Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1756: Celebration Day (1)

In the Starship Port of Demon Ring City, on the fourth floor, teams of elite warriors from Demon Shadow Kingdom are fully armored. The armors of these warriors are all heavy armor. Sharp spikes can be seen everywhere on the thick armor, and the chest is shaped like a beast. Everyone is holding a two-meter-long war gun. Whether it is war gun or armor, it is black as the base and decorated with red ornamentation. It looks majestic without being too dark.

Able to wear this heavy armor and use heavy guns to fight, these soldiers are not weak in their original strength. In fact, they are a heavy armor battalion adapted from the original Crazy Shadow Army. After the death of Barry and Lamer, the Crazy Shadow Army was adapted by Devlin at the direction of Allen. And in accordance with Alan's will to attack the difficult heavy armed forces. Today this heavy armor battalion still uses the designation of the Crazy Shadow Army, but the nature is completely different.

The Crazy Shadow Army, which was originally less than 10,000, was reduced to 6,000 after being cultivated into a heavy armored unit. But these six thousand people are the real trump card in the Demon Shadow Nation, and every soldier has at least level 20 strength. Among them, a hundred-man commander needs 25-level combat power to take on, and six thousand-man commanders are as high as 28-level. In other words, if this army is counted according to federal standards, they are all composed of major officers. But on the whole earth, I am afraid that there are no 6,000 majors.

Therefore, when 800 of them appeared on the four-story port, the assembly of the reloaded Crazy Shadow Army naturally formed an invisible murderous aura, making the atmosphere of the entire port square solemn.

After a starship with obvious characteristics of the Catu tribe entered the port, hundreds of Crazy Shadows unhooked their horns from their waists, pulled up their helmets and masks, placed them on their lips, and blew them. Suddenly, a solemn trumpet sounded at the port.

The starship docked and lowered its deck. After a while, a tall figure emerged from the hatch. He even had to lower his head to get out of the hatch. As soon as he appeared, that burly body gave birth to a frenzy. Even if he didn't deliberately release his aura, everyone in the port could feel the dryness like the wind and sand in the desert.

"I haven't come back for a while, it seems to be different here." He said.

Then Bavari, the new director of the Shadow Castle, the patriarch of the Thunder Wolf clan who was maimed by Allen that day, stepped forward and bowed slightly, "Welcome to the magic ring city, the brave warchief Hubble. ."

It was Hubble who stepped out of the starship. This Catu man is now painted with bright red oil paint on his face, and he is wearing a heavy plate armor that is characteristic of the Catu, just like a moving iron can. He wore an animal skin cloak behind him, and a circle of animal hair turned out from the collar of the cloak. Holding the Warhammer Dark Star, he strode off the lifting board.

Behind him, there are two holy temple elders and a hundred holy temple warriors. Today's holy temple is different from the past, it is more affected by the Shadow Kingdom. And as long as Alan stays on the throne of Shadow Nation for one day, Hubble's status as a warchief cannot be shaken.

Therefore, the holy temple respects the current great chieftain far more than the previous chieftains.

"Allen. Where's your Majesty Allen?" Hubble finally changed his name, which relieved the two elders behind. On the way here, they urged this, although Hubble himself didn't think Alan would mind such a thing.

Bavaridui smiled and said: "Your Majesty has already notified you. After you arrive, you can go directly to the Shadow Castle to meet with your Majesty. I have prepared the vehicle for you.

Bavarii was on his side, and there were already several land vehicles on standby behind him. Hubble laughed: "I hope there is enough wine in Shadowcastle. We don't have such a thing on the Wild Stone Star. This time is difficult."

The two elders showed awkward expressions and followed Hubble, leading the temple warrior to the carriage.

When the horn sounded again, two more starships entered the port. From the appearance of the starship alone, one can tell that one is Kidd and the other is Nirm. The two starships entered the port at the same time, and after landing, one after another appeared from the cabin.

Bavari first walked towards the Kidd starship. This platinum starship made it clear that its owner was a platinum royal family. The person who walked out of the cabin also confirmed this. He was Lucy who was pushed by Allen to manage Omisgar that day. Today, Lucy is the governor of Omisga and Mosuoxing. Under his intervention, the chaos of Mosuoxing came to an end. With the support of Lucy, the general of the Nirm, Blosch, although the Mosuoxing has not been fully unified, 60% of the entire planet has been returned. He has it.

This time Lucy and Blosch, together with Hubble, are because of the celebration of the Shadow Nation. As for Allen's momentum that day, telling Agareth that all the creatures had been promoted to the Supreme, it had also spread to other planets.

Alan was not on Agareth earlier, and the Kidd and Nirm had started to move a little bit around. They naturally did not want to surrender to Alan's feet, after all, Alan was not the supreme at the time, and the shock power was far less powerful than Spinnak.

But when they received the invitation to the celebration, they did not dare to refuse, because Allen had already been promoted to the Supreme, and their last hope was broken, and they could only come to Agareth honestly to participate in the celebration. They knew that this celebration was not just a simple celebration.

Regardless of whether it was intentional or unintentional, Bavaria arranged the Governor and Blousch on an overland carriage. When he boarded the car and saw the Governor with his eyes closed and sleeplessly, Blosch was stunned, and then sat down opposite with a dry cough. When the door is lowered, the compartment becomes a sealed space. As the vehicle started to move, Blosch whispered, "Master Lucy, what do you think of this celebration?"

Lucy opened her eyes, her voice hoarse: "What else can I look at, my suggestion is to apologize directly when I see your Majesty"

"Huh? Please." Blosch hesitated: "We didn't do anything."

Lucy snorted and said: "You and I know what those little moves that you did before your Majesty's return mean. It means that we still have different intentions. If your Majesty is still the one he was before returning, it will be fine. I miss him. Even if he knows it, he will be regarded as unclear. After all, if he pushes too hard, he might push us to Tubia's side, and His Majesty Frios is absolutely willing to accept us.

"But it's different now, General."

Lucy looked at the streets of Magic Ring City outside the car: "Your Majesty returns and is promoted to the Supreme. Now even if we are willing to jump to Tubia, His Majesty Frios may not necessarily accept us. Because then, it will be straightforward. Cause the two supreme to go to war."

Blousch frowned and said, "I don't think the Black Emperor would care about this. If he cares, how can Duobia and Demon Shadow Nation go to war for many years?"

"Because His Majesty Alan is not Spinnak." Lucy sighed: "Look at this Majesty walking along the way, but with a beacon all the way. In the past, Dobia fought against the Demon Shadow Nation, but that was only limited. The warrior below. Even if the Black Emperor has ever been to the Great Fault, it is only to declare his strength. If he is really willing to go to war with the Demon King, how can he return to the Great Fault?"

"Look again now, why did Dobia enter into an armistice agreement with Demon Shadow Nation? Even if this agreement is just a superficial article, it is not difficult to see the intentions of His Majesty Frio."

"Therefore, he will not risk the war with the Demon Shadow Nation for us. The reason is simple, the benefits we can bring to him cannot make up for the loss of the war with His Majesty Allen."

Hearing this, Blosch understood no matter how stupid he was, and was sweating like rain.

Lucy glanced at him and said, "So now you understand, we who have no way of retreating. The small actions that were done before His Majesty Allen came back were a great disrespect to him. It was questioning a supreme, then you Say, besides proactively requesting a crime, what better way do you have to prevent your majesty from pursuing it or forget it?"

Obviously not.

Blosch couldn't answer, so Lucy closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, Shadow Castle arrived.

On the top square of the Shadow Castle, there are two rows of heavy shadow army heavy soldiers on each side. People entering the castle need to pass between them, just like walking through a steel forest. The murderous atmosphere silenced everyone who crossed the square.

In this celebration, in addition to the important guests of the three planets of Barbarian Star, Mossor, and Omisga, it also included the lord of the big cities in the Demon Shadow Nation, and even presented invitations to Dobia. As for whether Dobiah will send an envoy, that is an unknown number.

Blosch followed Lucy, and when he walked across the square, he felt a sense of trepidation. He was also a guilty conscience, and remembered the scene when Allen was beheading the former emperor on Mossor. Now he regrets that he shouldn't be able to hold back that day, and let people inquire about Alan in the magic ring city. Originally thinking that if Alan disappears or even perishes, he and Lucy will turn around and eat the Demon Kingdom.

But now ~www.readwn.com~ is somewhat self-defeating.

Who would have thought that Ellen, who returned again, was already the Supreme?

After all, he is so young, which is an accident to anyone.

Entering the Hall of Shadows, the hall was already full of people, all of whom were ministers and generals in the Kingdom of Shadows. Because of their special identities, Blosch and Lucy, as well as Hubble from Catu, were assigned higher positions. Hubble is standing on the left side of the throne, and on the right is the position of Lucy and Blosch. Under the guidance of Bavarii, the two stood opposite the Catu.

Blosch glanced at Hubble and saw that the Hubble was holding the Dark Star in his hand. He immediately said: "Warchief, you shouldn't be holding weapons in this Hall of Shadows. This is a great disrespect to your Majesty!"

Hubble hadn't answered yet, a voice floated in: "The Warchief is specially allowed by me. He can bring weapons into and out of Shadowcastle freely. Why, General Blousch has an opinion."

With a squeak in his heart, Blosch saw everyone in the hall kneel down and shouted "Your Majesty." He knew it was going to be bad. He wanted to take the opportunity to flatter him. This would be considered a shot on a horse's leg.

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