Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1637: plunder

In the world of will, the earth is no longer as smooth as it was at the beginning. There is a big hole there, a crack here. The ground has become pitted and pitted like it has been devastated under the flames of war. To cause such damage, it is at least a national war of the whole nation.

But the ground became like this, but only because of two people.

Alan and Miró.

"You have stayed here for nearly a year." Milo said, sitting on a big rock with a chessboard beside him, with a leisurely look. Milo is playing chess with himself, and the battle is raging on the chessboard.

Anthem of Shattered was inserted on the ground, Alan put his hands on the long handle of the knife, nodded and said, "To be correct, it is three hundred and sixty-four days."

"Perhaps you will stay for more than three hundred days." Milo picked up a chess piece and placed it on the board.

"Maybe not."

"I don't have that much patience anymore." Milo retracted his gaze from the chessboard and looked at Allen: "If you can't pick it up today, you will really die. The will dissipates, and the body on the other side of the material world becomes A walking dead."

"No problem, come on." Allen said: "If I fail, then nothing will be mentioned. But if I take it, you have to tell me the truth."

"The truth of everything!"

Milo didn't agree, but said: "I'll talk about it then."

Then look to the sky.

The clouds in the sky were surging, and a huge sense of oppression fell from the sky. Allen took a deep breath, the feeling he was already familiar with. That is the Qi that will appear in Baidi Sword,

The spirit of Baidijian is so great, like mountains and rivers, like a sea of ​​anger, and like a sky. The spirit is prosperous, long-term and domineering, and every time he confronts it, it is like confronting the whole world.

Allen stretched his leg and kicked the knife side lightly, and the anthem of shattered flicked. He lowered his weight, stretched his right leg forward, and the giant knife was stretched to the left, with the tip of the knife pointed. Holding both hands on the long handle and the side grip of the knife, Allen assumed a posture of slashing the sky.

Then the Baidi sword broke through the clouds.

He said "Huh", in the past nearly a year, the shape of the Baidi Sword was different every time it attacked. But today, this sword is just like the first day, without a flexible sword path, it just fell from the sky. Pure and domineering!

Use the sword at the beginning to end. A kind of reincarnation was vaguely formed, and Allen had a vague understanding, but now there is no time for him to think deeply. His eyes lit up, and the spirit and will at this moment were all concentrated on the giant sword that was falling and falling that day.

Suddenly he remembered a lot of things.

Those past fiery flames, those familiar faces, the magnificent or beautiful scenes, the magnificent universe, the bright galaxies. In the end, he saw that figure from behind.

The back of Archimedes.

He turned his back to Alan and headed towards the throne of destruction

Suddenly the earth reverberated with a long whistle.

Milo, who was picking up a chess piece, froze, and the chess piece melted away in his hands. Then there is the chessboard, and then the big stone under him. He fell to the ground, and the dust and sandstorm was blowing, but he separated naturally on the left and right of Milo. The priest raised his head and looked at Alan. Alan's figure was hidden by the boiling sand, but the sand couldn't hide Miró's sight, so he saw Alan. Seeing Allen slashing the sky with a single blow, seeing his mighty spirit forming a fierce-looking giant knife in the air, greeted him fiercely with the Baidi Sword.

That knife is seven points similar to the Hymn of Destruction.

The spirit on the sword does not lose the Baidi Sword!

So Milo's mouth had a smile.

The sword and the sword collided in mid-air, as if two worlds collided with each other, the world was pale.

Milo knew that it was a collision of will and a collision of will. It was the collision between Allen and Archimedes, the father and son, facing each other in this form.

Then the knives and swords in the air turned into light spots floating in the sky.

The Baidijian was taken over by Alan.

The flying light was like a heavy snowfall. Allen walked up in this "snow". He was not walking fast, but he blinked before Milo's eyes. This world is supported by Milo's will, and the rules of this world are made by Milo. But after receiving the Baidi Sword, Alan's will can modify the rules, which is exactly how Milo's will was affected by it. Milo knew this too, and the smile on the corners of his mouth was thicker.

"Can you tell me the truth?" Allen asked softly.

"Let me think about it, where should I start."

Milo raised his hand, and the gravel under the feet of the two raised and rotated, forming a stone table and chair on the ground. A chessboard floated on the stone table again, but there were no chess pieces on the chessboard, and Milo sat down on a stone chair: "Let’s start with your evening clan."

"It sounds like a long story." Allen sat down in another chair.

"It's really long. Originally, if you sit on the Throne of Destruction, the blood path will share ancient memories with you. Of course it's not that convenient now, so I can only tell you." Milo raised his hand, and there was an extra in his hand. Chess pieces. It just threw it out and landed on the chessboard: "Allen, the Twilight Clan is just a tool in the hands of the creator."

"The Creator? Who is the Creator?"

"I don't know." Milo shook his head: "Perhaps it is a god, or a higher-dimensional life? We only know that the information obtained from the blood path shows that the Creator created the Twilight Clan and the existence of the Eberins civilization. "


"Yes, Eboyins~www.readwn.com~ This civilization is not composed of matter, but a world of will. That should be the world formed under the projection of the Creator’s will. That world is not in the material world, not in this In the universe."

"Wait." Allen asked, "You have been mentioning this universe just now. Could it be that there is another universe?"

Milo glanced at him and said with a smile: "Why not? There are many dimensions in space. Is there no other dimension of the universe?"

"Go back to the Creator, he created the Twilight Clan and cast it into this universe. Then, what is the role of the Twilight Clan?"

Allen said casually: "End all things, the universe is dusk."

"Yes, then have you ever thought about the meaning behind the end of all things?" Milo looked at the chessboard and said: "This question, in fact, the blood path did not give an answer. And the sons of the twilight have tried to solve this answer. , They passed down their ideas from generation to generation through blood, and in the generation of Archimedes, they already had a relatively clear answer."

"What's the answer?"

Milo said lightly: "It's harvesting."

"Harvest?" Allen shook his head: "I don't understand, what to harvest? To harvest life?"

"Yes, harvest life. At dusk in the universe, everything is withered. Isn't this obvious?" Milo said, "You can think of this universe as a farmland, and everything is the wheat in the field. As for the dusk family. , The farmer who harvests the wheat fields."

Allen was startled: "But what does this mean to the Creator?"

"Then I ask you, what's the point of advanced warfare? Invading other planets and starting war for what?" Milo said the answer for Allen: "It's for plunder. The Creator does the same thing. The difference is different. The thing is, what you plunder is resources, and what he plunders is life!"

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