Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1755: dusk


Text Chapter 1755 Dusk

It's been three days.

Three days have passed since Ellen entered the castle. During these three days, Alice and Shana stayed at the entrance of this underground space. The two women did not talk, but waited silently.

Suddenly, a familiar but unfamiliar spirit rose in the castle. I said that I was familiar, because once the Qi machine was distinguished, I knew it was Allen's. I said it was unfamiliar because it was mixed with other things.

Alice and Shanna looked at each other and both looked in the direction of the castle.

After a while, someone walked out of the castle, there would be anyone besides Ellen. The two women flew past and met outside Alan's castle.

Alan looked a little dazed, it felt like another person lived in his body. When Alice saw him reaching out and scratching her cheek, the corners of her eyes suddenly became wet. She stepped forward and said, "The creator, is that you?"

Allen walked over and sighed, "It's me, but I will disappear soon and become part of Allen's will. Alice, no, Alice..."

Reaching out and holding it lightly on Alice’s face, Allen trembled: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I should have let you sleep forever on that day, because of my selfishness, I let you be reborn in another form . But I left you again and let you live alone for so many years. What have I done..."

The tears from the corners of Alice’s eyes finally fell, and she desperately shook her head and said, "No, you don’t need to apologize. Creator, from a very early time, I knew that I was a substitute for Alice. But I didn’t hate you because of For me, you are also my father. I love you the same as Alice."

"I love you, Dad."

What a familiar sentence, it only exists in long-term memory. It's so far away, like a dream in a previous life.

That sad night seemed to be in front of me again.

After Su Luoshi left, Lan Jie rode to the Bad Wind Gorge. If Baicheng Suluoshi is a paradise, then Efeng Gorge is undoubtedly a hell. The wind whistling there for many years, like the devil of **** whispering in the wind. It was not a day or two for the horse thief from Efeng Gorge to hide in the gorge, but the terrain in the gorge was complicated. Although Baicheng organized several crusades, they all ended in vain.

And this time the horse thieves of Bad Wind Canyon will attack Baicheng, just to avenge the crusade a year ago.

Horse thieves have their own secret passages to protect them from the squalls in the canyon. As a hunter, Ranjie naturally has a set of tracking skills. He found the traces left by the horse thief and followed it all the way to the depths of the canyon. It was already night, and the moon could not be seen from the canyon, and the canyon was covered with haze.

On several occasions, Ranjie thought he had lost it. Fortunately, he finally persisted, and finally saw some firelight in the dark.

He chased the horse thief's nest, and heard the voices of men laughing loudly and women screaming from a distance. Ran Jie gritted his teeth and groped into the horse thief’s den. Some horse thieves were venting on the woman they had caught. They didn't even know that Ran Jie, an uninvited guest, had sneaked in.

Suddenly Ranjie heard a soft drink, it was Alice's voice. Lan Jie raised his head, and Alice strode forward on the wooden bridge on both sides of the mountain wall. She seemed to have escaped, and Lan Jie was overjoyed, regardless of hiding her figure, she jumped out and shouted: "Alice, here I am!"

The horse thieves next to them were startled, and no longer cared about the women under them, they jumped up and drew their swords. Ranjie quickly chopped over them and greeted them towards the wooden bridge. But at this moment, the fire lit up on the opposite mountain cliff, followed by the sound of a cannon.

Alice, who had run to the end, was suddenly flooded with fire, and the cannonball fell beside her, the wooden bridge bomb. The impact of the explosion made Lan Jie stagger. When he stood firm, the wooden bridge had been bombed, and the wreckage of the bridge fell ten meters below. There, Ranjie saw the girl who was held down by several stones.

"No, no, it shouldn't be like this!"

Amidst the laughter of the horse thief opposite, Ranjie came to the foot of the mountain. He pushed away the stone and looked at the girl covered in blood, Lan Jie's tears burst out. He squatted down quickly and raised the girl's head. When he met the girl, he knew that Alice could not be saved.

The girl opened her eyes and tried to make a smile. She said weakly, "Don't cry, I'm fine."

"Yes, you will be fine. We will go back now and I will find the best doctor to treat you." Ranjie said, holding Alice up.

The girl smiled and said, "No, I'm going to be dying. I know, I feel so light now, as if I'm about to fly."

"No, no, I don't allow you to go. Did you hear that, kid, let me live honestly, I don't allow you to fly!"

"No, it seems that this time, I can't do as you said." The girl looked at Lan Jie with a smile as bright as the March sun: "I love you, Dad."

Then the eyes closed slowly.

At that moment, the world in front of Ranjie seemed to be shrouded in darkness, and huge sadness hit like a flood. The girl who had lived with him for almost ten years finally called his father for the first time, but also the last time.



"Why take her away and give her back to me!"

Lan Jie raised his head and let out a hoarse cry. The corners of his mouth even cracked due to this, so the tears from his eyes, mixed with the blood from the corners of his mouth, dripped under his feet, splashing plum blossoms.

An arrow cut through the air and pierced Ranjie's shoulder.

From above, the horse thieves screamed and rushed down.

Lange put down Alice gently, and the girl smiled as if she fell asleep. He tore off a corner of his clothes, wiped the blood from the girl's face, and gently put her hands on her chest. After all this was done, he silently turned around and pulled his sword.

The next moment, a series of screams sounded at the foot of the mountain.

Blood was splashing.

The hot and humid blood splashed on Ranjie's body, but it could not wash away the endless sadness in his heart. He just raised his hand mechanically, waved his sword, and beheaded every horse thief he could see.

That night, the horse thief in Bad Wind Gorge became history. When the women captured by the horse thief returned to Suluos, they only knew how to say that a crying demon killed the horse thief.

When the morning light fell into the gorge, Ranjie, covered in blood, hugged the girl and left. He looked at the girl who was asleep, and said softly: "You will wake up again, I promise."

"Because of us, we are called the **** of creation and destruction."

When Alan recovered, he saw Alice's teary face. He raised his hand, gently wiped her away, and said, "He's gone."

Alice nodded.

"But he will always look at you here." Allen pointed to his chest: "In any case, you are his proudest daughter."

"I know."

"No, you don't know. He didn't tell you that there is a part of Alice in your body." Allen whispered: "So you are both Alice and Alice. You are not exactly what you are. Alternatives, you know?"

Alice raised her head, showing a look of error.

Allen nodded vigorously: "It's true.


This time, Alice's tears came out again, but there was a smile on her face.

"Let's go, it's time to go back.

"Allen sighed lightly.

He harvested another twilight will here, but also touched a sad soul. Unlike Tyler, Ranjie is more like a small person. He doesn't care about power and status, which can be seen from his refusal to join the mercenary group. He prefers to live his own life, but the appearance of blood path makes him unable to resist his fate. And the loss of Alice made him plunge into the fate of blood without hesitation.

All he has to do is to go to the end of the **** road, sit on the throne in the name of destruction, and become the twilight son of that era. Then Alice was created before instinct was awakened, and his daughter was awakened in another form.

The reason why I chose to create on Agares. Alice, it's very simple, because there was no life on Agareth at that time, this will be a planet forgotten by the Twilight Son.

Leaving the Canon Black Gate and returning to Alice's castle. It took Alan another week to finally digest part of Ranjie's experience and gain his most precious power.

Absorbing Taylor's will, Taylor left him endless sword suits. And Ranjie gave Alan a combat skill. That is the combat skill that Ranjie created in despair and regret. Its name is...


When Ellen walked out of the door that had been closed for a week, Shanna and Alice exchanged glances. Allen seems to have matured a lot, and now he has a sense of maturity that does not match his age.

In addition to his richer experience than his peers, accepting the will of Tyler and Langer also means that he has two more lives than others. While receiving the will, Allen has experienced the lives of the two Taylors, carrying their joy, sadness, pain and anger. Under the scouring of those emotions, he was able to not lose himself, and his willpower can already be said to be strong.

When I came to the relic by myself~www.readwn.com~, I was also alone when I went back. Shanna and Alice did not leave with him, and the two guardians Alan did not want to be exposed to others. Only when they are needed, Alan calls them. Before that, they can live quietly in the remains.

It was evening when he returned to the magic ring city, and Allen was standing in the garden of the palace, standing in front of two tombstones. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the tombstone, feeling the rough touch of his fingers. The light color of the dusk after the far fault, until this moment, did he really come out of Ranjie's life.

Allen exhaled heavily.

At the entrance of the garden, Lucy and Laura looked at him quietly. In their eyes, Alan was a little more strange, and that was exactly the phenomenon after receiving the Twilight Will. They looked at each other, and in each other's eyes, they both saw a trace of worry.

If Allen continues to receive Twilight Will, will he completely become another person?

This is a worry that neither Lucy nor Lola have spoken out.

And this worry was already planted in their hearts when Alan received Taylor's will.

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