Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 17:  Source force imprisoned

When he heard the phrase "Genius Imprisoned", Allen saw Tonisf's fingers trembling visibly. Then the second lieutenant managed to squeeze out a smile, maybe there was some tension, his eyeshadow seemed to melt away. Tonisf pushed Alan and said, "Baby, I think you should go and see your room, and tell you if you are unsatisfied or need something else. Your room is there."

He pointed to the last room on the left at the end of the training area. Allen said nothing, picked up the mad but walked towards the room. He knew that Tonisf did not intend to let himself hear the next conversation. In this way, the imprisonment of source force will not be a simple matter.

When Allen walked to the door, a laser beam swept across and quickly scanned his pupils. Then the door clicked, the electronic lock opened automatically, and the door retracted silently to the right. Alan was quite speechless when he walked into the 30-square-meter room. If it were a bedroom, it was obviously too extravagant. This room alone is bigger than the tin house where Allen lived when he was a child. Not to mention the complete facilities in the room, it is almost a small home.

The entrance is a porch paved with wooden floors, and a partition embedded with crystal lamps protects privacy. At the end of the hallway is an independent sanitary suite. Under the soft lighting, you can see the wall made of white tiles, the stone platform with pattern material, the bonsai that is placed in the corner for decoration, and the golden The faucet and a complete set of bathroom appliances all emphasize the word "quality" that Tonisv often talks about.

Turning from the partition into the inner room, there are two stone steps. The interior room is obviously about 20 cm higher than the entrance. The wooden floor is also covered, and the ceiling is decorated with a ceiling. The main lamp and the auxiliary lamp are stored on one side of frosted glass, so that the light projected in the room is bright but not dazzling.

Facing the entrance is a piece of floor-to-ceiling glass that acts as a wall, and you can see the scenery of other parts of Babylon in the room. Through the glass, we can see that there is a semicircular balcony outside, on which there is a set of small but exquisite tables and chairs.

In the right corner of the inner room, there is a set of sofa components for meeting guests. There is an exquisite wine cabinet beside the sofa, extending from the wine cabinet forward, it is a TV wall. Usually it is just a silver-gray wall, but the wall can be used to project TV programs of any channel through voice control.

A big bed large enough for three people to sleep together was placed on the opposite end of the TV wall, covered with a quilt decorated with tassels and soft pillows. On both sides of the bed, there is a dark gold bed cabinet with uniquely shaped table lamps and small green bonsai.

Alan threw himself on the bed, and when the automatic door was gradually closing, he vaguely heard Tonisf's vague cry from outside, as if he was arguing with Hughton. When the door is completely closed, nothing can be heard.

Tonysf was excited now, pulling his golden wig, and almost screaming, said: "Major General, you can't make a mistake, that's just a child! Child! Who will impose the power of imprisonment? In a child, this is ridiculous."

It's no wonder that the ensign was excited, and Yuan Power Imprisonment was generally only used on dangerous prisoners who committed serious crimes, especially those who were powerful but could not be killed for various reasons. Such a prisoner will be imprisoned by the source force, and then flow out to the remote and distant star field, and will not return for life, and will eventually die in a certain corner of the universe.

In the more than four hundred years since the founding of the Federation, Yuanli's imprisonment has never been imposed on a child. Besides, it's still a child on the surface!

"I'm old, but I'm not confused here yet." Hughton nodded his head with his hands: "Is it imprisoned by the source force? Wouldn't it be clear to me? This is really strange. You should check this out. The identity of the child and who used Yuanli's imprisonment on him. His potential was good, but he was caught in Yuanli's imprisonment, and he didn't even want to build a genetic circuit. Also, there are three levels of imprisonment in his body!"

"Three levels!" Tonisf jumped up again: "That man is definitely a lunatic. Who would use three levels of imprisonment on a child?"

"How do I know, I only know that the reason why this person did this was probably because he was afraid of the child's potential." Hughton rolled his eyes and changed back to his previous drunk appearance: "In short, I will guide this child to It doesn't matter anymore. No matter what, he will die."

"Or, do you switch to another person?"

Tonysev put his hands on the table and leaned forward, his eyes as if he was about to spew out fire: "Major Hughton, you should know that the death ring has never changed players. Now, no matter what, please fulfill yourself. Duty. Even if my Ellen baby will die in the hands of other kids, before that, please guide him dutifully."

Hughton glanced at him strangely and said, "When will you care about a kid on the surface?"

"Because Ron told me that he jumped into this **** voluntarily." Tonysf rarely showed a serious expression: "This courage alone is worthy of my special consideration."

"Courage? It sounds more like an idiot, who would automatically jump into hell?" Hughton shrugged and said, "Well, since you insist, then let the kid stay. But this matter, Do you want to report it..."

"No need for the time being." Tonysev shook his head: "You also know that things related to Yuan Li imprisonment are troublesome, and I don't like trouble. If he can't survive, let this secret disappear with him. If He can survive, let others worry about these troubles."

Hughton shook the empty bottle and said, "You are really a smart guy."

"Of course, then my Ellen will be handed over to you, I will see him later." Waved, Tonisf left with enchanting steps.

Hughton grabbed another bottle of unopened spirits and thought for a while and said: "Forget it, I have work to do next, but I can't get drunk anymore."

"...Just drink a little and a half."

Ten minutes later, Allen returned to the lobby. Hughton was belching his wine, and a strong scent of alcohol came out of his mouth. Allen even wondered if throwing a match in the old man's mouth now would light his stomach.

Hughton waved at him: "Ellen, your name is Ellen, right? Come on, let me see your precious weapon first."

Allen handed him the mad butcher in his hand, and the old drunkard reached out and swept all the debris on the table to the ground. The wine bottle and cup fell to pieces and made a crackling sound. At this time, a cleaning robot in the corner moved to the side of the table, quickly cleaned up all the debris on the ground, and returned to its original position. Now Allen knows why there is an old drunkard like Hughton, but the environment in the hall is still so clean.

"Hey, magic weapon, although it's only one gear." Hughton glanced at Allen and said, "But it's pretty good to be able to get something like this on the surface. I bet that other kids definitely don't have it in their hands. Weapon. Ron gave it to you, right? He was really willing, but don’t want to fiddle with it with your own power. Let me see, or you can adjust the Rubik’s Cube sequence to reduce energy consumption. The power will drop by about half. But anyhow you can use it..."

The old drunkard was completely talking to himself and babbling. He jumped down, shook his body, and said to Allen: "You are waiting for me here, I need some tools. Fortunately, by the way, I also brought those babies..."

After returning to his room and going around, Hughton brought a toolbox. Open it, there are many tools that Alan can't name. With these tools, Hughton actually dismantled Kuangtu, which made Allen nervous.

Under Hughton's men, Alan watched Kuangtu being broken into several parts, and finally Hughton took out a matchbox-sized part from the bottom of the knife. This thing is a bit like an integrated circuit, but the circuit pattern is much more precise and complicated than the circuit board. Moreover, a certain pattern is faintly formed in the trend of the lines, and some round crystals with a diameter of only about ten millimeters are installed in some lines.

Seeing Allen's eyes gleaming and looking at the things in his hand with interest, Hughton said with a smile: "The first time I saw it, this is the Rubik's Cube sequence and the heart of the magic weapon. Different sequence combinations , Can give weapons different powers, like this one in your hand is just the most common energy sharp. But even so, you still can't afford its energy..."

"But you can change it~www.readwn.com~ Allen said.

Hughton was a little excited: "That's natural, right in front of you, but one of the greatest Rubik's Cube sequence designers. But changing the energy consumption a little bit is like blinking an eye to me. If you If you are interested, come to me after the death ring is over, and I will teach you this knowledge. Of course, you must also have this talent."

Allen immediately agreed. Ron had already said that magic weapons are an important part of the current federal combat power. If you can learn the design knowledge of Rubik's Cube sequence from Hughton, it will be of incomparable value whether it is used to increase your strength in the future or for other purposes.

Of course, that was after the death ring was over.

Seeing Hughton busy using various tools to fiddle with the Rubik's Cube sequence, Allen couldn't help but ask: "Major General, what is the imprisonment of Yuanli?"

Hughton's action was stagnant, then he continued his work, and said, "You can simply understand it as a lock, a lock that closes the gate of Yuanli, or a **** coded lock!"

The principle of source force imprisonment is to use a combination of source force with different attributes and apply it to the target body to imprison its operation. To achieve the purpose of resisting and eventually exhausting its source. Primal force imprisonment usually acts on the heart. Among human organs, the heart is undoubtedly one of the most important organs. Yuanli relies on blood vessels as the passage in the human body, and the blood vessels of the human body are connected to the heart.

Take Allen as an example. After he has worked out the nine source force vortices, he needs to converge all the vortices in the heart to construct the first genetic circuit. However, Yuanli imprisonment acts on the heart. When Yuanli vortex enters the heart, it will be imprisoned and it is difficult to construct a circuit.

And the stronger the person is, the greater the influence of the imprisonment of the source force will be!

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