Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1614: problem

Clouds are overflowing, and the entire battlefield is gray, like a city locked by fog. Not only the battlefield, but even Bauhinia City was swept by a large amount of clouds, like a gray flood, swept through the streets and alleys of the city, the lower buildings were submerged, and the taller ones were like towers in the sky, half of them in the clouds, It's a spectacle.

A gas jet spurted up, blowing away a cloud of air on the battlefield. King Jiwu's chest rises and falls, his nose flutters, adjusting his breathing. He looked at the clouds and mist in front of him, and gradually pulled a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

This type of cloud dragon sky falls, with its own source force stimulating cloud energy for thousands of miles, and the majestic energy machine is pressed down like a mountain. Now the aura on the battlefield is chaotic, and I can't feel the presence of the opponent, I think I've already bitten the bones in Yunlong.

A dry laugh.

Then there was a chuckle.

Finally, there is a long laugh.

King Jiwu laughed loudly: "A barbarian is a barbarian. I don't know how to avoid bad luck. He deserves to die under this king.

The laughter ended, and someone behind him said "Oh".

The sound was very soft, quietly passing like a cool summer breeze.

King Jiwu's heart sank, as if a mountain was added.

Then his chest became cold, and something passed through his chest.

It's half the blade.

Shattered the blade of the hymn!

I don’t know when Ellen appeared behind King Jiwu and said softly, “You are indeed very strong. At least I did not expect that on this planet, besides the emperor of Tank Leo, there are people who can reach this level. But it’s a pity, yours. The opponent is me, so today’s failure is doomed."

King Jiwu trembled all over, and the hymn of destruction seemed to simply pass through his chest, but in fact Allen's destructive source force had already blasted into his body through the blade. At this moment, King Jiwu realized what is five internal burning, terrifying enthusiasm was sweeping over his body, his skin gradually became an unnatural blush, and the next moment a thin flame spurted from his nostrils. He yelled, swooped forward, and pulled himself out of the giant knife, then turned around and slapped the demon-like man with a palm of full strength.

Then his palm flew into the air.

Allen slashed the palm of his hand with a backhand, but his eyes were filled with indifference. The Hymn of Extinction pulled out an arc and hit King Jiwu's chest. Suddenly a crescent moon rose on the battlefield, and the crescent moon kept rising, and King Jiwu hung on the arc of that moon and turned into a black spot in the sky.

Ten styles, cut the sky!

Tens of kilometers away from this battlefield, the injured King Pingxi felt his heart, and his whole body was shocked and looked towards the Bauhinia City, with a solemn expression on his face. The general next to him said: "What's wrong, Lord?"

"King Jiwu, died."

"What?" The general showed an unbelievable expression, and said: "Jiwu King is a master in the top three of the dragon list. Even if he is lost, he can always escape. How can this be."

A colleague next to him shook his head. After all, what the general said was really disrespectful to King Pingxi, which was tantamount to questioning King Pingxi's judgment.

King Pingxi was a little frustrated and didn't care at this time. He said: "Yes, King Jiwu is a master on the dragon list, but that man, I'm afraid he won the entire dragon list by force. I think even if he is a big winner, I'm afraid it won't be his opponent."

"I didn't expect that there would be such a strong man in this barbaric country. It seems that our journey to the west will be cut off by that person."

Hearing this sentence, the generals' faces turned gray.

Compared with the gray-headed and gray-faced Eastern army, the defenders of Bauhinia City are ecstatic. Because a war that was supposed to be defeated was unexpectedly won. Of course, this was due to the sudden appearance of the inhuman army and the mysterious powerhouse who killed King Jiwu.

After the fall of King Jiwu, the remnants of the blood-clad army retreated from the battlefield sadly. The inhuman army and the mysterious powerhouse also quietly exited the field, leaving Bauhinia City with a vast battlefield. Under Edward's order, the soldiers began to clear the battlefield. Outside of work, they never forget to guess what the origin of that army and the strong is.

Probably the only person who guessed the origin of the other party was Edward. Lovely Dehua was also surprised, where did that inhuman army come from.

He didn't let him wait for too long. At night, he heard a soft noise in the study. The window was opened from the outside, and a figure came in. Edward's eyes lit up, and a strong wind came out of thin air in the study. He raised his hand, and the wind knife cut at the figure.

There was a sudden rush of enthusiasm in the study, the visitor raised his hand lightly, waved a stream of fire and bounced off the wind knife, and then said: "Is that how you treat old friends who have seen you for so many days? Edward, this Hospitality is a must."

Edward shook his body slightly and lost his voice: "Master Ellen, is it really you?"

Lifting the hat covering his head and face, Allen smiled and said, "Except for me, who will come to rescue you at this time, after all, this is my territory."

Edward hurriedly asked him to sit down. He had too many things to ask Alan, but he didn't know where to ask. Then he said, "Since the young master is back, why do you want to visit in this way? You can come in upright through the gate. , Presumably many people will be very happy to see you back."

"No, I don’t want to disturb too many people when I’m back this time~www.readwn.com~ Allen’s return to Heaven Star this time is for the revelation of the Origin Slate. It’s just to see the invasion of King Jiwu and others. Take it. Otherwise, he doesn't want to alarm the old parts of Edward.

Edward knew he had another reason, so he didn't ask, and said: "Speaking of which, I just met with His Royal Highness Lucy the other day. She asked me to tell you, please go to the Blood King Cemetery to find her as soon as possible."

Allen said "Oh" and said, "Have you met Lucy?"

Edward said briefly about what happened that day, and said: "Master, this time you and His Royal Highness Lucy chose this silent way to come back. Has anything happened?"

"There is a big event." Allen said calmly: "But it has nothing to do with you, so let's not talk about it, let me tell you, how have you been in the past year?"

While Edward and Allen met quietly in the study, far away in the church of Dawn Castle, Father Miró set a chess board in his room. The two pawns are playing against each other on the board, but there is no one on the other side of Father Miró. He was playing chess on both sides alone, and an old dog beside his feet was snoozing.

Suddenly, the dog raised his head, bared his teeth toward the door, and let out a low growl.

Father Milo patted its head and said: "Now that the church is closed, it is not a polite thing to break in without permission at this time."

There was a chuckle from outside the door, and someone said, "It's rude, priest. But I have a problem and I want to ask your opinion."

"If you confess, wait until tomorrow."

"I'm afraid I can't wait."

Suddenly the door was pushed open, and a petite figure walked in. Under the lights, Angeloni's face showed an unnatural blush. Milo sighed, stood up and said, "What a disobedient boy, okay, what problem do you have?"

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