Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1775: Dark night forest

A head with curved horns, but a dog-like alien beast is drinking water on the shore of the lake, and its figure is reflected in the calm lake. At this moment, a circle of ripples appeared in the distance of the lake, and suddenly a dark object appeared, and the strange beast was startled. It backed away quickly, looking at the unexpected guest warily.

What emerged from the lake was an amphibious battleship tiger shark. The lake water continued to flow down from the surface of the battleship. There were still a few strings of water plants hanging on the ship, and there were many traces of flowers on the surface, which was passing through the lake. The deep channel was scratched.

The battleship came on the lake, stopped when it was on the shore of the lake, and then stretched out on a deck below the hatch and placed it on the shore. The anchors at both ends of the deck were rotated and sunk and drilled into the ground. After the deck was firmly fixed, the hatches were extended.

In the door, Allen got out and looked up at the sky. Sure enough, looking from the valley, the sky above the towering peaks is clear and clear, and there is no half of the appearance of a storm, which is completely different from the outside scene. He squinted his eyes and walked across the deck to the shore of the lake.

Lucy and the Rattlesnake squad passed through the deck one by one, temporarily resting on the shore of the lake. The tracking expert took out the tactical board and set it aside, then shook his head towards Ruijin. It is still impossible to get in touch with the fortress here, even if the Tiger Shark has its own signal enhancement device. Ruijin reported the situation to Allen, which meant that they could not get any support in this valley.

Allen said nothing, just nodded.

Beside, Bai and Smiller both looked up at the sky, and Allen whispered: "You are aware of it, right?"

Bai exchanged glances with the imperial general, and then the two nodded at the same time. Lucy, Rui Jin and the others looked over in puzzlement. Allen pointed to the sky and said: "I think there are things like home games in this valley. That thing not only isolates electronic signals, but also isolates us from The connection between the void. You have not passed the 30th level, so you can't feel it, but we can clearly feel it."

"It's like we got into a large egg. The thick eggshell isolates the outside world. Here, the power of the dominator will be greatly weakened. After all, the void cannot be sensed. You cannot replenish the source power from the void. In other words, in terms of the level of source power consumption, there is no difference between us and you in this place. On the contrary, it may consume faster."

Bai snorted: "Then save some use."

"Yes, save some use. But I believe that this kind of home court is not natural, it must be man-made. If it is man-made, it can be destroyed. As long as we destroy the things that produce the home court, we can restore our advantage. In Before that, just save a little bit." Allen smiled and didn't put this restriction in his eyes.

After the rest of the crowd was over, the team set off. They walked towards the forest at the end of the plain, and Allen took a rough visual inspection, using the lake bank as the lake bank. The more you move forward, the more open the terrain on both sides, so it is difficult to predict how big the world in this valley suddenly becomes.

It can be similar to that, the forest that Ruijin and the others reached will never be the end. The journey through the plains was smooth but dull, and occasionally, apart from seeing the strange beasts passing by without a name, there was nothing else to see.

These strange beasts are also very different from the animals outside the valley. I chatted with Ruijin during the trip and learned that there are several kinds of strange beasts in the Garden of Eden, which are ancient species that have been extinct. That was the information he only learned after he returned to the fortress report. Some biological experts retrieved the corresponding fossil data from the archives, and then used the brain to restore it. The final shape obtained is what Ruijin saw in the valley. Are very similar.

For this reason, the Biological Research Institute of the fortress is very interested in this valley. If it weren't for a snake nest in the world in the valley, the research institute would send a team into the valley to collect specimens.

"Perhaps the alien beasts inside are all living fossils." Allen whispered: "This valley isolates the outside world. What we see now is not what the Garden of Eden looked like in a long time ago."

Lucy nodded and said: "It is indeed possible. Due to the special geography of some planets, the ecology of a certain area will remain in the state of a long time ago, so living fossils will always be harvested in these places."

"The universe is really amazing." Ruijin also sighed.

Allen nodded, then stopped. They were on a high slope, and the next place was the forest that Ruijin had visited. This forest looks dark and crushed, and people are like a dark night in it, so Ruijin gave it a name, Dark Night Forest.

The Forest of Dark Night is very wide, as far as Alan's eyes can't see the edge. In fact, when Allen's vision fell in the distance of the forest, his vision became blurred. He changed several directions in the same way, and he became more and more certain that the world in this valley had a home game at play. Undoubtedly, judging from the current nature of this home court, it mainly plays a protective role.

It has shown the characteristics of space isolation and visual distance limitation, all for the purpose of preventing the enemy from being able to understand the environment of this place and other related information in a short time.

Allen looked down, and there was a very obvious grass-free zone where the plain was connected to the forest. The greenery all over the plain disappeared at that place, it seemed to be a warning. But here, no traces of the activities of the alien beasts can be seen again, and no alien beast approaches the forest at will.

"Let's go and see if we can walk through this forest during the day, otherwise we can only spend the night in the forest.

"Allen said, it's still daytime, and there is still a little time before noon. But at the scale of the forest, one day may not be enough to pass through the forest.

As for spending the night in the forest, maybe Allen didn't think there was anything, but for the Diamondbacks team, it would definitely not be a comfortable thing. With the previous experience, if they can, they don't want to spend the night in this perilous forest.

However, the world did not change due to their wishes. As Allen expected, the forest was very large and wide. They were still in the forest when it was completely dark. During this time, Allen was looking at it from a high place, but saw that there were forests all around. This shows that they are afraid that they have not yet reached the center of the forest.

So vast!

After Allen nodded in agreement, the Rattlesnake team cleared a camp, set up a field camp, and started a fire. The female members of the team and Lucy prepared dinner for everyone. They haven't eaten anything since they entered the valley. Now except for Alan, everyone else is tired and hungry.

The Imperial General Smiller left the camp, and Allen asked him to cruise around to see if he could find anything suspicious. The last time Ruijin and the others entered the forest, they encountered an attack, but this time they had been walking in the forest for a day, but it was calm.

The Dark Night Forest is really weird. There are no traces of animal activity in the forest, and even the birds are completely extinct. This is unusual. The only explanation is that from the beginning of this forest is the lizard snake and its close relatives. Other creatures dare not get close, let alone enter the forest.

And there is only one kind of tree in this forest, and that is an ancient tree that cannot be named. Their trunks are straight, and the canopy is dense and huge, like an umbrella holding up the sky. There will be many tree vines hanging from the canopy, dense and dense, when the wind blows, countless tree vines swing together, looking terrible.

Allen cut open the trunk, and a fishy sap would flow from the trunk. Debon collected some and conducted a simple analysis on the spot, and found that the sweat contained toxic ingredients. If volatilized, it will form hallucinogenic gases.

But other than that, these ancient trees have nothing else worth noting.

Soon, the smell of food floated in the camp. Smiller also finished his work and returned. He thrust the awl gun into the ground, kneeling and reporting: "Your Majesty, everything is normal."

Alan nodded. In the Forest of Night, normal is the biggest abnormality. Although there was no evidence to show ~www.readwn.com~, Allen felt as if he had eyes staring at them.

Perhaps those lizards already knew they were coming.

After dinner, Ruijin arranged for the team members to watch the night. Seeing Alan and Bai sitting together, they seemed to be talking. He hesitated, then walked over.

Allen is asking if Bai feels anything. Bai's perception in the wild, transformed by the king snake, is even more acute than Allen. But Bai didn't seem to notice it either. He said frankly: "I feel like a layer of cream on my eyes. Although I can barely see the outside world, I don't see it really."

At this moment Ruijin came over, and Allen raised his head and smiled: "Thanks for your hard work today."

Bai Zhiji left, Ruijin scratched his head and said: "It is our honor to be able to serve His Highness."

Allen patted a rock next to him and said, "It's too tiring to stand and talk, sit down."

The black captain was a little flattered, and sighed after sitting down: "If your Royal Highness hadn't walked this time in person, I'm afraid we people would not have the courage to return here."

"Really? I don't think so. It's not that you didn't have the courage to come back here, but because you left bad memories here, you don't want to think about it."

Ruijin nodded and said, "Perhaps so, but no matter what, thank you, Your Highness."

Allen shook his head: "It's not necessary. What I did is not because of you, but more about myself."

While they were chatting, Smiller went outside the camp alone. He bluntly said that he could not delegate the safety of the emperor of the Demon Shadow Kingdom to a group of mobs and insisted on watching the night himself. Allen did not refuse, at this moment, he was far away from the camp. Looking back, I couldn't hear what Ellen and the others were talking about, only a faint voice came.

Suddenly, on the ground in front of Smiller, the ground swelled!

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