Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1615:  Fate

Creak creak.

Under the light, Father Miró threw a handful of beans into a container, and then carefully grind them with tools. After a while, a fragrance wafted in the room. Angeloni took a few sips. It was an scent she hadn't smelled before. When she opened the door and entered the house, she said she had a problem and wanted to ask Miró, but she didn't seem anxious at this time, and even looked at it with curiosity. Milo's work. Soon, the beans were ground into powder. Milo put the powder into two cups, poured hot water and stirred, the aroma became stronger. Milo walked into the kitchen and brought a jar a moment later. Remove the lid, scoop out a spoonful of milky white liquid from the inside, and put it into the cup. The white liquid and dark water are mixed together to make the fragrance stronger.

"This is?" Angeloni couldn't help asking as she watched Miro hand over one of the drinks.

"This is called coffee, try it." Milo took a cup of coffee and sat down in a wicker chair, sipping lightly.

Angeloni tried to take a sip, the mouth was bitter. But soon, the bitterness turned into a strong fragrance, and the spirit was shaken: "Coffee? There is still this kind of drink in this world, and I have it for the first time."

"This world, or the universe, is extremely vast. There are always novel things existing or happening in every corner. It is not strange to see new things occasionally." Milo took another sip and asked, "Well, you What's the problem, I have to visit late at night."

Angeloni held the cup in her palm, and the scent lingered in front of her nose. This feeling made her very comfortable. Smelling the strong scent, it seemed as if the fatigue of a day on the road had disappeared. She adjusted her sitting posture and said, "Just like you said, Father. This world is indeed very vast. No matter when there are novel things happening, it is precisely because of this that life is so beautiful and precious."

"It sounds like your problem is related to life? If you want to discuss this topic, I think it would be more appropriate to discuss it tomorrow. After all, this topic is extremely broad, even if it is three days and three nights, it may not be enough. Finish." Milo said.

"That's not necessary." Angeloni thought for a while and said, "Father, do you believe in fate?"

"Of course I believe."

"What do you think is destiny?"

Milo squinted his eyes and showed a wise smile. If Allen were here, he would be very surprised, because he would never believe that a guy who regarded money as his life would laugh so wisely. At this moment Milo is not a priest at all, but more like a pope who can break the world.

"Fate is a thread." Milo rubbed his fingers with two fingers, as if there was an invisible thread between his fingers: "One end of the thread is connected to us, and the other end is in the hands of the Father in heaven. ."

"You mean, our destiny is determined by the gods?" Angeloni asked.

Milo shook his head and said, "It depends on what kind of existence do you think the gods are? In my opinion, gods are a kind of power and a rule. It has existed since the beginning of the universe, and everything is here. Within this kind of power and rules, it never changes. Therefore, our destiny is also in it. The water flows to a low place, and the fish cannot jump into the blue sky. This is the rule, and it is also the destiny of the current and the fish."

"The current cannot go to high places, nor can the fish jump into the blue sky, so their fate has been decided from the beginning and cannot be changed?" Angeloni said: "Where is that person?"

Milo looked at her carefully. He gently rubbed the cup with his hand, and the hot coffee from the cup outlined an unpredictable pattern in the air. The priest said a long time later: "I really want to tell you that man will conquer the sky. But in fact, how many people can really change their destiny. From the moment of birth, a person's destiny has determined the general trajectory of his life. For example, children born in rural households and children born in aristocratic households, as long as the trajectory of their destiny can be seen clearly by a slightly sober person. Children from rural households may eventually get out of their homes through their own efforts. With that background, he will leave the country and go to the big city. Through his own efforts, he will get a good job and get rid of his destiny as a farmer. But does this really change his destiny? Because he came from a farmer, the environment has already It determines his knowledge, the people he contacts, and the knowledge he can learn. He may become a good baker, or an excellent sewing master, or even a tax officer. But he will inevitably find it difficult to become a nobleman, Why, because he didn’t grow up in that environment. He didn’t know what art was, and he didn’t know what high society was. He couldn’t get in touch with princely officials, let alone horse riding and swordsmanship. Of course you would say you can learn all this However, there are some things that even smart people can only learn from their forms and ignore them. You have to know that there are many things that need to be accumulated, and the children of farmers lack that kind of foundation."

"But there are hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe~www.readwn.com~ Can no one jump out of the long line of fate at birth?" Angeloni asked.

Milo sighed: "Yes, but very few. And even if the fate is changed, the price will never be less. And after the change, does that new destiny really suit him? Or rather, he just learned from One line jumped into another line. Or, in the eyes of the gods, that new line of fate is his real destiny, then, has he really changed? Or, all of this Still in fate."

Angeloni shook her head and said: "If this is the case, then what is the meaning of our lives, to be puppets of destiny, to become actors on stage in the eyes of the gods?"

"Miss, you must know that everyone has a different meaning to live. For the king, the meaning of his life is to govern his country and ensure that his children and grandchildren can sit on the throne; for farmers, perhaps his The meaning is to plant one acre of land well. Do you expect the king to plant the land and the farmers to govern the country?"

"Well, Father. Then I will ask one last question." Angeloni gritted her teeth: "If there is someone, you will die if you go to see him. If you don't see him, you have a chance to live, then you choose to meet or Is it missing?"

Milo sat up slightly, "I don’t have an answer to this question, but I want to ask you, are you sure if you don’t see him, he won’t see you? If you and him are a connection of fate, then no matter you How to choose, in the end, because of this line, the two will inevitably meet. If only one person can live at both ends of the fate, then no matter whether you see it or not, only one person will survive in the end."

"What if I want to break my destiny?" Angelonie shot a sharp light in her eyes.

Milo looked at her and said lightly: "Then first, you have to feel the boundary of fate."

Angeloni was shocked.

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