly. When this young man and that man appeared back then, with a bit of juvenile childishness, they have now been tempered in the flames of war with a sense of indifference and calmness. Coupled with his own appearance, he treats women. Form a great attraction. Although the earl had heard that he had a family for a long time, there were many people who wanted to marry women in the family into the earl's home. But for this kind of thing, Edward always tactfully refused, but his value rose instead of falling. Especially after the second prince Julian took the throne, Edward's value in the eyes of some people was even greater than that of the Marquis.

Hearing the footsteps, Edward turned and nodded, "Ms. Ruola, are you still used to it?"

"Naturally it's not a big habit, but everything is okay. Does the earl have anything to do with me?"

Edward smiled and said, "No, I just want to know how well you live? If you have any needs, please feel free to tell me."

Ruola sighed, "Earl's mind should be on the front line now, don't worry about taking care of me."

"You can't say that. The relationship between us and Ms. Ruola is very shallow, and you are pregnant now, I naturally have to be more careful." Edward said calmly: "The Marquis of Horn only wrote to ask about your situation yesterday. If you don’t care about it, I’m afraid the old Marquis will ask questions."

Ruola grinned reluctantly and asked, "How is the situation in Tieqiangling?"

"Not great." Edward said directly: "Another Eastern army besieged Tieqiangling. I heard that there is a master over there, and there is also a very powerful man. The Marquis of Horn almost fell into his hands. Fortunately, the queen scorpion Bekatylu, one of the ten saints, arrived with her scorpion nest, and finally relieved the situation. But Bekatylu is not the strong opponent known as the king of martial arts, if the odds of winning are ten The queen scorpion accounts for at most 30%."

Ruola's face changed: "The opponent is so strong, isn't Tieqiangling dangerous."

"Don't be nervous, the Queen Scorpion was sent by the Bolin family, and the other Ten Holy Night Shadow Belleky also arrived at Tieqiang Ridge last night. There are two Ten Holy Nights, so you can hold a Extreme Martial King anyway. The situation in Tieqiangling is not good, but if it is said to be destroyed immediately, it will not."

Hearing what he said, Ruola felt a little relieved.

"Now it's not just Tieqiangling. Where is the situation in the north and south of the empire? An eastern army has advanced into the northern inland through the Tiger Shark Harbor. It is making rapid progress. It has defeated several imperial legions in a row, and there is a tendency to force the imperial capital. In the south, Tieqiangling is besieged, and we are not having a good time. Although the game has been laid and the morale of the enemy has been weakened to the greatest extent, we have a fatal weakness here." Edward sighed: "The strong are seriously inadequate. Especially the ten sages of the level. The imperial ten sages, except for the late emperor and the lost swordsman, plus a few have no news at all, except for the queen scorpion and the Bolin family night. In addition to Midian the Shadow and Twilight Prayer, two other Ten Saints entered the imperial capital. We don’t have strong support here, and now it looks like the situation is 50-50. But if we really fight, our advantage will soon be It will be exhausted." A rare worry came out between Edward's eyebrows: "It would be great if Lord Ellen was here."

Hearing the name unexpectedly, Ruola's heart beat hard, and then couldn't help asking: "Is there no news from him?"

Since Ellen left the heaven star, there has been no news at all, and it was only when Adele who had recently returned to the earth that he brought some information about his whereabouts. Edward smiled and said, "Don't worry about him, everything is fine, my lord, it just seems that there is no way to return.

"But no matter what, I have to keep his legacy."

Ruola looked out the window and sighed lightly: "War...I was looking forward to war very much before. Our family started as a business, although the Ark Harbor was well managed. But the name of the earl of the brother is always criticized. It is nothing more than our family's military exploits. It's not obvious, so when I was sensible, I started to learn sword skills and practice horseback riding, thinking about making outstanding military exploits for my brother, so as to silence those people. From then on, I looked forward to the war."

"However, all the things I have experienced over the years have made me tired of this kind of struggle, whether it is between different races or cannibalism. The war has never been as good as I thought before. There is no justice, no right or wrong. There is only a flame of power and desire. Count, when do you say the war will end?"

Edward glanced at her and said: "I am afraid that war will only truly end if the entire universe is destroyed. Otherwise, battle and peace will only be a recurring cycle, never ending."

"That's it..." Ruo pulls his hand gently on his lower abdomen: "I hope he can live in a peaceful period when he is born."

"We will do our best." Edward whispered softly: "I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Ruola sent him to the door.

After the door was closed, a figure appeared behind Edward, a man, with a black short blade sign on his chest. He whispered to Edward: "My lord, I just received the news that the Orlando team was in an ambush, and the situation is very critical now."

Edward stopped, his eyes became extremely cold: "What is the general situation, there is no possibility of rescue."

"It seems that the strongest man in the enemy's army is the man who is known as King Pingxi."

Edward squinted his eyes: "The opponent is a ten-sage-level powerhouse. If you want to save people from such a powerhouse, you will suffer heavy losses. I am afraid that Orlando can not be saved, right?"

"My lord means..."

Looking at the room, Edward sighed softly, "We didn’t have many strong people. Even if Orlando is the son of the Iron Spear, we seem to have to give up. If you take other people’s lives for saving him, that’s right. The layout has too much influence."

"In that case..."

"With a little concealment, I will find an explanation for Ruola and the Marquis of Horn."

As soon as he finished speaking, another figure trot over and whispered in Edward's ear: "That woman is going to save Lord Orlando."

Edward's pupil color changed slightly, obviously his emotions fluctuated, and there was no change on the surface.

That woman's name is Annie.

When the Eastern Army first appeared three months ago, Father Miró and others evacuated from Ark Harbor. They were in danger on the way, but Annie rescued them. After that, Annie came to Dawn Castle and stayed with the church people. She especially likes to confess to Milo, and occasionally act. Edward has no way of judging her strength, because the power she showed is not necessarily very powerful, only knowing that she has a great advantage in an environment with plants. . If she hadn't concealed her strength, she could barely squeeze into the Ten Saints at her apparent level. This is also the only strong man in the realm who is comparable to the Ten Saints, but Annie acts casually, so Edward can't consider her in combat power.

At this time, I was surprised to hear that she was going to save people. But this is not a good thing. If Annie takes a shot, there are relatively more chances to rescue Orlando. And she has to face King Pingxi, and she can also take this opportunity to gauge her true level.

Edward whispered: "Go watch her."

The members of Dark Blade behind nodded and left.

In the dark, the two teams chased on a plain.

It was Orlando, the Son of Iron Spear, who ran ahead.

He carried a gun in his hand and galloped on his horse.

Originally, he was only involved in the front-line reconnaissance work, leading a team of scouts to the enemy's position to investigate the reality, but he stepped into the opponent's trap. What's more terrible is that the strong man in the opponent's army, the man who claimed to be King Pingxi, did not hesitate to surrender himself and hide in the enemy's army, and unexpectedly gave him a blow. Fortunately, Orlando still has some luck~www.readwn.com~ to avoid the fatal part in time, but now he is also seriously injured. At this moment, the face was pale immediately, and blood oozes from his mouth from time to time.

There was a light purple in the bloodshot, but it was due to the ability of King Pingxi.

The opponent is very strong, Orlando knows this better than anyone else. There is no doubt that in the eastern army that is coming this time, those princes are extremely hard-working characters, and the last King Pingxi also has the level of ten sages. As for the king of extreme martial arts, I heard that he is a super strong man comparable to the late emperor.

Except for the three princes, none of the leading generals is weak, and the entire army can be described as strong, otherwise the Balekong Empire would not have to be so embarrassed.

Suddenly there was a loud noise behind him.

Orlando looked back, and his scalp exploded.

A purple rainbow hung in the air, rushing towards him in a swift manner.

It is the King of Pingxi.

He didn't plan to let Orlando go back at all. Orlando knew at this time why the chasing soldiers behind him always kept a distance and drove them away. The intention was to consume their energy. The real killer was the King Pingxi.

During the March War in Ark Harbor, King Pingxi knew that Orlando was half the owner of Ark Harbor, and he was not going to let Orlando go, whether in public or private. Orlando had been hit hard in the previous trap, and now seeing that the opponent was almost dragged, he decided to kill.

With lavender arrogance wrapped around his body, King Pingxi dragged out a purple rainbow and threw it towards Orlando. The scout behind Orlando yelled, Junle stopped his horse, turned around and counterattacked, but desperately held back King Pingxi’s calculation.

"The ants also dare to shake the tree? Looking for death!" King Pingxi shouted, and Zihong passed through the seventeen war horses. Immediately, the scout came out at the end, bursting into purple flames in the next moment, which was very eye-catching under the plain of the night.

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