Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 16:  Babylon  下

Space itself is a powerful force.

When Allen got out of the transport spaceship and stood in this open harbor square, he deeply realized this. The heavily armed soldiers maintained order around the square. Behind them were the walls of Babylon onlookers. These nobles living on the floating islands watched with eager eyes the children who walked down from the frigate, and cheered and shouted at them.

A total of 22 frigates arrived at the Port of Liberty. Today, the largest port in Babylon is open to participants of the death ring. Allen saw about twenty boys and girls of his age coming down from their spaceships. Like Allen, most of them were often shocked by the scene before them and stayed in place for a while.

However, one or two young people smiled and waved to the nobles of Babylon. Some even aired kisses, and the cheers became louder.

At this time, a huge shadow appeared on the ground of the square, and Allen looked up and looked like it was an airship. Under the streamlined hull is a rectangular metal pod. There is a large screen on each side of the pod, and the welcome screen of Goddess Port Plaza is on the screen.

"That's a real-time live show produced by the organizing committee of the death ring. Don't bother them. It's not creative at all to do the same thing every time." Tonysev pushed Alan and said, "Let's go, baby. Time waits for no one."

At the exit of the square, all land-cars were parked. They are also tools driven by Rubik's Cube energy, using an anti-gravity engine drive system. It looks a bit like a giant dragonfly, with a streamlined main body, and behind it is a stable support bar. The baffle and control blades are located behind the support bar to form a rudder-like member that can be used to change direction.

Each land car has only two seats, and it is provided for passengers and participants to ride to the designated training base for a one-month final training. Tonisf took Allen into one of the speed cars marked with the number "13". Allen was going to sit down, but asked the ensign to stand: "You have to stand so they can see you clearly. Listen baby, although the competition does not start until a month later. In fact, the competition between you and other kids has already begun. Trust me, you have to behave well. The more people like you, the more advantageous you will be. ."

The speeding cars started one by one, and stabilized ailerons were extended from both sides of the locomotive, and the power unit at the bottom began to move. Under the action of the anti-gravity engine, the locomotive floated steadily, stopped after 20 cm from the ground, then turned around, and left the port exit in an orderly manner.

The convoy proceeded along the route designated by the organizer. Above the convoy, the steamship followed the entire process. Two hosts, a man and a woman, appeared on the big screen, and they introduced the residents of Babylon to the residents of Babylon in a humorous tone from young people from various administrative regions. Along the way, the teenagers on the road carriage were welcomed by the nobles of the floating island.

They cheered, yelled, pointed and commented on the passing teenagers.

Although Tonisf wanted Alan to smile, he couldn't laugh. After the initial shock, he found that the residents of Babylon were all happy, but from their eyes, Alan could not see the slightest friendliness. These people look at themselves, more like looking at a rare animal. Perhaps for these nobles, themselves and others are like juggling on stage, and they are audiences who are ready to enjoy a grand performance.

That's right, audience! They stood here to welcome the young people on the surface of the floating island, just as a tool to watch the performance in advance. As for the life and death of tools, they will not care about it. Maybe the death of a cat or dog can make them feel bad for a while. As for the untouchables on the surface, even the pets they keep are incomparable.

Seeing Alan's expressionless face, Tonisev sighed.

At this time, in the airship in the sky, the host said: "Lu Sen in District 12 is such a bad-tempered kid. I hope he will perform better in the future. Okay, let's take a look at those in District 13. Player. Well, his name is Allen... Oh my God. What a special kid this is."

When the picture turned on the big screen, Allen's picture appeared. In the picture, Allen is standing in the carriage. There was no smile on his face, his lips were pressed tightly, and there was even a hint of anger in his eyes. However, the decent clothes, the handsome facial features, and the independent and special silver hair color made the residents of Babylon amazed.

The host said at this time: "I believe you have seen it too, our dear Allen. Oh my god, if the information on hand does not show that he is from District 13, I would not believe that this boy is from the surface. Would you like to believe that he is a young master from some upper-class nobleman, look at his temperament and his noble hair color. Do you believe it? He actually came from the surface?"

As soon as the voice fell, the nobles on both sides of the highway shouted.

"How is it possible? Did you make a mistake? How could such a beautiful boy come from a place full of **** on the surface!"

"Oh my God, isn't this a young master who accidentally fell to the surface?"

"The preparatory committee should thoroughly investigate, it is impossible for the untouchables on the surface to have such a noble temperament!"

In these loud discussions, there were even young women screaming: "I love you, Alan."

On the road car, Alan's face became more ugly. The teenager whispered: "They are so noisy."

Tonisf laughed, "The more they are noisy, the better for you, baby."

On the airship, the host said: "Everyone, our little Allen has a special story. You know, the number on his body should belong to a little fat man named Beth. But this little fat man’s father let Allen replaced his son and handed over our little Allen. Of course, now the father and son have been punished as they should. But after Lieutenant Ron discovered this, he once gave Allen a chance. He was originally Those who can opt out, our little master chose to stay. What a courage!"

On the airship screen, a scene of Hearn and his son being executed was inserted, and finally the host said: "Let's look forward to Alan's next performance."

A pocket watch slipped onto the smooth floor.

In a corner of the floating island, a live broadcast of the welcome scene was projected on the wall of a room. In the picture was Allen's childish face. Someone freezes the picture, and then looks at the young man in the picture in a daze. After a while, he weakly sat down on a gray sofa.

He reached out and picked up the pocket watch on the floor. Inside the pocket watch was a photo. The picture is a girl, and the girl is probably only twelve or thirteen years old. There was a stubborn look on the delicate little face, and the look and appearance were very similar to Alan in the picture.

"Ten years old? Or eleven years old? No matter what age, in terms of time, it is very kissing. And this face, oh my God... Lanni, is he your child?"

The man flapped a silver bell on the table, and after a while, someone with the appearance of a housekeeper walked in. The man pointed to the screen and said: "I want this child's genetic comparison!"

"Compare with whom?" the butler asked cautiously.


The butler lowered his head: "Master, the committee will not let outsiders come into contact with these children."

"I don't care what method you use, you have to do it for me! Otherwise you just get out of here!" The man snarled, his tone of voice not to be refuted.

"I see." The butler nodded and stepped back.

The man seemed to have lost all his strength, he sat back. He put his head in his hands and said in pain, "How could this happen, in case he really is Lanni's child. How should I save him from that hell, I'm so stupid. I knew you would be so stubborn. I should stop you. At least you can still be by my side, Lanny, my child..."

He looked at the picture on the wall in pain and looked at Alan. He groaned: "God, please don't do this to me. I have already lost a relative, please don't let me lose the second one. If he is if."

Alan didn't know that there was a person who was falling into painful memories for his appearance. He only knew that when the automatic door of the training base building was closed, his ears were suddenly quiet. The base building is divided into 23 floors and has been used for the training of death ring players one month before the competition. In this month, each of them will be individually guided by a mentor in order to be more skilled and have a greater chance of surviving in the game.

Each floor corresponds to an administrative district, and the top floor is used for the office of the organizing committee of the competition. It is also used to inspect the contestants in each administrative district from time to time.

Seeing Tonisf walking in front of him like a model, Allen suddenly felt that the ensign of the **** was not as annoying as before. At least, when he looked at himself, he didn't look at him like a tool of entertainment like the inhabitants of Babylon. Tonysev took Little Allen to the 13th floor, and as soon as the elevator door opened, he could smell the rich aroma of wine in the corridor.

"Forgot to tell you that this old fellow Hughton is still a drunkard." Tonysev used his glamorous high-heeled shoes to step on the floor of the hallway and entered the password in front of an electronic door. The two sides of the automatic door are retracted and opened, and there is an open space inside.

The entry point was a dining area. Allen saw a long dining table and neatly arranged chairs, a refrigerator and wine cabinet next to it, and even an open kitchen. Behind it is the training area, which is spacious enough with various equipment. There is also a weapon rack in the south corner, full of guns and swords.

At the end are a few rooms, which should be used for players and instructors to rest.

A man was lying on the dining table, and several empty wine bottles were scattered at his feet. He put the bottle on the table in his hand, still holding the half bottle of wine. The amber whiskey inside was flowing from the sloping bottle mouth, forming a small puddle on the floor.

"Oh, Mr. Hughton. Damn, Major General, you got yourself drunk again!" Tonisf screamed and strode over to shake the man.

The man slept like a dead pig, and Tonisv never woke up no matter how much he shakes. The second lieutenant stomped his feet with anger like a woman, and suddenly saw the wine bottle in his hand and immediately took it. Then the mouth of the bottle was swayed back and forth against the man's nose, and suddenly, he moved. Almost the whole person jumped up and shouted: "Good wine, good wine! Give me, give me!"

"Mr. Hughton, you finally woke up." Tonisev threw the bottle back to him.

Without a word, the man picked up the wine bottle and drank the wine in the bottle before he burped, "It's you, Tonisf. Didn't you go on vacation?"

"Mr. Hughton, I went to the surface to pick up people. You will not forget that the new death ring will begin in a month, right?"

"When... of course." The man yawned: "The guys on the committee asked me to be a mentor to a kid, and promised to give me a box of top volcanic beauties after the game. That's the wine produced by Ida Huaxing. How could I miss?"

"Thank God, you haven't confused yourself yet. Then this is the player you want to coach. From District 13, his name is Allen." Tonisf beckoned to Allen.

Allen walked over.

Finally I saw that this was an old man in his 50s. But Allen swears that he has never seen such a strong old man. Wrinkles have appeared on his face, and the bags under his eyes have turned blue from drinking for many years. But his body was as strong as a bear, and Ron was even thinner than him. When he stood up completely, it was like a mountain~www.readwn.com~ Allen was completely submerged in his shadow!

Very strange, Tonisf has already said that this Hughton is a major general. In theory, his source power should be stronger than Ron. But in his body, Alan couldn't see the half-centred light. Next to him, the light green fluorescent light on Tonisf told Alan that his ability had never failed.

"Is it this kid? Looks alright, let me see what you learned in Ron's kennel." Hughton stretched out his big hand and pressed it to Alan's forehead.

Alan backed away subconsciously, but somehow, his forehead was still held by Hughton's hand. Hughton's palms began to become hot, and Allen realized that this old man not only possessed Yuanli, but also the flame of Yuanli was very bright. It was almost like a small sun rising inside him, and Allen couldn't help closing his eyes.

"Well, four Genesis vortexes have been tempered. Did it only take four months? Genesis attributes...too weak to be felt for the time being. But the potential is okay, wait..."

Hughton was originally drowsy, but suddenly the lazy expression was swept away, and his eyes even became sharp.

Tonisev was standing by, seeming to be sweating Alan. Seeing the sudden change of Hughton's face, the second lieutenant asked nervously, "What happened?"

Hughton let go of Allen, his eyes became a little weird, and then he looked at Tonisv and said, "Are you sure you didn't pick up the wrong person?"

"of course not!"

"Then this kid doesn't need my guidance."

"Why?" the ensign asked.

Hughton turned his head and looked at Allen with a blank face and said: "He was imprisoned by the source of energy in his body, you should know. People with the imprisoned of the source of energy on his body can't even build a genetic circuit. This way. It’s useless even if I guide him. Participating in the competition is tantamount to suicide!"

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