Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1789: Tony

She had a sweet dream.

In that dream, she returned to her childhood. At that time she was just a simple little girl, and her father was the only doctor in the village, so she was respected. Every day she sees different people come to seek medical treatment, they are old or young, male or female. Without exception, they would all smile, because their father cured them and made them painless.

Every year, she receives many different gifts, all of which are sent by people to thank her father. This made her very happy, she felt like a happy princess.

However, the happy days are quickly over.

On a very deep night, suddenly someone broke into their village. It was a sturdy team. They obeyed their father's medical skills and wanted to take him away to treat a big man.

When my father left, he never came back.

At first, the people in the village were still willing to help her, after all, she had received so much favor from her father who was a doctor before. But after a year, no one wants to help another orphan, after all, life is so hard.

She can't live in the village, so she can only choose to wander.

Spring goes to winter, year after year. She gradually grew up, from a girl to a girl. Then in the most beautiful time, I met the most gentle him.

Just when she thought that she could find a gentle man like her father who could take care of her life.

Just the night before she was about to marry him.

The blood path suddenly opened!


She opened her eyes suddenly, her heart beating wildly. She finally woke up from her dream, and then her memory filled the gaps that were about to be forgotten. She gradually remembered that she was Karna, she was the son of Twilight.

She shouldn't have a heartbeat.

Because she is just a will.

Twilight will!

"Kana? Kana?"

Kana raised her head, and a man in a black robe approached her. She instinctively raised her hand, but found that she had no source of power, and then she realized that she actually had a body?

"It's me, Karna. I'm Tony." He lifted his hat, but under the hat was a triangular head and two lizard-like eyes.

This is a lizard.

Kana raised her forehead and said, "No, you are not him, who are you?"

"It's me, I'm really Tony?" The tutor shouted, "Have you forgotten? Just the day before we got married, the **** road opened and you had to leave me. After many years, you came back. , Ask me if I want to guard you. I said I do, so you brought me to this planet and asked me to guide the lizard clan you created. You let me be the teacher of the lizard clan!"

Kana put her hand down, some fragments jumped out of her memory. Yes, in those episodes, she did. It's just that the handsome and gentle man back then has now become a lizard, which makes it hard for her to accept.

"I know, you can’t recognize the way I am now. But I can’t help it. Although you have given me strength, you can’t stop my body from aging. I can only change my body constantly, and here, except for the lizards and Apart from the lizard slave, there is no other body for me to choose. But now you wake up, we can leave here. As long as there is a lizard clan, and then wake up the lizard king, we can conquer this planet."

The instructor said excitedly: "I can choose other handsome men as my host, and we can return to that night, and then I will propose to you, my dear Kana."

Karna sighed and said: "You know that is impossible, many years have passed, no matter what, the time that has passed is difficult to recover."

"Also, what's the matter with me? Didn't I say that only the Son of Dawn will wake me up, and why do I have a body?"

The instructor laughed and said, "This is the result of my many years of research, Karna. You are you, how can I watch you merge into the will of others and become an appendage of others. No, Karna, you should belong to yourself . So over the years, I have been trying to wake you up. By debugging the genes of the lizard race, I let them give birth to a better generation, and these offspring are very close to your genes. In this way, you can become the host of your will. "

Kana jumped off the stone platform, but fell weakly on the ground. She raised her head and shouted, "No, Tony. How can you do this! The Dawn Project was created to free the Dusk Clan from the Creator’s control. Every twilight will is an important power for the son of dawn to fight against the Creator. This has taken a lot of energy for the son of twilight for generations. Nothing can go wrong, otherwise we will give up all our efforts!"

"I do not care!

"The tutor screamed, "What the twilight clan, what creator." I don't care, I just want to be with you, Karna. My love, as long as I'm with you, I don't care even if the dusk of the universe falls. "

"I have got!

"Kana supported the stone platform and stood up and said loudly, "I can't bear such a tragedy in our descendants, I can't bear the life of another universe but firmly control our destiny!" So Tony, release me and set my will free. "

"No!" The instructor yelled, "Absolutely not, you belong to me. I want to use all my strength to ensure all this, even Kana, you cannot change all this.


He paused **** the wooden crutch, and the vines flying from the stone platform bound Kana and pulled her back onto the stone platform immobile. The instructor turned his head, Mu Gua nodded to the forehead of the last holy girl, and the woman screamed, and her whole head suddenly exploded.

The instructor said coldly: "Clean up here, and remember to bring food to Kana. She is still very weak, but she will recover soon."

The two lizards nodded.

"Tony!" Karna cried from the stone platform, "You can't do this, let me go."

He said to the two lizards again: "I am your creator, now I order you to immediately control the tutor! He is crazy, he has no idea what he is doing!"

"I'm not crazy." The instructor turned his head and pointed at the two lizards. "And you don't have to expect them to listen to you. Kana, I have debugged some new models over the years, and the two you saw are just trying Modeling. But they have the emotional factor I wrote in their bodies, and their respect for me is higher than you. Now, the whole holy place is my new type of lizard, so you are here with good news."

"You are crazy, Tony, what are you doing!"

"I'm doing some things, some attempts to get us back to the original things."

Then the tutor left.

In Magic City, a group of soldiers are heading to their battle locations according to different instructions. After seeing the Crypt Demon and his army leave the lair, the lizard general in charge of Magic City gave the order to fight.

When Hiero came to the command hall, he was asked by Awanda: "You didn't let the lizard slave lead the invaders to the crypt demon's territory, so what is going on now, why did the demon come out? And it's coming in the direction of our city."

Hierro looked at the rough crystal stone, where there was a picture seen by the observer. The crypt army is constantly passing through the ash forest, aiming to advance in the direction of Magic City. According to their degrees, this army can be seen outside Magic City tonight.

"This is impossible." Hierro shook his head. "Ditaglos has an agreement with us not to attack our lizard clan, and at the same time, we also allow him to live in the ash forest."

"So now, this demon looks like he is about to break the agreement!"

Awanda bitterly said: "I have asked the Holy Land for instructions, but there has been no news from the teacher, and I don’t know how Kana’s reincarnation is going. It seems that the only thing we can do now is to fight the demon. Damn it. In this way, we will lose more strength, how can we resist those terrible invaders?"

Hierro remained silent, he glanced at the original stone unconsciously, and suddenly screamed: "How could this be?"

"What are you doing!"

"Look here~www.readwn.com~ Hierro gently pressed his hands on the rough crystal stone, and the picture of the original stone suddenly rippled in two circles. When Hierro scored his hands, the picture zoomed in, so Titaglos looked like a small mountain. 'S figure appeared in the screen.

On the thick back of that giant beast, Hierro saw some figures. It was Ellen and his party. Awanda walked over and saw this picture. His whole body was shocked: "That demon is walking with the invaders? Could it be that the Crypt Army will attack the Magic City because of the invaders?"

At this moment, Allen in the picture looked towards Awanda. He showed an impeccable smile, and then a golden light appeared in the original stone, which split the picture into two, and finally the picture in the original stone disappeared.

In a corner of the ash forest, the body of an observer fell to the ground at the same time, and the body was chopped into two pieces.

After a while, a few weavers came out, quickly wrapped the observer's corpse with spider silk, and then took it away. This corpse would be a good dinner.

The forest is shaking.

The crypt army passed continuously, Allen was on Ditaglos, Lucy and others were also sitting on the back of this giant beast. The rows of bright red thorns on the back of the giant beast were shimmering, and a halo enveloped everyone, so that they could not feel the slightest vibration in it.

Soon, the sky darkened, and the crypt army had left the ash forest and ran on the hilly terrain. When Titaglos stopped, it was standing on a high slope. Seen from here, facing the Magic Golden City in the distance.

Alan's figure flashed, and he stood on one of the beasts' heads. He looked around and saw a large swath of bat lizards flying in the sky above Magic City. Flames continue to erupt in the city, and the whole city is like a war machine that has started to operate!

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