Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1790: attack

When night fell, it rained. The bean-sized raindrops crackled to the ground and fell into the Magic City. When it meets the heat of the city, it turns into water vapor, so I can see that Magic Golden City is looming in the thick water vapor.

The city used by the lizards to protect the holy land can be said to have made a lot of effort. Not to mention the towering walls, there are three floors, and there are towers in them, which can be used to watch or shoot. There are also war weapons used for defense. In addition to the self-made artillery of Murdor City, there are also huge crossbows, catapults, and other strange weapons that are not named.

At this moment, on the city wall, Awanda stood in the rain, looking at the dark crypt army in the distance, feeling heavy.

At this time, there was a depressed but very tense howling from the other side.

That was the howling of Titaglos, and it was also a signal of attack.

"Ready to fight!" Awanda yelled, and the lizard warriors already in place on the three walls were ready to fight. Several wing gates on the first city wall rose one after another, and a large number of lizard beasts billowed from these gates, and the picture was pouring out from the magic gold city, and it quickly gathered into one piece.

Bat lizards soared into the sky from Magic Golden City in groups. They hovered and shouted above the city. From a distance, it was a roaring black cloud.

"Let me go this time."

On Titagloss's back, Bai stood up. Allen glanced at him, nodded and said: "Be careful yourself, the Holy Land will use the suppressing ability of the home court at any time, you have to keep one hand."

The white who had grown into a young man nodded and looted the giant beast.

Alan stepped on one of the heads of the giant beasts and said, "Attack."

Titaglos reluctantly let out another long howl, and its army began to push. The gray-skinned brute underground elves rushed forward, and when they charged, even the earth shook. These gray-skinned guys carry various rough but absolutely huge weapons in their hands. From the battle axe to the war hammer, they ran wildly with these heavy weapons, and they kept making deafening noises. There was no doubt that these were some noisy guys.

Immediately behind the gray goblin are the round dancers. These two-headed and four-armed guys run the fastest, but they are deliberately slower than the gray goblin and form a clear echelon. Obviously, Titaglos wants the gray goblin to take the lead, so as to break through the defenses of Magic City, and then let the most flexible round dancer perform penetration cutting and expand the battle.

The third tier is the weavers. When these black giant spiders gush out, a wave of black appears on the ground. There are many weavers, and they can move on almost any terrain. The high walls of Magic City are useless to them.

Then there are some monsters resembling hunchbacks, with tall humps like camels and pitifully small heads. No eyes, but a sharp mouth. Although they can walk upright, they use their hands and feet to run on the ground. These humpback monsters followed closely behind the weavers, unlike the gray goblins, they walked quietly, like a group of dumbs.

Followed by the knotty worm, the scorpion-tailed rat, and a flying monster with a werewolf body but with bat wings. The crypt army drove endlessly towards the battlefield and killed towards the Magic City.

However, the Crypt Army looked massive, but the number was still far behind the Lizard Army. If the lizard army counts the lizard beasts, the number is more than twice that of the crypt army. If not, how could Titagros stay in his lair obediently, and would have attacked Magic City long ago.

After the crypt army swarmed, Bai only stepped onto the battlefield. He is not in a hurry, the scale of Magic City is higher than that of Mordo, and the garrison is much more. But this time there is a Crypt Lord's army acting as the forward, so Bai doesn't have to rush to shoot.

He took his steps forward, that thin figure appeared so slender and fragile in front of the wasteland of Magic City.

In the middle of the battlefield, the lizard had already met the gray goblin. The gray goblins roared and rushed towards a lizard snake. They waved the skeletal armor that easily smashed the lizard's head with those heavy weapons, and knocked a lizard to death in threes or twos. But their target was not these lizards, so after the forwards resisted the lizards, the gray goblins behind desperately went inside. Immediately, a stream of ash infiltrated the lizard tide, and quickly approached the direction of Magic City.

The round dancers followed the gray goblins. As soon as they came into contact with the lizards, their bodies turned wildly, and the spontaneous bone blades on their four arms rotated and cut, cutting through a head of lizard accurately. Their movements are flexible, like spinning tops. The lizards can't even touch their sides, so they are cut into blood and blood.

At this time, bat lizards screamed from the sky, they pounced from high above, spraying poisonous water towards the crypt army. The spinners in the third echelon stopped immediately, and then spewed spider silk. Strips of gray spider silk swept up the air, netting the bat lizard. As soon as the wings of the bat lizard were unable to spread out, they fell on the battlefield, and then was hammered to death by the gray goblin, or cut off the head of the round dancer.

In the rear, the bat-winged wolf monsters rushed into the group of bat lizards. The wolf monsters were much larger than the bat lizards, but were more flexible than the bat lizards. The wolf monster opens its mouth and screams, and it will emit infrasound waves. These sound waves swept across the bat lizard, and the bat lizard suddenly lost its balance and only fell towards the ground. Some wolf monsters rushed directly into the bat lizard and used their sharp claws to tear apart the body of the bat lizard.

Standing on the head of the behemoth, Allen looked at the audience. In general, the combat power of the crypt army is far above that of the lizard, even if it is a gray goblin or weaver, it is much stronger than the lizard. But the main combat power of the lizards is not the lizard beasts. When the regular army of the lizards enters the battlefield, the war really begins.

At this time, the sound of war drums sounded on the magic gold city. On the third high wall, heads of red-scale monitor lizards waved their hammers, beating a skin drum that was as large as a tabletop, and a desolate and melancholy drum would come out. sound.

Hearing this drumbeat, Allen knew that the opponent was about to fight back.

Sure enough, a stream of fire was thrown from the Magic City. Each stream of fire entrained billowing magma, and when it fell on the ground, a wave of fire was blown up, and the flames and magma stuck to it, even the gray goblin screamed.

Then the artillery on the city wall also began to roar, and one shell fell heavily on the battlefield, exploding countless fireballs. In the fireball, lizards and crypt army were thrown away continuously, and when they fell to the ground, they had become broken corpses.

When using that kind of heavy giant crossbow on Magic City, even Titaglos became a little uneasy. As soon as those battlefield killers move, there will be sound and noises that capture people, and black shadows will plow through the battlefield and plow blanks.

The strategy of the lizard clan is very simple. They use lizard beasts to entangle the enemy, and then use various war weapons to kill them regardless of the enemy and us. Anyway, for them, lizard beasts can only be raised, and it is basically cannon fodder that can be used to consume.

Ditagros let out a roar, a beam of light lit up on his back, wrapped Lucy and others, and brought them to the ground. Allen knew he was going to fight, otherwise, his army would suffer heavy losses. So he fell directly from the behemoth, and Titaglos roared again and ran.

While running, fireballs, ice cones, electric lights, and wind blades appeared on top of its head. Then these things rushed towards the walls of Magic City, and several long howls sounded in the direction of Magic City. Some lizard generals took actions to intercept them, but Titaglos had a large number of offensives, and countless fireballs and ice cones were able to stop them. Only one or two of them.

So Magic City experienced a baptism of violent blows. Countless fireballs smashed on the wall and the lizard warriors knocked down the wall. Then the ice cones shot down, and I don't know how many soldiers and weapons were destroyed. Then thunder lightning swept across, and several city walls were full of electric snakes, and the five soldiers located at the center of the lightning's drop point were directly electrified into coke. The wind blade that swept at last cut open each body like a straw.

Allen sighed in his heart, Ditagros' powers are mixed, but they are very convenient for siege. Such a large-scale bombing is like a fleet gathering fire, and just a wave of attacks has reduced the defense of Magic City by about 30%.

Probably aware of the destructive power of the crypt lord, the magical city has a distinctive aura~www.readwn.com~ seven or eight lizard generals swept down the wall and directly killed the crypt lord, wanting to kill Dita Glos culled.

Titaglos was not afraid, so he wanted to meet him, but he heard Bai's voice sound in his ears: "Leave those guys to me, you can continue to destroy the city wall."

At this time, there was an imprint of ice and snow in the sky, and flakes of snow fell from the sky. The original downpour, the raindrops froze quickly, so the heavy rain turned into hail and hit the battlefield.

The lizard generals rushed straight to the giant beast, and suddenly a flower appeared in front of them, and a young man with an astonishing cold all over his body stopped in front of them.

Bai had already put on the frozen soil frost coat, those ice and snow covered him to form a gorgeous armor. He stretched out his hand to hold it, and he held a Frost Gun in his hand. Bai swept out a gun, and the tip of the gun was blasted with a billowing wind and snow, and several generals were enveloped in the gun. He wanted to stop them all by himself.

This made the lizard generals startled and angry.

A general with bright red scales roared, pushing his hands flat, and launched a fire dragon out of thin air to pounce on Bai, intending to suppress Bai's frost power with flames. Bai glanced at him indifferently, and with a move of his hand, the frost spear turned into a white line and plunged into the fire dragon.

Suddenly drilled out of the fire dragon, the battle spear did not melt through the flame, and the castration continued, and the force was nailed into the general's chest like lightning. The general pushed the gun back again and again, and when he stopped, a piece of frost spread rapidly from the gun body, and in a blink of an eye the lizard general became an ice sculpture on the wasteland.

Bai's hands circled, and a puck appeared in front of him, and he pressed his hand on the puck. The ice puck suddenly burst, and the broken ice flakes shot out in a fan shape. All the generals were enveloped by the ice flakes, and they gave their hands on defense. At this time, Titaglos made a second wave of attacks, but the generals had no time to attack.

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