Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1774: Explore the snake's nest again

In the darkness, a face that looked like a snake appeared. Ruijin yelled and raised the cannon to fire, but that face quickly turned into Kira's. She screamed: "Captain, save me!"

"Kira!" Ruijin yelled, reaching out to her. Something seemed to be dragging her in the darkness, and she screamed, her face quickly drowned in the darkness. After a while, a lizard head suddenly emerged from the inside.

Ruijin yelled and sat up from the bed. He was sweaty all over, and the sweat made the bed wet.

It's been a few days since he came back, but he would have nightmares every night these days. Those terrifying creatures, as well as the regret of not being able to save his companions, are torturing him all the time. Ruijin felt that he had to make an appointment with a psychologist, and if this continued, he would not be able to perform even normal tasks.

He walked to the bathroom and took a shower. When he came out, he saw a man standing in the room, looking at a photo of him on the cabinet. That photo is a group photo of his team, but now, there is one person permanently missing.

Ruijin said solemnly: "Who are you!"

The man turned around and was a very young man. He has very eye-catching silver hair and two red eyes. Looking in through his eyes, he seemed to see a world of flames and lava.

Ruijin's heart jumped, remembering who he was.

"His Royal Highness, why are you here?" Ruijin was surprised, he had enough reason to be surprised. After he came back, he had heard that the noble Royal Highness had visited the Blood Gate Fortress, but such a big figure was too far away from him, and with the death of the player Kira, Ruijin was really uninterested. He had never expected that one day he would be so close to that big man.

"Captain Ruijin." Allen nodded and said solemnly, "I'm sorry to be obedient to one of your team members. But I still want to see you because I need you and your team members to take me to that place. "

"Are you going to the snake's nest?" Ruijin asked. The snake's nest was the code name he gave to the valley, and now this code is officially used.

"Yes, I want to go there and see. If necessary, I will clean up that area so that they don't threaten our control area." Allen nodded.

Ruijin's pupils gradually lighted up: "This is really great, if you are willing to shoot, those **** things will have to pay a price! I am ready immediately and can go anytime."

"Then tomorrow, you can be more prepared."

Allen left Ruijin's dormitory, outside, a flying car was waiting. He got in the car and returned to the fortress building. After Rusanna got information about the lizards and other creatures, Allen decided to check it out for himself. Judging from the feedback from Ruijin, the lizard, snake man, and lizard man are like a systematic army.

The important thing is that they are very similar to the army in the treasure house. Except for Shana's Blade Runner's army, the Black Gate army like Alice is an army of Zerg, composed of different and similar bugs, and Queen Garter is the biggest bug.

In addition, Rusen mentioned that the lizard appeared suddenly three months ago, after discounting the different time gaps between the planets. The time when the lizard appeared, seemed to be the moment when he received the first twilight will on the heaven star.

Taylor mentioned it when he merged with him, when he received the first twilight will. Other twilight wills located in various places in the universe will start to wake up because of resonance.

If this is the case, does it mean that there is also a twilight will awakened behind these lizard snakes, so that the army of these treasure houses is also active?

As for the specific situation, Allen had to go to the snake's den to confirm it before he knew it. Anyway, Ida Huaxing has not resolved the specific coordinates yet, and Allen plans to take a trip.

After Allen left, Ruijin changed into a combat uniform and went straight to the training ground. Sure enough, as he expected, his players are on the training ground. Like Ruijin, they couldn't let go of losing Kira, and could only use training to vent their grief and anger.

When they came to the field, Ruijin clapped his hands to attract their attention, and then made a gesture for everyone to gather. The team members walked over and Ruijin said loudly: "A good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Tracking expert Debon shrugged and said: "Listen to the bad news first."

"The bad news is that we have to go to the snake den again tomorrow." Rui Jin said solemnly.

As soon as everyone heard it, their complexion turned bad. The sharpshooter hesitated: "Although it is unlikely to refuse this order, can we ask General Lusen to change to another team? Our current state is not very good."

"This request is unlikely." Another team member shook his head, and said fiercely, "Forget it, just take revenge for Kira. The big deal, we died in that place too, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"Boss, what's the good news?" asked another female team member.

"The good news is that a big man will go with us." Ruijin deliberately sold it.

The sharpshooter obviously doesn't believe: "Big people, big people will accompany us in the risk? They shouldn't sit in an air-conditioned office, just point their brains with their hands."

"Head, who is that big man?" Debon asked.

"It's your Highness." Rui Jin couldn't help laughing at last, "Yes, it's that Highness."

Although no name was mentioned, Judging from Ruijin's look and the so-called "His Royal Highness" mentioned, the players vaguely guessed who he was talking about, but the answer made them unbelievable.

"Head, are you talking about His Royal Highness Allen?"

"Really him?"

"Great, if it were your Highness, we could avenge Kira!"

They screamed in excitement, and the loudness of their voices attracted other soldiers in the field to look at them. Ruijin made a gesture, told them to stop, and then said loudly: "We will leave tomorrow, and now you have one day to prepare. Everyone is going to move me, we need to apply for reporting, bring enough ammunition and equipment. Hurry up. , Everybody split up and prepared, and we will go to the Snake Nest to vote for him tomorrow!"

"Yes!" the team members stood at attention, everyone shouted straight, and then dispersed.

Ruijin clenched his fists and glanced in the direction of Snake Nest and said: "Wait for us, Kira. We will avenge you soon!


The next day, at the fortress airport, Allen saw an imposing team. All the players, including Ruijin, put on combat uniforms and equipped with different protective armors. Ruijin uses black metal armor, plus the machine gun behind him, he looks like a human fortress. As for the others, the four officers who are good at close combat use heavy metal armor with a relatively large coverage, and they carry weapons such as magic swords. The others, sharpshooters, tracking experts, and the only female in the team, use light, thin armor for easy movement. In addition, they also brought a number of battlefield rucksacks, which were stuffed with supplies.

When he saw Alan, Ruijin stood straight, his left leg pressed against his right foot, and then his feet separated, with his hands behind and shouted: "Black Rattlesnake Team, wait for your Highness to send you!"

"Listen to your Highness!"

All the players shouted unanimously.

Allen nodded.

The players were all looking at him. Today, Allen was wearing a black robe with blood red decorations. The long robe has a stand-up collar, and there are golden epaulettes on both shoulders as decoration. This is the typical noble costume of the Demon Kingdom. He doesn't have any protective armor. For Alan, the armor has lost its meaning.

Behind him were Lucy, White, and the Empire General Smiller. In order to facilitate the action today, Lucy specially asked Lusen for a death spread combat suit. The battle suit with a pitch black background was worn on Lucy's body, and the important parts were protected by soft armor, making her look like a female general in the army.

Bai was wearing loose, easy-to-movement clothes, and no piece of armor was seen. Even this strapless dress exposed both his arms to the air, and his attire has no defensive performance.

Contrary to him, General Smiller wore an extremely heavy armor, which was the style of a typical Demon Kingdom warrior. Smiller had an equally heavy awl gun, with a serrated giant sword on his back, and two long knives on his waist, which can be said to be armed to the teeth.

"Let's go." Allen made a gesture and walked toward the battleship ahead.

This amphibious tiger shark warship half-ship, with flying and diving functions, is just suitable for their operation. So Rusen transferred it, and Allen walked onto the battleship~www.readwn.com~ Ruijin's Rattlesnake team followed. A total of twelve people sat in the spacious cabin of the Tiger Shark. Except for Smiller's outfit, which obviously took up a larger space, it did not appear to be crowded.

The battleship took off and left the Bloodgate Fortress. Flying along the path provided by Ruijin, it took them three days that day to reach the tropical jungle-like area. Now there are warships on the move. After half an hour, a large area of ​​dense forest can already be seen under the warship.

The dense forest is very wide, even if you look at it from a high altitude, you can hardly see the edge. I saw a row of cloud-piercing mountains blocking the dense forest in the distance, and behind that row of peaks was the snake's nest. The thick clouds above the mountain are coiled, and lightning flashes from time to time, which is completely different from what Ruijin and the others saw in the valley.

It was an extremely dense storm cloud, and no one was dispatched in the fortress after Ruijin returned. The plane conducted reconnaissance, but lost contact after entering the storm cloud. Therefore, to enter the snake's nest, the only way to go through Ruijin and the others.

Soon, the battleship lowered its height, and the high winds made the leaves low. With the assistance of the brain, the pilot landed the battleship onto a lake. Then the water mode was activated, the warship's wings were retracted, the hull was lowered to the surface of the lake, and the ship's outer layer was sealed. When the ship window raised the baffle, the warship began to sink into the lake, and finally the two beams of light at the end of the ship lit up, and the amphibious warship sailed towards the bottom of the lake.

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