Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1596: madman

"Why do you want to save that man."

Two war horses are galloping in the wilderness under the darkness of night. Under the advice of Edward's absolute household, the entire mountain forest has turned into a barren wilderness, with a wide view that can be seen at a glance. On one of the gray war horses, the woman with her head hidden under her hat said, "Miss Anne, I think you should know who was chased by that man. The strength of King Pingxi is not simple."

The other black horse is a petite woman. She wears silver-gray close-fitting light armor. The armor only covers the chest, hands and feet, and appears to have very limited defense capabilities. Those who know how to use this lightweight armor are usually confident of their speed. Angeloni was here, and she smiled when she heard the words: "Hana, don't you think I can't balance the guy named Pingxi King?"

"At best, it's evenly divided," Hana said.

Angeloni blinked and said, "You only considered the combat power, but did not take other aspects into consideration. As far as I know, the so-called King Pingxi cherishes his life very much. This can last three months from an Ark Port. It can be seen that if the King of Pingxi is willing to work hard, or if he does not cherish his men so much, I doubt that the city can last for a month."

"what do you mean?"

"I mean, he takes his life very much. And I, don't want to die!" Angeloni laughed openly.

Hannah frowned. This woman was like a flame burning wantonly. She never knew what temperance was, and she was like squandering life at will. And since knowing her this time, Hannah has fully realized Angeloni's madness.

Sometimes, she wondered if the woman's head was broken.

"I saw it." Angeloni pointed forward.

Hana looked up, and a purple rainbow hung in the sky under the night. At the front end of the purple rainbow, a war horse galloped. Angeloni shouted: "I'll take a step first, you take Orlando."

After saying that, her hands were supported on the horse, and the horse fell to the ground under her pressure, and then she got up after groaning. Angeloni broke through the air and fell to the ground over a distance of tens of meters, and then rushed forward.

"It's going to be a big deal." She licked her lips, as dangerous as a mother animal preying on the night.

"Physical improvement!"

"Power up!"

"Speed ​​up!"

One by one, the **** thread penetrated into her own body, Angeloni's small face became more and more crazy, and the various physical qualities that improved. Manipulating herself as a puppet, Angeloni's power surged out like a flood of gate opening.

When the person was in the air, King Pingxi immediately noticed this somewhat crazy power, and then in his line of sight, Angeloni rushed to the wilderness with hands and feet like a she-wolf. King Pingxi came to a conclusion immediately, at the speed of Angeloni, he would intercept himself before he stopped Orlando.

He suddenly felt unhappy.

At the same time, I was surprised that there was such a master in the barbarian.

Then Angeloni's fist was enlarged in view.

Her speed was 30% faster than King Pingxi expected.

King Pingxi snorted immediately, and grabbed his fingers into claws, trying to force Angeloni away. Unexpectedly, the latter was not moved at all, on the contrary, he had a chest and sent it up for King Pingxi to catch. King Pingxi caught the truth, Angeloni's breastplate flew up like a piece of paper, and a flexible touch came from the palm of King Pingxi, and his mind couldn't help but feel a little shaken. Angeloni had already stamped a punch on his chest, mercilessly. The eyes of King Pingxi flashed murderously, no more mercy, five claws dragged along, Angeloni's clothes were flying, splashing blood. At the same time, King Pingxi also slammed his punch down, **** air overflowed from his nostrils, he wiped it with his hand, and his palm was red and he was very angry.

The two fell to the ground at the same time. After King Pingxi lost his hand, he pointed to Angeloni and asked, "Who are you?"

Angeloni didn't bother to answer, her fists were wrapped in the tumbling flames of Primal Force and rushed away. King Pingxi felt a headache, but had to challenge him. He could only watch Orlando drive away, merge with the other rider and start to go away.

"Don't worry about me, catch up with that kid, kill him!" King Pingxi yelled at the people who rushed back while parrying Angeloni's attack.

Angeloni let out a chuckle, and suddenly gave up King Pingxi and rushed to the rear. She didn't attack the warrior on the horse, but cruelly attacked the horse. People pass by the horse team like a whirlwind, beating or catching. The war horse was either shattered to pieces by her, or it was torn off its limbs, blood was splashed, Angeloni looked like a ghost, Shang Chao Pingxi smiled, but the smiley face covered with horse blood is not beautiful at all .

King Pingxi snorted and could only leave Orlando and return. If Angeloni was allowed to kill all his people, even if he killed Orlando, he would only have a blank face. He was also a person who could let go, and immediately ignored Orlando, only wanting to keep Angeloni.

He wants to divide this woman into five parts!

Angeloni licked the blood on her lips~www.readwn.com~ squinted and swept away like lightning. Make a fist and smash, King Pingxi's hands are like eagle's claws performing clever tricks, but Angeloni doesn't care about the rules. I also completely ignored King Pingxi’s attack, and only wanted to exchange injury for injury, life for life! King Pingxi exchanged a few strokes with her claws, even though Angeloni’s body protection was shattered by every claw, and at the same time she caught a large rain of blood on this petite woman. But when the fan fist hit Angeloni, King Pingxi was also very uncomfortable. Every punch will inevitably cough up blood. After three or five punches, King Pingxi has already felt fear.

He was born noble, when did he have to fight for human life. Now encountering a madman like Angeloni, he is retreating immediately. A shadow of claws appeared in both hands to force Angeloni away, King Pingxi slipped back and stood still, squinting at Angeloni.

Angeloni stood there like a blood man, her claw marks were everywhere, blood dripping, but she still smiled charmingly, and she saw King Pingxi's heart all over her.

Seeing that Angeloni didn't mean to continue entanglement, King Pingxi nodded and said: "Very well, don't hit this king next time. Otherwise, you will definitely make you look good."

Leaving a few ruthless words that were a little bit embarrassing, King Pingxi made a gesture and retreated with the remaining soldiers.

It wasn't until they disappeared from sight that Angeloni's momentum gradually declined, and she just stood there covered with blood. At this time, the sky began to dawn, and the sunlight from the east fell on her, and she closed her eyes and muttered, "I'm alive again."

At this time, the horse screamed, but Hannah rode up and said to Angeloni from a distance: "Orlando has been handed over to the Bauhinia collar army, Miss Anne, how are you?"

Annie turned her head in the sun, a smile on her blood-stained face: "It feels pretty good."

"That's not bad, what a lunatic," Hana whispered.

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