Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1638: Son of dawn

"Snatching lives?" Lucy showed a puzzled expression.

After leaving Princess Shusha and others, Allen told her about the conversation with Miró in the world of will. Lucy was very puzzled when she heard that creation mainly plundered lives. The emperor said directly: "The one who killed this universe What is the benefit of life to the Creator, I can understand a little bit if it is to take the captive of life away."

Allen tore off a loaf of bread, put it in his mouth and chewed and said, "Speaking of this, I have to mention Eboyins. You should also know that Twilight and the others are Eboyins' residents. They are. It cannot appear directly in the material world. The reason for being able to come to the material world is that it is transformed through some medium."

Lucy nodded: "What medium."

"The corpse." Allen emphasized: "The corpse of the strong, plus my blood as a channel to connect the two worlds, so as to realize the transformation of the king in the material world. But Milo just told me that it doesn't need to be so troublesome. "

"How to say?"

Allen sighed: "Blood. The blood of the Twilight Clan can directly use life as a transformation medium for the residents of Eboins. There is no need for corpses at all. As long as the blood of the Twilight Clan is stained, the life of any race will be transformed into A resident of Eboyins."

"And it doesn't need to be a high concentration. Even if it's just a drop of blood into the water, as long as it touches this **** water, the transformation process can be guaranteed. Before, I have been wondering how the Twilight Son can destroy the universe, but now I know , Is actually very simple. Blood can be transformed into water, and water can be transformed into air. In the end, any air with the cells of the twilight group will undergo transformation as long as it is inhaled. The speed of life extinction will only be similar to you and me. China wants to come quickly."

"Finally, life in this universe will be transformed into inhabitants of Eboins. Then, are these lives really dead?"

Lucy was shocked and lost her voice: "Could it be that..."

"Yes, it is mutual replacement." Allen said solemnly: "Miro told me that the transformed life will appear in Eboyins, of course not in the form of matter, but a condensate of will. I I have also tried to appear in that world by way of will many times, so I am quite clear about this."

"Will is also a kind of energy. The Creator harvests life in this world through the Dusk Clan, plundering life energy by mutual replacement. It's just the specific form, even the Son of Dusk is not clear."

"Miro, or the thought of the Son of Twilight in the past generations is. The Creator may be a life in the high-dimensional universe. For some reason, he cannot directly enter the universe. That's why the Twilight Clan was created, and Eboins was created. It is possible that there is not only one Eboyins, or other universes are also plundered. The life energy plundered is all replaced by Eboyins. Eboyins is like a cargo transit platform."

Lucy sat down and raised her forehead: "It's no wonder why the cosmic twilight appears every once in a while. Moreover, the cosmic twilight usually occurs when civilization is most prosperous. That's because the'wheat' has matured. It’s time to harvest."

"Wait, you said that the Twilight Clan is not willing to be manipulated by the Creator, so they can not become the children of Twilight. Or, even if they become the children of Twilight, if they don’t kill, it is not the same as they can delay the universe twilight indefinitely. ?"

Allen laughed and said: "You and I can think of such an obvious loophole, how the Creator would not have considered it. Otherwise, there would be no blood inheritance. The Burning Blood Path is not only a tool to pass on ability information. At the same time, it is also the indispensable key to'making' the Twilight Son. When the Twilight Son awakens, what Miró calls "instinct" will replace the Twilight Son’s original will, making it a tool of the Creator."

"This is also the reason why the Twilight Clan rebelled against the creator. After all, no one wants their will to be wiped out and become a tool. For this reason, the Twilight Sons began planning several generations ago. They have a huge plan to get rid of A fateful plan. That's why there will be a slate of origin and me. We are all part of this plan!"

"What kind of plan?"

Allen stood up: "Let's talk about this later, now Archimedes has become the son of twilight. According to Miró, his will is being replaced by instinct. The cosmic twilight has already begun, and I have to speed up the pace. I still need to implement the final link of the plan."

"The origin slab did not release some coordinates. The places where those coordinates point to are the'legacy' left by the sons of the twilight generations to resist the universe twilight and the creator. Milo called it the treasure house of the king, which means that the twilight clan will become the master of himself. King of Destiny~www.readwn.com~ Behind the door of this cemetery, is one of the king's treasure houses."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a voice from outside the account: "Accurately speaking, it is the treasure house of the five kings. Because these five treasure houses in the universe were built by the children of the twilight of the five ages."

Someone broke in, and it was Princess Shusha.

Lucy stood up and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am a servant of the Marquis of Ellen, and of course Princess Shusha." The princess smiled and said, seeing the fire in Lucy's eyes, she narrowed her smile and knelt towards Ellen: "But at the same time, I Still the guardian of this treasure house, and... the commander."

"Son of Dawn, I finally waited for you."

Now even Allen was startled: "What son of dawn?"

Princess Shusha laughed: "You don't even know, you know what the Five Kings Treasure House. The plan of confrontation with the Creator is laid out by the sons of twilight for generations. They call it Dawn of Destiny. And the person who implemented this plan is Dawn. Son, that’s you."

"But it's better to be sure, do you have the anthem of ashes? That is the key to open the treasure house!"

Allen nodded: "The fifth-order awakening form of the devil's tribute, the hymn of the ashes. After receiving the previous artifact soul, I can already use it."

"Then you must not hesitate to let me take a look." Princess Shusha smiled.

Allen directly took out the devil's praise, and his heart moved, and the source device immediately glowed. It's just that before, the capital of this dagger was glowing with blood, but this time, what escaped from the source was gray flames.

The light grew stronger and stronger, and in the end, Alan seemed to be holding a gray flame in his hand. Then the gray flames began to stretch and deform, gradually forming the shape of a long sword!

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